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Hoth impossible!


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Can anyone help me with this? Im level 37 and have been enjoying the game so far.I've got to Hoth and its become completely impossible,Im currently doing the "into the white mission" and the boss (Valon) I literally just cant beat.Am I missing something?Do I need to join a guild and fight in a group? Can someone please shed some light on to this,its doing my head in!!


Cant you see the enemies are way higher lvl then you ?, and fix your armor after dying.You should be lvl 40 atleast

when doing last part of Hoth.Basic logic, what lvl is the enemy you are fighting and what lvl are you.

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If he's level 37 and the mob is 39 it's entirely doable. The problem sounds like the whole invulnerability thing. I've leveled multiple toons spending the whole time 4 levels behind as I mainly just pvp.


OP, try looking at the bosses' buffs and read the text there it might give a hint.


It's doable at that level, but you need the best equipment you can get, which generally means crafting via multiple alts.


Artifice craft purple crystals and hilts

Cybercraft craft purple armour inserts for your armour.

Biotech craft the best implants for your character and his companion.


Please note Purple refers to the rarity of the items not actual colour so your lightsaber crystal can still be a colour you can live with.

You will also want to outfit your companion in the best equipment you can get for him/her.


Finally the secret of defeating Consular bosses is mastering your interupts (Force push, stasis, even lift if used right), use these when he's about to use a massively dangerous move, and it should give you breathing space.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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These days if you're 5 or so lvl higher than the quests lvl you don't get any experience points from doing it....


Well the "or so" let's you off the hook.


The magic number is 7, at least thru Hoth....

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2 words ... gear up


If you think about your stats and stay in at least blue gear you can easily run the game from anything up to 4 levels below recommended, tho I'd suggest keeping it to 3 as 4 levels under can be challenging.


Alternatively just over level by doing bonus quests, flashpoints ect, but to me is much more fun to be underlevelled.


If your struggling, its all about your gear.

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If I remember rightly Valon is level 39.

He'll be invincible at the start - I think that there's an indicator bar - but either way deal with his lackies first.

The just make sure that you interrupt his main attack.

As others have said ensure that your gear is up to scratch especially mods for orange armour. Use those planetary comms to ensure that all is well.

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Yeah, at first you wont do any damage to him iirc. Just keep hacking away and at some point you'll start to see his health drop.


If you want fights to be easier though, make sure that you're buying mods/gear from the commendations vendors on each planet.


Also, having an AC helps. You haven't said if you have one yet so...

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Can anyone help me with this? Im level 37 and have been enjoying the game so far.I've got to Hoth and its become completely impossible,Im currently doing the "into the white mission" and the boss (Valon) I literally just cant beat.Am I missing something?Do I need to join a guild and fight in a group? Can someone please shed some light on to this,its doing my head in!!


I did this fight, however I was lvl 40ish and I was doing just planetquest/ classquest and pvp.


If you have followed the previous quest of this, you would remember that the imperial scientist is telling you that you can beat his armor only by putting him in danger several times so the medical unit of his armor is going to collapse. I believe he healed himself 3-4 times, I didn't pay too much attention as the fight was over faster than I thought.


I had around 9-10k life at that time, I was playing the middle tree and used mainly low slash/ 4sec stun + shadow strike to keep him from doing a lot while my companion was shooting at him (didn't use healer pet). If he is too though, ask someone else to help you, however you should consider doing some flashpoints/ pvp do get back up as Belsavis is going to through you together with lvl 41/42.


As for gearing, forget about the crafter advise (I have all crafter and did this prior), the best and fastest way is to use your planetary comms to get mods, I used usually armor mods with high willpower+low endurance, normal mods with low endurance, power and surge, enhancements with accuracy and power (if possible). If you need more planetary comms, do some pvp and trade your warzone comms for planetary comms (at the pvp vendor, left of the terminal)

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Valon - consular class quest boss - heals himself right up a few times before he goes down for good. Just keep whacking him. As was mentioned, an NPC implies this.


If he kills you, you're not powerful enough. More levels, better gear. Good luck.

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37 is a bit on the low side for Hoth, try doing some PvP or FPs or something until you gain a level or two. Or go back and do a bonus series, I think Nar Shadda and maybe Alderaan should be about the right level for you.
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Oi listen I haven't skipped any content,this is my class mission.If you think the game is beyond easy then good for you.It has been quite easy for me too until this point.Don't go jumping to conclusions!


