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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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On 12/26/2022 at 11:34 PM, RainEbon said:

I'm not even mad about the kick but what baffles me is that I ended up getting a 17min lockout.

What kind of a logic is that? I didn't leave I got kicked lol

Groupfinder is just full of unnecessary Punishments, I'm not sure if they crept over from PVP or if the DEVs just hate the Players and always assume the worst of them. Don't take it to heart.

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On 12/26/2022 at 6:34 PM, RainEbon said:

Well I just had something 'amazing' happen to me in a flashpoint.

Joined a in progress Depths of Manaan (vet) and as soon as I joined I got kicked from a group with someone writing in chat that they were sorry but that spot was reserved for their friend. 

I'm not even mad about the kick but what baffles me is that I ended up getting a 17min lockout.

What kind of a logic is that? I didn't leave I got kicked lol

I think that time-out would have been a glitch.

Edited by JediQuaker
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Hi. Not sure this belongs here, but i need to vent ( LOL).

DF SM group, we killed everything extremely fast, poor Corruptor Zero didn't even got a chance to fire the laser. At Brontes, we had to wait a few minutes, someone had to go spend tech fragments. Out of the blue, the healer ( with Dread mask and fancy NiM title) started complaining about " low dps" and picked on a smuggler, apparently his 336 irating gear was not good enough for SM ( !!) because, in this healer's opinion, being third in Star Parse was something the smuggler should be ashamed of.

I checked the guy, he had mixed gear ( Tionese, Rakata and Columi, all with purple augments) and his dmg wasn't bad at all, 21 k is decent for SM ops, at least that's what my guild told me.

Needless to say, the ops chat degenerated into an insult feast between the healer and the smuggler, but they calmed down and we finished the op.


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1 hour ago, bluehufsa said:

Hi. Not sure this belongs here, but i need to vent ( LOL).

DF SM group, we killed everything extremely fast, poor Corruptor Zero didn't even got a chance to fire the laser. At Brontes, we had to wait a few minutes, someone had to go spend tech fragments. Out of the blue, the healer ( with Dread mask and fancy NiM title) started complaining about " low dps" and picked on a smuggler, apparently his 336 irating gear was not good enough for SM ( !!) because, in this healer's opinion, being third in Star Parse was something the smuggler should be ashamed of.

I checked the guy, he had mixed gear ( Tionese, Rakata and Columi, all with purple augments) and his dmg wasn't bad at all, 21 k is decent for SM ops, at least that's what my guild told me.

Needless to say, the ops chat degenerated into an insult feast between the healer and the smuggler, but they calmed down and we finished the op.


More often than not those people are the ones that get carried or buy runs and then like to act superior to others for whatever reason. If the achievements he has for that title are all on the same day in the span of 1-2 hours, he got carried/bought it

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I think last week was strangest group finder i got in a long time. 

I was on a corruption sorcerer with my role set to heal for group finder 

When group match pops up, i see Rest of group has dps showing as role,

Seemed good to me, 3dps and me healing, i hit ready. 

And found myself in mandalorian raider fp. With all healers (who qued as dps) 

This group then continues to complain that its taking to long to kill bosses and that we don't need so many healers and  how dare people que as dps when they are set to heal. (fair enough complaints but it was coming from a op healer who qued as a dps...) 

This person also kept telling  everyone to just heal themselves as we don't need a healer for this flashpoint 😂


At least we had no deaths 😂

Edited by TalLura
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/3/2023 at 10:30 PM, TalLura said:

I think last week was strangest group finder i got in a long time. 

I was on a corruption sorcerer with my role set to heal for group finder 

When group match pops up, i see Rest of group has dps showing as role,

Seemed good to me, 3dps and me healing, i hit ready. 

And found myself in mandalorian raider fp. With all healers (who qued as dps) 

This group then continues to complain that its taking to long to kill bosses and that we don't need so many healers and  how dare people que as dps when they are set to heal. (fair enough complaints but it was coming from a op healer who qued as a dps...) 

This person also kept telling  everyone to just heal themselves as we don't need a healer for this flashpoint 😂


At least we had no deaths 😂

I think people are changing their roles to make GF pop faster and forgetting about changing it for Vet FPs. Or they are looking at "role in need" and assuming that's what they are.

