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What is the point of my $15 a month?


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There's a couple of reasons why $15 per month may not cover it. One is that there aren't enough people subscribing to cover for their expensive development costs. EA spent a lot of money putting this game out. Investors blah blah blah wanted to see returns. When subs went down they cuts costs all around including firing staff and went free to play.


Hence the greedy money grubbing leach of a Cartel Market to make up the difference of unavailable subscribers. They are getting the money from the rest of us and some from the free to players. I agree that Subscribers should not have to pay full price for anything in the Cartel Market regardless of Cartel coins per month. It is such a small amount that getting most things worthwhile would take too long to accumulate.


As for the bile infested gambling packs, they are no doubt, the largest source of their income and also one of the dirtiest underhanded attempts to leach as much from customers as humanly possible. Seriously disgusting display of American greed. There will always be a sucker somewhere who will hand over a dump truck full of money for those packs, and they know it.


American greed...let me guess, you're not American. Every corporation is greedy, no matter where in the world it is. Keep the American out of it or don't play an American game.

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I keep hearing about new features being added like a new race and a barbershop, but they are not included in my subscription? My $15 a month is paying for you to develop these new fun features, so they should be included. It really makes me feel ripped off because $15 a month is a lot more than $0 a month. The cartel market should purely be for things that you haven't been developing to add to the game. The cartel market should be for only free to play people to have to use. My $15 a month should include any new races because we are paying you to develop them. So I don't get why you are nickle and diming us when we are paying you $15 a month. I could understand if our subscription was $5 a month, but it is $15 and my $15 a month includes any new races and any simple barbershop features in World of Warcraft. Please consider that we as subscribers are paying you to develop all these new fun things. And if we have to pay extra for fun then why are we paying the big amount of $15 a month?


Agree with everything you said here. But I put a stop to the nickel and diming about 2 weeks ago.


It's time for me to find a game without a cash shop.

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If the cartel market items are luxury etc why are developers wasting time to develop them when bugs from a year ago are still there? also people who say you get 500 coins probably did not check how expensive is the darn cartel market. your 500 is nothing, you cant even buy an armor set with it. our subscription is only buying us to play the game as is, nothing more. rest is all illusion.


with Security Key it is enough to get you Cathar or full recustomization (new stuff in 2.1, if you want something more, you either save the coins up like a real money, or you buy more.

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yes but there is a certain budget covering dev salaries. And it looks like cartel market team is getting the lions's share of the budget paid from our subscriptions.


I HIGHLY doubt that.


CM items are a joke -- most are re-colors, or slight alterations on models that are already made. It would take a skilled graphics artist less than an hour to build multiple brand-new sets.


And, most graphics artists get paid much less than actual software developers.


Considering the massive profit the CM has brought over the last 3 months, I don't think anyone is worried about salaries for devs and such. I do think they need to expand the team as a whole -- but RotHC followed by 2.1 after 4 weeks followed by 2.2 after 4 weeks actually AFFIRMS the statement that they have separate teams working on CM vs actual content.

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Does this make sense to anyone? Guess my first mistake is trying to make sense of someone complaining about paying $15 for hours of entertainment. Even if you only play one hour a month it is still a bargain to be entertained for one hour for the price of $15. Try to go to a bar, stripclub, Six Flags, or whatever you are into and try to only spend $15 and see how far you get. If you dont like it dont pay and shut up. If you want to play as a cat then save up your cartel coins and buy your access to your beloved Cat. Bottom line is that this game is a business, if it doesn't make enough money it will be gone, PERIOD.


We all liked the days that we paid 15 bucks and we got it all. The truth is Gamers are stupider now then they used to be and they think they are getting ripped off for playing a monthly fee so MMORPGs found a way to trick dummies into paying more by not calling it a monthly sub. This model is not going anywhere so we need to get used to it. The only game i know of that does not have this model is WOW and that is for obvious reasons. Regardless, if you dont want to buy that game fluff you dont have to. I personally ignore everything in the cartel market and use the coins to buy perks.


Wow has an in game store. Wow charges for subs. Wow charges for expansions.

