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Cannot do anything against stealth classes mostly from melee classes


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Guys , I have half of ranked warzone gear with all modifications . My hp is near 32k . I am normally a medic commando . But even I am at damage tree or medic tree ,FFS, these stealth classes killing me too fast. I gonna rage really. I spend lot's of time to do this fking ranked gear ;but result is still same !!! " Cannot do anything against stealth classes mostly from melee classes ". I always said trooper is really suck at pvp even ppl cover me and I stand behind to support the team. I go warzones with my guild as 2-5 group members. At warzones when they see us , they all change target to kill us !!! . Even at 1 vs 1 I cannot even no classes which same gear with me ... What the fk of this Bioware class balance really ? We have gree event at ilum - it is still same " cannot defend myself even at group " ;because they kill us first ffs.


Sorry ;but what the hell of these asassians and operative instant too much damage in a short time ? For why reason I wear a heavy armor if my hp is going to go down from 32k to 10-15k withing a few seconds ??? and I cannot get off from stuns - stealth has many stuns... All my skills are long casting time skills which ppl interrupt all the time or gets too much ammo ; or to hit a fking melee ( melee are go around yourself so ) we always turn OUR FACE TO HIT THEM or it gives a warning to turn our face to attack to target...


At lvl 55 , commando is not a support anymore... Why we die really fast ??? Why we cannot burst much damage with 1 hit like other classes ? For example operative ( same as asas damage ) - asassians ( saw 10k damage with 1 hit -many times ) - maruder ( 7k-10k damage with 1 hit and maruder always make you slow and dots -interrupts ) or sorcs ( dots ... you die and you cannot clean them too... ).


Commando's clean skill useless too. Electro net cd is too long... Even mercenary is much more better than commandos ( thy have instant rocket lanchers )


We write our commando problems here ;but bioware doesn't care at all... I love my trooper commando ;but at every warzones ,it is really frustrating to die really fast ;and ppl targeting us - coz we are easy piece of cakes to earn them fast medals and to fullfil their ego " haha I am strong I defeated this trooper so fast ... I gonna eat this trooper now - he cannot win me even at 1 vs 1 ... ).


LeT'S SAY WE win at 1 vs 1 but our ammo becomes really less - then another respawned enemy or more reinforcements coming from behind - we cannot die anything ;but wait our deaths... Don't say me some troopers do nice damage rate at the end of warzones . It is a lie - what you gonna do at ilum open world pvp ? you gonna say siths " no wait -I was doing good damage at warzones. how you dare to kill me here now , you really pissed me off " ? Commando trooper at every tech tree is a joke right no at lvl 55. This maruder skill : throwing 2 light saber... what the hell skill is that really ? it gives too much damage for a single instant Dual Saber Throw. It has Cooldown: 20 seconds and this cooldown decreases if you give your points at skill tree.


" A new ability, Twin Saber Throw, has been added. Twin Saber Throw throws both Lightsabers at a target up to 30 meters away, striking everything within its path and slows the movement speed of affected targets by 50% for 6 seconds. This ability is trainable at level 51. "



HOW TO DEAL WITH THESE MELEE classes ? There is no balance at all at this game ;and the commandos are the weakest class ... Will they gonna nerf these melee classes / stealth ;and sorcs ????

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I believe threads like these should be encouraged. They act as a nice smoke screen concealing just how good a place commandos are actually in, and delay the inevitable nerf chorus.


Anti stealth advice. Electro net is an "I win" button. Drop a stealth scan on top of an assassin/Operative/Mara. They will back off because most of them hate having their get out of jail free card removed.

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As a healer you don't deal with melee at all.


Kolto bomb snare or knockback or stun and HTL your *** behind teammates.


I would talk about the list of tools Gunnery has (and assault doesn't) but it's been gone over a lot, you just need to look at the tree talents.