I exclusively play as classes that are DPS/Healer and DPS/Tank (That means never a Sent or a Slinger) and play nearly 100 FPs per week. Never have I ever been rolled into the wrong role.

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  • 4 weeks later...
6 hours ago, SoontirMorillo said:

Isn't it nice how civilized this exchange was? The members of the group realized that they have opposing views on how to run the content. One side communicated clearly their stance on the situation and gave reasons to convince the others. The other side made their intentions as clear through their actions, nonverbal.


Funny, that the only person who never spoke a single word, not even a greeting at the start, was the person, who insisted on watching the story... the LvL80 Sorc.

Sounds rude rather than civilized if someone is outright ignoring everything it's being said

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46 minutes ago, SoontirMorillo said:

Isn't there a saying... "actions are louder than words"? If a player does not skip after being asked to, he made his stance pretty clear. Every team member was on the same page. One side had to back down. It happened. Without any rudeness. I see this as a win/win situation. There was no need for more words, back and forth. Problem got solved.

would hardly call a problem solved when one side got their way while ignoring everyone and the other had to lose their time. if a person is being addressed and doesn't reply that is rudeness.
The people that had to leave not only lost their time because they didn't get the reward but also got a lockout

Edited by xxSHOONYxx
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Dread Fortress SM on DM server, went with my arsenal merc. The other dps were operatives and a marauder. The healer got disconnected in the middle of the fight with Rancor boss, we wiped. Then i got kicked for "low dps", but when i looked on starparse.. SURPRISE !!!! First place, an operative, 23 k dmg. Second place me, 21 k dps. The rest of guys.. 8 and 9 k dps. But somehow they decided it was my fault? Or maybe they got the revenge on me because the healer was from the same guild, who knows. Thing is i wasn't even angry, but rather amused. 

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Kicking for performance in sm Op's or vm FP's is kinda laughable. Being continually stupid, not taking any coaching, DC'd for an extended time, or trolling I can see it, but kicking someone as lowest DPS when these mobs melt so fast seems 'extra sweaty' to me.

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1 hour ago, HypSpec said:

Kicking for performance in sm Op's or vm FP's is kinda laughable. Being continually stupid, not taking any coaching, DC'd for an extended time, or trolling I can see it, but kicking someone as lowest DPS when these mobs melt so fast seems 'extra sweaty' to me.

Some people just need to feel all 'leet'. 🙂

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On 2/13/2023 at 10:12 AM, HypSpec said:

Kicking for performance in sm Op's or vm FP's is kinda laughable. Being continually stupid, not taking any coaching, DC'd for an extended time, or trolling I can see it, but kicking someone as lowest DPS when these mobs melt so fast seems 'extra sweaty' to me.

i was listening to some friends doing a pug sm tos the other night and when they got to revan, it got bad....

their first pull, they hit 100 stacks on the core and got dead.  at that point, i told them if someone dropped, just let me know and i could come in to help them.

however, after some coaching, they got it the 2nd pull and killed the core at about 45 stacks.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh how I missed posting on this thread.

I just came back like a week ago since 7.0 release, already have my 6 imp to 80 336, now I decided to play my pubs with my usual way (fp till it 80 and don't touch fp unless its MM).

Play my IR 306 Gunslinger and got an Athiss pop with a 19 VG, and 2 Guardian x Shadow 336. But boy oh boy why the hell the mobs and boss agro always come to me smh.

Did BW make the game TOOOOO much easier and make people don't learn how to play their class? its just annoying but passable since SM FP is ezpz even Chiss and Nathema which I used to hate so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Athiss group from Hell.

lv80 stealth, two mid 60's Dps and myself a low30's dps.

No salutations. Group speeds down the broken elevator and attacks mob. Proceeds to next two rooms and gets to door and no one has Arch so we have to double back to get explosives. In the next area, one player can't make the shortcut jump up the ledge so "geronimos" into the pack of creatures then accidently agros the nearby droids and just as they go down the stealth player starts the boss fight. I say "it's polite to wait for us before starting a fight" Response: "I needed to heal". "Fair enough but you could have regenerated instead going for kolto" I say. "Dude, it's only vet mode! Relax" one of the other group mates goes. I go "that's not the point! It's courtesy to let people recoup. Show some respect!" "What? the stealth cries out. "Respect is earned besides I can solo this whole thing" "Go ahead then!" I tell 'em." The back and forth continues with things like "I came here to do my weekly and now I have to deal with people like you" yadda yadda. Fast forward a little past the "Big Dog" and we don't have Arch so we have to take the long way. Lv 80 stealth agros one of the elites instead of sleeping it. One of the other lv 60 disconnects. The stealth dies then the other lvl 60 then lastly me.  Now since the person who disconnected was in combat we can't respawn, stuck it or leave instance. I laugh and logout of game. I'm telling ya just too funny!

