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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Just wanted to say, For a few weeks I have been grinding HM FPS for the achievement of 100%. I still have 110 FPS to go and need to make it till 5.0 hits as it will be impossible to do HM FPS then. Until now I did over 250 HM FPS in 3 weeks i think. I have too many stories to tell and I have to say its really affecting my psychological condition to play with the people that are in the game right now! I will be glad if I wont end up in the nut-house after Im done!!


Also wanted to thank Bioware for making sure we have such "competent" players in the game now!!

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So, yesterday i queued for random HM on my Sin tank and get a pop for Cad. No problem whatsoever, just that I realised afterwards that I forgot my shield in the legacy bank. :D

Afterwards another pop for BH HM. Get all the way through, although dps was kinda slow and we hit enrage on furball and wiped once on Jos and Valk due to me being dumb and getting kicked of the platform. Shae went without a problem.


Game's hard:rolleyes:


Edited because I mixed Up stuff in my memory:o

Edited by Torvai
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Decided to level a PT.


Around level 35 I get a FP Pop for Foundy.


We load in and I see that the other 3 players are 65 and from same guild. The three start pulling everything and rushing through. They dont even take time to heal before pulling next mob with only the Merc in group throwing off heals just enough so that him and his guildies do not die. Not once in all of the pulls did I recieve a heal. In the end I end up falling behind them as they are rushing I do not have time to heal between pulls I have no health, and they are not healing me.


They drop down to the first boss and pull while I am still up top walking past the droid. The boss starts his molten lava thing right as I drop down. The three drop threat and run behind cover which makes boss target me and kill me with one hit.


The three finish the fight and do not rez me. As soon as fight is over they Vote Kick Me for "Being F**king Worthless".


When I finish loading back to fleet I see a whisper from one of the three saying "Thanks for wasting our time, you POS."


And once again I am reminded why I rarely do things with people outside of my guilds.

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Decided to level a PT.


Around level 35 I get a FP Pop for Foundy.


We load in and I see that the other 3 players are 65 and from same guild. The three start pulling everything and rushing through. They dont even take time to heal before pulling next mob with only the Merc in group throwing off heals just enough so that him and his guildies do not die. Not once in all of the pulls did I recieve a heal. In the end I end up falling behind them as they are rushing I do not have time to heal between pulls I have no health, and they are not healing me.


They drop down to the first boss and pull while I am still up top walking past the droid. The boss starts his molten lava thing right as I drop down. The three drop threat and run behind cover which makes boss target me and kill me with one hit.


The three finish the fight and do not rez me. As soon as fight is over they Vote Kick Me for "Being F**king Worthless".


When I finish loading back to fleet I see a whisper from one of the three saying "Thanks for wasting our time, you POS."


And once again I am reminded why I rarely do things with people outside of my guilds.


Considering Molten Lava is a 10m AoE around the boss... If you died to it, you weren't following mechanics... And nothing else in the fight could have one-shotted you.

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And once again I am reminded why I rarely do things with people outside of my guilds.


I had a similar situation in a Battle of Rishi HM. I'm heals and there's two people from the same guild as the two dps. I'm geared 216+ and 100% augmented for this and I've done it before. But there was nothing I could do to save these two derps who constantly stood in the blue cross and wouldn't move out of blue circles and paid no attention to adds on the final boss. After two tanks quit the two derps vote to kick me.


I like to think it's the one last HM they will never complete for the DvL :p

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Considering Molten Lava is a 10m AoE around the boss... If you died to it, you weren't following mechanics... And nothing else in the fight could have one-shotted you.
Stupid question here: there is no indication of the aoe range in that fight, isn't it? Or is it my graphics settings?
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Considering Molten Lava is a 10m AoE around the boss... If you died to it, you weren't following mechanics... And nothing else in the fight could have one-shotted you.


I do not think you read my thing fully.


I had no health. As I said they rushed through with no chance to heal outside of combat. I had less then 10 percent heatlh going into the fight with no cooldowns as I had to use them in the previous pull to save from dieing.


Also as I said. They had pulled already before I was down there with them. So my first intention was to run to Kolto Tank for some heals finally. They had all dropped aggro and were behind cover so boss targeted me. Why they did that, especially if as you said it is an AOE, I do not know.


So not sure what you think I was supposed to do with less then 10 percent health, boss on me, and rest of my group being jerks.

