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Server Transfers ~ What will YOU do?


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I don't know, I think this server has plenty of solid PvPers. One of the problems, however, is that so many have continued to seek "competition" by joining teams that are already winning without their help. If that's what competition is, then we should all just join the same guild and sit on the fleet laughing about how we are the best and have nobody to play against.



Is this a shot at me? If so it's wildly inaccurate and inappropriate. If not, then I apologize for misconstruing.


There are two problems. One, there are only a handful of 'solid' players on this entire server. Even fewer who know their mechanics; we are talking less than ten. Very few players have any desire to actually get better. The obstacles to them are always the same, bad team support, under-geared, and hacking. It's never what can I do better to streamline my interface, APM, GCD usage, rotation. The few that actually listen when I try to help tend to get exponentially better. This boils down to people don't like to be told they are bad. The lack of bracketing coddles people's misconceptions and breeds ample amounts of stupidity.


Number two, and this is a corollary of what I mentioned above, people on this server simply don't care if they get better or not. They don't want to put any work into pvp (math, stats, numbers, quantifiables) beyond their mechanistic run through daily/weeklies to get gear that won't fix the fundamental problem of simply being ignorant/bad.


I don't claim to know if it's different on a pvp server, but I sure as hell hope so.

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Is this a shot at me? If so it's wildly inaccurate and inappropriate. If not, then I apologize for misconstruing.


There are two problems. One, there are only a handful of 'solid' players on this entire server. Even fewer who know their mechanics; we are talking less than ten. Very few players have any desire to actually get better. The obstacles to them are always the same, bad team support, under-geared, and hacking. It's never what can I do better to streamline my interface, APM, GCD usage, rotation. The few that actually listen when I try to help tend to get exponentially better. This boils down to people don't like to be told they are bad. The lack of bracketing coddles people's misconceptions and breeds ample amounts of stupidity.


Number two, and this is a corollary of what I mentioned above, people on this server simply don't care if they get better or not. They don't want to put any work into pvp (math, stats, numbers, quantifiables) beyond their mechanistic run through daily/weeklies to get gear that won't fix the fundamental problem of simply being ignorant/bad.


I don't claim to know if it's different on a pvp server, but I sure as hell hope so.


Excuse me sir, but, I do in fact care whether or not I get better. Quite oftenat the end of a WZ I think about what I could have done bettet and whete I went wrong. I also tend to look at where my rotation needs tweaking and if I'm using my abilities at the right times. On top of that I do put a fair amount of consideration into my stats and am willing to do some research.

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Excuse me sir, but, I do in fact care whether or not I get better. Quite oftenat the end of a WZ I think about what I could have done bettet and whete I went wrong. I also tend to look at where my rotation needs tweaking and if I'm using my abilities at the right times. On top of that I do put a fair amount of consideration into my stats and am willing to do some research.


Ok, just because I have a little bit of faith, I'll bite. What do you need to work on? What's your rotation for opening up a hypergates? Can you respec on the fly? How many specs can you play? What is your rotation for a sorc and when do you use the right abilities. What is your gear like and what are your stat preferences? What are you gearing towards? What research have you done? What is your average dps/hps in a sustained encounter? Have you made a statistically noticeable improvement from your modifications to your play style? If so, how much?

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Ok, just because I have a little bit of faith, I'll bite. What do you need to work on?


Yay, time for twenty questions!


Can you respec on the fly?


I really haven't respecced on the fly. I've only really done it once and could have been faster at putting in skill points and rearranging my abilities where I prefer them.


I tend not to respec before a WZ starts either. Usually the spec I go in is the one I stick with.


How many specs can you play?


Right now, seventeen. There are a few specs I haven't played since 2.0 went live so I'm reluctant to include them.


What is your rotation for a sorc and when do you use the right abilities. What is your gear like and what are your stat preferences?


