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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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It helps to have the ops frame for groups, then you're just another health-bar to refill.


Exactly this. Also, set health bars and debuffs as large as you can tolerate them, so you can catch all the cleanses you can.


Not a GF, but funny story to share. In DF, guildie tank got vote kicked by the Dread Masters, with prejudice. We zoned in, and the 2 tanks pull those hulking troublesome mobs at entrance. Well, as the tank is positioning himself, he has his back to the entrance. The knockback came, and sent him through the zone-in point. The thing is, it removed him from the instance! (something you can't usually do with a fight in progress) He saw a loading screen, and was on Oricon as the fight is progressing, and had to wait to load back in.

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Exactly this. Also, set health bars and debuffs as large as you can tolerate them, so you can catch all the cleanses you can.


Not a GF, but funny story to share. In DF, guildie tank got vote kicked by the Dread Masters, with prejudice. We zoned in, and the 2 tanks pull those hulking troublesome mobs at entrance. Well, as the tank is positioning himself, he has his back to the entrance. The knockback came, and sent him through the zone-in point. The thing is, it removed him from the instance! (something you can't usually do with a fight in progress) He saw a loading screen, and was on Oricon as the fight is progressing, and had to wait to load back in.


That actually happens all the time. Not as common as a tank simply being punted into the lava (let's be honest we've all had that happen a time or two) but still fairly frequent. There's actually no restrictions on leaving an instance through the exit while in combat, just entering an instance. I

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On my healer main to do some of the Rakghoul event, see someone doing Eyeless 16m SM and decide to join. All is well and we go in and clear trash, easy. Leader asks if everyone knows the fight and everyone says yes. A few seconds into the fight it is plainly obvious the majority have no idea what they're doing. DPS standing in green and dying and me and the other healers getting destroyed by adds the DPS ignore. We all die (go figure) and eyeless was only at 91%....me and the other healers get blamed by the DPS for not healing them enough whilst they constantly stand in stupid. The leader then says again if everyone knew the fight and 5-6 admit not knowing but they're still adamant it's all the healers fault. One of the other healers instantly quits and I join them. For the love of Revan say at the start if you don't know what to do, I don't mind helping and explaining fights (we were all new once) but not knowing the fight and then blaming someone else when we all die is just... :rolleyes: Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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EV is the Priority Week, so I decide to take my brand spanking new Guardian DPS on my brand spanking new server (Harbinger) and form an EV group. At the end of it, I swore I would smack anyone who says that Harbinger is a better server for Ops than JC...


Start off with people actually complaining about the loot system not being on Master Looter (I know right? and I'm brand freaking new on this server, so it's not like they recognize my toon). Then, we got to anhilation droid, where the healers basically let everyone die every single missle salvo (and someone finally does die at the end). Of course none of the 5 sages in the group can rez people, so me on my guardian rezzes the fallen soldier.


Then we go to Gharj, where the other guardian dps dies to a frenzy where it basically seemed like the healers refused to heal him (or myself, but I noticed that given I was at 50% from the last pounce, I should probably just get away from Gharj and let my dps drop. Can't dps when I'm dead. I did have to time my blade blitz to avoid getting hit by Gharj's frenzy moving to the next platform cause I was still at 50% here, so healers were definitely slow). Anyway, we finish up the boss, and what happens again? Oh ya, none of the 5 sages can rez, and my rez is still on CD so I have to actually ask someone to go rez him.


After the fight, same guy won the 224 and 220 gloves (loot rules were 1-1-1) and traded them with the guy who won the 220 belt. The guy who came in second for the gloves started having a freakout in chat that went on for like 5 minutes until he finally figured out why the belt winner ended up with the gloves...


Now we get to the fun part... ancient pylons, my side (south) was totally fine, but apparently on the north side no one can read chat, so despite me solving the puzzle, they are just randomly clicking buttons. We barely make it to the 3rd pylon before 3 acklays show up and kill almost everyone. Next pull, I put myself on north, we go through and kill it.


