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Does anyone play Pyro?


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Lack luster.


I am arsenal now but I did Beta as Pyro and lack luster really describes it (in my opinion).


I prefer DPS upfront as opposed to DOT but that is just my opinion.


For me it was the argument of:


DOT and let the person be healed as it happens




Do so much damage outright they cant heal through it.

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Lack luster.


I am arsenal now but I did Beta as Pyro and lack luster really describes it (in my opinion).


I prefer DPS upfront as opposed to DOT but that is just my opinion.


For me it was the argument of:


DOT and let the person be healed as it happens




Do so much damage outright they cant heal through it.


DoT's have never been very rewarding in PvP (which it describes the context of the situation you are comparing it to). Burst has been and most likely always will be king. The only situation that DoT's have ever been viable as a PvP build is if that class is built to DoT and then CC an enemy while the DoT's take effect. (Aka Warlocks in WoW)


DoT's have been very rewarding in PvE though, so I would expect Pyro to do quite well for raiding DPS. But that's just me theorycrafting without any real numbers.

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right now arsen has more utility and survivability built in then pyro. managing heat is also alot easier i think. I leveled hutta to hoth as pyro and then swapped, arsen is much easier to pull off. but as for how pyro plays there is a lot more use of rapid shot going on you actualy use power shot and unload to proc rail instead of waiting for 5 stacks of target lock like you do as arsen.
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I play PT Pyro.


It's ace - takes a little setting up but the Incendiary Missile -> Rail shot and auto shots whilst running -> flameburst -> (rail shot if procced, rocket punch if not) -> flameburst -> autoshots works well with some incredible burst. I don't know what you DoT haters are on about - I have three shot people in WZs and WPvP.


Just remember, you are more mobile with a greater range but you still need to use rocket punch whenever its up and keep up combustible gas cylinder and incendiary missiles at all times.


Rail shot will do the rest.


It's a great 1v1 spec in PvP and great for "tanking" in pvp but it lacks a little utility in group PvE. Depends what you want out of it I guess.

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Agreed. I have yet to come across anyone that could legitimately defeat me 1 v 1 with me being a Pyro build. It's a really great spec and the best part is sometimes I may die but 9 times out of 10 you will go down after I go down with all my DOT's...
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I roll PT pyro and I wreck in warzones. Personally my DoT is just a bonus to the damage its real purpose is for rail shot. Flame burst is my bread and butter and I can spam the crap out of it. Using everything else when its off CD. It's very mobile and most spells are instacast. I luv being a pyro and I tried the other specs as well and it just didn't flow well for my style of gameplay.
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Currently at Pyro PT, level 37. I don't think there's been a single game yet since I spec'd Pyro in my late 20s that I haven't come first in damage and first or near first for kills.


If you're lucky, your opening rotation looks like this: Incendiary Missile > Rail Shot > Flame Burst > Rail Shot > Rocket Punch > Rail Shot > Flame Burst > Rail Shot


All those Rail Shots except the first one and Flame Bursts are also resetting your Combustible Gas Cylinder which means they're applying initial tick of it too, and that crits for about 400 at my level. CGC ticks being added to a majority of the skills in your rotation is a ton of extra damage in addition to your skill usage damage and IM ticks. The damage is absurd if you get decent RS reset procs.


The class I've noticed I wreck the most are Jedi Sages. They have no damn chance. I've been jumped by them countless times with their telekinetic throw from a distance. About 10 seconds later they're dead or very nearly dead and I'm usually hovering around 70%.

Edited by Mhak
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Powertech Pyro. Loving it so far. There are a few DoT effects, primarily via Combustible Gas Cylinder, but to suggest the spec has no burst is just incorrect.


I can't speak to Mercenary Pyrotechs, but I didn't like the cross-tree synergy in the bottom two rungs of Arsenal and Bodyguard when I was checking it out. Pyrotech just seems more at home with Powertech.

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I would actually like to know this as well. I'm planning on rolling an alt on a PvP server and would prefer Mercenary over Powertech, since my main is already melee. For PvP especially, since it'll be a PvP server, I wanted to know how good Pyrotech would be for Mercenary since it seems like most people are Aresenal it might be nice for some diversity plus the mobility seems helpful for a PvP server.
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I would actually like to know this as well. I'm planning on rolling an alt on a PvP server and would prefer Mercenary over Powertech, since my main is already melee. For PvP especially, since it'll be a PvP server, I wanted to know how good Pyrotech would be for Mercenary since it seems like most people are Aresenal it might be nice for some diversity plus the mobility seems helpful for a PvP server.


I'm not sure Pyrotech is really substantially more mobile than Arsenal as far as Mercs go. Mobility issues are a Mercenary problem, not an Arsenal specific problem.

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I was looking at it the other day, the only thing I would ever try it for would be for a pvp spec to mess around with since it did have some solid talents that might make it dangerous on the field... even then I think arsenal would be more viable and fun, in my opinion that is
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I have a Merc/Pyro up to 31 and I am loving it. In my first Warzone, which was Alderan, I ended up sixth in damage and I really wasn't playing anywhere near flawless. SI/Sorc were the only class that outdamaged me. I think it is certainly a viable alternative to Arsenal but it may be a little lower in dps but really hard to notice.
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I know it's about mercs, but chiming in on PT Pyro. It's a ton of fun. I think Adv Proto will be better for pvp thanks to hydraulics but it just doesn't fire off rail shots with nearly as much ease as pyro. Lvl 27 is when it really takes off since you get the RS reset talent filled and start rapid firing those a lot.
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Just dinged 38 on my merc, and pryo is bad. I respeced to try a build other then TM spam, which is getting annoying to be honest.


From a PVP standpoint, its not really possible to be a pyro merc and do well. Damage is all backloaded, and its dot damage which is pretty easy to heal though. As far as PVE i noticed a difference only when attempting a champion level mob with my companion. the lack of TM spam really lowered damage output and extended the fight which made it problematic to beat the mobs at times.


the tree seems really more suited to powertech, which has a few instant cast abilities that work well with pyro. i am sure someone will find a build that works well but so far all i can see is a tree that might be useful for a 25/16 arsenel/pyro build to get quite a few of the bonuses, once people really start min maxing.


that said, it pretty much sucks that Mercs who want to dps are a one trick pony really with TM.

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Ive been playing a Pyro PT for PVP's lately all I can tell is that Pyro has so much mobility, and the damage is great. since as a pyro i rarely stand around casting spells Im always on the move which makes me a lesser target for others, also as a pyro we dont rely too much on the dots but we just need to plant an incidiary missile to an enemy and we can railblast them to death and if heat is an issue we can just stand back and spam rapid shots when played well no gcd would be wasted. Usually Ive been topping the damage charts in pvp in the range of 150k-300k damage depending on the length of the warzone.
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Ive been playing a Pyro PT for PVP's lately all I can tell is that Pyro has so much mobility, and the damage is great. since as a pyro i rarely stand around casting spells Im always on the move which makes me a lesser target for others, also as a pyro we dont rely too much on the dots but we just need to plant an incidiary missile to an enemy and we can railblast them to death and if heat is an issue we can just stand back and spam rapid shots when played well no gcd would be wasted. Usually Ive been topping the damage charts in pvp in the range of 150k-300k damage depending on the length of the warzone.


I am leveling my PT right now and I am so excited for this!

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