Lightning: Affliction -> FC -> TB. Now, if I get the proc for an instant chain lightning then I'll use recklessness -> chain lighting. Preferably when there happens to be people standing near the target. If not, then I may hold off for a bit when I can get the most use out of it. If I don't get the proc, I then use shock. After which, if I get the proc for a double speed force lightning, then force lightning. If not, use shock and see what procs. Really, my rotation changes based on procs, the target's health, and when I feel I can make the most use out of chain lightning and even whether I'm under attack or not.


Not really a fan of madness so I won't include it unless you really want me too.


As for general abilities, well, electrocute I try to use more defensively. If I'm under attack and feel I need it to survive then I will use it. If I feel I need it to help keep a team mate alive then, again, I'll use it. I really only use it offensively when that pesky healer is low and health and I want to guarantee his/her death. As for overload, I'm wiling to use it to give a fellow range and my team's healer some breathing room if they happen to be under fire. When it comes to force speed, I use it to escape or to quickly rush up to a group and use overload hopefully to the benefit of a team mate. Force lift I'll use to help myself escape, give me time to heal up, or to take a pesky range out of the game for a bit. Hell, do it to a sniper and now he can be force charged to. :D


Now, as for huttball, well, I look to use overload to get people off the catwalks and the end zone, to stop a pass, to root people into fire traps with, and to help peel people off my team's ball carrier. I'll try to use extricate to get my ball carrier up to the end zone and to get past a flame pit for a chain pull or just to get ahead of the other team, I will use electrocute to stun the other team's ball carrier in flame pit or the other team's healer that no one is focusing. I'll force lift people to take them out of the game for a bit.


As for gear, well, I'm still working on my sorcerer's PvP gear. He's actually not the character I play the most. As for stat preferences, well, this is something I've been considering quite a bit on. Now, I'm most likely going to be playing my sorc in full lightning for the most part because that's just my preference. Since I'm gearing for lightning, I know that I'm getting a guaranteed crit plus recklessness damn near guarantees two crits so I'm thinking it might work best to neglect my crit rating in favour for even more power. However, I'm not so sure that's a good idea since chain lightning can hit pretty hard when it crits. Plus having other abilities crit does add a little extra burst. Crits just aren't a guarantee.


Considering my class is reliant on activation abilities, I keep wondering if it would be beneficial to stack some alacrity. Activating abilities faster when I'm under fire definitely has it's advantages but I do know that losing surge takes away from my burst.


What research have you done?


Well, I'll go find information about stat gains, changes to classes and specs, what people feel are the optimal stats for each class and even spec, and even whether or not full PvP gear is in fact the best for WZs with the current bolster system. I'll also try to state up to date with who people think are the best PvP guilds and even players on the server I happen to be on. That's mostly so I know who to watch and learn from in WZs.


What is your average dps/hps in a sustained encounter?


Well, for the longest time I figured total damage was a good indicator for DPS/HPS. I've noticed that's not exactly true and have only recently been noting my DPS. Right now, I'm thinking 800-1000 DPS and that would be with a few of my characters. Although, I can't really say I've been in a lot of sustained fights. Most just feel pretty quick. I can say I usually end up in the top three for total damage. I do usually feel as if I could have done better.


By the way, I do know that big numbers don't mean a damn thing if I'm not focusing on the objective. There are a lot of situations where it's just better to CC the hell out of the other team, run interference, or keep moving between nodes. It's also always smarter to kill the damned healer instead of always attempting to DPS through a free casting healer.


I really haven't done much in the way of healing. Usually prefer playing a DPS or tank.


What are you gearing towards?


I'm guessing that you are asking me what my goal is. That would to be to pretty much just enjoy the game and what I really like are the more intense PvP battles. Not the rofl steam roll fests that tend to happen but the ones where both sides really have to work to win. If that means making significant improvement to my skill and how I play, then that's what I'll do.


What's your rotation for opening up a hypergates?


Umm, not really sure what you're asking with this question.


Have you made a statistically noticeable improvement from your modifications to your play style? If so, how much?


Honestly, I don't really pay too much attention to statistics or really keep complete track of my numbers. For the most part, I usually just try to feel things out. WZs just tend to have so many variables and are in no way static like PvE content is. My characters aren't always going to get away with free casting and numbers will look totally different in short skirmishes opposed to long skirmishes. Not too mention the amount of time a person can spend stunned in a WZ..


