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Large Guild vs Small Guild


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You're damn right. A small, close-knit guild of 12 people that's been playing together for 7 months should absolutely have "earned" the right to have the full bonus on their alts. Just as much as a guild of 263 people that started 2 weeks ago and spams General Chat a lot.

LotRO's guild bonuses are based on longevity and people complain that's unfair, too. The point is, no matter what, someone's gonna whine about it. You know what the rules are. If it happens to be the case that your guild wants the bonus, get it done or don't. It's a game, not a spurting artery.

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And you probably don't do a lot of guild management, I'm guessing? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Any perk you can offer is a huge perk to people because people don't stop and think about the at-the-margin benefit a bonus is giving them. They hear: "BONUS", and they become more interested. It could be +1% Runspeed, and people would be more motivated to join. This is how advertising in general works; humans like being promised stuff. Any stuff.


If they make it logistically-difficult for smaller or even medium guilds to meet "perk size" requirements, it will impact their ability to recruit. It will also heavily impact the ability for new guilds to get off the ground. You can argue the net effect isn't as large as some people are predicting — that's fair, no one can be sure without real data pre-and-post implementation — but the basic concern is legitimate.


You're damn right. A small, close-knit guild of 12 people that's been playing together for 7 months should absolutely have "earned" the right to have the full bonus on their alts. Just as much as a guild of 263 people that started 2 weeks ago and spams General Chat a lot.


Have the small guild start spamming General Chat then. :p


It's not that big of a bonus, though I think they did it wrong. :/ It's not a bad idea, but I would've done it in groups of 4 not 5, as max team size is 4. So 4 members 5%, 5-8 members 6%, ect ect...if people are so bent out of shape to get their small guild just big enough to hit that 10% +XP mark, then they'll have a number of members that doesn't divide by 4 :/

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You're damn right. A small, close-knit guild of 12 people that's been playing together for 7 months should absolutely have "earned" the right to have the full bonus on their alts. Just as much as a guild of 263 people that started 2 weeks ago and spams General Chat a lot.

I happen to be in a close-knit guild of about 12 people that's been playing together for 10 months.


We heard about the bonuses, saw we weren't going to get them, and said "Ah well, too bad"


Would it be nice if we got them? Sure. But that's about as far as it goes (at least for us).

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I happen to be in a close-knit guild of about 12 people that's been playing together for 10 months.


We heard about the bonuses, saw we weren't going to get them, and said "Ah well, too bad"


Would it be nice if we got them? Sure. But that's about as far as it goes (at least for us).

Alright. Well you're a Jedi and I'm a Sith so we approach problems differently. :p


First of all, I think it's too early to get too upset, until we actually hear confirmation of how the system works. But I'm also quite firmly of the belief that if the system ends up overly-favoring huge guilds, then it should be reconsidered. Corralling people into the circus of big guilds is the wrong approach — and I'm in a big guild.


I watched WoW's horribly-thought-out Guild Perk system completely destroy smaller guilds and crush new guilds attempting to start up. Instead of worrying about what the guild was for or who was in it, the first question became: "What level?" Because no one wanted to be in a guild without perks like Mass Rez, or spend time building one without it.


Yes, 10% XP and Rep isn't that big a deal. But we started with 5% XP. They're clearly intending to grow this. We should try to ensure that growth starts with a solid foundation, before it's fully-grown and too late to mess with.

Edited by SW_display_name
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As they said this is just the start of guild bonus. Its better to voice your concerns sooner that after its patched in. As lot of people said WoW killed small guild with their guild bonus. Looks like they are heading that way. It shouldn't matter if its a guild of 4 or 400; as long as player in guild are happy.
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We are a large guild and to be honest we were hoping for better guild updates than a rehash of the one already added. Guild email, better message of the day, ingame calendar (we don't need it as have a website but not all guilds have a site), increase in guild cap limit or a change to legacy names not character names that count as a member. Not really impressed with the increase to 10% and not all members want XP bonus's so I hope they add an option for members to turn it off (similar to double xp weekends which many posted on these forums about an option to turn It off).


I have not been in a small guild since we founded ours back in May 2005 and I can understand players thinking that in larger guilds they would be lost and its more personal in a smaller guild but I think its all about how the guild is run in truth as many larger guilds have been around for years, before Tor and since joining Tor have just expanded.


We manage as we never spam general chat with recruitment messages. We don't like adding dozens of new members a week as then there will be an issue of them being lost in the guild. We prefer to add a few a week only, letting them get to know us and us them and once in we can spend some proper time with them and ensure we set them up with forum permissions on website, teamspeak info and show them how to use calendar on homepage on website and events signups etc. For this we only have a recruitment thread on the server forums and we keep it bumped every week or two with a list of the upcoming guilds activity so players can see what type of content we do on a weekly basis.


Some weeks we get no new applications, some weeks we have 5-6 and the player who joins us does so as we sound like a great fit for them as we laid everything out in our server forum thread so they know what they are joining. Due to this our turnover is extremely low of members so the guild grows but has done so over the activity of many years not just opening doors and letting everyone in at once. Members can come and go, some have gone and had families and returned years later to us so despite being a large guild (474 active characters empire side, 469 Republic) everyone gets on well, and thanks to a lot of experienced members, new players have access to all that experience and to us a level 1 ftp player is as valuable as a level 55 experienced subbed player so everyone is treated the same in the guild.

Edited by Ziso
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