Edited by TonyTricicolo
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  • 4 weeks later...

Last evening PUG group for DP/DF, everything went well until the healer had to log off and we had to find a replacement. The new healer started laughing about my tactical and called me names because.. he didn't knew Innovative Ordnance is an actual discipline and has its own tacticals, different from Arsenal ones. 

I told him to check it on Google or vulkk or whatever, he replied " shut the beep off, you don't even have R4 completed" . Huh?? What has R4 to do with the fact that some people play Innovative?? 


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  • 4 weeks later...

A bit of a shame this thread isn't as active as in the old days. Always found some interesting reading here. I have only recently gone back to playing flashpoints after a very long period of solo play starting around the release of KotET. Queueing for veteran FPs has been a breeze, and most of the content is a lot easier than I remember with how it's been retooled into the tactical model.

On one hand that's probably a good thing, being able to pick up a group without significant waiting and playing content that can easily be 2-manned with companions gives it a certain levity. On the other there are people who make this game their second job and what should be a fun experience can get downright frustrating when they rush through chainpulling everything while annoyed that the other 3 members of the group have a hard time catching up.

Such an experience I've been given in a Black Talon PUG a few days ago when I was levelling an Inqusitor-origin Serenity shadow. A mid-20s Merc in flashy armor riding a basilisk droid showing up to the instance with an exasperated sigh probably should've clued me in this person was not here to waste time and indeed, they were chainpulling all the groups all the way including the bosses, wouldn't wait for people to move through lifts to catch up while pulling everything ahead, forcing them to just stand and wait until the fights were over and the classic "please spacebar everything" mantra. I tend to keep up the pace as best I can and have no issues spacebarring through if everyone else does so, but I ended up dropping the group after Commander Ghulil because this experience was actively unfun, and I don't drop groups lightly.

Lo and behold, about two or three days later when I finally hit 80 on the character, I popped up the group finder, got Cademimu and who's there? The same merc, in early 70s, doing the exact same tactics from before. All 3 of the other members weren't even loaded in, no hellos were spoken and all the encounters until the very tall lift were pulled already. Like, what the heck. At this point I knew exactly what to expect, dropped the group instantly without saying a word and for the first time in a very long time had to put someone on ignore. I'd rather play with people who don't suck all the joy out of my game, thank you very much.


Fast forward to today, when I had a Black Talon run on the same toon which was essentially a polar opposite. The other groupmates being a lowbie Juggernaut, a lv. 80 Shadow and a lowbie Operative. The group was fairly competent, and there really isn't anything to screw up on BT anyway. The op was the least patient, rushing through for the most part, but had no problem slowing down when the other half of the group wanted to take the Bonus boss. All in all a fun run, one clearly not played through gritted teeth for the weekly checkmark and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

More interesting was my second encounter with the same lowbie Juggernaut from this BT run later on in Mando Raiders. The group consisted of me, a Serenity Shadow, the Juggernaut in mid-20s, an Assassin in early 60s and a lv. 80 Marauder who clearly mostly does PvP. The run went incredibly smoothly throughout the first part all the way to the first boss, but things got awry in the large room with the overhead bridge and turrets on each side. While getting through the first time went well enough, someone in the group, couldn't remember who, had the unfortunate luck of pulling one of the patrolling elites on top of the bridge. The lowbie jugg got knocked off, pulling the whole room downstairs, while the sin got burned by the droid and their adds which followed him and the marauder to the boarding party room. I was still on the bridge fighting off the last of the adds when all hell was let loose.