What do you need to work on?


Gear, min/maxing, figuring out the best time to use certain abilities, strategy, predicting what the other team will do, rotations, perhaps being more flexible, should probably get faster at respeccing, researching more, and keeping a cool head at all times, There could be more but I can't think of anything else right now.


When it really comes down to it though, I'm more interested in just playing and enjoying the game opposed to worrying about every detail. I mean come on, the only real way I'll get better is if I actually play the game instead over analyzing every thing.

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Yay, time for twenty questions!




I really haven't respecced on the fly. I've only really done it once and could have been faster at putting in skill points and rearranging my abilities where I prefer them.


I tend not to respec before a WZ starts either. Usually the spec I go in is the one I stick with.




Right now, seventeen. There are a few specs I haven't played since 2.0 went live so I'm reluctant to include them.




Lightning: Affliction -> FC -> TB. Now, if I get the proc for an instant chain lightning then I'll use recklessness -> chain lighting. Preferably when there happens to be people standing near the target. If not, then I may hold off for a bit when I can get the most use out of it. If I don't get the proc, I then use shock. After which, if I get the proc for a double speed force lightning, then force lightning. If not, use shock and see what procs. Really, my rotation changes based on procs, the target's health, and when I feel I can make the most use out of chain lightning and even whether I'm under attack or not.


Not really a fan of madness so I won't include it unless you really want me too.


As for general abilities, well, electrocute I try to use more defensively. If I'm under attack and feel I need it to survive then I will use it. If I feel I need it to help keep a team mate alive then, again, I'll use it. I really only use it offensively when that pesky healer is low and health and I want to guarantee his/her death. As for overload, I'm wiling to use it to give a fellow range and my team's healer some breathing room if they happen to be under fire. When it comes to force speed, I use it to escape or to quickly rush up to a group and use overload hopefully to the benefit of a team mate. Force lift I'll use to help myself escape, give me time to heal up, or to take a pesky range out of the game for a bit. Hell, do it to a sniper and now he can be force charged to. :D


Now, as for huttball, well, I look to use overload to get people off the catwalks and the end zone, to stop a pass, to root people into fire traps with, and to help peel people off my team's ball carrier. I'll try to use extricate to get my ball carrier up to the end zone and to get past a flame pit for a chain pull or just to get ahead of the other team, I will use electrocute to stun the other team's ball carrier in flame pit or the other team's healer that no one is focusing. I'll force lift people to take them out of the game for a bit.


As for gear, well, I'm still working on my sorcerer's PvP gear. He's actually not the character I play the most. As for stat preferences, well, this is something I've been considering quite a bit on. Now, I'm most likely going to be playing my sorc in full lightning for the most part because that's just my preference. Since I'm gearing for lightning, I know that I'm getting a guaranteed crit plus recklessness damn near guarantees two crits so I'm thinking it might work best to neglect my crit rating in favour for even more power. However, I'm not so sure that's a good idea since chain lightning can hit pretty hard when it crits. Plus having other abilities crit does add a little extra burst. Crits just aren't a guarantee.


Considering my class is reliant on activation abilities, I keep wondering if it would be beneficial to stack some alacrity. Activating abilities faster when I'm under fire definitely has it's advantages but I do know that losing surge takes away from my burst.




Well, I'll go find information about stat gains, changes to classes and specs, what people feel are the optimal stats for each class and even spec, and even whether or not full PvP gear is in fact the best for WZs with the current bolster system. I'll also try to state up to date with who people think are the best PvP guilds and even players on the server I happen to be on. That's mostly so I know who to watch and learn from in WZs.




Well, for the longest time I figured total damage was a good indicator for DPS/HPS. I've noticed that's not exactly true and have only recently been noting my DPS. Right now, I'm thinking 800-1000 DPS and that would be with a few of my characters. Although, I can't really say I've been in a lot of sustained fights. Most just feel pretty quick. I can say I usually end up in the top three for total damage. I do usually feel as if I could have done better.


