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Power or Aim Augments?


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Every DPS guide I've ever seen plus everyone I know runs Aim. i'm not a math guy who does all the theorycrafting stuff but from what I understand Aim (mainstat) gives 0.5+ for each point you have over what Power offers. Power is very important but not as important as Aim.
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If your class has a +9% main stat skill box, go with main stat. If the class doesn't have that skill box, go with power.


Power adds like .223 damage per point.

Aim adds like .2 damage per point. When you add +9% to that, it becomes .218 damage per point of Aim


So Power adds .005 damage more per point than Aim does. No difference really, even if you compare 3000 Aim to 3000 Power its only like 15 damage difference. But the real benefit to Aim is that it increases your Crit Rating also, and Power does not.

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