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Any way to stop the Corso romance dead in its tracks early on?


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To be fair Quinn pretty much seems to resign himself to the SW cheating on him (if him mailing you those stats are anything to go on). He just doesn't let it overly bother him (least openly). One of the reasons I can't have my SW sleep with the whooping 3 guys she gets (or is it 2? XD ). Edited by Raynezazki
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He seems to have a very "it is what it is" attitude toward Sith business, which, given where he lives, is most likely a survival instinct. That's not to say he likes it or approves, or that what the Warrior is doing isn't wrong (depends on the rest of their relationship - my Juggernaut would be polyarmorous, but she only really likes people who are strong to her, so she also has a certain amount of respect for her partners - they'd be made aware of the requirements of being in a relationship with her) - it would be nice if a continuation of his story line could be written and the Warrior could talk to Quinn about this (or rather, he talks to Her about his concerns.)
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To me, Quinn does seem to warm up - he just doesn't like it. I.e. he asks to be assigned to somewhere else at one point because thoughts about the warrior have started to distract him and therefore affect his effectiveness. Also, just saying "he doesn't care about his wife, that's why he did what he did" imo is just taking the short route instead of actually looking at his personality. It's actually quite complex.


But anyway, of course the same people who don't like romancing Corso do like romancing Quinn - in Corso's case, the player doesn't want something and is constantly forced to have what he/she doesn't want, while in Quinn's case, the player gets what he/she wants.


Personally, I don't hate Corso, and I haven't actually romanced the guy yet, but if I can't slap him when he kisses my smuggler without her permission, it is annoying. Quinn wouldn't dare to slap the warrior, his personality is like that, but my smuggler isn't necessarily the female version of Quinn. She might dare, and maybe she would, if the game just allowed her to do so.


When the romance ends up the way most people complain about, it's because they rushed through the affection (since people love to see the companion storylines, not surprising), but if you don't, the Quinncident plays out differently, because you're only at flirting stage of the relation when he's still under the thumb of a Darth.

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I haven't played a Quinn romance but I have no idea how it's in any way relevant to Corso's perhaps subtle *******ery. Just because other relationships have bigger problem does not negate the Corso issue.


The funny part is really, if you don't like him, don't get with him. Seriously, everyone here who says they hate Corso as a romance option (and I'm one of them) also say they want the companions to have different personalities, be individuals, not some cardboard cutout where all companions have the same story/personality.


Corso has his own. I wouldn't change it. :p My smuggler wouldn't date him either tho. And no matter how bad Corso is, he's still way better than Skadge.

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The funny part is really, if you don't like him, don't get with him. Seriously, everyone here who says they hate Corso as a romance option (and I'm one of them) also say they want the companions to have different personalities, be individuals, not some cardboard cutout where all companions have the same story/personality.


Corso has his own. I wouldn't change it. :p My smuggler wouldn't date him either tho. And no matter how bad Corso is, he's still way better than Skadge.


Yes, I actually agree. I'm mostly just complaining because I don't like him, and I have taken the precautions already to ensure that I closed the romance pathway but good.


That doesn't mean, despite my joking around to the opposite effect and despite my annoyance with the character, that I'm unaware Corso appeals to some people. Or even that I don't know that between raising unfortunate implications he actually is an okay albeit controlling person who doesn't like randomly kicking puppies. I imagine when I finally meet Skadge I'll find him as loathesome as described, and rants about him will probably replace my rants about Corso.


But this is the internet, complaining is an international pastime, and I'm having quite a lot of fun piling on the hate wagon.

Edited by Bytemite
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Nope. Was pretty much eye rolling at the victorian comment. Tired of people getting offended at every little thing but if you meant it as a joke *shrugs*.


That and I didn't mind Corso so much but I know better than to flirt with someone in a BW game if I don't mean to romance them. Or talk to them really *shudders at memories of Ashley from ME1* Still BW should let you end the romance whenever. Or at least give you a break up option in each act.