The bottom line is that you're trying to do a class quest meant for level 40 players at level 37, and that puts you at a severe disadvantage. You need to do some of these things first:

1) Do some of the filler quests on hoth in order to level up more before you go back

2) Upgrade your gear - get some orange pieces and use those Planetary Commendations to put in the most updated modifications you can

3) Do some pvp to level up

4) Do some flashpoints to level up

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Agree with all this expect number 4. On my jedi sent I used Kira from Coruscant to Makeb have almost never died doing my class story or a planet story, and on my shadow I use Qyeeen same story there almost never die. So if you choose a dps companion you should have a easy time too.


Some people cannot play the game without a healing companion. Every other month someone logs in and says you must use your healing companion.

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I started Hoth on my Shadow at 34-35 and had no issues, but I kept up to date on blue armorings replacing every 4-5 levels and bought purple hilts/armorings for my weapon and offhand. Same with Theran, I kept him in full blues. If you are 4 levels below your mob it will take a while as you will miss a lot. 5 levels and you won't do damage.

If you need a couple more levels space and PvP are your friends as it's fairly easy and quick xp.

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LOL, when I first started playing, my first character and experience was identical to yours. Three tries and three times I got him down to a hundred or so HPs and he killed me. So close and so frustrating.


It made me, for the first time, step back and look at my gear and level. Everything had been so easy to that point. My gear was pathetic and indeed I was well under level. It is a good quest in that it is an eye opener.


I put on one level and improved my and my companion's gear and then went back and had no problem.


I think one poster pointed out that you can also ask for help. If I see a help request in chat and can, I always am glad to lend a hand. The game has a lot of good people that will help if asked.


Keep at it, you will get it done.

Edited by asbalana
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Oi listen I haven't skipped any content,this is my class mission.If you think the game is beyond easy then good for you.It has been quite easy for me too until this point.Don't go jumping to conclusions!

You definitely missed some content. If you did all of the class missions, the side missions, the bonus missions, and the flashpoints, then you'd be over-leveled for everything. If you're 3 levels under your class quest, then you missed a lot of stuff. You might not realize you missed it, but you did.

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  • 3 months later...
its because you are 37... you are not supposed to be there for a few more levels... instead of skiping content then claiming the game is too hard why not actually complete all the content.


not to mention if you think this game is hard then you might as well give up because this game is beyond easy.


It isn't easy at all when it comes to heroics, I die constantly on some heroics like the Hoth 2+ ones with a sentinel level 51. They just do too much damage. I'm geared up as is Doc (nothing better on the trade network last I looked) I rotate well with OS, ZS, cauterise, master Strike and others along with force might buff, rebuke and sabre ward where possible, pacify as well an guarded b the force when low on health. I routinely have to die once per group of 3 to take them out.

I can't see anything I'm doing wrong combat-wise yet others talk about how easy it is.


Perhaps you have some advanced tips for me? It's not lack of interrupts because these are mobs who often don't have special abilities

Edited by sabretruthTiger
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Funny thing is I ran my BT thru it yesterday.I was 36 till just before the final boss.I pushed it doing just class to get Blizz.My gear was all purple also my presence was just under 700.I don't know about your setup but what can help.Get blue stims.If you have a chr or a friend that has Biochem as a craft see if he can hook you up.Also maybe some good implants.Are you using Fess?Does he have Augs and do you?Are you in a Guild?
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Can anyone help me with this? Im level 37 and have been enjoying the game so far.I've got to Hoth and its become completely impossible,Im currently doing the "into the white mission" and the boss (Valon) I literally just cant beat.Am I missing something?Do I need to join a guild and fight in a group? Can someone please shed some light on to this,its doing my head in!!


I see this a lot from new players and especially on toons with stealth. you can run all the missions that you know of but you have probably missed some and some of the bonus series are hard to realize. The bonus series for Nar Shaddaa for instance comes well after you have left the planet.


Also stealth is a big problem for new players. It might be fun to stun a mob and sneak past half the mobs in a mission, but you don't get experience for sneaking past things. Many players lose a lot of experience doing this.


Level is very important. Just one level below a boss makes it almost twice as hard as even level, let alone 2 or 3 levels. Normals and strongs are not that bad but elites can eat your lunch and laugh at you if you don't have very good gear.


Gear, as many have already said, is important as well, but not as important as level. Make sure you keep your gear up as well as your companion. You don't HAVE to be in blues and purples (unless you are extremely under level) but at least have gear on you and you companion that is close to your level. A good way to run is with modable gear and use your comms to keep at least the armor and barrel/hilt mods up to your level. Your companion should be in greens and blues their level, or close to it. If you switch to a new companion make sure all their gear slots are full. Most companions don't start with all their gear. Spend a few credits on the GTN to get them outfitted.

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