Council was fine, though I was really worried tank was gonna hit enrage on his guy...


Finally Soa, where people with orbs ran them to the tank to explode, the healer who did 100ehps spent the entire fight complaining about random things, and our tank couldn't see the pylons (oh, and we killed the platforms in the wrong order the first time, so there were 3 power orbs down at the bottom, and our healers couldn't bring us back up fast enough). Tank dies on the first pylon drop (but doesn't even get Soa's shield down), and at this point there are 4 people left alive. We put up a valiant struggle, but eventually die and try again. This time I put lots of markers down on 2nd floor so we were all grouped up going down, but someone still killed the wrong pylon, so we had 2 power orbs at bottom. Fortunately I was able to use my aoe-taunt/aggro dump thing to mitigate the first one, so the healers were able to keep up. Tank dies again, so I dps-tank soa to get hit by the pylons. It takes us like 6 or 7 to kill him, but we eventually do (tank got rezzed into an energy orb and insta-died here as well).


Finally kill him, and it was on master looter (everyone asked me to put it on for at least the last boss) so we roll everything out, say our goodbyes, and leave; with me deciding to slap the next person who suggests Harbinger for someone who wants to do pug raiding...

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Master Looter is mostly expected on Harbinger, it surprised me when I started doing ops there after coming from JC as well. As long as loot gets given out after each boss it's not a problem. It's when you have someone holding everything until the end "to make sure people don't drop out after they get loot" is when most of the problems (and raid leaders sudden disconnects) come from.
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A couple of runs. First a guild tfp run simply because they were asking and it offered a break from my heroic runs.


It was my 65 sniper, a 65 sorc dps, 65 op dps and 31 merc dps. tactical cademimu pops. We get all the way to the second boss before I realise the merc is in combat support cylinder and I write "<merc name> are you healing?" They reply with "I will try" then proceed to throw out off-heals while doing no damage at all. After seeing their aweful healing I realise they are actually dps specced.


Myself and the sorc question them about their cell and they say "this cell is good for damage" (it increases damage and healing done by 3%). I mention that in their discipline they will see procs and passives which say "when in cylinder X" so they are actually better off in correct cylinder for their spec. I also notice this merc's rotation is basic -> basic -> basic -> basic....Its a basic spam.


When we get to the bottom of the lift the merc writes "only 2 of my discipline things says I need a certain cell"

me: "would one of those be a resource based one?"

merc: "yes"

me: "so using that cell would boost your dps because you wouldn't have to use basic so much which is your weakest ability"

merc: "I need to use it to build supercharge"

me: "not if you were in correct cell you wouldn't"


The merc switches to high velocity for the rest of the mission. Finally someone who actually listens to advice, is a bit disheartening to see someone in same guild as me think the wrong cylinder is better than the one that is designed for them.



Levelling my deception sin, lvl 52 and a group pops for tactical cad. Its a 65 sorc dps with LP, 35 mara and 19 mara. I move up and stealth cc 1 of the enemies because I am all excited to have a stealth class (don't play those much). I actually end up stealth ccing 1 enemy in every pull even if they are weak pulls, just because I can.


Anyway on the first pull I stealth cc 1 of the silvers (theres no golds and only champ is droid) then the 35 mara leaps in. I kill a standard, then another 1, then move onto the un-cc'ed silver, then kill the cc'ed silver, paying very little attention to what else is going on because I am rusty on my rotation and spend most of my time staring at my quickbars to see what is procced.


So after taking out 4 enemies, with the mara helping to kill one, I turn on the champ. Its targeting the sorc and tearing him to pieces, his reaction is to carry on doing rubbish dps. so rubbish that even though he has been tunnel-visioning it since the start of the pull (I would know, everything else in the pull was either soloed by me or damaged by the mara then killed by me) I still end up ripping aggro after doing voltaic slash -> maul -> shock -> voltaic slash. I now have aggro, pop my saber ward, eventually get down to 2% hp so stealth out. The droid then turns on the sorc, I break stealth by hitting it spike, follow up with maul, shock, voltaic slash, discharge....etc. I have aggro back within 6 GCD's despite just using force cloak. I die and watch the others fighting it. The sorc just spams affliction, the 35 mara spams basic with ravage on CD and the 19 mara spams basic. As you can imagine with that dps output against a cad champion droid it wipes the group.


