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Free Renames in 2.1 taken out?


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I'd really appreciate a response to this. Currently, your own website says:


"NOTE: Subscribers receive one free Character Rename, Legacy Rename, and Guild Rename per account. Not a Subscriber? Subscribe now."


But, you're now saying it will only be Character renames? While I would be rather upset if this information was put on the game updates page and is now being changed -- what I really would like is clarification as to why there are two conflicting pieces of information here.


Please? :-D



I just wanted to clarify, as this seems to be a misconception floating around. With Game Update 2.1 each subscriber will get one free Character Name change per account. There will not be complimentary Legacy or Guild name changes.


One piece of bad news I do have is that unfortunately we are running into some issues granting the free name change and so that will not happen right at the launch of Game Update 2.1. We are working to get it implemented ASAP and I will give you exact timing as soon as I can. You will definitely get it, just not right away.



Edited by Kilora
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One piece of bad news I do have is that unfortunately we are running into some issues granting the free name change and so that will not happen right at the launch of Game Update 2.1. We are working to get it implemented ASAP and I will give you exact timing as soon as I can. You will definitely get it, just not right away.


^ Cartel Shop became self aware and won't let new stuff in for free.

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I'd really appreciate a response to this. Currently, your own website says:


"NOTE: Subscribers receive one free Character Rename, Legacy Rename, and Guild Rename per account. Not a Subscriber? Subscribe now."


But, you're now saying it will only be Character renames? While I would be rather upset if this information was put on the game updates page and is now being changed -- what I really would like is clarification as to why there are two conflicting pieces of information here.


Please? :-D


I would too. What I would like is a choice between the three. I like my actual character names, but I screwed up the legacy name pretty bad. I put The in it and it looks stupid. So a choice would be nice. And honestly, posting up stuff on the MAIN website, then coming into the forums and changing what they initially posted is really bad business since a lot of people might check out the updates section, where you would go to see what patches are offering, but then not check out the forums where this other info. has come from.


That's when you have the people who check the forums often saying, "Oh it was known for a while, blah blah." And the people who just look into the updates on the patches are pissed because they were led to believe something else. It's honestly bad form.

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One piece of bad news I do have is that unfortunately we are running into some issues granting the free name change and so that will not happen right at the launch of Game Update 2.1. We are working to get it implemented ASAP and I will give you exact timing as soon as I can. You will definitely get it, just not right away.


^ Cartel Shop became self aware and won't let new stuff in for free.


Pretty sure the problem is. On the update page it mentions subs getting free character rename, legacy rename, and guild rename.


However in the last dev post Eric said it will only be character name.

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One piece of bad news I do have is that unfortunately we are running into some issues granting the free name change and so that will not happen right at the launch of Game Update 2.1. We are working to get it implemented ASAP and I will give you exact timing as soon as I can. You will definitely get it, just not right away.


^ Cartel Shop became self aware and won't let new stuff in for free.


The CM is now self aware? Next we'll have a robotic Arnold going around shooting people.

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I'd really appreciate a response to this. Currently, your own website says:


"NOTE: Subscribers receive one free Character Rename, Legacy Rename, and Guild Rename per account. Not a Subscriber? Subscribe now."


But, you're now saying it will only be Character renames? While I would be rather upset if this information was put on the game updates page and is now being changed -- what I really would like is clarification as to why there are two conflicting pieces of information here.


Please? :-D


Have you looked at your link lately?? It still says..


"NOTE: Subscribers receive one free Character Rename, Legacy Rename, and Guild Rename per account. Not a Subscriber? Subscribe now."


Nothing has been taken away..


NOTE: Subscribers receive one free Character Rename, Legacy Rename, and Guild Rename per account. Not a Subscriber? Subscribe now.
Edited by MajikMyst
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Just to quote it here as well


Gah, I see that now :( I believe there was a miscommunication and that the information on that page is in error. I apologize, it seems the misconception was from our own misinformation. I am looking into it now and will get back to all of you ASAP with an update.



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One piece of bad news I do have is that unfortunately we are running into some issues granting the free name change and so that will not happen right at the launch of Game Update 2.1. We are working to get it implemented ASAP and I will give you exact timing as soon as I can. You will definitely get it, just not right away.


^ Cartel Shop became self aware and won't let new stuff in for free.


OMG, that is hilarious....

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One piece of bad news I do have is that unfortunately we are running into some issues granting the free name change and so that will not happen right at the launch of Game Update 2.1. We are working to get it implemented ASAP and I will give you exact timing as soon as I can. You will definitely get it, just not right away.


^ Cartel Shop became self aware and won't let new stuff in for free.


LOL.... and nukes are incoming to major cities even as we speak.. right? :D


well played Joesixxpack. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Have you looked at your link lately?? It still says..




Nothing has been taken away..


Ah...but it has been taken away - the page has been updated:


NOTE: Subscribers receive one free Character Rename.


No more mention of Legacy or Guild renames being free to subs.


They just keep pushing me out the door, don't they?

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Ah...but it has been taken away - the page has been updated:


NOTE: Subscribers receive one free Character Rename.


No more mention of Legacy or Guild renames being free to subs.


They just keep pushing me out the door, don't they?


Yeah, I'm not too happy about it. But, at least Eric explained it was miscommunication. Still surrpised at how long it was up and being mentioned by us before it was caught.


I don't want to rename any of my characters :-( Just my legacy!

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Dont wanna sound out of the loop but what was it before ?


Prior to them catching the mistake -- it said Subscribers would each get:


Character rename

Legacy rename

Guild rename



It was supposed to be Character only -- and has now been changed to reflect that.

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Prior to them catching the mistake -- it said Subscribers would each get:


Character rename

Legacy rename

Guild rename



It was supposed to be Character only -- and has now been changed to reflect that.


Hmm ok i can live with just getting a name change, im not to happy with one of my alts who had a forced rename when others were merged onto my server. That said the guild rename, Im assuming that this will be a cartel item.


Now how are they going todo this, will they allow us to pool cartel coins into the guild bank or something to purchase this or is it upto the guild leader to buy this from the cartel market.

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Dont know why people are fussing about character re-names... With the "mega" server, the amount of names available that don't involve the characters over the letters is bare minimum to none.


The person that has the name that I got day 1 of early access the minute our server went live, is still inactive in ilum. How that guy got "dibs" over my name still amazes me.


I wish bioware would implement a naming system like other games use so everyone could have their desired character name. (the legacy name would split them a part). It sure as hell would amplify the amount of people PURCHASING character renames if that were the case since I know plenty who lost their names to inactive accounts.

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The discussion was about the removal of a free Legacy and Guild rename. . .


Not really much discussion on the Character rename aspect, aside from the fact that we still get one for free. And yeah, it seems a lot of people don't care about renames because of the lack of available names.

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Prior to them catching the mistake -- it said Subscribers would each get:


Character rename

Legacy rename

Guild rename



It was supposed to be Character only -- and has now been changed to reflect that.


Altering the Matrix is not a mistake.


Character rebame

Legacy rezame

Guild remame...


Those are mistakes.

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