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★ All Ranked Teams: Transfer Same Server ★


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Sure, the bobcats playing the hornets is competitive but they both still suck


Very funny metaphoric comment lol. :D


ps. Bastion is the best, either transfer to the Bastion or don't play the best guilds and people in SWTOR.


It's that simple kids.


Caeliux has spoken.

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If we are trying to unite everyone, it probably should be on a west coast server to be fair to the Aussies.


And Koreans :) After transfers I will recruit my 16 year old cousin and his Korean LOL crew to play SWTOR with us.


Oh and I hear some Japanese people play too.

Edited by iheartnyc
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Lol look at you putting words in my mouth.


Why would I switch to a server with two teams....

When we have about triple the amount of higher quality teams..

I've seen the streams, seems like there's only 2 teams that give interesting games to each other on the bastion.

Im pretty sure I can speak for everyone on the Pot5 ranked scene, NO ONE has any interest in going to the bastion.


Now, I'll ask you guys, why don't you come to a more populated server that doesn't do carebear kickball rateds every night?

It's cute that you think there are only 2 teams, when there are multiple teams queuing every night.

Bastion has the top teams and players IMO but hey that's just an opinion, and also Ugly was right it's pointless to try to get PoT5 people to move to the bastion or visa versa, but hey we all need to agree and come to the Bastion :) better ranked scene more teams... more Skill overall. and it's funny after most of casual quit all the teams that were getting **** on by them are coming out of the wood works, saying That PoT5 is the best, but that's just my 2 cents!! BUT everyone come to the BASTION and see which guild and players are the best :)


Oh and as a Supposed 2 teams that que and all we do is "carebear kickball" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=637845&page=5 Scold does a very good job of stating all the teams that queue rateds.

Edited by sithloardbob
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Before we all go crazy with server transfers, let's all try to go to the same server for ranked pvp competition. Take into account your time zone compared to the server you want to go, and test the latency of your target server by making an alt there.


I'm thinking POT5 for EAST Coast.


What do you guys think we should do?


Good thing about pot5 is earlier queue times for people in the western areas as some people have to sleep early. It will keep the pvp peak up a lot longer which would be extremely nice for those who don't have to sleep early.

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It's cute that you think there are only 2 teams, when there are multiple teams queuing every night.

Bastion has the top teams and players IMO but hey that's just an opinion, and also Ugly was right it's pointless to try to get PoT5 people to move to the bastion or visa versa, but hey we all need to agree and come to the Bastion :) better ranked scene more teams... more Skill overall. and it's funny after most of casual quit all the teams that were getting **** on by them are coming out of the wood works, saying That PoT5 is the best, but that's just my 2 cents!! BUT everyone come to the BASTION and see which guild and players are the best :)


Oh and as a Supposed 2 teams that que and all we do is "carebear kickball" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=637845&page=5 Scold does a very good job of stating all the teams that queue rateds.


Who cares who is better. This thread isn't for epeen stroking. It's for decision making and you gotta think about the overall community for the pvp base and factoring in peak play times for both servers is a good idea.


If bastion starts it's peak at 9pm pst then that's 12am est. That's not good at all.




If pot5 starts it's peak at 9pm est then that's 6pm pst for the west coast kids.


The 2nd option results in more playtime for the west coast kids and everyone gets more teams to play with and against.




I'd rather get beat up by a better team all day and try to improve my team than beat up pugs and never wonder what I'm doing wrong.


Also bastion seems to have a much better pvp community so if you guys actually rallied to move to pot5 I think more people would be up for following because of this.

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Who cares who is better. This thread isn't for epeen stroking. It's for decision making and you gotta think about the overall community for the pvp base and factoring in peak play times for both servers is a good idea.


If bastion starts it's peak at 9pm pst then that's 12am est. That's not good at all.




If pot5 starts it's peak at 9pm est then that's 6pm pst for the west coast kids.


The 2nd option results in more playtime for the west coast kids and everyone gets more teams to play with and against.




I'd rather get beat up by a better team all day and try to improve my team than beat up pugs and never wonder what I'm doing wrong.


Also bastion seems to have a much better pvp community so if you guys actually rallied to move to pot5 I think more people would be up for following because of this.


True dis.

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Im sorry but bastion has more teams that q. You can get a game at almost any time. If 9 pm pst is too late for pot5 players why doesn't the pot5 rated community come over and play when they are available and I guarantee they will have more teams to play on Bastion. Then as a community the bastion will have games from 3pm pst -3am pst. If we moved to Pot5 it will still be the same 3-4 hours that queues will be happening. Why not make it where the queues happen more often and for a longer period of time. If Bastion moved to pot5 then it will still be from 9pm est to 12pm est.
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Im sorry but bastion has more teams that q.


Good to see a response from someone that plays both servers. I think we should all listen to this guy. I'll even offer to pay for the first 5 character transfers for people who have video proof of trolling/griefing Palmsolo.

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Good to see a response from someone that plays both servers. I think we should all listen to this guy. I'll even offer to pay for the first 5 character transfers for people who have video proof of trolling/griefing Palmsolo.


that made me lol, ^^^ this guy is good for his word... any takers!?!?

