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VIP Vendor


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Will we ever see anything added to the VIP Vendor?

All it has is that very expensive Speeder. They added Dyes to the Collectors Edition Vendor and Security Key Vendor but nothing for the VIP Vendor. Is that Vendor a Lost Cause or something?


By the way if any Devs read this. I would like to see more than just Dyes added to this vendor please. Please make it worth while.

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Is the CE vendor NOT the VIP Vendor?


I am not challenging your thread. I just always thought that the BAMF Ithorian in the VIP lounge was the CE vendor.

Edited by TheBBP
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Perfect opportunity for them to add all the dye options for 5k creds to a vendor!


That would make so many people happy, even if some of the good ones were 500k-1m credits that would still mean NO GAMBLE PACKS YAY, but on the other hand my own private section of fleet will be crowded :p

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Will we ever see anything added to the VIP Vendor?

All it has is that very expensive Speeder. They added Dyes to the Collectors Edition Vendor and Security Key Vendor but nothing for the VIP Vendor. Is that Vendor a Lost Cause or something?


By the way if any Devs read this. I would like to see more than just Dyes added to this vendor please. Please make it worth while.


Nothing of importance will ever be added. They already got the money, so why do they care? They don't.

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Nothing of importance will ever be added. They already got the money, so why do they care? They don't.

You know as much as I hate to say that, that is how it feels. :(


It is a waste of a vendor. The NPC is like a Bum on the side of the road trying to sale you a dead flower for a hundred dollars. Or in this case and Ugly Speeder for 2.5 Million Credits. :rolleyes:

he is a bad used car salesman if you as me. :p


Anyways I hope they take the time to at load this vendor up with Item Content. Clothes, Armor, Weapons, Pets, More speeders, or something. I am not much to impressed with there Dye System but a few of those are more than likely what they will add to it at this moment in time. I just hope they add other things as well.

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  • 1 month later...

I need to bring this back up to ask once again.


Will we ever see an Update to this Vendor?


It seems like it is being forgotten about. The Vendor is really useless at the moment. After all it only has is that 2.5 Million Credit Speeder. It also makes the VIP Lounge Wristband that cost 1 Million Credits even more useless when you think about it. Why pay that much for it when the Vendor you gain access to has nothing of value because it only has one overly priced item on it?


It would be really nice to here from a Dev or a Mod on this.

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So is this going to get buried again without any sort of acknowledgement from a Dev or Mod?


I have seen them reply about the CE Vendor but nothing on the VIP Vendor. At the very least you all can say whether or not you will be doing anymore with it. It is ridiculous to have all the attention on one Vendor and not the other. They are both supposed to be worth while and that is not how it is. The VIP Vendor is useless in its current state. So please think about doing something with it or you might as well just remove it completely.

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  • 1 month later...

I am bringing this back up again because I am still not seeing anything mentioned about it. Not in Patches and not in the forums or anywhere else. Patch-After-Patch and we do not get anything added to this yet we get comments from the DEV's / MOD's about the CE Vendor.


Why oh why can we not get anything added to this VIP Vendor?

What is the deal?

Why not even an acknowledgement about it here in the forums?

Do the DEV's and or MOD's not care about the VIP Vendor and the people that have access to it?

Is this going to another one of those long list of things that they ignore and even speaking about?


I want to know the answer to these things. The VIP Vendor is Useless right now and I want it to have more use to us. One ugly and very expensive speeder is just not enough to make it worth while, in my opinion.


Please DEV's and or MOD's, comment on this.

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I am still here and still wondering about all this. What is the deal BioWare and EA? Do any of you DEV's or MOD's even read these forums?

It seems like you all just ignore most subjects. It is quit depressing and really puts people off. You all need to be more open with the community and at least try to communicate with us more. I swear if you all are not just ignoring this subject, then you all are not even viewing the forums. At least that is what it seems like. :(


This subject is such an easy subject to answer. It is really a Yes or No question and to improve the vendor takes such little work as all it needs it to have a few items added to it. What is the issue with that, that you all would just keep passing this subject up?


Even a comment from the Forum MOD's saying that they will pass this question along to the DEV's would be satisfying for a bit. I at least did that when I MOD'ed forums and it would at least satisfy me for for a bit. It would at least give me the hope that the DEV's would have heard this subject.



Anyways I have ranted enough for now. I will check back on this later. hopefully it will get noticed and commented on at some point. Until then I will just have to be vigilant and keep bringing it up until in hopes that it finally gets commented on some day. :(

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The good ol' garbage truck, why do you not like it? :D


Forget the fact that I personally do not like the look of it. For me I am hard pressed to pay 1 million credits for anything in this game. So 2.5 million just makes me ask, "What where they smoking?". :rolleyes:


All I would like to see for this Vendor is more items added to it and at a reasonable price to boot. The way they keep avoiding the subject makes it seem like it will never happen. :(

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Yeah, that security key vendor really got beefed up with one red/white dye for 5k credits. I wish they'd make it a target dummy so I could just unload on it every time I walk past it. 1 addition since launch. Awesome job guys.
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What happened to updates to the collectores edition, VIP, and security key vendors?


The Cartel Market.


All planned updates to these vendors were scrapped (or repurposed) for the cartel market once the game went free-to-play.


F2P singnaled a different era in development, all prior developmental promises are null and void. The majority of new development in this game is for the Cartel Market. Content updates have not been getting anywhere near as much effort.


Thankfully we will get some new flashpoints, dailies, and an event in the coming month. But updates to vendors... don't hold your breath. Why add stuff to an in-game vendor costing in-game credits when new item development goes towards the cartel market, where they can charge real money.

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To me the advantage of the VIP area has never been that there is a vendor there. Who cares? The cool thing is that you've got the GTN, your storage locker, and a mail kiosk within a few steps of each other, and it is rarely crowded. It really is the best and easiest place to do your business while on fleet.


As to why the DEVS don't answer anyone in the forums? It's because most of the issues are trivial and not worth their while, besides which an individual DEV likely does not have authority to "fix" whatever it is people here seem to feel is broken. You might not like it, but the basic reason the DEVS don't listen to the children on these forums is because it would drive them bat-poop crazy. It would drive them into a foul mood and they'd never get any work done. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was a house rule for the DEVS to "Never Read the Forums" on company time.

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To me the advantage of the VIP area has never been that there is a vendor there. Who cares? The cool thing is that you've got the GTN, your storage locker, and a mail kiosk within a few steps of each other, and it is rarely crowded. It really is the best and easiest place to do your business while on fleet.




Early on.. worthless. Now days.. extremely nice.

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All planned updates to these vendors were scrapped (or repurposed) for the cartel market once the game went free-to-play.


Not true.


The CE vendor has had multiple new dyes placed on it in recent months, some of them exclusive BoP (like Black/Yellow)


Same for the Security Vendor.


You can piss and moan about what they put on the vendors, but not that "all planned updates were scrapped".


VIP vendor.. yeah.. dead rabbit since launch. So what?

Edited by Andryah
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