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Hatered of F2P


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For a f2p game this forum seems to really hate the concept.


So often when I see people bring up concerns on the forum and ingame about f2p players being disadvantaged not just in terms of restrictions but in other ways, everyone's reponse seems to be "sub you noob".


This really bites at me since it really doesn't create a nice environment for f2p players to play in, in game. If they don't feel welcome by the community then they won't subscribe or buy cartel coins. And lets remember that your game was dying until f2p players came in.

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For a f2p game this forum seems to really hate the concept.


So often when I see people bring up concerns on the forum and ingame about f2p players being disadvantaged not just in terms of restrictions but in other ways, everyone's reponse seems to be "sub you noob".


This really bites at me since it really doesn't create a nice environment for f2p players to play in, in game. If they don't feel welcome by the community then they won't subscribe or buy cartel coins. And lets remember that your game was dying until f2p players came in.


Its the fact Bioware are focusing everything on F2P And doing nothing for subs...theyre focusing too much on the CC store because thats their main source of income now. :/

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Its the fact Bioware are focusing everything on F2P And doing nothing for subs...theyre focusing too much on the CC store because thats their main source of income now. :/


so you want what? Sub only content?

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so you want what? Sub only content?


Maybe also no free to play players. ;) Not get me wrong but perosnally I like Star Wars but in general dislike deep down the free to play concept even as it may keep the game alive. I am no fool about this, but it still does not mean that I must like it. :)

Edited by Selphares
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I don't like it when people whine about a thing the get for free. You are free to play with limitations. If you don't like the limitations, you're free to pay to get rid of them.


Also, are you sure you see this happen quite often or are you just annoyed how people reacted to this thread of yours you made a few moments ago?


Firstly no its not just the response to my post, but I've seen it across the entire forum, a level of distaste for F2P players. E.g :threads like this


Yes as a F2P player I accept restrictions, what I don't accept is people treating us like second class citizens. Respect in the forums is all we ask.

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Maybe also no free to play players. ;) Not get me wrong but perosnally I like Star Wars but in general dislike deep down the free to play concept even as it may keep the game alive. I am no fool about this, but it still does not mean that I must like it. :)


Sadly, F2P is the state of most of current gaming market, games shifting to be for more casual people, etc.

The problem is that even the most hardcore gaming people grew up, found families and have kids (somehow, but that means there is hope for many of us :D ) and most importantly, have daily jobs, leaving them with little time to actively game.

And since this is the major population of the "buying force", the market needs to adapt to it, which results in F2P and freemium models...

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If you sincerely just think that f2p are treated badly, then let me tell you: there will always be some people who will treat some people badly. There are some pve players that think pvp-players are "second class citizens" and pvp players who think pve players are those. I'm pretty sure the same goes with f2p and subs. Some f2p may think that all subs are full of themselves and their own greatness (when the f2p option first came out, the general chat was full of people with this attitude) and some subs may think that f2p have no idea how to play the game or behave themselves and they just cause wipes or act stupidly. It's just people acting like people usually act, and even though it's not always nice, there really isn't much to be done. You can try, but you can't make everyone to listen.
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This game would die without the F2P players... but sure, lets just exclude them out of petty greed...


Personally, im happy with what im getting for those 15$ each month. Free access to PvP, FP's, Ops, 25% extra xp, 12 characterslots and more...

Sure, you could buy alot of that with cartel coins at a one time cost but what you cannot buy away is that 25% XP increase and the ability to get special items at the end of quests (whereas an F2P player only gets a grayed out box saying "you cant get this item because you are not a subscriber").

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This forum does have a level of dislike for F2P, but in-game it's a different matter, I've found. People are generally welcoming and helpful. Even when someone on Dromund Kaas asks how to get their AC, there will always be someone willing to explain it yet again. I would recommend subscribing simply because the F2P restrictions are terrible, but I haven't seen anyone rage against F2Pers in-game yet.


This forum (like most video game forums) tends to be a bit hostile and negative towards most things, really ;)

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If you sincerely just think that f2p are treated badly, then let me tell you: there will always be some people who will treat some people badly. There are some pve players that think pvp-players are "second class citizens" and pvp players who think pve players are those. I'm pretty sure the same goes with f2p and subs. Some f2p may think that all subs are full of themselves and their own greatness (when the f2p option first came out, the general chat was full of people with this attitude) and some subs may think that f2p have no idea how to play the game or behave themselves and they just cause wipes or act stupidly. It's just people acting like people usually act, and even though it's not always nice, there really isn't much to be done. You can try, but you can't make everyone to listen.


no but I can add my shoutting to the general mess. Atleast its here.

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I will tell you straight up. I hate the concept of free to play and everything that goes with it. I am an old school MMO player that loves a challenge in my games and I feel the whole industry is dumbing down their games and switching over to the free to play to attract the casual console type of player to their games.
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so you want what? Sub only content?


Most people would prefer it went back to that yes.


And OP, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that EAware wants people to sub; the F2P/Premium accounts are just basic trial accounts. The want you to sub and dive into the Cartel Market.

