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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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This is probably the dumbest dye system I've seen in any game, ever.


Say one thing for GW2, say it has a decent dye system.


I could not agree more. Having been with this game since early beta....I remember all too clear how we all asked to be able to color our gear in a reasonable way. In beta we got the match to chest which was nice {until it was removed for a time and brought back on live}, but it was only so good.


I would have taken no issue with a "piss off kids...we have decided to never allow you to color your gear". Fine...I never take issue with Devs with a backbone...not afraid to tell people for **** off. But no...they give it to us finally and it is the most ridiculous system ever. The only positive for me, was this was the first patch in a long time where I did not lose a day by being overwhelmed by all the changes.


If I have learned anything about this team {even those that have since joined the team} since beta is they cannot do true retroactive coding....and what can be done simple will instead be buggy, contrived, convoluted, and piss off more people than it pleases. The achievement system was a slap in the face for ancient characters and the collections are equally broken and lame in my opinion. But hey keep stacking code on top of an old backbone never designed for the garbage you keep piling on.

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No point complaining now. Those who posted multiple threads about how Subs shouldn't have to by paying real money for any of this stuff were shot down in flames by the fanboys (or by Bioware employees posing as players).


Enjoy spending all your coins trying to get black dye.

Edited by Avatarless
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would be cool if they could make the color dye like it is on guild wars 2. Your able to collect different colors through the game, and if you get the color you want then great, and hen you get the color you want, your able to select which part of the armor you want to color. It was great, swtor should be doing the same thing, and if they want to soak up more money, they should let us choose on the CM.
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I just can't imagine the devs planning this and thinking ANY player would be happy with it. So, that brings me to the conclusion that they never considered that at all. Instead they implemented it assuming we would all hate it but they would still make more money. What they haven't realized yet is that we will only be pushed so far, they are about one good MMO away from extinction. Edited by OpenSorce
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I really wish other MMO games would take what City of Heroes had with their tailor shop. That was the best customization to date imo. So sad to see it go.


Agreed...miss that game so much! :(

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I really wish other MMO games would take what City of Heroes had with their tailor shop. That was the best customization to date imo. So sad to see it go.


Champions Online, also F2P and has a more robust tailor than City of Heroes did.


You can be a gigantic Dinosaur character, or a tiny bug creature. My favorite character I've seen so far was called "Tacosaurus". He was a dinosaur with a Taco for a head and spewed hot sauce as his main attack.

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Champions Online, also F2P and has a more robust tailor than City of Heroes did.


You can be a gigantic Dinosaur character, or a tiny bug creature. My favorite character I've seen so far was called "Tacosaurus". He was a dinosaur with a Taco for a head and spewed hot sauce as his main attack.


To bad it's art style is one of the worst.

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Oh and let's not forget, not only can you not change the colors... you also cannot simply buy the colors you want from the market! No, when you buy a Dye pack it's luck of the draw!


Of course, probably the most sought after color BLACK is rare and ridiculously hard to find. Here's an idea: Give us the option to pick the color we want and buy it. Let us color ALL the colors of the armor piece. So many more people would spend money on this if you did it. What you're hoping for: to have each player spend money on multiple dye modules is not going to happen.


The fact that you expected the most desired colors to somehow NOT be rare results out of a random RMT pack makes me chuckle. And shake my head. Been living under a rock since f2p started or something?



I wanted red on green, not green on red. /facepalm


Christmas in May! Huzzah!



No point complaining now. Those who posted multiple threads about how Subs shouldn't have to by paying real money for any of this stuff were shot down in flames by the fanboys (or by Bioware employees posing as players).


Enjoy spending all your coins trying to get black dye.


Or wait until the dye packs you want hit GTN. Or just bypass it altogether because it looks more like a kid spraypainted your armor than like a pro dyed it. Why is nobody talking about THAT?



And they have been totally silent on the issue of dyes which means they don't give a crap at all.


They've no new info to give us. They're probably laughing too hard at this whole thing to type anything intelligible. How could anyone with a brain not know how they'd implement the most desired color(s)?

Edited by DarthTHC
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20 packs from saved up cartel coins got 0 artifact rarity dyes **** THIS ********


dayum! I put 20 $1 coins into the slot machine and pulled the lever 20 times. It never so much as farted at me. So *&^*&%*& disappointed!


(In myself for being a dumarse and blowing $20 in the slot machine, that is.)

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Granted, you did not get, what you did expect to get...


... but how is something a "TOTAL RIPOFF", when you can just choose not to buy it and can preview its effect on your clothes before you ever get the item ?


I would agree on the grossly exaggerated thread title, if the dye would be advertised as some color and preview as that color but then not finally appear to be that color but another.


Inflationary use of the "in vogue"-word "ripoff" does not make the claim any more valid.

