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Leveling to 50 - it's way too fast


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I have to stress my concern that i was also hoping for some good endgame content.

like somone said above... i AM treating this as a kind of WoW replacement.

I AM hoping to play some great endgame content when i reach 50, which wont take months, rather weeks.

I'm only levelling one other char from the other starting planet, because eventhough the classline quests are different, the rest isnt.

And since i play together with my girlfriend (yes, they excist :D ) and she plays another class... i get to see that classline also.


So in short, i really really like this game, but i hope that it doesnt end with a dud once i reach 50.

Please let me do raids and gain wealth and armor and status and..and..and...

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I do agree they might be coming in with the wrong expectation, due to the very formulaic nature of most previous MMORPGs, but being personally very, very satisfied with the game they've delivered I wouldn't change almost anything about it. For me it's a perfect mix of familiar established MMO gameplay and immersive RPG elements. I know I'm going to stick with this game for a long time to come.

The endgame will expand, I remember RIFT's launch when people did the same thing, rushed to cap in a week and then complained there's nothing to do. Well, it's filled out a lot since and they now release new content on a regular pace. It's absolutely certain we'll see expansion packs and new flashpoints and new challenges. Extremely few MMOs simply launch with all of that content intact.


I know people are repeating this a lot but WoW has had 7 years to build its endgame into the state it is today. 7 years AFTER the initial development time. It's not comparable, and I'm sure in 7 years down the road TOR will match if not exceed that. :)


I would personally change a lot of superficial stuff. I'm a big addon junkie for instance, and I'd also like tiered warfronts. I agree that the game seems like a solid base though.

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QFT. I wish some MMORPG developer would wake up and just *try* making an MMORPG without levelling. I bet they'd be surprised.


Becoming more powerful could be an issue of getting more gear and *gasp* skill and reflexes.


lets see there is eve, mortal online, UO, Dark Fallonline, Fallen Earth.


thats assuming you want skills of some kind.


otherwise it sounds like you just want a FPS.

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I enjoy the faster paced leveling. As others have pointed out, this game is meant to be alt friendly. I actually hope they keep it the way it is. If you arent a completionist it leaves options for other alts. I've skipped all the bonus areas since I ran them multiple times in beta, and I've been just fine.
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No way, leave my leveling speed alone.


I play like 1 hour a day, i don't want to have to grind for fricken weeks to get a few levels.


I love how it doesn't feel like i have to have no life to get ahead and level in this game.


That's my perspective, as well. Leveling is fine.

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They are banking heavily on people making LOTS of alts. The fully voiced aspect is also going to make new content slower to put out as well. I am curious how they are going to try to handle people easily reaching 50 inside the trail period.


I just hope they don't forget about those who don't want to. I tried every class to 15. Drove my friend crazy, my indecision, but he knew I should be happy with the main class I chose for our gaming sessions.


I know enough of what I played to main my Shadow, and keep a Sniper and Scrapper on the side. The rest don't work for me, be it story or mechanics.


I want to keep playing my Shadow through the years. PvE, PvP, whatever.


I hope they give me my carrots.

Edited by AlkalineKitten
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It's still been heavily marketed as a story driven MMO from the get-go, and I just totally fail to grasp how you can make the leap of logic where skipping all of the story DOESN'T result in missing most of the game. They've even directly stated that instead of focusing on shoveling out heaps of endgame content they want you to roll alts and experience different stories in the game while they work on delivering new content.


That's what I was hoping for. Bioware's comment that this game was like KOTOR 3-11 all rolled together had me really excited.


Then I started alts. 80% of the game is repeated almost exactly for all the classes. For example, on Empire, once you get to Dromund Kass -- it's almost all the same. Even the class quests -- they may give you different reasons but for every one you will go to the Statue, then the Revanites, then Grathan and then the Temple. All the same. Same with Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, etc.


And worse -- the choices you make don't seem to actually matter except for the rude/suprised/snarky remarks the NPC's make. You'll still end up doing what they want unless you actually refuse the quest.


Replayability has been disappointing in my opinion thus far.

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says the guy who's already 50...yes let's nerf the crap out of leveling to 50 so that all of those people who aren't 50 yet have to slog 5x harder to get there.


while you're at it, let's nerf slicing some more and make it so that every time you open a lockbox you lose a level.

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I have been playing since the 14th and I am level 21. I just don't see this as being to fast. I work, have a life outside of my computer. Are you sure you didn't use the exp exploit in pvp? You must have skipped cut scenes? I find the pace of leveling to be just fine.


