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Merc Stun + Knockback failure and slow activation

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The Merc stun and knockback have very slow activation time and sometimes fail to fire. I can't tell you how many times my knockback goes on cooldown, i die, and the enemy doesn't get knocked back. I use my stun and it fires 1 second later or I try to stun enemy before I die and instead get killed then stun the enemy almost at the same time. Sometimes the knockback even fails to work on enemies standing still, I think this is due to the fact that the merc has to jump in the air first before activating their push knockback.



Video proof of knockback failure, this is very dominant on voidstar bridge areas on targets with no resolve:


Edited by DkSharktooth
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I've noticed this too, but I'd always attributed it to full resolve or immunity CDs like resilience.


I don't use stuns or knockbacks on full resolve targets. The knockback issue is mainly at voidstar bridge at the beginning and end of the bridge, where there is an indentation. Knockbacks just fail to fire. Other times, the knockback just goes on cooldown without doing anything even if you are right next to your target.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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I don't have a problem with JetBoost triggering too slowly. But ElectroDart is simply retarded. The delay between the ability triggering and the dart actually hitting the target is immense. Basically your ElectroDart is moving slower than an enemy can sprint. For example, this makes it physically impossible to stun an enemy player moving across a Huttball firepit unless you trigger ElectroDart before the enemy player commits to crossing the fire pit.
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I don't use stuns or knockbacks on full resolve targets. The knockback issue is mainly at voidstar bridge at the beginning and end of the bridge, where there is an indentation. Knockbacks just fail to fire. Other times, the knockback just goes on cooldown without doing anything even if you are right next to your target.


Didn't mean to imply it was a L2P issue. Just providing my own anecdotal input. I had never considered that Jet Boost could be part of the ability delay bug, since I use the knockback predominantly to escape when I'm being focused by multiple melee. I had just assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that some of those melee either had their CC immunity up or were full resolve, since I don't always monitor everyone's resolve, etc. in those situations.

Edited by Phrase
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