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with Security Key it is enough to get you Cathar or full recustomization (new stuff in 2.1, if you want something more, you either save the coins up like a real money, or you buy more.


is so then why am I paying 15 dollars per month? to play a game released 2 years ago and would probably be sold for 10 bucks at steam if it was a regular game by now?

I am totally fine with the cartel market but I can see the resources taken from other places like bug fixes, like awful customer service.

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is so then why am I paying 15 dollars per month? to play a game released 2 years ago and would probably be sold for 10 bucks at steam if it was a regular game by now?

I am totally fine with the cartel market but I can see the resources taken from other places like bug fixes, like awful customer service.


Don't know...why are you paying 15 a month. Go F2P and see how long you last at that. I lasted about an hr.

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Wow has an in game store. Wow charges for subs. Wow charges for expansions.


That's a bad example in my opinion. Having bought everything off of the Blizzard Store for in-game items in WoW (mini-pets and mounts), it goes to all of my characters, on my entire account (regardless of server). In 2.1, I have to pay for that.


Yes, WoW doesn't sale gear. Well, another F2P MMO (DCUO) does. Everything you buy on their cash shop (minus consumables), is account wide. Point is, others do it, and do it better.

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That's a bad example in my opinion. Having bought everything off of the Blizzard Store for in-game items in WoW (mini-pets and mounts), it goes to all of my characters, on my entire account (regardless of server). In 2.1, I have to pay for that.


Yes, WoW doesn't sale gear. Well, another F2P MMO (DCUO) does. Everything you buy on their cash shop (minus consumables), is account wide. Point is, others do it, and do it better.


Edit: not wanting to get into a back-and-forth. Just pointing out it is a bad comparison when the competition does it, but better is all

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is so then why am I paying 15 dollars per month? to play a game released 2 years ago and would probably be sold for 10 bucks at steam if it was a regular game by now?

I am totally fine with the cartel market but I can see the resources taken from other places like bug fixes, like awful customer service.


And what exactly are the lingering bugs? I usually never deal with any, I think the worse I came across is a missing ceiling texture in some tomb on Belsavis, or companions not showing properly in Preview window. Certainly nothing game breaking.

Bug has to be identified and replicated before it can be fixed. And if it affect only several people, each with vastly different machine, it is hard a hell to identify and replicate it.


Also, I never had to deal with Customer Support, so I cannot be the judge here. Some people say they were done in 10 minutes, they got good answer, had their problem fixed, the operator was nice, while others are spreading horror stories about waiting on the line for whole day, getting nothing fixed, etc... so it is really hard to judge it...

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Yes, but, we already paid the $10 for the xpac, and by the time the Cathar comes out that is about $15 x 2 months, so that is $30 plus the $10, with that you are at $40 already, which is getting damned close to the $50 for an expac that lasts for 2 years which includes everything.


At what incredibly slow pace do you have to play for an expansion pack from any game to last for 2 years?


If you want to see the value of your subscription, go F2P and check it out. If you are cool running that way, then there is no need for you to be paying.

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That's a bad example in my opinion. Having bought everything off of the Blizzard Store for in-game items in WoW (mini-pets and mounts), it goes to all of my characters, on my entire account (regardless of server). In 2.1, I have to pay for that.


Yes, WoW doesn't sale gear. Well, another F2P MMO (DCUO) does. Everything you buy on their cash shop (minus consumables), is account wide. Point is, others do it, and do it better.


It wasn't me who used WOW as an example and frankly, if people want to play with pandas, go for it. I have several ex WOW guild members who are playing SWTOR and enjoying it and I looked at wow, just no. Not my thing same as EQ2.

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It wasn't me who used WOW as an example and frankly, if people want to play with pandas, go for it. I have several ex WOW guild members who are playing SWTOR and enjoying it and I looked at wow, just no. Not my thing same as EQ2.


I merely pointed it that if you buy something there, there's not an additional fee to get it on more than one character. Though, the point can be made that those things are generally more expensive than the CM (minus the pod racer mount; that's close to the price on their store).