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levelling my lvl 38 sage healer, get a pop for tactical mannan, group is me, 65 guardian dps, 65 guardian tank (who is actually a tank) and 22 sent dps.


We start, during the first pull aggro is mostly on me as tank tanks 1 enemy at a time until its dead. I consider giving him my "hit everything in the pull" instruction which usually makes a huge difference on bad tanks but cant be bothered as its only tactical. The guardian dps also has a lot of aggro because they keep ripping off the tank.


So we have a tunnel-visioning tank that loses aggro to a dps, and where does he choose to put guard? on my healer. Genius. I switch it off and ask him to "use your guard properly please", he just runs off to the next pull without a word.


get to first boss and the tank pulls with both dps outside the screen. We agree to just let them kill us and start again. Beat it second time around but my hatred for low level sage healers resource management is growing.


Get to second boss, kill it, third boss, kill it then say our goodbyes and the tank says "I had heard this was a difficult one, but it seemed easy"

guardian dps: "second boss is a heal check"

after a bit of conversation about what heal check means I get a thanks from the tank and he congratulates me on my healing.



By now I am level 40, nearly 41 and I get a pop for tact cad. Group is 2 65 sage dps's, one is LP and a 44 LP shadow dps. We get started, first pull the shadow runs in and stealth cc's a silver while I force lift the champ droid. Both sages open with and spam force quake breaking both cc's, they continue to spam quake even when there is only the one champ droid left.


The most telling thing is the fact that the droid is aggroed on the shadow. I am pretty sure if I was playing a level 65 and spamming the same ability over and over, then a 44 ripped aggro off me I might want to check my "rotation" as I have yet to see a rotation that does actually consist of spamming one ability. However this never occurs to either of the 2 sages.


Second pull the shadow stealth cc's a dog then both sages open with quake, then they both start quaking the champ droid at the top of the lift, shadow tries to knock it down but misjudges it so I send it over the edge with my force wave (and that is the correct use of force wave, its not supposed to be for splitting enemies a tank has spent some time bunching up).


We skip what we can after the lift, cant open shortcut so have to do that 2 standard, 2 silver and 2 champ pull. The shadow goes and cc's a silver, I force lift a champ droid and both sages spam force quake and break all cc's. The entire fight is me spam healing the 4 of us while shadow does kill order and 2 useless sages spam force quake. Its a close fight, I run out of resource as the remaining droid is at 12% and the shadow its aggroed on has 44% so I run in and do basic -> heal -> basic -> heal etc until fight is over.


We carry on to the first boss and a conversation ensues

non-lp sage: "kill droid"

me: "no needs its tact"

lp sage: "how about you start healing seeing as you queued as healer"

me: "whats wrong with my healing? who has died?"

lp sage: "just heal"

me: "who has died?"

lp sage: "shut the **** up"

shadow pulls, we start the fight, lp sage spams force quake while the other one does single target dps (possibly rotation, or might just be random abilities in a random order) on the droid. Droid activates, freezes the non-lp sage, then comes for me. I imprison it then help kill the bloke, in the meantime the frozen guy gets killed by some dot or whatever kills you in the frozen bit.


non-lp sage: "see I just died how about you start healing?"

me: "I don't heal through stupid"

me: "I wont heal if you ignore mechanics"

non-lp sage: "I couldn't move and couldn't heal myself"

me: "and why couldn't you move? because you ignored mechanics"


LP sage puts a vote kick on me, they then jump on the taxi along with the shadow, while I am fixing the shortcut taxi. Me and the other sage jump on the shortcut one. We then spend ages of me arguing with the LP sage about us coming to them. I have already jumped down from shortcut place so cant get back to taxi.

I am telling the non-lp sage to jump down from the taxi platform so we can clear trash backwards to the other 2

the non-lp sage is telling me to climb back up to the taxi (which if there is a way I don't know how)

the lp sage is telling me to go back to taxi and take the one to where they are.

the shadow is already on the taxi going back from their one to the shortcut one.


Shadow gets to where me and other sage are, the lp sage is still telling us to come to him. We decide to fight our way back to him when suddenly it pops up that the vote kick on me failed.

lp sage: "well I'm off, gl you 2 carrying him (meaning me) through" then quits group.


We fight thorough to second boss, kill it with the dps sage dead on the floor from not following mechanics - I specifically told them to tunnel-vision the wookie and my heals would mean I have aggro on adds and I can deal with them (I intended to stand close to the boss spam healing through the adds as I have done dozens of times before). Instead the dps sage puts his comp on healer so some of the adds go for it, then spams force quake under all the adds to rip aggro off his comp, then runs around like a headless chicken (away from the boss so we can just let him kill them) spamming "HEAL" in chat.