I res and write "a sorc and 2 maras and nobody cc on a droid?"

sorc: "maybe if some idiot didn't pull before group was ready" (at the time the 35 pulled the 19 was still back at shuttle).

me: "I highly doubt an extra basic spam would have made much difference"


The 19 quits group, I requeue and we carry on. Next thing I know a huge essay has appeared in chat from the sorc complaining about how much of a noob I am requeuing, that we would be better off with his comp and if I don't remove us from queue he will kick me. I tell him to "shove it" and we carry on. Clear trash to lift, get to the bottom and the 35 leaps at one of the skippable groups. The sorc throws a tantrum and quits while me and the mara finish the fight and I mention theres no need to kill everything. They write "sorry" and we carry on.


I cant resist the temptation to whisper the sorc with "whats wrong? these enemies too tough for you?" he replies that he doesn't like carrying noobs. Again I cant resist and write "you mean noobs like level 65's that spam a basic dot and never use dcd's?" I get no reply :rolleyes:.


We get replacements near the shortcut, a 65 sorc dps and 52 op dps. Everything goes reasonably smoothly, the sorc doesn't speak any English (either that or doesn't care about repair bills) as he doesn't stack up for adds on second boss which proceed to kill him, and doesn't move out of fire on final one.


Still always entertaining watching some level 65 who is clearly useless tell everyone else he is pro, only to then quit group and be replaced by competent people who breeze through with no issues.

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This happened to me a little while ago, maybe a month or so.


So I que up with my girlfriend who is a healer in my Jugg tank. I am fairly new to the whole tanking thing. I really wanted to give it a shot as I had never had any inclination to do so before. As it turns out, I actually enjoy it, but that's off topic. So we almost insta que since we were tank/heals. Within a minute of loading in (I believe it was Cade that we loaded into, can't really remember), I announce to the two DPS that I am new to tanking and still learning. If they have any pointers to please share. We proceed to run through relatively smooth. I lose aggro once in awhile, but quickly grab it back. The DPS were helpful and pointed out some things that could help me out a bit. I took the critique and learned some more. We wiped once, but that was my fault. I tried to maneuver a group and pulled another on accident. But all was well. We finished the FP and the DPS gave me a few more pointers, but in overall they said I did really well.


The weird part? They were nice. I now group up with guildies from the guild we created, but before, it was random pugs. And of course, either people are complete (insert nasty word here) or are just quiet and don't talk. It was refreshing to see some change for once through the random group finder. Took me by a little surprise.

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A week or two back, I'm leveling a Jugg Tank on TRE. And since I hit 50 a while back, I queue for HM FP's. Black Talon pops and it's my somewhere ~55 Jugg Tank, a 65 Merc as a healer. Can't remember the other two.

So we proceed through to the bridge, have our convo with the captain, kill him and move onto the engineering deck for the first boss. Somewhere on the way I realize I'm getting next to no heals. A bit further I finally see the reason: Heatseeker missiles from our "healer".


Since it's just Black Talon and nothing serious has really happened untill now, I decided to see where it leads.

Well, after the final boss, while we're on our way back to end the mission I write somethinglike "Must have missed the patch where they gave heatseeker to heal spec" into chat, but no answer from anyone. Whatever. It was just BT and we managed to get through with out of combat heals and dcd usage by me :D

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Had a strange KI HM run. All 65, all good geared (by DvL standards) and augmented. I was healing and was blamed for not being able to heal the second boss soft enrage at 30%. On the second pull I noticed that PT overheat constantly and yep, they had no cylinder at all. Guess who have been going on about how they could easily keep people up on their healer. Sadly, cylinder did not helped much and it all did go downhill.


