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Power or Aim Augments?


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Augmenting for main stat is always best. Every 100 Main Stat gives about .23 crit, and like 98.23 Force/Tech (depending on the class) power. Power gives 0 crit and 99.23 Force/Tech additional damage/healing. sure .23 crit is not a whole lot but it adds up over time.
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Augmenting for main stat is always best. Every 100 Main Stat gives about .23 crit, and like 98.23 Force/Tech (depending on the class) power. Power gives 0 crit and 99.23 Force/Tech additional damage/healing. sure .23 crit is not a whole lot but it adds up over time.


Always best is misleading: it's best for most classes. Sentinels IE go with power augs cause they don't have the mainstat boost talent.

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I have full power augments on my commando. reason being since im a combat medic power gives more bonus heal then aim augments. even though its a few decimal different of how much. but it adds over time. people would say use aim just for the extra crit but if your at 30% (which i am) it would be a waste to use the aim augments over power. since you dont want to go over 30%
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people would say use aim just for the extra crit but if your at 30% (which i am) it would be a waste to use the aim augments over power. since you dont want to go over 30%


You may be under the wrong assumption that the diminishing return curves are on the final stat. They are not.

The return curves are based on the BASE stat, and each stat has its own curve. In particular, crit rating and the mainstat contribution to crit DO NOT share the same curve, and mainstat crit hardly suffers from diminishing returns at all due to how small the crit contribution per point is.

That's why mainstat is considered superior to power for all classes that have some kind of +% mainstat talent.

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All commandos should have mainstat augments. That's not arguable. Power augments are inferior in every tree. Especially combat medics!!

Combat medics have a 15% boost to crit multiplier for their healing abilities. So the +crit bonus from mainstay FARRRRR out weighs the minuscule bonus healing increase.

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Always best is misleading: it's best for most classes. Sentinels IE go with power augs cause they don't have the mainstat boost talent.


not that this isn't a reason, but from what i've been told by one of my sentinel buddies, a big reason for sentinels to go power over strength is because strength doesn't affect force power or force crit for them.



this had me wondering if something crazy like willpower would be good for them (since it adds power and crit), but without a stat boosting talent, i doubt anyone could make a strong case for it.

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I don't think your Sent buddies are correct. I'd have to check my own sent but I imagine it works like it does for my other classes.


That is: Your classes' main stat, whatever it is ALWAYS increases your Melee/Ranged bonus damage and crit rate as well as your Force/Tech bonus damage and crit rate. Always increases both. From there, no matter what class you're on, Strength increases your melee damage/crit, willpower increases your force damage/crit, aim increases your ranged damage/crit, and cunning increases your tech damage/crit.


Now I've never actually put strength gear on my commando (or aim or cunning gear on my shadow or sentinel) so I don't know that you'd suddenly gain a melee damage tab, and of course none of our abilities would be affected anyway, but nevertheless, it is a fact that on commando aim increases both ranged and tech damage/crit, while any cunning you have (like say from datacrons, or just the base cunning you have period) will increase your tech damage/crit. This is why even a gunnery commando should always have tech crit a little higher than ranged crit.


Similarly, a sniper will receive boosts to all their damage types with cunning, while any aim they have will contribute directly to their ranged crit/damage.


Those two classes actually benefit a lot from their off stat since a majority of say marksman sniper is white (ranged) damage, while for commandos a good half of gunnery damage is tech, and even a non trivial portion of assault is tech as well (heals of course are tech so they benefit from cunning as well).


Of course it's never enough of a benefit to GEAR for your offstat, but it's certainly a compelling reason to get all aim and cunning datacrons if you're a non force user, and all strength and willpower datacrons if you're a non-sage force user (they're the only DPS class I can think of whose damage is all 100% Force. All sent specs have nontrivial damage coming from force though are mainly melee, and shadow also has quite a significant portion of melee damage. Marksman sniper really only uses Orbital Strike for Tech Damage, but that's the only other class/spec that is quite so heavily weighted for one damage type).

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That is: Your classes' main stat, whatever it is ALWAYS increases your Melee/Ranged bonus damage and crit rate as well as your Force/Tech bonus damage and crit rate. Always increases both. From there, no matter what class you're on, Strength increases your melee damage/crit, willpower increases your force damage/crit, aim increases your ranged damage/crit, and cunning increases your tech damage/crit.


roll a sent and take a look for yourself.

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roll a sent and take a look for yourself.


Checked on my marauder right now and strength does give both melee dmg/crit AND force dmg/crit.

Even checked on my sentinel just to be sure and it does work correctly there as well.


The only class that is an exception to this rule is sage/sorcs, as they don't get bonus melee dmg/crit with willpower. Then again, their only melee skill is saber strike, which they don't really use at all.

Edited by GeckoOBac
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but from what i've been told by one of my sentinel buddies, a big reason for sentinels to go power over strength is because strength doesn't affect force power or force crit for them.


He is wrong.


For every class their main stat increases damage and crit on 2 types attacks and Sentinels do get both their melee and force abilities affected by strength.


The only reason sentinels augment for power is because they don't have the +9% main stat increase talent.

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Checked on my marauder right now and strength does give both melee dmg/crit AND force dmg/crit.

Even checked on my sentinel just to be sure and it does work correctly there as well.


The only class that is an exception to this rule is sage/sorcs, as they don't get bonus melee dmg/crit with willpower. Then again, their only melee skill is saber strike, which they don't really use at all.


i don't believe i was tricked intentionally (i suspect this person made the same mistake himself rather than try to pull one over on me).

but anyway, i figured out how i was tricked into believing it: when you inspect another sentinel player (and i suspect guardian too perhaps), strength does not show as a contributing stat for force power / force crit.


i'm going to assume that everyone here knows how to read their character panel, that it shows up for them, and now i just feel dumb for believing it haha

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both powertechs and mercs have access to +9% aim talents. Because of that talent aim will always be better then power point for point. With that talent maxed and teh sorc buff the bonus damage from aim and power is the same and you get crit from the aim. With all 14 power augments in your gear you will also gain 1% crit and the DR on the crit you get from aim is so slow you will never notice it.
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