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Aim or Power augments for PvE Combat Medic?


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I see healing Sorcs/Sages stacking power now in their augments instead of main stat. Is this advice relevant to Combat Medics as well? Since we have a 9% bonus to main stat while Sorcs/Sages have only 6%.
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Aim for sure. You want the extra crit you get from main stat as well as the 9% bonus.


this. maybe power augments give you more powerful heals, but stacking aim gives you more crits, important for healers.

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1. Each point of aim gives you +0.14 points of bonus healing.

2. Each point of power gives you +0.17 points of bonus healing.

3. BUT, with Ironsights' +9% aim combined with the +5% raid buff, each point of aim gives you +0.16 points of bonus healing.


At around 3000 aim, each additional point of aim gives you approx 0.0026% crit. A full set of 14 grade 28 augments can give you 448 points of aim or power.


448 Aim = +71.5 bonus healing and +1.19% crit

448 Power = +76.2 bonus healing


So you're losing 4.7 points of bonus healing, but gaining 1.19% crit.



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1. Each point of aim gives you +0.14 points of bonus healing.

2. Each point of power gives you +0.17 points of bonus healing.

3. BUT, with Ironsights' +9% aim combined with the +5% raid buff, each point of aim gives you +0.16 points of bonus healing.


At around 3000 aim, each additional point of aim gives you approx 0.0026% crit. A full set of 14 grade 28 augments can give you 448 points of aim or power.


448 Aim = +71.5 bonus healing and +1.19% crit

448 Power = +76.2 bonus healing


So you're losing 4.7 points of bonus healing, but gaining 1.19% crit.




You are giving aim the 5% buff and not power. The warrior buff gives 5% bonus healing power so each power adds .18 bonus healing so its ~9 bonus healing vs 1.19% crit so this may not change the conclusion but I wanted to clarify.


Also 9 bonus healing is more significant than people think. On a pool of 900 bonus healing that is approximately 1% more bonus healing. Crit is also subject to surge application so with 70% surge on 1.19% crit your healing should increase by .833%. Bonus healing has to be evaluated on a move by move basis but most of the formulas for healing abilities have very large power multipliers of about 2-3 but there is a static base amount of healing that is a fixed amount and can never change so a 1% power increase will be less than 1% increase in healing as well. I dont have all the new ability multipliers or fixed base amounts but you would need those to make a complete determination.


TLDR; Aim is still likely the best but it probably wont show up in any live parses and make any significant difference. As a healer as far as preference if my hypothetical hps was the same, I would rather have the constant benefit of power rather than rely on RNG with a crit chance and crit also tends to just be over healing not effective healing.

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You are giving aim the 5% buff and not power. The warrior buff gives 5% bonus healing power so each power adds .18 bonus healing so its ~9 bonus healing vs 1.19% crit so this may not change the conclusion but I wanted to clarify.

Oops, my bad. Omitted raid-buff on power :/

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You are giving aim the 5% buff and not power. The warrior buff gives 5% bonus healing power so each power adds .18 bonus healing so its ~9 bonus healing vs 1.19% crit so this may not change the conclusion but I wanted to clarify.

Force Might/Unnatural Might increases Bonus Healing by 5%, not Power. In other words, it's closer to 17 Bonus Healing per point of Aim vs 18 for Power.

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Force Might/Unnatural Might increases Bonus Healing by 5%, not Power. In other words, it's closer to 17 Bonus Healing per point of Aim vs 18 for Power.


Congratulations you just said exactly what I said. Clearly you did not read past the first sentence.

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Congratulations you just said exactly what I said. Clearly you did not read past the first sentence.


Not exactly. Aim contributes to bonus healing as well, so they both get boosted by the same %.


Assuming the numbers written some posts above, the advantage power has over aim in bonus healing goes from 4.7 to 4.9, not 9:

(76.2*1.05) - (71.5*1.05)= 4.935.


In a pool of (easily obtainable) 900 healing power that's a +0.55% improvement, which translates to less than that in terms of additional healing done.


For a healer, surge around 70% base shouldn't be a problem, and now ALL heals have a +15% surge bonus, meaning that the bare minimum multiplier is 85% (though I think 90% and higher should be well within reach even without leaving alacrity out). On average, that 1.19% crit chance translates to an overall healing improvement of +1.0115%, which increases for any point of multiplier you get over 85%.


So aim augments will grant about twice as much healing output bonus than power, albeit dependent on randomness. In the end, even though aim is definitely superior, as far as math goes, the difference is so small that the pure randomness of any encounter will make the point moot.

Edited by GeckoOBac
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For anyone who's keen on seeing the backing math, I wrote a bit about this in the DPS forums: post


The most surge you can get without augments is +77%, or 1.92 multiplier on crits after specced surge.


With 720 points in surge, you'd want all aim augs and about 104 points in crit. With less points in surge, you want to approach 52 crit, but aim augs are still superior to power augs.

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