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At warzones , Electro net is not so usefull ;because it has 1.30 min. cd :(( ppl respawn no-stop. Other classes cooldowns are much more less than commandos ( mostly ). I still get 7k-8k damages with 1 hit from melee classes which are geared players like me. I always get interrups while casting my heals... I cannot cleanse the force dots ; they cc me non-stop ( who do these ? good players -who plays how to know ).


Why bioware nerf ed healing so much ? my heals are not enough anymore really ;because of these huge damages even 1 by 1 or at group healing. My normal crit heals are 2k-3k - I hardly get 4k-7k big crit heals :(( my crit rate is at tech is 33% - ranged crit is 30% ; surge rating is 74% ; aim is 980-1150 - with buffs it inceases to 1080-1250 sth. My stats are bad ?


Anyone plz give me some advise " how to increase my healing done amount ? " thank you.

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Anti stealth advice. Electro net is an "I win" button.


We've discussed this before. ElectroNet is a "I win faster vs. crappy opponents" button. Against a good opponent, ElectroNet is not effective. Vs. a mediocre opponent with a moderate amount of healing support, ElectroNet is not effective.

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Look there are 2 things:


1 - You need to have a plan for melee and stealth melee in particular. Whatever your style and spec, you need to think ahead of time of what you will do in that scenario.


2 - You have to avoid panic. Well played Stealth melee are going to whack a bunch of your health with their opener. There is no way around it. Expect it.


Beyond that, Stealthers are one reason I prefer Assault to Gunnery for PvP. I can snare them constantly while I am moving. I have 2 snare breaks. My DPS is not dramatically lower than when I am stantionary. So my preference goes like this:


CC, Start backing up, Explosive Round (snare + plasma cell), Cryo G (when they use their first close), HiB if up, IR, AP, SG, Explosive Round....CC when its back up. Now, I expect to lose lots of these fights but that is my plan. I can still plan my use of medpacks, ar, and TO+MP. And call for help and hope I get it.

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first of all if talking about a healer vs dps yes you will lose if its 1v1. in reality this is like a modified rock - paper- scissors game. for the most part. dps beats healers, healers beat tanks, and tanks beat dps (technically speaking) for healing rotation is the same. if this is self healing you put tp on you, drop kolto bomb first then us concussion charge. attack when they get close again use adv prode. kolto bomb when hes slowed use hold the line. and then use med probe and so forth. of course your job as a healer is hop a dps takes care of the ones attacking you. if your completley alone electro net is very handy during the 3rd run. just incase if this is sloppy this is what i recommend.-



pre.1 put tp on yourself

+after getting attacked+

1. when stealther attacks you break the stun. use kolto bomb and hold the line and get a few space between you then attack with full auto

2. when he closes the gap drop adv. probe (if health is dropped inf not go to next part).-> then kolto bomb and concussion charge. then attack when hes away

3. when he again closes the gap use med probe (if health is dropped inf not go to next part). ->kolto bomb then hold the line when you get a bit of space use electro net

4. by the last gap use your shield. (for pvp medic have med zone and combat shield. reason is you get 20% heal bonus to yourself plus you cannot be interrupted wneh your shield is on) at this point just use super charge if you have it and heal yourself well and just attack and hope you dont die if concussion chargeis back use that and also kb always to slow down the person.


and again as a commando healer or heals are pretty good after 2.0 especially when you knock back those attacking you with concussion charge you will get healed. you just have to adapt to the enemies team as well as what type of warzone your playing.

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We've discussed this before. ElectroNet is a "I win faster vs. crappy opponents" button. Against a good opponent, ElectroNet is not effective. Vs. a mediocre opponent with a moderate amount of healing support, ElectroNet is not effective.


Also, any competent Shadow/Assassin just needs to pop resilience any Electro net is automatically dispelled. Its also on a shorter cooldown than Electro net (60's compared to 90s)

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Also, any competent Shadow/Assassin just needs to pop resilience any Electro net is automatically dispelled. Its also on a shorter cooldown than Electro net (60's compared to 90s)
This is also wrong, when the net is active on someone then that someone cannot use shroud or resilience.

He/She/It can however use cc breaker and then use shroud.

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