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VIP Vendor


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Yeah, that security key vendor really got beefed up with one red/white dye for 5k credits. I wish they'd make it a target dummy so I could just unload on it every time I walk past it. 1 addition since launch. Awesome job guys.


They never promised to update content on this vendor though. And frankly, for a long time.. the contents on this vendor > then the CE vendor.

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I am still here and still wondering about all this. . :(


I agree there should be something here but frankly all they could add here is FLUFF and you should know by now that kind of content is only for the CM.


They already got your money, they could give you something for credits OR they could charge you CCs for it; no brainer; your cash is spent and frankly they don't care about you past your wallet; its not about satisfied customers it is about paying customers. Milkin us for every penny

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I dunno in most games any preorder/CE stuff is just fluff you get at the beginning of the game to stand out and it never changes. That they actually have a few times at all is pretty amazing. Certainly not expected by me.
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Not true.


The CE vendor has had multiple new dyes placed on it in recent months, some of them exclusive BoP (like Black/Yellow)


Same for the Security Vendor.


You can piss and moan about what they put on the vendors, but not that "all planned updates were scrapped".


VIP vendor.. yeah.. dead rabbit since launch. So what?


For my statement to be entirely true or false we would need to know what they planned to add to the Collector's Edition vendor before the work on F2P began. Since we won't get that information all we can do is speculate, so let's explore that line of thought.


I do not think they planned to add dye packs to the CE vendor back before they started working on the cartel market because the dyes were implemented several months after the cartel market went live. It could be that they had the dye system planned back before they started working on the cartel market. So maybe they did have a few packs planned.


To date, all they have added to the CE vendor is one re-skinned pet, one re-skinned headpiece, and 3(or 4?) dyes.


Personally, I think they planned to add much more to the vendor than that. Not really sure why they didn't. They obviously had a lot of new gear designs in the works, but they chose not to update the vendor they said they would update.


Then again, they did retract their official stance on updating the CE vendor about 14 months after the game launched when they only thing that had been added was the re-skinned pet.


Who knows, perhaps the massive layoffs 6 months after launch are what did in the CE vendor. Maybe CE vendor updates were dead long before development started on the CM.

Edited by Jaing
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To me the advantage of the VIP area has never been that there is a vendor there. Who cares? The cool thing is that you've got the GTN, your storage locker, and a mail kiosk within a few steps of each other, and it is rarely crowded. It really is the best and easiest place to do your business while on fleet.


As to why the DEVS don't answer anyone in the forums? It's because most of the issues are trivial and not worth their while, besides which an individual DEV likely does not have authority to "fix" whatever it is people here seem to feel is broken. You might not like it, but the basic reason the DEVS don't listen to the children on these forums is because it would drive them bat-poop crazy. It would drive them into a foul mood and they'd never get any work done. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was a house rule for the DEVS to "Never Read the Forums" on company time.

Yeah that GTN, Mail Box, and Cargo access all being together in a a relatively uncrowded area is nice and really the only good thing about the VIP Access.


Still the VIP Vendor being such a worthless part of the package is sad. It is what needs to be improved. You ask "who cares". Well I care, or else I would not be here asking them to improve it. I prefer my game content, even the Fluff Items Content, to be in-game. I am not really a fan of the Cartel Market. Being a subscriber I like to have a game worth subscribing to. So to me every little bit of improvement is worth it. Even if it is some stupid vendor getting a little bit more stuff that is better than what it currently has.

Heck I do not even care if they were to add the option to the vendors for us to pay with both in-game credits and cartel coins, just as long as they add more to it that we can buy with in-game credits. There has to be something more that they can do to make it better and worth while.


As for the Dev's.

You said "the reason the DEVS don't listen to the children on these forums is because it would drive them bat-poop crazy". Well that could be a reason but I highly doubt it. I know for a fact that many game dev's read there forums. I can not speak for these dev's with this game, but when I mod'ed for EA UK Forums I communicated with many of the dev's there. The same for when I mod'ed in BattleLog. Plus the Mod's can pass the word along to the Dev's if need be. I have many times when I mod'ed those forums. There should be no good reason as to why the Dev's do not communicate. It is something they really need to improve upon, which is something I hope they do. Even when I mod'ed it was something that I had always tried to help them improve upon. One day maybe they will improve, but sadly it does not look like that will be today or anytime soon. :(



I agree there should be something here but frankly all they could add here is FLUFF and you should know by now that kind of content is only for the CM.


They already got your money, they could give you something for credits OR they could charge you CCs for it; no brainer; your cash is spent and frankly they don't care about you past your wallet; its not about satisfied customers it is about paying customers. Milkin us for every penny

Sadly this is true. But like the community did for the CE Vendor we can keep bringing it up until they do add stuff to the VIP Vendor again. That is my plan. To keep bringing this subject up until they make the VIP Vendor more useful than just having a stupid overpriced speeder. :)


All I want it to have is some good items to make it worth while. I do not really care what type of Fluff it is, just as long as it is something. ;)

Edited by WarbNull
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Well another week gone by and I still am looking to see if the Forum Mod's or Game Dev's will be willing to talk about this subject.

Seriously? You think you can "guilt" an employee response?


Are we going to see anything done to this Vendor?

I doubt it. Get a sec key and you'll have access to a special vendor if it means that much to you. Doesn't even cost real money if you can use the phone app.

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Seriously? You think you can "guilt" an employee response?



I doubt it. Get a sec key and you'll have access to a special vendor if it means that much to you. Doesn't even cost real money if you can use the phone app.

