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Remove Healing nerf at PVP - Bioware ;and Commando combat medic disadvantages...


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2018 expertise :

+60.00% more damage boost on player

+37.00% damage reduction

+20.00% healing boost at pvp


What the hell is that really ? I am commando healer almost full ranked warzone gear. However against same gear - or near gear ( if you have full normal lvl 55 warzone gear you will have 2018 expertise too ;and if you do some modification on it you still do good damage ) I cannot do anything anymore even I stay behind my teammates. Why ? Because of insane damage ( even at 1 vs 1 ) at lvl 55.


I don'T know if you play against good gear players or ranked warzone premades ,if you played you will understand what I mean !!! My healings are not healing to keep group or a person alive fast most of times - even I made that person keep alive -I am out of ammo for sure at the end ; or they targeting me first ( I am commando which is easy to kill by melee classes or other ranged classes so thy targeting me first or thy see me thy change target to kill me ...)


Other 2 healing classes are much more better at healing than troopers - it is for sure... I have never able to reach a sorc's or an operative's healing done amount at the end of warzones...


The problem here is " We get too much damage ;and our heals are not enough anymore ". Already after lvl 55 new cap came - this game's balance on classes increased too much again. It is the truth unfortunately...


Not only me - most of healers want this " healing nerf on pvp " to remove by Bioware really !!! Damage percentage is 3x than healing. Where is justice here ? Make it fair - and let us get more fun from warzones...


Additionally, make combat commando medic more usefull at warzones pvps ( we don't have open world pvp at end game - and Bioware doesn't think bring such a thing - we stuck ed with warzons... I have full pve gear too - I don't like to do operations or flashpoints too anymore ;because they take too much time...). The only thing left to do is warzones which are not go so well most of times... Give commando medic more usefull healing skills ;or buff our current healing skills...

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