We run through stuff to the lift, run through stuff at the bottom, do convo, get to final boss and I see the sage dps has gone left after going through the door and is stood where the first fire jet starts. the shadow tells them to bring comp in (its stuck on the door), I explain how (dismiss and resummons) and tell them to switch it to damage for the billionth time.

sage dps: "I will leave it heal just in case"

shadow: "good, don't want to trust <my name> to cope with this one"

me: "do you 2 know what to do?"

sage and shadow: "yes"


I pull, we start fighting, sage goes down to 40% hp within a couple of seconds because he is stood in fire. He writes "HEAL NOOB", I don't heal, he is being kept alive by his comp (just) but is not happy with me, starts flaming on me about how bad I am at healing. Of course his comp is spam healing him so only heals the shadow gets are from me, and guess what? shadow is constantly topped off and I have time to do some damage.


Flames move me and shadow move but sage stays in them and carries on telling me to l2p etc. I get fed up of his **** so I extricate (or whatever its called, the pull ally thing) him from the flames and let his comp heal him up while I look after shadow and attack boss.


Flames move again and sage doesn't, he is stood in flames again and about to die, and is still telling me to l2p. He has spent most of this fight doing no damage at all as he is too busy typing in chat to me.


shadow: "why are you stood in fire?"

me: "I did ask if you know what to do before we pulled"

sage: "heal me noob, its your job"


I let him die, me and shadow finish the fight, res him then say "so <shadows name> do you think I coped with this one?"

sage: "good riddance noob, l2p if you ever want to group with me again.


I then switch character to my shadow tank because.....and heres the big reveal, I am in the progression ops group of the guild he is in.


I have a nice conversation with him about fight mechanics, listening to people who know what to do and asking the group for mechanics if you don't know the fights. He replies along the lines of calling me elitist and a noob healer (I have healed ops for this guild too) then when the guild chat starts agreeing with me he quits guild.

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I do not think you read my thing fully.


I had no health. As I said they rushed through with no chance to heal outside of combat. I had less then 10 percent heatlh going into the fight with no cooldowns as I had to use them in the previous pull to save from dieing.


Also as I said. They had pulled already before I was down there with them. So my first intention was to run to Kolto Tank for some heals finally. They had all dropped aggro and were behind cover so boss targeted me. Why they did that, especially if as you said it is an AOE, I do not know.


So not sure what you think I was supposed to do with less then 10 percent health, boss on me, and rest of my group being jerks.


LOS till they get target again and then grab a healing pot... as a tank I know your pain... everyone still expects you to tank even if the heals aren't there. My suggestion don't be ashamed to LOS or drop agro or don't pick up agro till your safe to. Hell I've stealthed out of boss fights on my shadow because people being dumb in AOE or grabbing all the pots at once so I don't have one when I need. I remember being in a tactical with a guardian tank 30, and I was on my shadow tank 65 he kept taunting off me even tho we didn't have a healer. I let him keep agro, he died because he didn't grab a pot. Then the guardian complained about why no one healed him.


Again as a tank you can't expect dps to help you (even to grab pots), a healer heals cause that is what they want... as a tank you take damage but you have to know when you can, when you can't, and when you have to wait till you can heal up.

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Stupid question here: there is no indication of the aoe range in that fight, isn't it? Or is it my graphics settings?


There is no indications.. The radius may be 4-5m... But better be hovering at 10m to be safe imo.


I do not think you read my thing fully.


I had no health. As I said they rushed through with no chance to heal outside of combat. I had less then 10 percent heatlh going into the fight with no cooldowns as I had to use them in the previous pull to save from dieing.


Also as I said. They had pulled already before I was down there with them. So my first intention was to run to Kolto Tank for some heals finally. They had all dropped aggro and were behind cover so boss targeted me. Why they did that, especially if as you said it is an AOE, I do not know.


So not sure what you think I was supposed to do with less then 10 percent health, boss on me, and rest of my group being jerks.


They dropped aggro? Considering you should have had 0 threat on the boss if you didn't attack it, the only reason it could have attacked is if the others outranged him or hid behind the console... Or they vanished out of combat.


They didn't all vanish (there was a merc). The only true cover is too far away to DPS.. So they would be dumb to go to the nearest cover.


