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My Merc has gotten soft


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Hey everyone,

I have been rolling this Merc for a couple of weeks now and have been loving it. Until today. I turned lvl 43 and all of sudden I have to scramble to get heals and be extra careful. Up to now, I have been soloing all the content with no problems. I have even have taken 2 Elites at once without an issue.


Now I go out there and die with 1 Elite and 2 standards. I don't get it. And the Strongs take much longer too.


Anyone else ever experience this or have a suggestion to change.


Here are my numbers: ( I don't remember all the names) :eek:

Aim: 1098

Endurance: 1111

Pri Damage: 684

Sec Damage: 95

??: 302

Accuracy: 100.1

Crit #s: 18.5 and 57


Health: 13074

Armor: 3534

??: 27.3

??: 5


Edit: Forgot to mention I'm specced Arsenal with 2,0,3 in the first tier and 3,1,0 in the last tier; All the rest in the center tier.


Any assistance would be appreciated.





Edited by OldMike
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It's been a long time since I've leveled my Mercenary, but I can give a few suggestions. Your current level sits right around where a lot of people begin Chapter 3 and go to Belsavis. The difficulty of enemies definitely increases from Chapter 2 and you will need to be more careful.



  • Don't be afraid to use medpacs and your defensive cooldowns. They exist to keep you alive.
  • Use your interrupt religiously.
  • Use your Concussion Missile ability as often as needed. Locking down a tough enemy in order to dispatch weaker ones first is a very handy tool.
  • When I spec for damage, I use Mako as my companion. If you are trying to solo Group missions, speccing heals and using a tank companion (I prefer Blizz) will be easier.
  • If you have space to work with, kiting tougher enemies is a safer tactic. Between Jet Boost, Electro Dart, Electro Net (trained at level 51), and Hydraulic Overrides, we can keep them at bay. For opponents using ranged weapons, line-of-sighting them when they try to attack and taking shots at them in between can render them almost helpless.
  • Remember that certain abilities will stun or knock down weaker enemies. Death From Above, Explosive Dart, Fusion Missile, and Unload can remove them quickly and before they can even have a chance to attack you.
  • Against tougher enemies, it may be worth using your Heroic Moment and attacking with legacy abilities. They cost no heat and do very nice damage.



Hope this helps! :)

Edited by twiggie
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That is lots of great information, thanks!


You're right, I am on Belsavis. Though I've been there from 41, I noticed the enemies are stronger as I progress through the deeper prison system. I'm the kind of player that makes sure to do all quests I can find in each area.


I do use Mako but I noticed when I go too mobile she becomes less effective. So I tend to stay pretty still except in obvious line-of-sight situations.


I really appreciate the information. I needed to remember the basics that I tend to forget during all the easier times.


Thanks again. :)

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