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Any way to stop the Corso romance dead in its tracks early on?


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I've been through the Corso storyline on my scoundrel, and I have to say the further I got in, the more I disliked him. Jealous, pushy, and has a sense of entitlement. As an example: "I love you. What more do you need to know?" So just because he loves me, he feels *entitled* to have my love in return? Is there any way I can spare my Twi'lek gunslinger from the unwanted attentions of this guy, short of not doing the companion quests? Or is he determined to propose even if you never flirt with him once?
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During the convo where he's drunk and hits on you, tell him to sleep it off. Although I've never done it, I heard that it completely shuts down all flirting you can do with him.


I did this and I don't believe I ever had another [Flirt] option for him again.


He still acted like a jealous, possessive, fedora-wearing, whiny-never-got-to-be-a-boyfriend jerk thereafter, though.


"You want me to swoon? I can swoon! You never asked me to swoon."


Just, argh, anything likeable about his naive approach to galactic politics is completely drowned out by the rest of his personality.


Edit: I indeed never [Flirt]ed with him and the final conversation was very much a case of lesser crewman to Captain, along the lines of all the other non-romanced companions saying they'll stick around a while longer. I saw one end conversation that is the cause of a bug if you [Flirt] with him at any point: Corso grabs you and forcefully kisses you. Because that isn't sexual assault at all. :rolleyes: Sadly you can't kneecap at him at that point.

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I did this and I don't believe I ever had another [Flirt] option for him again.


He still acted like a jealous, possessive, fedora-wearing, whiny-never-got-to-be-a-boyfriend jerk thereafter, though.


"You want me to swoon? I can swoon! You never asked me to swoon."


Just, argh, anything likeable about his naive approach to galactic politics is completely drowned out by the rest of his personality.


Edit: I indeed never [Flirt]ed with him and the final conversation was very much a case of lesser crewman to Captain, along the lines of all the other non-romanced companions saying they'll stick around a while longer. I saw one end conversation that is the cause of a bug if you [Flirt] with him at any point: Corso grabs you and forcefully kisses you. Because that isn't sexual assault at all. :rolleyes: Sadly you can't kneecap at him at that point.


For some reason that sounds worse. =/ Nobody wants a wannabe boyfriend constantly looming over them, demanding attention and affection. At least if you're in a relationship with him and sleep around it's *somewhat* justified.


And really? He actually forcibly takes a kiss from you? Argh! That's horrible, like doing even one flirt with Jorgan forces you to make him kiss you. *goes to dig up the petition for ending a romance at any time*

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Edit: I indeed never [Flirt]ed with him and the final conversation was very much a case of lesser crewman to Captain, along the lines of all the other non-romanced companions saying they'll stick around a while longer. I saw one end conversation that is the cause of a bug if you [Flirt] with him at any point: Corso grabs you and forcefully kisses you. Because that isn't sexual assault at all. :rolleyes: Sadly you can't kneecap at him at that point.


...I want to do this convo with my gunslinger and shoot him after he does that. :D Well, not "shoot" as in shoot till he's dead. More like "Shoot him to his leg and laugh when he's jumping around in pain".

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I've been through the Corso storyline on my scoundrel, and I have to say the further I got in, the more I disliked him. Jealous, pushy, and has a sense of entitlement. As an example: "I love you. What more do you need to know?" So just because he loves me, he feels *entitled* to have my love in return? Is there any way I can spare my Twi'lek gunslinger from the unwanted attentions of this guy, short of not doing the companion quests? Or is he determined to propose even if you never flirt with him once?


Don't flirt with him that one time he's drunk. Just tell him to sleep it off. Apparently it prevents all this nonsense.


EDIT: Ah, I see that someone else got this first. But yeah. Any fem!smuggler I take will by necessity for reasons of SANITY be making this choice.


I just wish he'd stop standing around on the bridge. That's where I do my CAPTAINY stuff.


Really hope they put in options to end romances though for those poor souls who thought "hey, naive farmboy, this should be fun."

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Side note: people actually flirt with Corso once they've shut him down but good?


Wait rephrase


People actually FLIRT with CORSO?




I'll admit, I really liked Corso when I first started playing. If you do a "I'll love you forever and never look at another man" faithful smuggler, then his romance can be sweet.


Alas, his insane jealousy and massive stink eye when you do anything he disapproves of is a major turnoff. I currently have two female smugglers and in my headcanon both left him for other men.

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I can't remember for sure, but I think he kisses you even if you click both "Don't love me" and "Give it up" in the "No Walking Away" conversation.


