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SWTOR is a Veiled Pay2Win game


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With the increment of crafting mods to tier 31 (allowing automatic progression to NIM) the game has yet again become veiled P2W.


Heres How.


Step 1: Buy Cartel Coins

Step 2: Purchase the item with best credit to CC ratio

Step 3: Post items on GTN

Step 4: Recieve your Money

Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance

Step 6: Able to attemp hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content. ***EDIT---> (they have now given the abillity to WIn through use of Real life $$, whether u WIN thats still on your own part but they have given you more then you need to Win)


End Result PAY TO WIN


(i would be fine with it staying at 30's)


*Credit of theory to dude in another thread of mine*




Im reading these posts and 90% of you are completely completely ignoring what Pay 2 Win is and attempting to cater the defintion to your arguements. EDITIED (lower % reading more some great talk but most is vile garbage)


Pay 2 Win does not mean everyone is doing it

Pay 2 Win does not mean its the only way to obtain gear

Pay 2 Win does not mean you will clear the content if you still suck BUT you still are able to use $$ to get better gear

Pay 2 Win does not mean directly spend money on gear its the abillity to make it happen through game mechanics (thus taking credit sellers out of the equation)

Pay 2 Win does not mean it caters to everyones income level (the rich get richer)


Pay 2 Win means being able to use my real life money to somehow better myself in the game whether directly or as i said through a use of in game mechanics to convert $$ into gear. Whether everyone does it or just 5 people who have that kind of money, it is STILL a form of PAY 2 WIN. Now its not the most direct thing as some of you are assuming is the only way something is Pay 2 Win, but as the thread title says its a VEILED PAY 2 WIN where you dont go buy a peice on bomb gear off the CM, BUT you can turn real $$ into gear (while ONLY using game mechanics) and that cannot be denied.


Now to sit here and just go OP this OP that and deny any existence of this is just silly and just shows your blindness to the situation.

Edited by WillHolmes
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With the increment of crafting mods to tier 31 (allowing automatic progression to NIM) the game has yet again become veiled P2W.


Heres How.


Step 1: Buy Cartel Coins

Step 2: Purchase the item with best credit to CC ratio

Step 3: Post items on GTN

Step 4: Recieve your Money

Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance

Step 6: Clear hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content.


End Result PAY TO WIN


(i would be fine with it staying at 30's)


*Credit of theory to dude in another thread of mine*


None of the CM gear has endgame stats, correct? So I have to disagree with SWTOR being P2W. People mostly buy that gear for the aesthetics and strip out all of the mods anyways.


If anything SWTOR is FREEMIUM, since there are sooo many restriction on f2p/preferred accounts. The game is most certainly not P2W. Also, I don't consider Ship mods P2W either since space missions are boring as hell solo content.

Edited by Talsalus
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Craftable 31s imply that there will be a new BIS tier above it. I fail to see the problem.


Initial capital investment of real dollars to in-game currency is an issue for every multiplayer game of this type ever (the "buying gold" problem) and isn't really solvable. If there is not a legit way to do it (which is putting $s in the hands of the developers to help support the game), then there will be a secondary market (see Diablo 2 and every other MMO) where the real money trading hands does not go toward game development, and opens up players and the game to account theft and unethical practices.


Some possible "solutions" have significant drawbacks:

* Remove the trading of Cartel items. This would be horrible, as all Cartel Market purchases would be a fixed price directly, and only be available with real money. As a completionist and collector, I greatly appreciate the current system. Free trade of fluff items is great, and makes excess credits meaningful (as opposed to in other games where they accumulate for no purpose, or there is massive inflation).

* Make all gear fully BOP - This way there is no way to buy reasonably powerful gear AT ALL with in-game currency. There would be a problem with "catching up" to current content, crafting at endgame would be completely devalued, and you lose compelling gameplay.


2.0 made great strides in allowing the good parts of player trade of Cartel items while mitigating the "Pay2win" problem by not making BIS gear available via crafting at all. I like the current system.

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With the increment of crafting mods to tier 31 (allowing automatic progression to NIM) the game has yet again become veiled P2W.


Heres How.


Step 1: Buy Cartel Coins

Step 2: Purchase the item with best credit to CC ratio

Step 3: Post items on GTN

Step 4: Recieve your Money

Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance

Step 6: Clear hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content.