I really enjoyed the Corso-romance. But then I played a scoundrel who was just as crazy in love right back at him. Haven't tried playing one who didn't flirt with him, and she didn't flirt with other guys so no irritation there either. Lvl:ed the scoundrel a few planets after the first JK. After such a long time without any kind of romance with the JK, I just went all out on the scoundrel :p


Started the SW later, but then I knew beforehand about the Quinn-cident and could play the romance accordingly. Took it really slow, so that the majority of the romance came afterwards. Now before I start a new toon I take a quick look around to see if there is anything major I should know about the romances so I can adjust my story to them. Just how I play it, makes me happy. If I played another smuggler I would either do the "love you lots"-style again or just shot him down straight way.

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When the romance ends up the way most people complain about, it's because they rushed through the affection (since people love to see the companion storylines, not surprising), but if you don't, the Quinncident plays out differently, because you're only at flirting stage of the relation when he's still under the thumb of a Darth.


I was in pretty deep relationship with him when the Quinncident happened, but I didn't complain. I actually have 1 theory about it, also, which I once posted to the sw forums.



I mean, look at turrets or droids or whatever he had (can't remember anymore, terrifying. Well, my mara is 1 planets away from getting betrayed...). Those weren't even hard to destroy. Some people have even proposed that Quinn was suicidal and that's why the turrets were so pathetic, but there would be much more easier ways to commit suicide. So, let's assume that Quinn wanted to live, very much. He thought that he's far too young and good-looking to die. This also means that he really underestimated the warrior's powers and thought the droids would kill her easily.


Now, Baras contacts Quinn. An old benefactor. Quinn probably does still feel some loyalty towards him. Baras tells Quinn to kill the warrior, his wife. Now, Quinn doesn't know that the warrior is actually capable of defeating Baras, so it seems that he has 2 options:

1. Kill your wife yourself. You can do it as fast and painlessly as you want. You will survive, your wife don't suffer and Empire gets rid of this nasty little internal fight in the middle of a war.

2. You betray Baras. Baras will kill your wife, has slowly and painfully as he wants, and then kill you, as slowly and painfully as he wants. Neither of you survive, but nothing else really changes.


It's still not what the heroic and most caring and loving husband would do (many people would probably just say that they can't pick the number 1 option), but Quinn seems to be able to put his feelings aside and think the problem logically. And in this, the logical "better option" is to kill your wife yourself.



But anyway. Back to Corso. More RPG choices for that, please. My SW sounded like she will lock Quinn to the bedroom for a month after Quinncident, why can't I lock Corso to the cargo bay after his behaviour?

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"You gave me the time of day, NOW HAVE MY BABIES!"


~ Corso


Well said. My current solution to "whoops, I flirted with Corso early on" is to stop having conversations. Entirely. It just isn't worth the legacy unlock to put up with his pushy, whiny, controlling, "you can just be as confused as you like, captain, I'll still be waiting right here" insanity.


And it's such a shame, because while I was leveling, any time he forgot I was a woman he was such a funny bro.

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Yes, I actually agree. I'm mostly just complaining because I don't like him, and I have taken the precautions already to ensure that I closed the romance pathway but good.


That doesn't mean, despite my joking around to the opposite effect and despite my annoyance with the character, that I'm unaware Corso appeals to some people. Or even that I don't know that between raising unfortunate implications he actually is an okay albeit controlling person who doesn't like randomly kicking puppies. I imagine when I finally meet Skadge I'll find him as loathesome as described, and rants about him will probably replace my rants about Corso.


But this is the internet, complaining is an international pastime, and I'm having quite a lot of fun piling on the hate wagon.


The worse part about Skadge (well his personality is suckie) isn't so much his personality (again suckie), but how he gets on your ship.

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I really enjoyed the Corso-romance. But then I played a scoundrel who was just as crazy in love right back at him. Haven't tried playing one who didn't flirt with him, and she didn't flirt with other guys so no irritation there either. Lvl:ed the scoundrel a few planets after the first JK. After such a long time without any kind of romance with the JK, I just went all out on the scoundrel :p


Started the SW later, but then I knew beforehand about the Quinn-cident and could play the romance accordingly. Took it really slow, so that the majority of the romance came afterwards. Now before I start a new toon I take a quick look around to see if there is anything major I should know about the romances so I can adjust my story to them. Just how I play it, makes me happy. If I played another smuggler I would either do the "love you lots"-style again or just shot him down straight way.


Did the same thing! I think it made for a much better romance arc for my SW and Quinn :) Even if I still imagine the whole relationship totally different than the game will allow :p

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