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I don't have a problem with it I mean you eventually get it for free with your free CC so, to say there not giving you these other things for free is not really true. You expect to get it free plus other things for free. We have to realize that these guys have to make some form of money. Otherwise whats the piont if the game goes under? Then you have nothing.
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I keep hearing about new features being added like a new race and a barbershop, but they are not included in my subscription? My $15 a month is paying for you to develop these new fun features, so they should be included. It really makes me feel ripped off because $15 a month is a lot more than $0 a month. The cartel market should purely be for things that you haven't been developing to add to the game. The cartel market should be for only free to play people to have to use. My $15 a month should include any new races because we are paying you to develop them. So I don't get why you are nickle and diming us when we are paying you $15 a month. I could understand if our subscription was $5 a month, but it is $15 and my $15 a month includes any new races and any simple barbershop features in World of Warcraft. Please consider that we as subscribers are paying you to develop all these new fun things. And if we have to pay extra for fun then why are we paying the big amount of $15 a month?
your not gonna get anywhere with these folk. Premium use to mean premium, and subscription meant if you dont have one you dont play. Right now EA is grinding every last penny of their customers, its the reason they were awarded the prestigous worst company in america two times over. Though i dont agree they are the worst their are several other comapnies that are border line Satan whorshipers EA is still pretty slimmy.
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your not gonna get anywhere with these folk. Premium use to mean premium, and subscription meant if you dont have one you dont play. Right now EA is grinding every last penny of their customers, its the reason they were awarded the prestigous worst company in america two times over. Though i dont agree they are the worst their are several other comapnies that are border line Satan whorshipers EA is still pretty slimmy.


EA was voted worst company again because there are a lot of detached, irrational and socially-inept shut-ins who acted out in nerd rage. No rationally-thinking person would have looked at all the wrongs in this country done by corporations and consider EA to be the worst offender.

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EA was voted worst company again because there are a lot of detached, irrational and socially-inept shut-ins who acted out in nerd rage. No rationally-thinking person would have looked at all the wrongs in this country done by corporations and consider EA to be the worst offender.


EA won because they are to blame for a lot of bad computer/internet things at the times of the voting. Last year, it was the ME3 terrible ending fiasco. This year it was SimCity launch fiasco. And people who vote on that poll are internet, gaming people.


You can't dump it on the voters and say EA had nothing to do with it.

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What is the point of this thread? If you don't think your $15 a month is worth it, then quit subbing. Problem solved. There's already plenty of threads to post this type of comment in without further cluttering up the forums with duplicate threads. Nothing said in the OP constituted a single new comment or thought on the subject and it certainly wasn't worthy of it's own thread. Perhaps the point was just attention or validation. The forum community isn't here to validate how you spend your money though.


However, I will say this....they recently reported that the monthly revenue of the game has doubled since F2P. That isn't due to any sudden spike in subs. That is due to all of the money being spent in the Cartel Market. So the monthly sub fees aren't the only money being paid into this game....not by a long shot.

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EA won because they are to blame for a lot of bad computer/internet things at the times of the voting. Last year, it was the ME3 terrible ending fiasco. This year it was SimCity launch fiasco. And people who vote on that poll are internet, gaming people.


You can't dump it on the voters and say EA had nothing to do with it.


Yes I can. EA was not a write-in vote. They were stacked up against other companies who have done MUCH more wrong than put out a buggy video game. To vote for a company who put out a buggy video game over financial institutions that have actually hurt this country in a very big way means that the people who voted in that poll are in-fact detached, irrational and socially-inept shut-ins who acted out in nerd rage.


Nobody is saying that EA is not deserving of a bad rep. Just that the voters in that poll are indeed (and I will say it again) detached, irrational and socially-inept shut-ins who acted out in nerd rage.

Edited by TheBBP
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EA won because they are to blame for a lot of bad computer/internet things at the times of the voting. Last year, it was the ME3 terrible ending fiasco. This year it was SimCity launch fiasco. And people who vote on that poll are internet, gaming people.


You can't dump it on the voters and say EA had nothing to do with it.


EA had nothing to do with it. They didn't make the voters stupid.

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