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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Does that only work if I don't have a legacy on TRE? I have 2 separate legacies on TRE and ToFN so I'm not sure if that changes anything.


Legacies are combined when you transfer.


Unlocks and achievements are overlaid on top of each other such that any unlock or achievement available on either of the previous legacies (origin or destination server) is available on the combined legacy.


Items with counts or amounts such as decorations or reputation levels or legacy level are combined by taking the highest of the two.

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TFP czerka core with my 34 slinger. Group is a 65 sage dps, 64 sage healer and 32 sage dps.


We clear trash, do the boss in the jungle bit, which I facetanked, then go to sandstorm boss. I say "I don't have my speed boost can one of you tank this one?" Nobody answers other than the 32 sage pulling. I pull aggro soon after and facetank the entire time. I don't yet have hightail it so cant get to the generators fast enough. First one takes 2 rampages, get the second, third takes 2 and the sandstorm kills us while the boss is still smashing up the generator.


While running back I suggest someone else do the tanking as they all have force speed. The 64 says they don't have taunt.

me: "I'm sure <name of 65 sage> can out-aggro me"

65: "I will try"

me: "if need be use your pull on me, it will lower my aggro" (I also intended to surrender on CD.


The 32 sage pulls again, I quickly rip aggro, surrender, still have aggro and keep aggro the entire fight whilst surrendering on CD. We wipe because I don't get to generators quickly, even though I stopped dpsing for a while to type "one of you speed to the generator and use your pull on me."


The reason I think this is weird is due to rotations. Now I don't know any sorc/sage dps rotations so cant say much about the 65 sage. What I do know though is at 65 they have unlocked every ability available and have every single proc/passive in their discipline tree. My sabotage slinger on the other hand is missing speed shot, incendiary grenade and sabotage, along with all the procs, resource cost reductions and dots that go along with those abilities. I don't have the energy reduction passives from higher up the tree and therefore have resource management issues. This causes my rotation to be:


Maintain shock charge and vital shot, sabotage charge on CD, fill with charged burst or basic attack depending on resource level and whether or not cool head is off CD. Also on the second pull where I was trying to lose aggro to the 65 I never used smugglers luck.


Sadly, because I know nothing about sage dps I don't know how to correct the 65, or if I can even be bothered trying. While we are running back the 32 sage says "we are wasting our time" and quits, the 64 then DC's straight after, I assume rage quit and the 65 kicks the 64 and requeues us.


Get a 65 vang dps and 21 sent in replacement. I am happy to see a 65 with a taunt, that means that:

1) they are likely to hold aggro, after all they have a full rotation

2) even if I do rip they can taunt and then me aggro dump


I explain to the vang about me not being fast enough and ask him to please cover for my mistakes with taunts. He says ok, he pulls. I rip aggro after a while (credit to him, took longer than it did with the group of sages). The sandstorm starts and I run toward generator. The vang is behind me, further from the generator than I am and taunts, then does NOT use hold the line. We quickly wipe due to hit-box issues on the kolto station and try again. On the way back I ask the vang "do you have hold the line?" I get no response but the next pull he quickly taunts after I pull, I aggro dump and never rip for the rest of the fight while the vang uses hold the line to get where he needs to be. Nice smooth simple run (at last).


Final boss it seems the sent is new as we have 8 adds out at once. The sent and sage die, me and vang 2-man the rest of the fight.


I never believed people on this thread who said TRE was bad, not after what I had seen on ToFN, but 65's failing to hold aggro off 34's who lack proper rotations? Bugger me sideways.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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TFP czerka core with my 34 slinger. Group is a 65 sage dps, 64 sage healer and 32 sage dps.




The reason I think this is weird is due to rotations. Now I don't know any sorc/sage dps rotations so cant say much about the 65 sage. What I do know though is at 65 they have unlocked every ability available and have every single proc/passive in their discipline tree. My sabotage slinger on the other hand is missing speed shot, incendiary grenade and sabotage, along with all the procs, resource cost reductions and dots that go along with those abilities. I don't have the energy reduction passives from higher up the tree and therefore have resource management issues. This causes my rotation to be:


Maintain shock charge and vital shot, sabotage charge on CD, fill with charged burst or basic attack depending on resource level and whether or not cool head is off CD. Also on the second pull where I was trying to lose aggro to the 65 I never used smugglers luck.