Around that time the mara became utterly unresponsive, probably went afk but never mentioned anything. I quickly burned the droid that killed our sin friend and ran downstairs to save the poor juggernaut who was running around like a headless chicken at about 10% HP. After killing the smaller adds and getting back to the boarding party, we realized that the turrets in the room kept the sin from rezzing, and since the mara seemed completely catatonic, we had no other option than to take them out. With me at around 30%, the juggernaut at around 1-2%, I sheepishly Force cloaked to reach a kolto station, hopefully without provoking the boarders, and off I went with the juggernaut to take out the turrets.

After succeeding in this misadventure, we all regrouped at the boss, unfortunately with the mara still unresponsive. Fortunately this is a vet FP, so we 3-manned the boarding party without much trouble. The sin then threw a votekick on the marauder which went through. I was a bit disappointed, but I guess there was nothing much else to do. Since no one else pulled out a comp, I took out Talos to heal and the rest of the run went pretty smoothly, with me and the sin CCing through all the groups up to the final boss and finishing up without trouble.

All in all, a total mess. But it was a fun mess. Definitely more interesting than completely facerolling everything, which is almost every other flashpoint I queue for these days. Maybe I should try master mode. 

Addendum: This was a lot more words than I expected to write..

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  • 2 months later...

I'll pitch in with a story that happened a bit ago.

Got spammer station as usual

I forgot the classes people had, but it was me level 80, 2 other level 80s and a low level, i think sub 20 sentinel, who was clearly very new in the game and on his first character, possibly having his first flashpoint experience

No hello, no nothing, someone started running trough the mobs towards the scavenging shortcut, so i followed

The newcomer tried to keep up, but got aggro of some mobs and ended up getting melted, so i went back to help them get trough while everyone else jumped down to the boss

One of the others ended up insulting him (and me) for not keeping up

I told them to chill the F out, because they were clearly a newcomer. we can just go back and help them

Guess what?
I have been removed from the group. And the newcomer probably followed right after. Of course, the guy who insulted him went straight to ignore.

People really need to consider if this is the kind of experience we want to give to excited new players

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  • 6 months later...

Returning to the game after a long time away. I had stopped playing a while back just because I was fed up with the drop in player standards and endless hammer station missions.

Unfortunately, it seems none of that has changed. I ran a few heroics with my sniper, jugg tank and shadow tank to remember my keybind layouts and rotations (after re-arranging my skill bars back to how they used to be).

Hammer station, hammer station, hammer station, hammer station.

In levelling 3 characters from 75 - 80 I only got 2 runs which were not hammer station.

A Foundry run with my sniper, the group was a sorc dps and gunslinger, 4th person quit group as soon as the gf popped. At one point I asked how did we get a gunslinger in an imperial fp. This was because I hadn't botherered looking at the new quest for second class and didnt know rep/imp classes have merged.

At the bonus big slug boss the sorc just stood in the spit, I thought "oh, here we go" having remembered from the days of 2.0 when that would 3-hit anyone but a tank. the sorc just stood there and was fine, comp healed through it. Final boss does the big pull the whole group in and aoe thing. I roll out as soon as he pulls, remembering how that used to do a lot of damage, the other 2 just stayed there, and lost barely any health.

The other non HS run was mando raiders, 2 people quit as soon as it popped and as I was group leader I requeued us. it was my shadow tank and an op dps. We completed the whole mission without the group finder ever popping 2 replacements, even though it was a tactical so any role could join. At the first boss the op is stood next to me, so I tell him to kite the dogs away. he responds "no need" and it turns out he is correct, enraged dogs can now be healed through by a healer companion. At final boss the op ignores the turrets and we end up being shot at from 3 corners. No problem though, as healer comp can cope with that.

What annoys me about the whole thing, is they seem to have made group levelling content so weak that all the old stories of bad players are now just the norm. The bad player became the normal player. I havent yet gone into any of the normal trinity flashpoints for fear of what I will find.

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8 hours ago, BobFredJohn said:

What annoys me about the whole thing, is they seem to have made group levelling content so weak that all the old stories of bad players are now just the norm. The bad player became the normal player. I havent yet gone into any of the normal trinity flashpoints for fear of what I will find.

Have no fear they nerfed the Master Mode flashpoints too.  There's still some where if you mess up the mechanics it can be rough, but not many with real heal or dps checks left.