Anyway, I'm glad my gunslinger can tell him to sleep it off and avoid all this nonsense. Although if he's still going to be a jealous wannabe boyfriend, I do wish she could kick him off the ship. Or at least throw him in the brig until he cools off.


So what happens then? I just get the same conversation options with him as the guy smugglers?

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Side note: people actually flirt with Corso once they've shut him down but good?


Wait rephrase


People actually FLIRT with CORSO?


My scoundrel takes a liberal attitude towards flirting. She'll flirt, date a few times, dance with, maybe even kiss just about anyone who seems interested just to test the waters. But it's not going past first base unless they impress her more than any of the NPCs have managed to do. If there were one of those speed-dating services where you can have 20 3-minute dates in an hour in some SWTOR quest, she would totally go for it.


My Twi'lek gunslinger will be playing the role of an escaped slave, and will definitely want nothing to do with possessive jerks like Corso.

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I can't remember for sure, but I think he kisses you even if you click both "Don't love me" and "Give it up" in the "No Walking Away" conversation.


Found a video for the forced kiss

. Have to admit, it's kind of pathetic on Corso's part. The Smuggler is basically saying she'll never be who he wants and he's of the mentality that she'll come around and change because she has no choice. Wow...
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Found a video for the forced kiss
. Have to admit, it's kind of pathetic on Corso's part. The Smuggler is basically saying she'll never be who he wants and he's of the mentality that she'll come around and change because she has no choice. Wow...


Yeah, just the conversation is bad enough. Corso thinks I'm so unattractive that no man but him will want to settle down with me, and furthermore, that I'm desperate enough that I'd take him at that point just rather than just saying, "I don't need a man anyway." Plus it reflects lack of self-respect on Corso's part. A man with more self-respect wouldn't want to be a consolation prize after I didn't get the guy I wanted.


In that video, the person selected "Don't love me" followed by "I don't want to hurt you". The "Give it up" is a stronger no than "I don't want to hurt you", and I think he still kisses you even then, but I can't remember for sure. In any case, even the "I don't want to hurt you" is a loud and clear enough no that he should keep his hands off. Also, no matter what you pick, he doesn't get the memo and still proposes next conversation, at which point there's a fairly massive affection loss for turning him down. And even after you turn down his marriage proposal, he still keeps sending these love letters, saying he wants to settle down on a farm on Dantooine and so on.

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In that video, the person selected "Don't love me" followed by "I don't want to hurt you". The "Give it up" is a stronger no than "I don't want to hurt you", and I think he still kisses you even then, but I can't remember for sure. In any case, even the "I don't want to hurt you" is a loud and clear enough no that he should keep his hands off. Also, no matter what you pick, he doesn't get the memo and still proposes next conversation, at which point there's a fairly massive affection loss for turning him down. And even after you turn down his marriage proposal, he still keeps sending these love letters, saying he wants to settle down on a farm on Dantooine and so on.


I'd love to know the reasoning behind the decision to having the romances continue with no options of breaking up (minus one convo option early on that I'm not even sure everyone has). In every other BioWare game you've been able to break off a relationship (Dragon Age Origins did it best, any time you clicked on them for a conversation, the option was always there), but in SWTOR, if you don't have metagame knowledge of the magical offswitch you're stuck with a clingy, obsessive person who can't take a hint.

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I'd love to know the reasoning behind the decision to having the romances continue with no options of breaking up (minus one convo option early on that I'm not even sure everyone has). In every other BioWare game you've been able to break off a relationship (Dragon Age Origins did it best, any time you clicked on them for a conversation, the option was always there), but in SWTOR, if you don't have metagame knowledge of the magical offswitch you're stuck with a clingy, obsessive person who can't take a hint.


This is exactly the biggest thing I can't stand about him. Clingy, obsessive, can't take no for an answer.


The jealous outbursts every time I flirt with someone else in front of him is the second biggest.

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Now, I'm a dude here, so just putting in my personal opinion...


If you don't want do date him, but he still acts like a possessive jerk, well...then he's a jerk. Nothing to do about it except hope to shoot him in the foot later.


But assuming you're actually in a romance with him, and chose to enter into it willingly, I can see why he'd be jealous. Maybe he doesn't have to be so clingy, but really, is it right to cheat on him? Even just to make him jealous? Just my 2 cents. I've seen videos (never played) of his romance, and the marriage proposal seems very proper and sweet. I like it better than Quinn's awkward...thing.