Sadly, because I know nothing about sage dps I don't know how to correct the 65, or if I can even be bothered trying. While we are running back the 32 sage says "we are wasting our time" and quits, the 64 then DC's straight after, I assume rage quit and the 65 kicks the 64 and requeues us.





Rotation depends on the Discipline for Sage/Sorc, so it's hard to give one without knowing, but a well played Sage/Sorc can pull so much aggro it can pretty much facetank, if nobody else taunts back... :rolleyes:

And it usually has the means to do so aswell, with a bit of support, at least as Lightning Spec. ;)


That said if you, with all the difficulties you had, were still generating more threat - which means DPS - than them all, it means they were simply bad. Very bad. :p

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The reason I think this is weird is due to rotations. Now I don't know any sorc/sage dps rotations so cant say much about the 65 sage.


Telekinetics looks like this:


Balance looks like this:


So basically that lvl65 Sage should've been facetanking.

At least in my case that happens.

Mind Crush -> Weaken Mind -> Force Empowerment -> Mental Alacrity -> Turbulence -> Force Potency -> TK Wave

After that I'm facetanking everything. Only when there's high level tank, Sentinel or Guardian dps in the group there's very small chance I will rip aggro.

Edited by Halinalle
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So making it obvious at times that I am the #1 DPS in the group, I should've had a guard by now.


I didn't.

A couple of weeks ago I was doing TFPs for a change from spamming planetary H2s for conquest and alliance boxes, and it went like this:


Scenario: one of the SoR FPs, I think Yavin (anyway, the one where you divert the anti-air cannons to your choice of the Revanites or the Imps). The final boss is the big walker.

Me: Kylath Argentis, cyborg Gunnery Commando, 65. Mix of 208 and 216 gear, 220 belt and wrists, 186 relics, and bright red 220/216/216/208 HBG. 5 or 6 208 augments scattered around.

Them: 65 tank (Guardian, IIRC), 64 something, and a low-20s something else.


This lot were reasonably competent. It took one trash pull for me to get guard.

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[quote=Halinalle;8697037Mind Crush -> Weaken Mind -> Force Empowerment -> Mental Alacrity -> Turbulence -> Force Potency -> TK Wave

After that I'm facetanking everything. Only when there's high level tank, Sentinel or Guardian dps in the group there's very small chance I will rip aggro.


Consider yourself lucky. I play an Infiltration Shadow and I open with Force Potency > Force Breach > Shadown Stride > Force Breach and unless someone is willing to taunt, I'll keep aggro for myself until I stealth out just to take it back 2 or 3 GCDs later.

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To be honest even if you do have a real tank (in tacticals) they may not want to tank (and taunt) all the mobs but take few mobs or the most dangerous and leave the rest to dps (while keeping an eye on party's hp ofcourse and taunt as needed)...

....tho that is only if no healer (be it specced or not) in the party:)

...and tacticals...did I mention tacticals? That go out of the window for HM (and I imagine OPs) ofcourse:)

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See a call for a tank for SM KP while on my slinger. I switch to my instant 60'd guardian tank still in its instant 60 gear. Get into the group and eventually get to the mission - I was waiting around for gf teleport before realising everyone else was in and KP wasn't the gf op. I speeder to the instance feeling a bit of an idiot.


Get in, do first boss, do second boss, do third boss. At the pulls between the third and 4th boss all 5 dps focus the droids before the technician enemies. This happens every single pull and each one lasts exceptionally long (would not mind so much if they were focusing the black floating ones, but instead the focus the yellow ones).


Get to 4th boss and a bit of trouble starting it. Eventually do and find out (I haven't done SM kp since back in 2.xx) the fight has been nerfed into the most boring joke. There is no pressing the buttons, I never saw any mines (though I was tanking so maybe they were there), never saw any stun adds and both healers and my DCD's were enough to cope with the 10-stack armour debuff.


The weird bit was that in this hugely nerfed fight I still died. It seems the sticky red grenade mechanic is still there. With 4 melee dps, none of who make any effort at all to move away I eventually die with boss at 4%. After the fight I mention it would have been nice if people actually made half an effort to do things properly, even if it is just to save me a repair bill.