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I am on the Harbinger and our team seems to want to go to the Bastion, simply because they seem to have the most people queing. Most of us are midwest so we don't give a **** either way when it comes to E or W coast


If we are all on the same server, hopefully que times will matter a lot less and there won't be just a few hours to get games in each day.


The only thing going in Prophecies favor is possibly convincing the Euros to join in too. Seems unlikely to me they would prefer a west coast server, but maybe it doesn't make much difference at all.


Whatever happens I hope there is a clear winner, I really don't want to have to transfer twice

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Im sorry but bastion has more teams that q. You can get a game at almost any time. If 9 pm pst is too late for pot5 players why doesn't the pot5 rated community come over and play when they are available and I guarantee they will have more teams to play on Bastion. Then as a community the bastion will have games from 3pm pst -3am pst. If we moved to Pot5 it will still be the same 3-4 hours that queues will be happening. Why not make it where the queues happen more often and for a longer period of time. If Bastion moved to pot5 then it will still be from 9pm est to 12pm est.


TBH it doesn't matter to me what server but others it really does with them having work, school, or family. Both servers are going to suffer fromt he problem of those three things and both seem.


From this picture of both our peak times it helps you understand a bit more :p


According to that you guys don't start peaking till about 10pm pst anyways and it would probably be easier to get you guys on a little earlier than us on a little later.

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Im sorry but bastion has more teams that q. You can get a game at almost any time. If 9 pm pst is too late for pot5 players why doesn't the pot5 rated community come over and play when they are available and I guarantee they will have more teams to play on Bastion. Then as a community the bastion will have games from 3pm pst -3am pst. If we moved to Pot5 it will still be the same 3-4 hours that queues will be happening. Why not make it where the queues happen more often and for a longer period of time. If Bastion moved to pot5 then it will still be from 9pm est to 12pm est.


Another thing to add to the above post, there are quite a lot of apac player heading to US servers soon and if most pvpers are going to bastion then most of the pvp community from apac will head there and your off times are our peak so in theory with us there it may eliminate any time of day when ranked wont be happening

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Another thing to add to the above post, there are quite a lot of apac player heading to US servers soon and if most pvpers are going to bastion then most of the pvp community from apac will head there and your off times are our peak so in theory with us there it may eliminate any time of day when ranked wont be happening


Exactly so if pot5 guilds come over they will be playing within our off times therefore making rateds happen in a 12-14 hour window while if we move to pot5 it will still only give a 3-4 hour window.

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Bastion = more guilds with skill that Q for rated, and more than all servers.


PO5 = less guilds with skill that Q for rated, and less than Bastion.


Every other server = lacking on all cylinders.


The choose is that simple, if you want top rated guilds that Q for PVP then come to the Bastion.


If you want not as much but methocore Q times for rated then pick PO5.


If you want neither then settle for less and go to Shadow Lands or Jedi Covenant or Harbinger.


Choose wisely.

Edited by Caeliux
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Just had an epiphany.


I have some toons on Shadowlands that I can move to The Bastion. Didn't think I would do anything with them on POT5 because I already rerolled all of the same AC's on POT5.


So be on the lookout Bastion - I'll be bringing a sorc and a jug over without a doubt!



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Before we all go crazy with server transfers, let's all try to go to the same server for ranked pvp competition. Take into account your time zone compared to the server you want to go, and test the latency of your target server by making an alt there.


I'm thinking POT5 for EAST Coast. Edit: Ranked Warzones occur daily at 9pm EST according to my sources.


What do you guys think we should do?


/like like like


Bioware should make it known to the community that there will be special PVP servers for ranked teams only.

That way we separate the veteran pvp'ers from the more new pvp players. Also pvp players who think they are good, will move to the right server pretty fast if they continuously get smashed and dont want to improve. Or they can go out on these forums and learn how to become a better player.

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Just had an epiphany.


I have some toons on Shadowlands that I can move to The Bastion. Didn't think I would do anything with them on POT5 because I already rerolled all of the same AC's on POT5.


So be on the lookout Bastion - I'll be bringing a sorc and a jug over without a doubt!




Good for you man, look forward seeing some more talent on the Bastion Empire. :D

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I'm located in CA and have characters on both.


Been running on POT5 as of late due to a friend getting me to play again.



I can't comment on Rated WZ teams. I gave up trying to get in a decent PvP guild that runs them. Been guildless for some time. :-/ False promises everywhere looking for a good pvp guild.



I get the same lag on both servers. It is not game killer for either, just an excuse. I do absolutely fine on POT5. It's not ping related, it is the server and game engine sucking.

Edited by KillaDeuce
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When the APAC servers come down I'll be throwing my Juggy and Sin onto the Bastion god knows I need some competitive PvP. The ranked team I'm in is the best on our server but that's by Aussie standards and lately we've been getting a few ranked matchs and roflstomping everything in sight so hopefully so we will be invading you guys soon to test our metal.
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When the APAC servers come down I'll be throwing my Juggy and Sin onto the Bastion god knows I need some competitive PvP. The ranked team I'm in is the best on our server but that's by Aussie standards and lately we've been getting a few ranked matchs and roflstomping everything in sight so hopefully so we will be invading you guys soon to test our metal.


We will welcome you with open arms and trolling. :)

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