Molten Burst lasts 8s. So if it started right as you dropped down, you should have had more than enough time to get to a heal station before it ended and you even starts taking damage.. Unless you were too close to the boss.


I don't say they weren't jerk. I'm saying your story is rather full of holes.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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They drop down to the first boss and pull while I am still up top walking past the droid. The boss starts his molten lava thing right as I drop down. The three drop threat and run behind cover which makes boss target me and kill me with one hit.


First of all, I would like to know why they were behind cover? There's no need to do that.


Molten Burst is short range AoE (4-5m) that can kill with only one hit. I've seen so many new players and players who don't pay attention to important things dying because they don't run away when they see long channel.

Edited by Halinalle
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First of all, I would like to know why they were behind cover? There's no need to do that.


Molten Burst is short range AoE (4-5m) that can kill with only one hit. I've seen so many new players and players who don't pay attention to important things dying because they don't run away when they see long channel.


To be fair, prior to 4.0 that ability did practically no air damage. And there isn't really anyway for people who don't know that or haven't done the fp before to know that they need to move to 10 meters away. I only found out when I was leveling a third Jugg tank for the DvL and started taking a ton of damage, was confused, spammed all of my cooldowns (and I was like level 40 something so I had enraged defense andsaver ward and endure pain) and died anyway. Obviously I figured it out after and later used my new assassin to cheerfully ignoremost of the attack because yay force shroud.


But after doing that flashpoint in SM and HM probably a hundred times before, I had no idea that ability was even really a thing.

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I asked a 65 sage the other day (with me tanking on my 28 guardian in Cademimu) if he could just bubble me every 30 seconds or so, he claimed "oh I'm much better at burning things down". Proceeds to let me die in like 3 different trash pulls, very slowly mind you, but still.


lol that could have been me, I've said that more than once.


the other side of the story (just in case this was the same situation) :


I main tank, have like 8 tanks on all 3 classes, also like to dps and know how much I can handle either sagetanking, slingertanking or mandotanking.


I was in a tactical in my lvl 65 sage, lowbie tank demands that I off heal him every pull. I tell him "I'm better at burning things down", he insist on open every pull (I would do the same on my tanks) but keep dying, while I keep trying to rip off the aggro from him and he keeps taunting, I even rescue him so he drops aggro and force speed to the mob.. he jumps in again and taunt... burn cd's and die.

long story short: I bubble him before every pull just to make him feel safer, but at the end I just keep doing what I best do: burn things fast.


on a side note when leveling a tank (done it on some servers for the DvL event) I tend to act as a tank at first but then I realize I dont have the full set of tricks/abilities my 65 has and just dps some and taunt some, the tactical flashpoint lesson I've learned is to not trust on being saved by anyone, just aggro what you can handle.

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Early morning surprise on TRE.


So i wanted to do a quick HM FPS before work at 7 am, got a pop imp side as healer on my Sorc. All 65s and all crystal gear 208 with a few 216. Achievements on all was an average 5000 points, none of them ever did Tython or Korriban FPS, 1 did it on SM (well maybe they did on other servers, i dunno).


I explained first boss tactics slowly and carefully and stressing out that thats the hardest boss here. We had one death and a TON of dmg taken, but good thing i was healing :p


We killed 1st boss, they took shortcuts just as i told them, killed 2nd boss, cced mobs and we wiped on last boss once since they didnt kill the datacron and he healed up and was buffed. I told them to kill datacron and then we killed him. I was really amazed as I have failed that FPS with like 4 groups on first boss this week :)

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Early morning surprise on TRE.


So i wanted to do a quick HM FPS before work at 7 am, got a pop imp side as healer on my Sorc. All 65s and all crystal gear 208 with a few 216. Achievements on all was an average 5000 points, none of them ever did Tython or Korriban FPS, 1 did it on SM (well maybe they did on other servers, i dunno).