End Result PAY TO WIN


(i would be fine with it staying at 30's)


*Credit of theory to dude in another thread of mine*


Really? This is what you think is pay to win?


Pay2Win would be me buying Underworld gear for cartel coins.

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Really? This is what you think is pay to win?


Pay2Win would be me buying Underworld gear for cartel coins.


A more classical definition wouldn't even include that - you'd need to be able to access gear better than, not just equal to, players who do not buy in.

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Step 1: Do dailies.

Step 2: Do more dailies.

Step 3: Do even more dailies.

Step 4: Recieve your Money and comms.

Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance

Step 6: Clear hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content.


There. Fixed it for you so that you can take that hard earned real life money and have a nice dinner with the wife.


No, no. You don't have to thank me. This one's on the house.

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With the increment of crafting mods to tier 31 (allowing automatic progression to NIM) the game has yet again become veiled P2W.


Heres How.


Step 1: Buy Cartel Coins

Step 2: Purchase the item with best credit to CC ratio

Step 3: Post items on GTN

Step 4: Recieve your Money

Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance

Step 6: Clear hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content.


End Result PAY TO WIN


(i would be fine with it staying at 30's)


*Credit of theory to dude in another thread of mine*


I agree


You buy CC with real money, buy stuff off market, sell that stuff on market, get in game credits..buy mods and armorings for in game credits on gtn

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i said vieled not staight up 1:1 purchase learn to read gents. for those who are implying i said u can buy statted gear or verpine of CM just silly lol


You can't buy Underworld/Verpine ANYWHERE except with tokens/comms. AKA you have to do HM flasphoints to get that gear, no amount of money changes that. Go Pay2Whine somewhere else.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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With the increment of crafting mods to tier 31 (allowing automatic progression to NIM) the game has yet again become veiled P2W.


Heres How.


Step 1: Buy Cartel Coins

Step 2: Purchase the item with best credit to CC ratio

Step 3: Post items on GTN

Step 4: Recieve your Money

Step 5: Buy gear that allows you to go into any instance

Step 6: Clear hardest content in game while skipping 99% of other content.


End Result PAY TO WIN


(i would be fine with it staying at 30's)


*Credit of theory to dude in another thread of mine*


Actual Pay to win model:


1. Buy equippable item from cash shop that is better than/equal to items obtained at endgame

2. Equip item.


Court finds you guilty of failboating. We also find your pants to be delightfully amusing.

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Whats most humorous about this thread is the amount blind rage at people are having at the OP.


Plain and simple, people have used the CC items being sellable on the GTM as a reason that the Cartel Market was fair in the first place since subscribers were FORCED to use this method to get some of the coooler looking items in the game.


Now, the logic doenst flow both ways? If you cant accept that CM items are worth and transfer into in game currency, i dont know how i can even logically debate you on this subject.


THIS is ludicrous, and an example of the slippery slope that will continue into the future. With the bolster effect on pvp, and people able to essentially skip doing ANY HM content to essentially outgear all flashpoint content, and have a HUGE lead into flashpoints. There's no need to do anything in the game anylonger.


Give EA/bioware your money, buy their sets of armor, liquidate overstock CM items on the GTM to recieve credits, buy 69's and hang out in the fleet.

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Pay to win isnt nessisarily just an advantage over normal subscribers, paying to have any PROGRESS in game is Pay to win. Otherwise the game devolves into, appease the rich man because he's rich. EA is no longer an equal oppotunity endeavor. It discriminates against people who cant afford to spend hundreds of dollars a month.
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It may be pay to win, it may not...frankly I personally just dont care.


I really have no interest in what or how other people are playing. Only concerned with myself and my own play experience.


Does that mean I think P2W is not an issue? Well, no. For me it isn't, but I only speak for myself.

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Pay to win isnt nessisarily just an advantage over normal subscribers, paying to have any PROGRESS in game is Pay to win. Otherwise the game devolves into, appease the rich man because he's rich. EA is no longer an equal oppotunity endeavor. It discriminates against people who cant afford to spend hundreds of dollars a month.


Please explain to me how spending hundreds of dollars a month is even remotely required to be competitive in this game, at any time, ever, for anything.


Only blind rage I'm seeing is from the OP. Me, I think it's funny.

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Funny cause the cash shop doesn't have anything better or equal to endgame,


Yo dawg, that's the point. It doesn't.


I heard you like posting, so I posted on your post so you could post while you post.

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