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Commando – Gunnery Compendium

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Are you saying gunnery commandos should augment for accuracy? So 4 accuracy enhancements + 4 accuracy augments?




The easy way to look at it is like this. Between the 7 enhancements, 2 implants and ear, you have 10 slots for secondary stats. While you are gearing your way to full 72's, use 6 slots with accuracy and 4 with surge. When you are fully geared in 72's and want to min/max for a BiS build, do a 5/5 split of accuracy and surge. Augments should always be reflex augments.

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Between the 7 enhancements, 2 implants and ear, you have 10 slots for secondary stats. While you are gearing your way to full 72's, use 6 slots with accuracy and 4 with surge. When you are fully geared in 72's and want to min/max for a BiS build, do a 5/5 split of accuracy and surge. Augments should always be reflex augments.


That is in direct contradiction to what the OP wrote, as I quoted above, which is why I asked the question. Thanks for clearing it up. I would never think of using anything but reflex augments.

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Post is reserved for the Commando Gunnery Leaderboard.


This post will contain parses and builds for the gunnery tree. Please post your parses, and let me know how your build runs so I can update this thread with accurate information.



1. NotAHealer - Hit and Run - Begeren Colony






100/110 accuracy, no crit. Mostly 69s.


OK I've looked very closely at this compared to mine, I have nowhere near as much Aim (2933 with stim) but my best parse over a similar time period was a paltry 2251 - http://www.torparse.com/a/317904 first entry. Two things are bugging me as I compare:


1) How the heck did demo round crit 47% of the time? That's gotta be just dumb luck no? Same with HIB, 41%? I have 22.2% crit, only slightly less, but my crit rate on these two abilities was WAY lower. Heck - throw full auto in there too. 33%?


2) How is the parse so high with so many hammer shots, where I used none? Am I just not clicking the buttons fast enough to burn through my ammo?


A couple of my gear points that might contribute:

- 2x war hero power relic (+226 total power), no SA etc.

- 99.52% accuracy

- 71.75% crit multiplier

- 1437.5 bonus damage

- 0 crit, 0 alacrity as instructed here

- 4-piece set bonus

- Identical skill tree to the one posted by the OP in the .jpg


Any help appreciated, thank you

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2) How is the parse so high with so many hammer shots, where I used none? Am I just not clicking the buttons fast enough to burn through my ammo?


That would explain some at least. Your doing 29 attacks per minute while the one you quoted is doing over 32. So yes, doing more attacks would increase dps, but would also force you to hammer shot more often to keep a good regen rate.


The high crit percentage is luck, fluctuations between individual parses fluctuate a bit even on the same char.

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I'm thinking the 2689 was a statistical anomaly. There is no other way that I can see to explain those ridiculous crit rates.


It's just RNG, numbers for each ability can vary greatly with such a short parse / small sample size. Get your APMs up like stated already, try to get it up to 34-35 if you can. ABC(always be casting), use your action queue religiously and with practice your reaction time will increase.

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It's just RNG, numbers for each ability can vary greatly with such a short parse / small sample size. Get your APMs up like stated already, try to get it up to 34-35 if you can. ABC(always be casting), use your action queue religiously and with practice your reaction time will increase.


Gotcha on all that, thanks for the advice. Well taken, there are some areas I need to improve on.


Not to disrespect, but I'm not putting any stock into some of the parses I see like http://www.torparse.com/a/233614/1/0/Damage+Dealt. 59% crit on 232 grav rounds? 37% on 71 demo rounds? When the "normal" crit rate assuming 25% base would be 40% and 25%? These two account for 43% of total damage dealt.


Give me a sample size of twenty or so 18-minute parses and the average would be nowhere near 2864. I am no longer buying into the hype of some of these gaudy ending dps numbers people brag about. It's nothing but very favorable one-time RNG.

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That's what the top parses are. Extremely lucky and rare affairs. They're not meant to be taken as a sign of what a character actually pulls in a fight, but trying to beat those top parses means you'll be honing your skills as well as praying for luck.


Also note that some of the parses may be when the 2pc/2pc set bonus still worked, adding another 15% to the grav round crit chance.

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The parse you linked is indeed an old one with stacking 2pc set bonuses which gave my base crit for TM to be 55% so it's really not that far off and my overall crit is right about where it was intended. That parse was actually fairly representative of my average and was not just a lucky parse... Having said that, an 18 minute parse is not good enough for an average for merc but it can get you within plus or minus 20 dps if you are consistent without major lag spikes. Put stock in what you will, the point is to learn where you can improve and it's difficult to learn if you think players that parse high are just plain lucky ;) Edited by odawgg
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The parse you linked is indeed an old one with stacking 2pc set bonuses which gave my base crit for TM to be 55% so it's really not that far off and my overall crit is right about where it was intended. That parse was actually fairly representative of my average and was not just a lucky parse... Having said that, an 18 minute parse is not good enough for an average for merc but it can get you within plus or minus 20 dps if you are consistent without major lag spikes. Put stock in what you will, the point is to learn where you can improve and it's difficult to learn if you think players that parse high are just plain lucky ;)


Points well taken. I did forget about the 30% GR/TM double 2-piece.

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With 3300 Aim, I get about 25% Critical rating with my current build, most people will have a lower number unless they have been gearing well.


Hey, that is wearing PVP or PVE armor?... I dont think I can achieve 3300 with PVP stuff

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