By the way, I do know that big numbers don't mean a damn thing if I'm not focusing on the objective. There are a lot of situations where it's just better to CC the hell out of the other team, run interference, or keep moving between nodes. It's also always smarter to kill the damned healer instead of always attempting to DPS through a free casting healer.


I really haven't done much in the way of healing. Usually prefer playing a DPS or tank.




I'm guessing that you are asking me what my goal is. That would to be to pretty much just enjoy the game and what I really like are the more intense PvP battles. Not the rofl steam roll fests that tend to happen but the ones where both sides really have to work to win. If that means making significant improvement to my skill and how I play, then that's what I'll do.




Umm, not really sure what you're asking with this question.




Honestly, I don't really pay too much attention to statistics or really keep complete track of my numbers. For the most part, I usually just try to feel things out. WZs just tend to have so many variables and are in no way static like PvE content is. My characters aren't always going to get away with free casting and numbers will look totally different in short skirmishes opposed to long skirmishes. Not too mention the amount of time a person can spend stunned in a WZ..




Gear, min/maxing, figuring out the best time to use certain abilities, strategy, predicting what the other team will do, rotations, perhaps being more flexible, should probably get faster at respeccing, researching more, and keeping a cool head at all times, There could be more but I can't think of anything else right now.


When it really comes down to it though, I'm more interested in just playing and enjoying the game opposed to worrying about every detail. I mean come on, the only real way I'll get better is if I actually play the game instead over analyzing every thing.



tab target - shoot, shoot, shoot - jet boost - electron et / giggle at the bunny jumping - heal heal heal heal point shoot - oh lost a node swear point shoot point shoot heal heal shield giggle heal get los'ed swear, ganked then die. the end Research i don't think i have ever done much research i just play.

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tab target - shoot, shoot, shoot - jet boost - electron et / giggle at the bunny jumping - heal heal heal heal point shoot - oh lost a node swear point shoot point shoot heal heal shield giggle heal get los'ed swear, ganked then die. the end Research i don't think i have ever done much research i just play.


If you lost a node, someone clearly didn't call it and you clearly failed to slap the bastard. Always slap the guy that didn't call it out. Even if it's you. :cool:


Here's my jugg's rotation when in rage: Enrage - force charge - smash - get stunned - get stunned - get stunned yet again - resolve kicks in - die. Sometimes it's, Enrage - force charge - stunned - stunned - force crush - stun - obliterate - smash - die. :(

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That actually was a decent reply except for the stats part (and I assume by shock you meant lightning strike, try the 30/16 hybrid btw, much more versatile). Stack all power. You want the highest aggregate total of willpower/power you can get (I believe it's aptitude mod AX) . Crit is currently obsolete for all classes. Secondary stats should be surge to 70% and either ~4% more surge or 5% alacrity. Max expertise (each point is roughly equivalent to 5 power). Offheal bubbling is also something to consider.
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That actually was a decent reply except for the stats part (and I assume by shock you meant lightning strike, try the 30/16 hybrid btw, much more versatile). Stack all power. You want the highest aggregate total of willpower/power you can get (I believe it's aptitude mod AX) . Crit is currently obsolete for all classes. Secondary stats should be surge to 70% and either ~4% more surge or 5% alacrity. Max expertise (each point is roughly equivalent to 5 power). Offheal bubbling is also something to consider.


Yep, mentioned shock when I meant lightning strike. Although, I'm almost thinking it's better to go shock - affliction - crushing darkness - shock (think it would be off CD by now) - TB. Just feel it may be more beneficial to work shock in more seeing as how it's instant and does decent damage.


Heard about the hybrid but haven't seen a build for it. I pretty much figured people where speccing into madness for death field which is definitely more versatile than TB. Right now, I'm going with TB because it hits a single target really hard which is good for taking down healers and it has a chance to give me an instant cast on chain lightning.


