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Voidstar grumble.

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Why do ranged classes (in this case, my Pyro Merc) have to be content with crappy Objective scores in Voidstar?


Ok, a few disclaimers to start. This is by no means a massive gripe, simply a minor annoyance that I have finally gotten around to casting a question for because I can't figure it out.


I am also aware of the complete and utter pointlessness of MVP votes that this issue directly impacts.


Its just something that I think is a little skewed in the mechanics of this WZ.


As a Pyro merc, I am typically targeting healers and potent dps targets while ensuring that i have LOS options around the pillars to remain alive to interupt cappers and such. It seems to me that for most range classes, the optimum locations to fulfil your role in this WZ, particularly in defence, ensure that you get very little to zero Objective recognition for your efforts.


Case in point:



Now should it really be fair that I, as a class with 30M range, have to blunder about in the open right next to the doors to obtain any points towards the metric that most of the player population bases their value judgement on WZ participation on?


Again, let me stress, that this is not a QQ but more of a perplexity that I havent been able to understand or correct. If there is a simple way to address this that does not mean i have to do stupid, detrimental things to my effectiveness then I am all ears :D

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