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Server Transfers ~ What will YOU do?


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I've heard plenty of talk about people getting excited for server transfers once they come out and looking into transferring to a PvP server (Most likely PoT5 or maybe Bastion)


What are your plans once server transfers come out?


What if it's only PvE -> PvE and PvP -> PvP? Do you believe it would be unwise for Bioware to do this?


Personally, months ago I decided to reroll to PoT5 because all I really enjoy in this game is PvP. Even though I spent about a year leveling and building up my legacy on a PvE server, I think it was well worth grinding out new toons on PoT5. It's been a great experience for me so far and I really hope the avid PvPers that got stuck on a PvE server come over and get to enjoy the PvP community here without having to grind through lowbies.


If you are a PvEr, would you consider transferring to another PvE server to check out the community there? Let me know what you think.

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If you can only transfer from PVE to PVE theres no reason for me to move, but if you can go from PVE to PVP then I'm probably leaning towards moving at least some of my characters to POT5 for a better chance at getting consistent ranked pops.


Its a tough sell though, especially if they don't offer an affordable way to move over your entire legacy.

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Well, for the most part, I like the community on this server. But, if a lot of the PvPers decide to transfer then I would highly consider transferring. More so if people I know also happen to transfer.


Even though I spend most my time PvPing I'm not terribly fond of moving to a PvP server. Large scale open world PvP battles can be fun, it's just that I don't always feel like PvPing. Sometimes I just want to relax, run dailies or level an alt. So, I just don't find a PvP sever completely tempting. However, if most the PvPers, especially the good ones, transfer then I can see PvP over here sucking.


I'm pretty much hoping transfers are pricey so a mass exodus doesn't happen.

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If you can only transfer from PVE to PVE theres no reason for me to move, but if you can go from PVE to PVP then I'm probably leaning towards moving at least some of my characters to POT5 for a better chance at getting consistent ranked pops.


Its a tough sell though, especially if they don't offer an affordable way to move over your entire legacy.


There is certainly a better chance of getting consistent ranked pops on PoT5. It's a bad night when only 3 teams are queueing. Tonight Hoth Ski Patrol, S Key To Victory, Ubique, I AM LEGEND, Complications, and possibly Hostile Takeover were queueing rateds. Onslaught and Clutch may have had teams going as well I'm not sure... All of the aforementioned guilds queue regularly except for one.


I firmly believe you guys would have a blast over here. Hopefully BW wisens up and allows PvE -> PvP. If not then start making alts here I guess lol.

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There is certainly a better chance of getting consistent ranked pops on PoT5. It's a bad night when only 3 teams are queueing. Tonight Hoth Ski Patrol, S Key To Victory, Ubique, I AM LEGEND, Complications, and possibly Hostile Takeover were queueing rateds. Onslaught and Clutch may have had teams going as well I'm not sure... All of the aforementioned guilds queue regularly except for one.


I firmly believe you guys would have a blast over here. Hopefully BW wisens up and allows PvE -> PvP. If not then start making alts here I guess lol.


Well, how much open world PvP actually goes on? Also, how often would one have to put up with baddies waiting for people to be fighting a mob before they pounce?



the only place this game's pvp crowd should go is to a better pvp game


Sir, people have different preferences. So, for a lot of people there may be no game out there with better PvP.

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I'll certainly transfer my pubs and maybe my imps. But seriously, I still havent seen any serious information about these server transfers. Can any of you share a link of a dev post or something like that?


P.S Btw, what side is stronger on Pot5?

Edited by JeffSantos
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On PoT5 I would say Imperials do better in regular warzones; there are a LOT of bad republic premades, but in rateds the top Republic teams have the upper hand at the moment. In regulars it can really go either way, it's pretty competitive and lots more fun.
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I answered this on the first thread about it. Good luck to those who pack up and leave. All those who stay behind, wanna party with me?


1) Boombox dusted off? Check.

2) Cassette of Appetite for Destruction inserted in said boombox? Check.

3) Extra cans of Aquanet? Check.

4) Pillowcase full of powder blue Bic lighters? Check.

5) Looking like a hundred bucks in my cutoff jean shorts, combat boots and bacon-stained wife beater? Check.

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If I do move, I'm likely keeping some toons here and moving others. It all depends on transfer options and cost. I really don't want to have to grind more toons to 55 and start ALL over again in terms of finances and all the crap I worked pretty hard to get. I have a comfortable life here on Shadowlands (ie: Finally have a stable group of people to run with; I don't have to PVE to make money anymore) but moving to a PVP server makes a lot more sense seeing as I only really PVP when I'm on. It'll take some getting used to always looking over my shoulder again though. =)
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Boom box? Cassette? Damn it man, all the cool people are listening to vinyl.



I answered this on the first thread about it. Good luck to those who pack up and leave. All those who stay behind, wanna party with me?


Depends, what kind of a party?

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I'm from The Bastion.


Honestly looking forward to transferring to Shadowlands as soon as possible. I came to The Crucible Pits (Merged into Bastion), with a few friends that were old SWG vets. After they stopped playing, i got into some pretty nice PVE guilds. Unfortunately, they ended up leaving as well.


So i've been stuck on a US West PVP server (As primarily a PVE player) with about 180-250 MS constant, for almost two years now.


It's the ultimate "Nothing left for me here. Time to go." feeling, had it for a long time. Will be transferring to Shadowlands as soon as transfers come (Hopefully, with 2.2)

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Only the casuals will stay as they can sit on fleet and pretend they are good and know what pvp is actually about, the day xfers are implemented any self respecting pvper will be gone from the crap load server and onto a server where there are no safe zones or bolster noobs who think they are the ****.


there are almost pretty much zero pvpers on the republic side as to any call for imperial action on any planet is ignored and alot of regular players have trouble even doing basic things in warzones nowadays. these transfers cannot come fast enough.

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Can't wait to transfer. Honestly paid transfers should have been available this time last year. Rolled a pve server to play with my friends and cause this was my first mmo. Then pvp ended up being way more fun than pve for me and my friends stopped playing. Add to that the fact that their really isn't a team that can consistently be competitive on this server, and not much reason to stay. Will miss people that stay behind, but only wish you guys join me.
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Can't wait to transfer. Honestly paid transfers should have been available this time last year. Rolled a pve server to play with my friends and cause this was my first mmo. Then pvp ended up being way more fun than pve for me and my friends stopped playing. Add to that the fact that their really isn't a team that can consistently be competitive on this server, and not much reason to stay. Will miss people that stay behind, but only wish you guys join me.


SO many things should have been available a year ago. I'm the exact same way with originally rolling pve (friends/first mmo), and finding out that pvp was a lot more entertaining.


Also, what was the reason for Invalid Target leaving? They were really good competition for you for a while no?


I had work tonight but Yoda and the others did ranked for like 6 hours, played at least 4 different teams, when I got home from work at 1am they were still going and rotated me in. You guys are going to have a blast over here. Can't wait.

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Can't wait to transfer. Honestly paid transfers should have been available this time last year. Rolled a pve server to play with my friends and cause this was my first mmo. Then pvp ended up being way more fun than pve for me and my friends stopped playing. Add to that the fact that their really isn't a team that can consistently be competitive on this server, and not much reason to stay. Will miss people that stay behind, but only wish you guys join me.


TGO will miss u somnax

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