Usually what I'll do is take the power mods just for the fact the power gain outweighs the main stat gain on the other mod. As for augments, with my sorc I've been going with resolve augments seeing as how I can spec for a 6% increase to willpower and it adds to my crit rating.

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Yep, mentioned shock when en, en I meant lightning strike. Although, I'm almost thinking it's better to go shock - affliction - crushing darkness - shock (think it would be off CD by now) - TB. Just feel it may be more beneficial to work shock in more seeing as how it's instant and does decent damage.


Heard about the hybrid but haven't seen a build for it. I pretty much figured people where speccing into madness for death field which is definitely more versatile than TB. Right now, I'm going with TB because it hits a single target really hard which is good for taking down healers and it has a chance to give me an instant cast on chain lightning.


Usually what I'll do is take the power mods just for the fact the power gain outweighs the main stat gain on the other mod. As for augments, with my sorc I've been going with resolve augments seeing as how I can spec for a 6% increase to willpower and it adds to my crit rating.


Anyone who's playing madness instead of lightning heavy hybrid, madness heavy hybrid, or full lightning is selling themselves short.


Use resolve augments. Use power/surge enhancements. Use the lower endurance/high willpower/and high power mods.


I save shock to break bubbles before death field, instant lightning strike, or chain lightning... Or for killing blows.

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Hello everyone,


My name is Bruce Maclean and I am a Senior Producer here at BioWare Austin. I know there have been a lot of questions around the forums about what kind of content you can expect from us this year and so I’m here today to give you all a bit of information about what we’re working on bringing to you this summer!


First up, Game Update 2.2, which is currently targeted for launch on June 11th:•Nightmare Mode Terror From Beyond. It’s got vicious new mechanics and is definitely not for the faint of heart. I’m very excited for you to see the new gear that comes with this, which uses a new appearance system we’ve developed for armor and weapons called ‘Scrolling UVs’.

•New Guild Bonuses! Players in guilds currently receive a +5% experience bonus, but now every 5 active players in the guild will add an additional 1% bonus to XP and reputation, up to a maximum bonus of 10% each.

•Crafters can now craft Underworld gear! But don’t RE that piece if you are still using it…

•Unified fleet chat channel for each faction, for easier group finding without having to hop between instances.


We’ve seen a lot of requests for a rerun of our Double XP weekends. Well, okay! We’d like to help you stay cool in the heat of the summer with three weekends starting June 22nd and continuing through July 7th. The third and last weekend will actually start early on Thursday the 4th of July, in case you are enjoying a long Independence Day weekend.


By July 9th Ops groups will have had four weeks to cut their teeth on Nightmare Mode Terror From Beyond. That’s when we will launch Nightmare Mode Scum and Villainy as a part of Game Update 2.2.2! New mechanics and unique loot for you.


July 23rd look for a return of the Relics of the Gree Event for a nice two week long run. Per community request the Event will scaled up to level 55 on this next run!


August 6th is our target date for Game Update 2.3, which we are working on right now and will be our biggest update since 2.0. Some of the bigger parts of this update are:

•New Flashpoints

•New Daily Area

•New Recurring Event

•Significant graphical upgrades


This isn’t an exhaustive list, and we are also working on some longer term stuff. Sometimes we have been averse to discussing specific dates well in advance, because we aren’t going to release anything unless we feel it is ready to go live and we don’t want to upset folks if we move a date back. Well I think we should just tell you what date the teams are shooting for, and if we don’t hit them we’ll just tell you why. Radical thinking, I know. As we get closer we’ll have a lot more juicy details on these - keep your eyes peeled to the forums and SWTOR.com for more information. Also, for those who are curious about the next updates to PvP, I will just say… apart from minor tweaks (like stunbreak abilities cooldown being reset on death in 2.2) you should look forward to Game Update 2.4. /rubshands



I don't see any mentions of transfer options.... but I'm not one for digging for this stuff and might be missing it.

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Eric made a post to confirm transfers are still planned for 2.2. Go check the dev tracker.


Anyone who's playing madness instead of lightning heavy hybrid, madness heavy hybrid, or full lightning is selling themselves short.