Someone else said it best, I think to many people came into this with the expectation of this is just another MMORPG. I like the differences they have added, I like being able to go off and not compete with 100 other people for the same quest objective.


Every MMO that has launched has had things that need to be fixed or altered. It's the nature of a MMO. Maybe this isn't the challenge you are looking for in a MMO. There is no shame in moving on or wanting something different. I don't see enough of game breaking problems to cancel my sub, unlike Warhammer where they nerfed perfectly good healing classes the first week, didn't open enough servers and fractured guilds and friends then lied about nerfing and yes slowed down experience gain <which made me cancel my sub>. The concept of that game was good but it didn't take enough from DAoC. To drastic of a change to a game in the beginning will lose subs too.


This is a different game with different rules. You have the power to slow yourself down and not get to 50 so early. It's not a great accomplishment getting to 50 so quickly, you only have yourself to blame. I just have no pity on someone who has reach 50 so quickly after launch and then *****es about it being too fast. I am not seeing it personally.:confused:

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That's what I was hoping for. Bioware's comment that this game was like KOTOR 3-11 all rolled together had me really excited.


Then I started alts. 80% of the game is repeated almost exactly for all the classes. For example, on Empire, once you get to Dromund Kass -- it's almost all the same. Even the class quests -- they may give you different reasons but for every one you will go to the Statue, then the Revanites, then Grathan and then the Temple. All the same. Same with Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, etc.


And worse -- the choices you make don't seem to actually matter except for the rude/suprised/snarky remarks the NPC's make. You'll still end up doing what they want unless you actually refuse the quest.


Replayability has been disappointing in my opinion thus far.


I agree.

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Tell me what your /played was to hit 50.


Chances are you skipped a lot of content.


I will concede however, if you do space flights, pvp, and fully clear zones - you will end up a much higher level than the zones you are in.

Edited by Zakumene
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Leave it as it is. I like having more quests in a zone than I actually need. I think the game is fine. I prefer to have more content than less content anyway.


Edit: Been playing quite a bit as well, have one character at 23, another at 11. I do not thing leveling is excessively fast. Outleveling zones is a problem only if you do ALL quests in a zone.

Edited by Raximillian
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The thing is, in most MMOs the leveling curve tends to get steep as you gain higher levels. I just turned level 36 and I haven't even gone to Alderaan yet which is lvl 28-32. The quest is gray so at least I won't be gain levels too fast. Geting from 35-36 was just was quick as getting from level 15-16.
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I can see the same issue as in the Beta version of the game: leveling to 50 is way too fast.


For instance, when I started Tatooine yesterday I was almost level 30. Tatooine is supposed to be done by players whose level is 24-28, and indeed the quests and the mobs on this planet are of that level.


My play style is rather very common: I explore the content of the game: all quests, 1 or 2 space combats per day, flash points done once, 1 or 2 war zones a day, etc... And I'm not bashing at all, as I hate that.


The reasons for being always ahead of content in this game are:

- Quests are rewarding too much XP

- War zones are rewarding too much XP

- Space combats are rewarding too much XP


As a consequence, you can see people that have already reached level 50...


Now, imagine I'm a Bioware developer who spent 5 years on that project, and I can see people being level 50 in 3 days. When you know all the content that is available in this game between level 1 and 50, this is just an awful situation.


If I were a Bioware project leader, I would know two important things: 1) there are plenty of bugs left in this game, and 2) the content is not yet finished / polished. I agree that there are no show-stoppers, but there are still a lot of severe and medium issues that are painful for the general gameplay. It takes time to fix these long list of issues, and therefore having the possibility to reach the level 50 so quickly does not give the developers the opportunity to fix them all on time.


Therefore, as many games before SWTOR that failed for the exact same reasons, I'm starting to doubt about the future of this game.


=> Biowave, please open up your eyes, and react before it's too late.


It's a trap!

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No way, leave my leveling speed alone.


I play like 1 hour a day, i don't want to have to grind for fricken weeks to get a few levels.


I love how it doesn't feel like i have to have no life to get ahead and level in this game.


^I play more then one hour a day but I agree none the less.

Please don't make this another generic/boring grinding MMO.

If you want a grinding MMO play maplestory. The only thing to do in that game IS to grind and getting to level 200 takes ages. Sounds like the perfect game for you OP.

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