And as a male smuggler, we don't see that side of Corso, so he just seems like a friendly farmboy, and I really like that character. The bro who's always there to get you out of a pickle. I know not everyone sees it that way, but...I, personally, like Corso better than say, Kaliyo, or someone like that.

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Now, I'm a dude here, so just putting in my personal opinion...


If you don't want do date him, but he still acts like a possessive jerk, well...then he's a jerk. Nothing to do about it except hope to shoot him in the foot later.


But assuming you're actually in a romance with him, and chose to enter into it willingly, I can see why he'd be jealous. Maybe he doesn't have to be so clingy, but really, is it right to cheat on him? Even just to make him jealous? Just my 2 cents. I've seen videos (never played) of his romance, and the marriage proposal seems very proper and sweet. I like it better than Quinn's awkward...thing.


And as a male smuggler, we don't see that side of Corso, so he just seems like a friendly farmboy, and I really like that character. The bro who's always there to get you out of a pickle. I know not everyone sees it that way, but...I, personally, like Corso better than say, Kaliyo, or someone like that.


I can't wait to play my dude Smuggler. He's going to be the ultimate ladies man and Corso is going to be standing behind him, giving the thumbs up. That's how he was written, to be the ultimate bro to a male smuggler.


Like I said earlier, if you make a female smuggler who only has eyes for Corso, he can be very sweet and romantic.


However, if you make a female smuggler who is basically the galaxy's bicycle, naturally you're want to hit on anyone you can, Corso included (even one of the flirts with Corso is about have some *wink wink nudge nudge* in zero gravity). The problem is that when Corso starts talking seriously about marriage and courting and babies, shutting him down so you can continue to sleep with whomever you like has no effect. He will continue to act like he's your boyfriend and get huffy whenever you look sideways at another man. He'll proposition you, propose to you, want you to have his babies and no matter how many times you tell him to take a flying leap out of the airlock, he won't take the hint. It's baffling why they decided to go this route with any of the romanceable companions, because it makes them look obsessive and clingy. No means no, and not just during the one conversation that BioWare may have put in an offswitch.

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However, if you make a female smuggler who is basically the galaxy's bicycle, naturally you're want to hit on anyone you can, Corso included (even one of the flirts with Corso is about have some *wink wink nudge nudge* in zero gravity). The problem is that when Corso starts talking seriously about marriage and courting and babies, shutting him down so you can continue to sleep with whomever you like has no effect. He will continue to act like he's your boyfriend and get huffy whenever you look sideways at another man. He'll proposition you, propose to you, want you to have his babies and no matter how many times you tell him to take a flying leap out of the airlock, he won't take the hint. It's baffling why they decided to go this route with any of the romanceable companions, because it makes them look obsessive and clingy. No means no, and not just during the one conversation that BioWare may have put in an offswitch.


It's because of the way the game is written. A "shut-down" would be nice, so you could go back to being friends, especially if you try out the romance and decide you don't like it. I know for Agent it's the opposite–except for with Watcher Two, Kaliyo practically encourages flirting with others even while you're romancing her. Don't know about Temple yet, because I haven't got there yet, but once I meet Temple I'm going to start romancing her seriously, so it won't have an effect, anyway.

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For some reason that sounds worse. =/ Nobody wants a wannabe boyfriend constantly looming over them, demanding attention and affection. At least if you're in a relationship with him and sleep around it's *somewhat* justified.


I went from being annoyed, to being borderline furious, to finding his pathetic, pleading man-tears to be the nourishment I required to fuel my Eternal Rage Machine.


Corso is second only to Skadge in companions I utterly dislike and which leave a bad taste in my mouth. I have a Sith Warrior and I have been through the Quinncident but that, on reflection, is understandable within the roles of Imperial society. Sure, my Warrior hates him, but I find Quinn to be a sympathetic character.


Corso? Not so much. If his character had evolved over the course of knowing the Smuggler and you, know, he stopped being a prat about every little thing (my Smuggler actually genuinely likes Darmas Palaran and she liked that...guy... on Alderaan, but Corso seems to think that they - the men - are playing her. As if my Smuggler, who has run weapons in and out of war zones, needs protection) and started to accept, however begrudgingly, that She is a woman capable in and of herself, then and only then, might he have been a good character. As it is, he's first off the ship.


Skadge can go DIAF.


Edit: Oh, and I think we get a similar to male Smuggler ending, about Corso teaching kids to shoot. Another thing I hate: the assumption that all female characters and companions in this game desire to have children. Go pop a couple out yourself, Corso, if you think it's so damn easy.