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Like it or not sub players were not paying the bills. It took F2P and the market to save the game.


I don't think that sub players are getting ignored...but at the same time I think Bioware is doing what is best for the game, and that means the market and F2P players.


As long as it keeps the game alive I will support that assumed position.

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Yea i have to agree that F2P is a necessary evil (so to speak). I sub-ed for 2 months after release and finally just renewed my sub this month after getting tired of F2P restrictions. For the next two months i can get what i want out of those restrictions and revert back.


I think doing this and getting to a preferred status that way is the most beneficial. F2P market will expand and improve hopefully, and i also agree some special sub-only content could be implemented in terms of bonus perks / mounts / etc (what ever you can think of)


I disagree with some of the F2P restrictions, but they could offset that by adding something new for the subs rather than just saying 'you have full content access' and 'F2P you have partial'


my BLUF and opinion: F2P should get more standard content and SUB should get a little additional content

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Its the fact Bioware are focusing everything on F2P And doing nothing for subs...theyre focusing too much on the CC store because thats their main source of income now. :/


You're very, very confused if you think all the crap EA puts on the Cartel Market is focused to the f2p crowd.


The f2p crowd has shown a strong, overriding desire to NOT pay for the game.


Subscribers have shown a willingness to pay.


Which do you think is easier to get money from?


Now f2p players may pay a few bucks to improve their convenience or get into more war zones or flash points or whatever. But the f2p players are NOT the ones buying the gambling packs upon which EA is focusing the lion's share of Cartel Market effort. Not a chance.

Edited by DarthTHC
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I will tell you straight up. I hate the concept of free to play and everything that goes with it. I am an old school MMO player that loves a challenge in my games and I feel the whole industry is dumbing down their games and switching over to the free to play to attract the casual console type of player to their games.


Me, I'm an old school RPG player and I don't like the concept of "online RPGs" at all.


Unfortunately, SWTOR is the only way - apart from both KOTOR titles - to have an Star Wars RPG at all.


I agree with you, though, that I as well have the feeling that the whole industry is dumbing down offline RPGs - and makes them into fast-paced running-around-and-kill-everything-for-phat-loot things.


That's why I wait for "Divinity : Original Sin", "The Chaos Chronicles" and the remake of "Blade Of Destiny".

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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You're very, very confused if you think all the crap EA puts on the Cartel Market is focused to the f2p crowd.


The f2p crowd has shown a strong, overriding desire to NOT pay for the game.


Subscribers have shown a willingness to pay.


Which do you think is easier to get money from?


Now f2p players may pay a few bucks to improve their convenience or get into more war zones or flash points or whatever. But the f2p players are NOT the ones buying the gambling packs. Not a chance.


I think it is like this

Subs: Buying fluff armor and packs

Prefs: Buying restriction unlocks

F2Ps: Not spending a dime

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I can understand hating the idea of F2P and being disappointed that the game went that route. What I can't understand is blaming the people who are F2P and treating them like crap. I've seen a number of people absolutely abuse someone for asking a question. I've also seen many times a person dismissed as "just F2P" and it takes a few tries to get an actual answer to their question.


The worst case? A guy who made out that he had some special item he wanted to share with free players. After all of them that wanted to had whispered him he announced in general chat that he had put them all on his ignore list and that he wouldn't play with a bunch of leeches. That's just childish.


You can't assume that someone who just started playing the game and isn't willing to shell out $15 the first week if they don't have to do so will never sub or buy cartel packs/buy preferred status. And if the subs treat them like crap on the first couple of planets why would they stick around long enough to spend any money?

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If you sincerely just think that f2p are treated badly, then let me tell you: there will always be some people who will treat some people badly. There are some pve players that think pvp-players are "second class citizens" and pvp players who think pve players are those. I'm pretty sure the same goes with f2p and subs. Some f2p may think that all subs are full of themselves and their own greatness (when the f2p option first came out, the general chat was full of people with this attitude) and some subs may think that f2p have no idea how to play the game or behave themselves and they just cause wipes or act stupidly. It's just people acting like people usually act, and even though it's not always nice, there really isn't much to be done. You can try, but you can't make everyone to listen.


We RPer's don't treat anyone baddly.


Unless it's in our character's personality.

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Sadly, F2P is the state of most of current gaming market, games shifting to be for more casual people, etc.

The problem is that even the most hardcore gaming people grew up, found families and have kids (somehow, but that means there is hope for many of us :D ) and most importantly, have daily jobs, leaving them with little time to actively game.

And since this is the major population of the "buying force", the market needs to adapt to it, which results in F2P and freemium models...


So ttur, special the working part. But not sure how to put it out for a deep psychological reason I not really like free to play for myself. Yes it si where the money is in most cases and a comapny would be stupid to ignore it, but under the good old 'earlier was everything better' trademark I preferred games with a fixed monthly fee only. To be fair Bioware strongly handicaps the free to play players and most of their shopping objects so far fall not under a must have to enjoy the game.

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