Most story mode operations are just as easy (if not easier) then veteran flashpoints, so newer players pretty much never have to learn anything as basic 'move out of the boss' cleave and move out of aoe'.  Even Hammer Station, which is run so often, has most tanks/dps with aggro, just stand there and eat sweeping blasters.  Sure, you can heal through it, but it's also so easy to just run through the boss and avoid it, players make things harder then they have to be.

I should clarify, the MM fp are easy IF you get at least 2 players who know what they're doing.  Pugs are hit and miss.  I mostly queue as dps for pugs nowadays, even though I prefer heals, since MM flashpoints are very frustrating if you end up with 2 bad dps on your team.

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Calling people bad players because of nerfs is a bit unfair and honestly pretty toxic. In my opinion, you're a bad player if you KNOW mechanics and still fail (unless you are handicapped). But I can't judge someone for NOT knowing.


As far as weird people I find in FPs: I normally don't mind a few mishaps, the only real thing that irks me is when people go too fast and the rest of the group has to slog their way over. Idc how high your gear rating is, you grouped because extra dps is greater than your solo dps. So if you rush to each fight alone, are you really making things faster than soloing?


Mind you, I can easily keep up with the speedsters just fine in hammer station. And I go fast myself, but I usually give the group time to catch up before initiating the next fight. I just understand how annoying it is to have your sprint turned off because someone initiates combat while you're still far away from it. Plus, some people switch tacticals between boss fights and I like to give time for that too. If one of my group members needs to switch to a single target tactical, the wait is worth it if the single target damage makes up for the loss of a few seconds. Might even kill the boss faster than just rushing in with an aoe tactical. Just some things for you speedsters to think about.


And one more thing for the speedsters. I can solo hammer in under 6:50 mins at 337 (now 339) with a scrapper scoundrel. Most of my solo runs are faster than most of my grouped runs. The only time the group way is faster is when I'm grouped with 80s 75s and maybe a 70+. And even then it's only faster if the group is well coordinated. When I'm solo, it's a much more guaranteed that I'll be in and out because I have absolute control over myself and most of the way the flashpoint is being engaged. When I'm grouped, I have no control over other players and any mistakes or weird pulls they do. So that's something else to consider if you're really trying to be fast.

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The amazing PewPew Tank,

In a Veteran FP (The Foundry), we meet a "tank" that uses only the basic shoot in every combat.

I asked him/her why buy: "Please, why do you use only one skill?"

He/she replied: "I will have other skills as I level-up".

I make a suggestion: "Let me suggest you to check your skills, because at your level (38), I'm sure that you have many others to choose and use".

The reply: "I'm not here to get shoots for you. If you want to queue only with level 80 players, do so".

We voted to kick him out...

The random groups are a social games, in terms of Psychological Experiments". You can see a sample of our society when people are protected by anonymity. What is, in my humble opinion, the best way to evaluate humans (or, the (in)famous, "Naked Ape").

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On 4/29/2024 at 12:32 PM, Lykourgos said:

In a Veteran FP (The Foundry), we meet a "tank" that uses only the basic shoot in every combat.

Not group finder, but I did KP SM the other day. There was a DPS operative who treated their class like a RDPS, staying as far back from the boss as they could, using whatever ranged ability they could on cooldown, and just simply spamming the standard level 1 attack. Average DPS of 6k-7k the entire operation.



On 4/21/2024 at 2:46 PM, FreeToSWTORThree said:

I can solo hammer in under 6:50 mins at 337 (now 339)

That's pretty good. I tried it yesterday I had it in 7:30 myself. The last time I timed myself was during 7.1. I was doing it in about 9:45. Big difference.

Edited by Traceguy
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

After pinging 80 and buying some 324 greens I queued my jugg tank for some gf stuff.

Get a pop for master athiss. The 2 dps were a sniper and a sin

Throughout the entire run, the sniper was pulling and to make sure he could always pull first he would run off to the next pull while there were still 1 or 2 enemies left on the current one.

On rare occasions the sniper would not pull. These would be the pulls where a stealth CC would allow the fight to be skipped. On these ones, the sin would stealth, run up to the enemy, then attack rather than CC. Final boss sniper ends up dead from fire and complains the healer was no good.


Got a master mode blood hunt after. everything went mostly well, until the second fight where I had been hit with slow by the red guy and the white lady had put the red circles on everyone. Both the other dps were melee. They both decided to run towards me while I was slowed so couldn't get out the way. With 3 red circles stacked on me I died. Got c-ressed and finished the fight.