I explained first boss tactics slowly and carefully and stressing out that thats the hardest boss here. We had one death and a TON of dmg taken, but good thing i was healing :p


We killed 1st boss, they took shortcuts just as i told them, killed 2nd boss, cced mobs and we wiped on last boss once since they didnt kill the datacron and he healed up and was buffed. I told them to kill datacron and then we killed him. I was really amazed as I have failed that FPS with like 4 groups on first boss this week :)


Lucky you. Yesterday after our operation madness was over(our tank doesn't want to accept the help with rotation so we were stealing da boss all the time) we would love to end the day with 1 random HM FP. So I log my tank, mate stays on a healer, we queue. Bam! BH! I am annoyed as I am not on my assassin but jugg which is "boring" for this FP. But whatever. Both DPS players have bad gear but good enough to not get bolstered. *I have a bad feeling* Fluffy enrages on 100 k after my poor 2.4 kDPS with around 10 Mandalorians around :D The best was the sorcerer DPS constantly walking with the electronet so it's renewed all the time :D The other DPS "disconnects" and is kicked, we are joined by an assassin. Still bad gear. Another enrage, 120 k HP :D So I suggest we all stay on Fluffy so the Mando hunters jump on us and the sorcerer in lightning can burn them. *not gonna happen* Sorc still running around with electronet, healer in enrage(partially over the German WIFI in his hotel room, partially over the DPS(or the lack of DPS to be more precise :D)). Next pull - 90k enrage, 2.5k DPS on my tank :D (I switched half of the mods to power as the defense is overrated even on Jugg). I am in awe. C'mon, this boss is a DPS check, but that check is around 8k DPS for the whole GROUP.


One. More. Try. Fluffy enrages with 140k HP :D Healer in enrage, I just laugh, I enraged in the Operation previously :D


So we leave, I relog on my assassin tank, we queue again. Athis. Low HP marauder and level 50 assassin in tanking spec(DPS is a lie!). Assassin gets kicked after he suicides himself 3 times. Jumping on the platform too hard to handle. All stories should have good ending and this one is not different. Marauder has bad gear. Crystal 208 with some 216. No augments. He kicks, stuns, uses obfuscate... still some reserves in the rotation, but this player is obviously trying and is not bad. Nice run, no enrage. What a beautiful day ending :)

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Bam! BH!.......... Athis.


Well there really a galaxy wide difference in those 2 fps. But the bad ppl in HM FPS are really getting on my nerves. Just had lunch break and finished one Korriban incursion and Battle of Rishi!! So yeah, what an amazing day!! :D


I was healing ofc and carried the group like crazy, but in BoR a friend was on his PT as dps so he carried the dps :)

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Well there really a galaxy wide difference in those 2 fps. But the bad ppl in HM FPS are really getting on my nerves. Just had lunch break and finished one Korriban incursion and Battle of Rishi!! So yeah, what an amazing day!! :D


I was healing ofc and carried the group like crazy, but in BoR a friend was on his PT as dps so he carried the dps :)


Only 6 days left. Keep going. You can do it. :)

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Well there really a galaxy wide difference in those 2 fps. But the bad ppl in HM FPS are really getting on my nerves. Just had lunch break and finished one Korriban incursion and Battle of Rishi!! So yeah, what an amazing day!! :D


I was healing ofc and carried the group like crazy, but in BoR a friend was on his PT as dps so he carried the dps :)


What I don't understand - why there's none check of the people who get into SoR FP? With those undergeared newbies we would be able to do Athis without a problem. Or any other old FP. But we get BH HM. But whenever we get into the group geared people with experience we have Boarding Party or some other nonsense(Black Talon HM! :D).


C'mon, why no gear check? Sure, gear doesn't matter that much, but I cannot see BW implementing skill check into the game when they are not implementing actual content into the game :D

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C'mon, why no gear check? Sure, gear doesn't matter that much, but I cannot see BW implementing skill check into the game when they are not implementing actual content into the game :D


Initially when they advertised TEC i thought that it would be something like proving grounds in wow. Unfortunately it wasn't like that.

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Initially when they advertised TEC i thought that it would be something like proving grounds in wow. Unfortunately it wasn't like that.


Yeah, had that hope as well. Just another proof that you can't trust BioWare to do something logically:rolleyes:

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What I don't understand - why there's none check of the people who get into SoR FP? With those undergeared newbies we would be able to do Athis without a problem. Or any other old FP. But we get BH HM. But whenever we get into the group geared people with experience we have Boarding Party or some other nonsense(Black Talon HM! :D).


C'mon, why no gear check? Sure, gear doesn't matter that much, but I cannot see BW implementing skill check into the game when they are not implementing actual content into the game :D


In that Korriban Incurrsion today tank was 220/224 gear, 1 dps was in DvsL armor and the guy was level 56, the other dps was 208/216 crystal gear and we managed, there is no gear check cause gear doesnt matter, skill does!


This aint WoW :D

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