I would not really call it trying to "guilt" them, but hey what ever works. :D

For me I consider it as being more like trying to keep the subject talked about. Maybe even constantly bothering them about it. If we ask enough and talk enough about it, it will have a better chance to be noticed and maybe fixed. Basically I am trying to do the same exact thing that the community has done for the CE vendor. The VIP Vendor needs love just like the CE Vendor and any other Vendor in this game that may become useless.


By the way, I already have the Security Key. Had it for a very long time. That Vendor is not what bothers me. It has a lot more stuff on it that set at decent prices. It is the VIP Vendor with its one over expensive speeder that bothers me. The VIP Vendor is just useless in its current state. All I want is to see it more useful. There is nothing wrong with that. All I am basically doing is trying to get more content added to it. It just needs more items to make it worth visiting and make getting the VIP Bracelet more worth while. :cool:


So until it gets some love I will continue to press the subject. :rolleyes:

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For me I consider it as being more like trying to keep the subject talked about. Maybe even constantly bothering them about it

Because most people react well to being "bothered." :rolleyes:


By the way, I already have the Security Key. Had it for a very long time. That Vendor is not what bothers me. It has a lot more stuff on it that set at decent prices. It is the VIP Vendor with its one over expensive speeder that bothers me. The VIP Vendor is just useless in its current state. All I want is to see it more useful. There is nothing wrong with that. All I am basically doing is trying to get more content added to it. It just needs more items to make it worth visiting and make getting the VIP Bracelet more worth while. :cool:

I don't know why you care. It is what it is.

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Because most people react well to being "bothered." :rolleyes:



I don't know why you care. It is what it is.


Why do people care about the CE Vendor? If you can answer that then you will know the answer your question. They are pretty much the same reason. :D


I will say this. Those that kept bothering the Dev's about the CE Vendor succeeded in getting more things added to that vendor. So the same thing can have the possibility to be done here as well. All it needs is for the community to continue to do the same thing they did before with the CE Vendor for the VIP Vendor. It is all about improving the game. Even if it is as little as a Vendor or as big as PVP. It does not matter what it is that we in the community want to focus on improving, if we do not ask for it at all then our chances for getting things improved is less. So we need to keep asking for improvements, no matter what they are. We need to express our opinions. I have a few things that I would like to see improved. From the Space Features, to Bounty Hunting, to more Story Missions content, to even something as small as the ability to Sit in Chairs. It is just that for this thread I am looking to see the VIP Vendor improved. So I will continue to bring it up as much as possible in hopes that it will happen. :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still no love for the VIP Vendor. So I have to bring this up once more while I still can.


Please BioWare give the VIP Vendor some love. If any Vendor gets an update next, it should be the VIP Vendor. One overpriced speeder for 2.5 million credits is not worth it. IT needs some. A dye, some clothing, a pet or two, heck maybe even a new animal mount or another speeder of some kind. Something to make it worth visiting.


So please BioWare, give the VIP Vendor some Love. :p

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Still no love for the VIP Vendor. So I have to bring this up once more while I still can.


Please BioWare give the VIP Vendor some love. If any Vendor gets an update next, it should be the VIP Vendor. One overpriced speeder for 2.5 million credits is not worth it. IT needs some. A dye, some clothing, a pet or two, heck maybe even a new animal mount or another speeder of some kind. Something to make it worth visiting.


So please BioWare, give the VIP Vendor some Love. :p


Next Patch... bottles of "diet weak sauce" Bind to Legacy of course. :p


whatever you sprinkle it on get's a nerf. Don't get any on your privates. :p

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Next Patch... bottles of "diet weak sauce" Bind to Legacy of course. :p


whatever you sprinkle it on get's a nerf. Don't get any on your privates. :p



Reminds me of a Comedy Skit I heard about the Nads Hair Removal product. :p


Seriously though even some bottles of "Diet Weak Sauce" would be better than nothing. It would definitely be better than that Overpriced Speeder. :rolleyes:

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You can purchase a VIP band in the VIP area above the fleet cantina. does that grant acsess to collectors vendor?


It is bound I think & you need it to go to VIP area... will check again but seems as loophole for me.


Edit: yes you can buy VIP band in VIP area ... loophole as I said because it is BoP & you needed to go to VIP area, but you can also buy one from vendors bellow VIP area.

It grant access to VIP area & VIP vendor (1 stupid & overpriced mount), Collector vendor require Collector Edition, Security vendor require active security key.

Edited by morfius
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  • 1 month later...
As DDE is still selling ... this may be a good idea to lure more players to buy a DDE.


Yes exactly thats what I was thinking. I spoke with a few people in gen chat about upgrading to the DDE or CE and they were still using the standard edition if I recall. I also mention about the VIP vendor and told them what was in it. After that they weren't convinced about upgrading yet since they felt there wasn't much incentives to do so.


So Bioware if you're reading this I would suggest you add some more items for the VIP vendor. It can be any exclusive items: orange gears,crafting mats,companion customizations,weapons,dye colors....whatever!

If you add more items then I bet you'll be making some extra income from the players who'll be willing to upgrade from the standard edition just to get some of these VIP items.

Edited by plotenox
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You can purchase a VIP band in the VIP area above the fleet cantina. does that grant acsess to collectors vendor?


Any one can get up to the VIP area if you spend the credits. This will get you access to all the stuff up there including the VIP vendor (which sells a very expensive speeder and nothing else) but only people who bought the Collector's Edition can use the Collector's Edition vendor.

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