Got my KI run 2 days later with a 58 lvl tank without relics (after seeing that I said a prayer to bolster and stopped looking) and 2 awesome dps (ok, they had 216-224 optimized token gear but I got a feeling they could kill stuff fast naked). Weird part was that all of them managed to get knocked into cages on the first boss (2 times in case of merc). But we killed everything on first pull.


I noticed that many people roll a class they dont play much for DvL and merrily run into HM FP. It's fine and fun and usually it's a blast healing such groups, but in cases like this PT it's weird to see someone being so sure that it's anyone but them that cause wipes :D.

Edited by RandomName_Ru
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Bit off, sorry.


So you're on TRE. I've just joined a guild wanting to go all over the HM and NiM content and we need a tank. :D If you're interested.... :p


Which guild? I am looking for a progression guild by my one is happy just spamming gf SM ops.


Also I'm not too interested in NiM, HM is about my level.

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Levelling my sage healer, get a pop for atheiss.


Group is a 37 guardian tank, 38 guardian dps and 65 slinger.


I notice the tank is in sii -cho and ask if he is actually a tank. The other guardian replies "lol told you some noob would get fussy"

tank: "yeah"


I then notice they are in the same guild.


tank: "I am dps specced but I will do the tanking."

me: "why bother? its tactical, just dps"

tank: "because I am a tank, its just easier as dps"

slinger: "lol"

me: "whatever lets get started"


We go to first pull, skipping the explosives because I have arch. The two guardians tunnel-vision 1 enemy so all the others run to me, the slinger peels off me and I spend my time healing the slinger. Next pull is the same.


tank: "<slinger name> attack the same enemy as us two so I can keep aggro"

slinger: "what about healer?"

tank: "as long as everybody attacks the same enemy and lets me pull I will sort out aggro."

me: "do you actually understand aggro?"

tank: "lol says a healer"

me: I main tanks"

tank: "yeah right noob you don't even know how to"


We carry on and slinger whispers me "do you mind if I don't peel from you, this could get entertaining." I whisper back "feel free I got myself some dcd's."


We do some more trash and I mostly heal myself then the tank says "why are you attacking the others?"

me: "I am not"

tank: "they wont attack you if you don't attack them"

dps guardian: "lol <my name> l2p"

me: "I really cant be bothered with this **** right now, lead on"


We get to the difficult droid pull and the slinger cc's 1 while I cc another as the tank is waiting on CD. Me and the slinger 2-man the pull with the guardian writing in chat that they will kick us if we pull before tank.


Get to first boss and although the slinger has been ripping aggro ever since he started attacking the same enemies as the 2 guardians it only really becomes obvious in the boss fight. The slinger gets aggro almost instantly, the tank taunts then the slinger has aggro again as soon as it wears off. After the fight the tank says "<slinger name> stop taunting"

slinger: "I'm not"

dps guardian: "do it again and we kick you"


We carry on with trash but the slinger has lost his patience and decided to go back to doing what dps is supposed to do with no (or a bad) tank - ripping off the healer. After two pulls of him ripping off me theres a vote kick on him which goes through. In his 30 second timer he writes "lol seriously guys this is beyond a joke learn to tank"


Once he has left the tank writes "what a noob" and we carry on. I whisper the slinger apologising for them 2 and hoping he wont mind if I stay in as these 2 guardians are comedy gold."


However a couple of pulls later I get a vote kick on me reason: taunting. I ask at what point did I ever taunt with my sage healer and their reply: "enemies are attacking you so you must be taking aggro"


I start to write about the fact that healer aggro is aoe, that just attacking 1 enemy is not good enough to keep things off a healer but before I finish writing it my 30 seconds are up and I am booted from the instance.


I whisper the slinger, we group up and storm through a tactical mando and tactical red reaper (in 4 man groups of course).