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Now, I'm a dude here, so just putting in my personal opinion...


If you don't want do date him, but he still acts like a possessive jerk, well...then he's a jerk. Nothing to do about it except hope to shoot him in the foot later.


But assuming you're actually in a romance with him, and chose to enter into it willingly, I can see why he'd be jealous. Maybe he doesn't have to be so clingy, but really, is it right to cheat on him? Even just to make him jealous? Just my 2 cents. I've seen videos (never played) of his romance, and the marriage proposal seems very proper and sweet. I like it better than Quinn's awkward...thing.


There's a huge difference between flirting a bit with someone and maybe even going on a few dates, and being in a real long-term relationship and eventually marrying. It's not "cheating" to decide after a bit of flirting and maybe even a few dates that you really aren't at all fond of someone and don't want to have a relationship with them after all.


Seriously, how would you feel if the first woman you ever even flirted with expected that meant you wanted to commit to a having a future together with babies? Future, babies, commitment, future, babies, commitment. Scary words from someone you never had more than a mild passing interest in?

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Seriously, how would you feel if the first woman you ever even flirted with expected that meant you wanted to commit to a having a future together with babies? Future, babies, commitment, future, babies, commitment. Scary words from someone you never had more than a mild passing interest in?


"You gave me the time of day, NOW HAVE MY BABIES!"


~ Corso


You know, he didn't seem so bad at first, but then I met Darmas and I started to regret taking Corso off of Ord Mantel.

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Edit: Oh, and I think we get a similar to male Smuggler ending, about Corso teaching kids to shoot. Another thing I hate: the assumption that all female characters and companions in this game desire to have children. Go pop a couple out yourself, Corso, if you think it's so damn easy.


Well, all my (primary) characters are male, so as far as I'm concerned my female companions are having babies. But I could see it being annoying the other way, when your male companions say "we're going to have kids/kittens!" Don't you get some input? But as I recall (at least with Kira) we definitely agreed that we were having kids, there was a whole conversation and everything.

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No real input, the conversation and subsequent letters assume that after the honeymoon, the rigors of making babies in the middle of a war will come into play. Andronikus at least qualified "kids or apprentices" and that was after my Sorcerer had married him, though personally I'm doubting how solid their relationship is, considering how and when it was started and the fact that they haven't spoken in over a year.


Quinn also mentioned a required period of confinement. How Victorian.


We've covered this in the SGRA thread and, I think, the Sexism Hammer thread (which may now be defunct), but there does appear to be a cissexist, biological imperative at play in the story end-game for female characters. While this might be because they wanted to make all the romances similar or uphold the idea of what is "normal" and "expected" of couples, it does come across as very... passive aggressive dismissive. Almost as if to say "Well done, you've manage to make your way onto the Dark Council and are now one of the most powerful Sith in the Galaxy and are in charge of and responsible for billions of lives and the preservation of Imperial history, but are you sure you wouldn't like to wear an apron, have a few kids and spend your days making cookies? Hmm?"


And then comes the lightning.


(It is a bit of a sore note for me because I'm currently having to deal with the same crap IRL. Nearly a year of marriage and I've got co-workers asking me why I'm not pregnant. Go defenestrate yourself.)

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(It is a bit of a sore note for me because I'm currently having to deal with the same crap IRL. Nearly a year of marriage and I've got co-workers asking me why I'm not pregnant. Go defenestrate yourself.)


*high five* I've been married for five years and every time my mother-in-law calls she asks my husband if I'm pregnant yet. I don't really want kids, I have a cat and tons of video games to finish.


Do some of my characters have kids? Sure! But I also have some that don't and don't want any.

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(It is a bit of a sore note for me because I'm currently having to deal with the same crap IRL. Nearly a year of marriage and I've got co-workers asking me why I'm not pregnant. Go defenestrate yourself.)


Well that's...kind of not their business, and your choice. When you're ready to have babies, you'll have babies. They should back off.

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Well that's...kind of not their business, and your choice. When you're ready to have babies, you'll have babies. They should back off.


They keep trying to tell me how wonderful children are - in truth, I find every aspect of the entire thing utterly, *********** terrifying. And that's in a first world country, during (relative) peace time, with a free national health service. Entirely removed the state of our characters, who seem to be being forced under the assumption that pregnancy, labour and child care are easy things a) on a space ship b) in a time of war and/or c) with their high profile status as Sith, Jedi, Grand Master of the Great Hunt, Military Personnel Target #1.


It's too ludicrous for words. It's insane.

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