Then at final boss both dps didnt run to the edge when the droid appeared in the middle. It then occurred to me these 2 may have never done this before. After the 3rd time one of them died, and while lying dead complained at the healer. Luckily the boss has been heavily nerfed, the orange circle seems a whole lot weaker so we beat it eventually.

At the end I say "please mention if you are new to the mission, we can explain the fights"

The jugg dps then says "do you think your better than us?"

healer: "no, just that you might be new to this mission"

me: "never mind, I give up"

He (and the other dps) caused my death in the second fight, then died to mechanics in the 3rd, but the polite offering of advice gets anger back.


Then I got a vet foundry pop with my tank and 3 dps. During the run, a sorc dps at one point says "I like your level number"

Me, with me immature sense of humour said "I dont see any level 69's here"

Sorc then tells me "quiet, nobody is talking to you"

me: "someones abit tetchy"

The sorc then going on a long rant about having played since beta, the most pro gamer ever, everybody else should follow him etc. By now we are at hk fight, the sorc and a sin dps both got killed by the central thing coming down. The sin complains that nobody warned them of an insta-kill mechanic, while the sorc tells me I didnt tank properly if other people are taking damage.

We wipe and running back I give an explanation of the fight, and the sin survives, the sorc doesnt join the fight for most of it as he is busy pressing the 4 generators for bonus boss. Once he does join he gets killed by the central console again.

I reckon the sorc and sin have not done this before so on the way to bonus boss I explain not to stand in green puddles. The sorc tells me to stop telling him what to do, hes played since beta, hes a pro, we should all listen to him, etc. Get to bonus boss and the merc dps get spat at, moves out of it. sorc get spat at, stays in it but it doesnt do as much damage as it used to so survived. Sin gets spat at, moves out of it. After the sorc has a go at me for not tanking properly as he was taking damage.

On the way to final boss, I do the jumps on the boxes/walls to skip what I can, the sin and merc follow, the sorc runs around the columns so pulls some skippable stuff. I dont really care, it doesnt take long to kill things, but the annoying bit is the sorc keeps flaming the 3 of us for running around the enemies instead of killing them.

At the final boss, as I still think some people are new I say "hes got a knockback, stay away from the edges." By the time I have written it the merc has pulled and stayed at the starting spot so I dont bother explaining anything else (not that it matters, its been nerfed so much all the mechanics can be ignored). Sorc gets knocked over the edge and killed, the 3 of us finish up.


Master boarding party. Things are abit difficult tanking as I have 324 greens and when looking at the dps to see who to guard, both are 343 gear rating. However one is range and one is melee so I guard ranged (if melee rips he will likely be closer to me).

Not that it mattered. Whenever I pulled a group, the healer would run through the fight, pull the next group then find somewhere to los them to. Once done, they would sit in whatever los spot they found spam healing themselves so they didnt die. They, seemed to have an issue with my tanking, the fact they were getting hit all the time and I didn't seem to make any effort to peel off the stuff they just pulled and los'd.

me: "your right, im not trying to do that. stop pulling and stop dragging things around unnecessarily. I will tank, but I will not baby sit"

It made no difference, they continued to run ahead on every pull to get the next group, then backtrack to an los spot, while occasionally complaining I am not leaping in and doing aoe taunt (which has 45s cooldown, I am not going to wait that long between each pull just to protect someone who pulls first).


Then there was a call for a tank for TFB SM. I joined, we got started and once we got to second boss I asked the other tank "what stacks do you want to swap at"

The other tank, who was also raid lead, said not to bother, its just a burn in SM. I asked "no doom, tank swap, interrupt?" he reiterated its just a dps check and asks me to kite kel.

I just kite kel around abit while everybody else kills the other 2, but funnily enough the raid lead is sometimes writing instructions in chat like "interrupt" or "move out of green." Seems doom and interrupt do matter, but we make it through no deaths so w/e

Complete the op, completely different to how I was used to. At kephless we even ignore nanites.


Seems its not just fp's that have been simplified, its the ops too. I can see why though, of the 3 fp runs I did, only 1 of the dps, the sin from the vet foundry run, followed kill order, all the others just tunnel-vision strongest enemy now, even in boss fights with adds, dps ignore all adds and just attack boss.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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