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Had a strange KI HM run. All 65, all good geared (by DvL standards) and augmented. I was healing and was blamed for not being able to heal the second boss soft enrage at 30%. On the second pull I noticed that PT overheat constantly and yep, they had no cylinder at all. Guess who have been going on about how they could easily keep people up on their healer. Sadly, cylinder did not helped much and it all did go downhill.


Got my KI run 2 days later with a 58 lvl tank without relics (after seeing that I said a prayer to bolster and stopped looking) and 2 awesome dps (ok, they had 216-224 optimized token gear but I got a feeling they could kill stuff fast naked). Weird part was that all of them managed to get knocked into cages on the first boss (2 times in case of merc). But we killed everything on first pull.


I noticed that many people roll a class they dont play much for DvL and merrily run into HM FP. It's fine and fun and usually it's a blast healing such groups, but in cases like this PT it's weird to see someone being so sure that it's anyone but them that cause wipes :D.


It's why I don't heal late at night, I start to get emotional and think it is my fault despite the clear light of day and another crack making me realize that player was a terrible tank, YMMV. Yep, the 'I main a healer, this is what you should do and because you're not doing it, we're wiping' is a classic 'blame the healer' strategy. Having played a healer quite a bit at this point, their healer advice is usually terrible in the lines of 'use your biggest heal spells all the time, forget about energy recharge time slowing down- as long as you heal for big numbers, we'll love you'.

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BobFredJohn, if I hadn't seen everything you are talking about at least some I would believe you were making it up.


That said I still can not BELIEVE the rate at which you run into these morons. It's appalling. I'm so sorry.


Well consider the fact that the game is full of noobs now and since people wanted to get the LvsD event done there were A LOT of such issues in the flashpoints. I also met a share of these morons before i realized i can do the SM fps in solo mode!! In HM fps there is a much lower rate for morons on TRE, however I did transfer my main back to Prog to play with some of the few friends left in the game and when doing fps on Progenitor its again full of such stories.


Yesterday we did HM Blood Hunt, i que as healer or tank and was on my sage (for heals) but also tagged as dps so to my surprise i got a pop as DPS. I went to get my dps gear cause this was unexpected and i was afraid my TK will suck for that fps, but still have nice 216/220 token gear for dpsing. Anyway we had a Guardian Tank, who was explaining everything to us about tactics, aggro, guard etc, was a blast. After a few min the slinger pulled the boss since he was tired of reading. Tank was busy typing that he has to pull first, then to healer he should heal him, then to us dps we shouldnt pull aggro (he only has one guard) etc, was funny. We wiped first time cause of enrage on 1st boss, since the adds were all over us and we couldnt dps boss. I told slinger ill dps adds and he stays on boss. It worked i always aggroed adds, used dcds and we killed 1st boss.


Then tank started typing again....... me and the slinger went into the 1st challenge while he was explaining the game to us and how aggro works. We killed the first challange, went on to second. Tank complained that we are not waiting for him and so we went on to 2nd challenge, i bubbled us, slinger pulled and Tank started complainig that he is outside and cant enter becuase we are in combat. We killed 2nd challange. THen he stopped talking and we all killed 3rd challange.


Thank god that Jos and Valk have been nerfed cause the tank kept on being pushed off the platform, while typing stuff about guard, aggro and healing. We killed 2nd boss. 3rd boss the tank was suddenly quiet and we killed him on first go. So TK dps wasnt that bad :) I had to be offhealing as crazy on last boss though since the healer couldnt keep up, but we managed, TK force pool is infinite so was ok, I was even gaining more and more force even when doing full dps rotation, its silly.

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Then i was doing BH, had a hard time healing the 3 boss and then we noticed a small droid that was popping from time to time on boss and pulsing with fire. After tank and melee dps started moving away from it, healing become easy. I never noticed that droid before, but then healing i do tend to pay less attention to such things (as long as i am not stand in them myself). Is it a glitch? Or was it always there?
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