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In a way, I'm happy that people can't just pick black/black -- if that were the case I imagine at least 50% the characters and companions you see would be in black/black, and probably higher in warzones, especially on the Imperial teams. By putting the most sought-after dyes in yet more "gambling" packs, they've created another way to persuade people to spend cash trying to get them.


(Admittedly, I'd like to get a white/white combo for my PVP set, which already had a white saber crystal and "off-white" gear -- Voss robe, Alderaan pants -- but I'll wait and see if I can pick one up at a moderate price via GTN rather than obsessively opening a bunch of dye packs).

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Granted, you did not get, what you did expect to get...


... but how is something a "TOTAL RIPOFF", when you can just choose not to buy it and can preview its effect on your clothes before you ever get the item ?


I would agree on the grossly exaggerated thread title, if the dye would be advertised as some color and preview as that color but then not finally appear to be that color but another.


Inflationary use of the "in vogue"-word "ripoff" does not make the claim any more valid.


It's a ripoff because it does not allow you to color your gear. It only changes two colors. See the original post, thx.

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In a way, I'm happy that people can't just pick black/black -- if that were the case I imagine at least 50% the characters and companions you see would be in black/black, and probably higher in warzones, especially on the Imperial teams. By putting the most sought-after dyes in yet more "gambling" packs, they've created another way to persuade people to spend cash trying to get them.


(Admittedly, I'd like to get a white/white combo for my PVP set, which already had a white saber crystal and "off-white" gear -- Voss robe, Alderaan pants -- but I'll wait and see if I can pick one up at a moderate price via GTN rather than obsessively opening a bunch of dye packs).


And? So what if half or all of the game were people wearing black/black? Characters would look the way players wanted them to.

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This is probably the dumbest dye system I've seen in any game, ever.


Say one thing for GW2, say it has a decent dye system.


So true, used a primary purple which changed the arms....how dumb is that?

I wanted a full armor set in purple not silly sections. :(

The 2 set colour choices are digusting...blue&green...orange...browns..all the colours we have already, which we are wanting to change.../facepalm

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Unfortunately this is not surprising at all. Disappointing, yes. Star Wars Strat has a nice piece up about this BS you can read here: http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2013/05/swtor-new-dyes-random-packs-is-a-crapshoot.html


Bottom line I read somewhere that SWTOR has become one of the leading micro transaction money makers for EA. That means we can expect most of the cool **** we want to customize our experience to come from the Cartel Market and there's not a lot we can do it about it.


On the bright side with all that effen money they're making hustling us I EXPECT that we will get more story content and soon. I was very pleased with the actual amount of content they added with RoTHC (like the GSI dallies so I'm not stuck doing dailies three boring *** planets) and I want to see more of that specifically what happens next in the story, more in game events, and wow can we not spend more money in the QA department now Bioware?


So I'll accept the hustle for stupid crap like color dyes and other junk I really don't care about, IF the trade off is as a subscriber you start treating me better AND more story content comes to the game.


When that no longer becomes the case I say lets boycott the hell out of this mutha.

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Unfortunately this is not surprising at all. Disappointing, yes. Star Wars Strat has a nice piece up about this BS you can read here: http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2013/05/swtor-new-dyes-random-packs-is-a-crapshoot.html


Bottom line I read somewhere that SWTOR has become one of the leading micro transaction money makers for EA. That means we can expect most of the cool **** we want to customize our experience to come from the Cartel Market and there's not a lot we can do it about it.


On the bright side with all that effen money they're making hustling us I EXPECT that we will get more story content and soon. I was very pleased with the actual amount of content they added with RoTHC (like the GSI dallies so I'm not stuck doing dailies three boring *** planets) and I want to see more of that specifically what happens next in the story, more in game events, and wow can we not spend more money in the QA department now Bioware?


So I'll accept the hustle for stupid crap like color dyes and other junk I really don't care about, IF the trade off is as a subscriber you start treating me better AND more story content comes to the game.


When that no longer becomes the case I say lets boycott the hell out of this mutha.


I could go along with this... but I'd much rather be able to buy Black/Black dye and and have it change ALL of the colors I want changed when I apply it to gear. Mater of fact, I'll up the ante: Make it cost $500 CC each, make match to chest no longer work so that I have to buy it for each piece of gear. But, give me the option to pick out the color I want and use it!

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You know, with all the gripe about the dye system, I just wanted to make my valiant jedi armor have a brown robe, and white armor. And fortunately that wound up on the GTN so my Cartel Market coins lived to be spent another day. It's a shame that so many people found the addition unsatisfactory.


I was hoping they'd add a cartel market item that would allow you to unlock all the different colors so you could craft them and make any combination you wanted.


But the one thing I am REALLY unsatisfied about (and if this has already been mentioned in this thread, I apologize, I read through it, but never saw the issue addressed) is that the dye is destroyed when you remove it from an item. That was the only real bummer for me. I Spent 100k on a dye, wasn't paying attention, put it on the legs instead of the chest, tried to remedy the situation, and BAM....that's when I discovered it was a one trick pony.

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