Use resolve augments. Use power/surge enhancements. Use the lower endurance/high willpower/and high power mods.


I save shock to break bubbles before death field, instant lightning strike, or chain lightning... Or for killing blows.


Madness has never really been my preference. Lightning has always been my preference and post 2.0 is more viable now.


Pretty much what I'm doing now.


I'll keep that in mind.


I've heard about DPS and even healers going endurance heavy. Any thoughts?

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Madness has never really been my preference. Lightning has always been my preference and post 2.0 is more viable now.


Pretty much what I'm doing now.


I'll keep that in mind.


I've heard about Drive. nd even healers going endurance heavy. Any thoughts?


I think it's a good idea if you're concerned about your team's lack of ability to play objectively or have enough awareness to assist you. IE, if you're solo queueing often and focused often. However, I don't see the point with competent team mates. I personally have min/maxed full power/surge/willpower on every item and have 30k buffed health. I don't die too quickly and I can adjust my play around how I'm itemized.


Check out my videos if you want some insight into my play style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTFvVzha9RY

I have a healing huttball and lightning hypergates up. I'll have all specs up soon. I need to remember to turn off chat for fraps. I keep having great games, but people are whispering me about child support payments etc.

Edited by Getzeitzuu
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In the pool for TESO and Wildstar beta. Those are vastly more appealing than more stale/broken SWTOR PVP on another which server.

I've given up hope that I'll get a beta invite for ESO.:(


ESO keeps looking more and more appealing. One massive PvP zone with plenty to do once there. It also means they'rewill be no PvP servers which may result in a better balance of good PvPers. Also hoping they have objective based WZs to queue up for.


Wildstar I keep meaning to check out.

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Ok, just because I have a little bit of faith, I'll bite. What do you need to work on? What's your rotation for opening up a hypergates? Can you respec on the fly? How many specs can you play? What is your rotation for a sorc and when do you use the right abilities. What is your gear like and what are your stat preferences? What are you gearing towards? What research have you done? What is your average dps/hps in a sustained encounter? Have you made a statistically noticeable improvement from your modifications to your play style? If so, how much?


This is a thread about server transfers and this is totally OT.


I'm not sure what I'm doing but this last article is a bit disheartening. I'm trying to give EA every last chance to do something; anything positive and they keep disappointing us.




I can say this, if they try and charge real money, 30 bucks for a transfer then I think people will be reconsidering if its even worth it. And yea ID has enough good players to form 2 ranked teams atm, so barring the rest of the server merging into one giant pvp guild, ranked will never really be competitive on this server, they can always fight each other though lol. The guy from Wanted has a point, although its not anyone's fault, it just is what it is. Then again I'm no expert on ranked just giving my observations.

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This is a thread about server transfers and this is totally OT.


I'm not sure what I'm doing but this last article is a bit disheartening. I'm trying to give EA every last chance to do something; anything positive and they keep disappointing us.




I can say this, if they try and charge real money, 30 bucks for a transfer then I think people will be reconsidering if its even worth it. And yea ID has enough good players to form 2 ranked teams atm, so barring the rest of the server merging into one giant pvp guild, ranked will never really be competitive on this server, they can always fight each other though lol. The guy from Wanted has a point, although its not anyone's fault, it just is what it is. Then again I'm no expert on ranked just giving my observations.


Don't think ID has enough for two teams quite honestly. Especially not if you wanted decent group comp.

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Well, how much open world PvP actually goes on? Also, how often would one have to put up with baddies waiting for people to be fighting a mob before they pounce?


Open world pvp you say? POT5 has the best. Check out some of my world pvp events on my YouTube channel and look at our forums, we have another this weekend. I'll be streaming it as well (again, see sig for info)


Hope that helps!

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Open world pvp you say? POT5 has the best. Check out some of my world pvp events on my YouTube channel and look at our forums, we have another this weekend. I'll be streaming it as well (again, see sig for info)


Hope that helps!


I've actually been lurking in PoT5's forum lately.


Just wondering how often skirmishes break out that lead to full scale warfare.

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