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pvp mech healing


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I want to start a mech to heal at lvl 55 warzones. Are they fun ? How survival are they ? I played holy paladin for years at wow. Quited wow 2 years ago and ive been playing assasin since swtor launch but i missed healing so much.
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You can do alright and have fun in regs as a Bodyguard. I tried speccing back to Pyro, but quickly switched back to heals. We can survive decently when focused, but we definitely need more peels than the other two healers. We also depend more on having good team support in order to be effective. Best bet if you want to be successful is to queue with a tank who'll guard and taunt for you.


I'd post my build, etc. but I usually get flamed when I do, so I'll leave that to others.

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One thing to note is that a dev acknowledged that commandos/mercs don't have enough escape mechanisms when getting focused, so they are looking to fix it. Now, whether they implement their new idea anytime soon or that if the new ability actually addresses the issue is a different story.
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Merc healers are solid only because healers in general are OP in this game. Comaraed to Sorc or Operative healers, Merc healers are weaker by far.


That's the understatement of the Decade. Merc healers are a bit weaker AOE wise. bue they are the BEST single target healing out there.

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That's the understatement of the Decade. Merc healers are a bit weaker AOE wise. bue they are the BEST single target healing out there.


and what abilities makes the merc so much more superior as single target healing compared to sorc and ops?

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and what abilities makes the merc so much more superior as single target healing compared to sorc and ops?


considering Ploms, that mercs have the ability in 3 gcds to drop 20k+ on a single target say a tank, I would say yea we are excellent single target healers. All 2 of our casted heals are under 2 secs with only a talent, i believe that would point out that we are pretty good for single target healing.


The thing most of you overlook with all the healers in this game is this, each one heals differently for obvious reasons (if they all healed exactly the same why have 3 different healing classes). Mercs are just the least "Proactive" of the 3; we are completely reactive and thats how it is. Mercs are also the most challenging healers to play in this game due to the fact of heat management. Once you figure out how to effectively heal and keep your heat down Mercs are just as effective as a sorc or op. We just dont put bubbles or little floating air freshners on you.


Ive been a bodyguard merc since early access and have never enjoyed healing more. I can heal anything any other healer can in pve and in pvp i consistently top or nearly top the board. If your standing around casting in a WZ with any healer your doing it wrong. Gotta move, drop a heal or two and keep moving. BTW i have an Op and a sorc and both are collecting dust...just didnt find them as much fun or a challenge like a merc.


sorry for the mini wall o text and i know my grammer is probably lacking but that isnt the point here now is it.




Durrar - 55 Bodyguard Merc

Shadowlands (US)

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so much words yet you didn't answer what abilities that makes the merc so much better at single target healing compared to the two other classes.

I have both sorc and ops lvl 55 and there isn't anything I can think of that those two classes excels more in both aoe and single target healing.

proactive medicine is a joke and koltojet does way to low aoe heals for such a long cd.

I don't even know why Im still playing a merc , maybe im a masochist.

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ok ill spell it out since obviously you didnt roll a merc to compare your other two healers to...Healing scan + Rapid Scan + Emergency Scan = Full tank in less than 4 secs in the event that two crit otherwise half of his health....questions???


and with proper heat management i can continue that on every emergency scan cd.


now on your proactive medicine and kolto jets comment...your now talking about aoe and utility which had nothing to do with your question on mercs being single target healers.

Edited by kenpotiger
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Well i think we got away from what the OP was asking...imo and my opinion only....yes they are a blast....i survive just fine against 1 or 2 dps in pvp until i get help or they do....merc is the closest thing to holy pally on this game, its more a shaman pally mix. The rest is up to you.
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I thoroughly enjoy merc healing, definitely more of a challenge. Just a shame that Hydraulic Overrides (while it *did* help with mobility somewhat) just doesn't compare to Barrier or Roll for survivability.
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I'm back in the game since the add on, and I think the merc heal isn't that great. Don't get me wrong the numbers are ok, but it is the tactical movement which is owning the whole concept of merc healing.


For example:


In rated Warzones, you just need 1 tank or DD to focus the merc heal. If 1 tank or DD is just smashing brain afk onto the merc heal he is out of the game. All he can do is healing himself and trying to stay alife. The result is zero healing on teammates. Even when the merc gets heal from other healers, you just took 2 healers out of the teamfight because they have to care about the merc heal itself.


We have 2 - 3 instantheals(which are very weak beside the top talent), the koltoshield is just a joke with its rarly procs and sometimes the kolto-rocket is not even worth the global cooldown, but its the only chance to stay alive because we have to run.

If you dont move or run out of LOS you will be killed.

This brings us back to the 1tank/dd focusing on the merc heal, a good one will not let you cast or bring out even 1 casted heal. They have knockback +kick + stun, yes you can break stun but your cast is broken. Koltorocket + instantheal are not enough to stay alive against an enemy focusing on you.


A usefull hot would be nice or atleast a channeling heal, because if your mate dies in the 2,5 seconds you cast....it was just wasted time.



Yes it is an MMO, and we need to stay as a team and need help, but as far as I can see we cant even beat someone in 1on1....maybe if you skill hybrid or have atleast 60min time left.


I love playing merc, but its hard to play it at a level where other classes are on default..

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