We carry on to the last boss and a deco drops. The ops leader gives it to me and writes "given to <my name> to make up the repair bill."

me: "I was only joking"

op leader: "I wasn't" they then sent me a whisper saying "don't want you having a bill due to others mistakes"


We get to final boss, kill it with a funny conversation in the middle. I am tanking the boss and a healer writes "last run I did of this the room was covered in oil"

me: "still got 30% left, you never know what I might do"

healer: "lol"

We kill the boss and I pick up my piece of 216 loot, the bit that it drops for everyone and write "just my luck, my token and 216 loot are the same piece." I left the op with a wrist token and 216 tank wrist.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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got a couple of good tales that paint the state of the game:




two first timers, lot of people using bolster since they've no gear or close to. i was tank.

i was in voip TS with the other tank, a guildie.

first boss..ok, one dead. 25 stacks at the kill..not bad

second boss..i tank unit 2 taking the bombs myself..explained tactics for newbies...one wipe via enrage, do it again with further explanation on dps swaps, and it's done.

UL works fine, it's total faceroll since 4.0 but dps is simply not enough. call it after two wipes with enrage at 35%..adds were going down pretty fast but zero damage on the boss apparently.


that run gave me a nice feeling for teaching/carrying new players, and i felt happy for their achievements..shame we couldn't give them UL one to join freely any future pug, but one healer left while i was switching to dps character.


second tale: rakata prime tactical, on a level 58 shadow dps, one 65 shadow tank, one 65 dps shadow, one sentinel.


well the legendary player founder sentinel was totally clueless..watchman i saw maybe once rend and more frequently cauterize, zero overload. we stuck at the rankor thanks to a pull with two guys out..then wipe twice on the last boss..


nobody was able to click heal stations. pathetic. i told them to go themselves if they were low, that i couldn't help a lot by clicking..sent whispers me with ''lol tank is ****** geared what can you pretend.'' i whisper him saying that he's not certainly a top sentinel and he actually sucks too..but just clear the thing and move on.


third wipe on final boss, nobody but me clicked, tank died, dps died, i stucked and logged out.


i thought kuat accademy would hurt the game but it's getting worse and worse..new players have no idea about how to play or even about the simplest and most intuitive mechanics.. really sad..complaining and complaining and now you can't even finish a sm ops or tactical FP how bad are the ''new bads''

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Manaan TFP

My Pyro PT, Assassin dps, Jugg tank, lowbie Op healer


Tank was good, Op was good enough for level, Assassin stayed at range most of the time and didn't go close to fire. Pyro, last boss with timer... Experienced players might get the idea where this is going.


Ortuno: Jugg and Op both knew the mechanics but Assassin kept running to boss and dying constantly. We eventually kill the boss.


Stivastin: We hit time limit multiple times. I thought it was my fault so I got overheated way too often but this was the first time I actually noticed what Assassin was doing most of the time. Just when I tried to say something to Assassin he/she exits the instance. Jugg pulls out Jaesa and we kill the boss.


I don't even know what to think about this. It was just sad.

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Well, what were you guys expecting? Now the game doesn't teach you how to play it anymore, it just makes you overlevel content. :D

No, seriously though, guys, I feel you. Group Content has become hellish as of late. :(


Overlevelling makes it so those who are clueless can't pull their weight. I mean, seriously... Why would people need to constantly be 5+ levels above content? Oh, but of course, to faceroll it, rather than learning how to counter the mechanics... :rolleyes:


I have a feeling that when the next level cap will come it'll be like this: everything will remain synced to 65, save for HM Ops and (maybe) FPs. :o


That way, clueless ppl will overelevel, faceroll because of that and think they're pros once again. Tbh though, already I mostly meddle with Ops only atm, and only sparingly, but if this trend becomes the standard I may just ditch group content... Rewards are so enormously unworth the time and effort needed to get through content with those dead weights, it's riddiculous. It's like work, but without the pay! :mad:


Last Tactical FP I ran on my 65 DPS Sorc it took almost one hour to get past the second boss. And that was not because of some sort of tough mechanics, overtuned boss or whatever, but because of standing in stupid, 0 use of DCDs and, as if that wasn't enough, complete obliviousness to any sort of mechanic. :eek:

Let's take the easiest mechanic as an example, to explain what I mean. Adds spawn, gotta take them down. Easy, right? ;)

Adds spawn? Nope, others attack the boss only. Army of adds, after 3-4 spawn waves? Nope, still downing the boss - which is still above 40% anyway, with about a dozen adds helping it by now. Can't kill everything on my own, now, can I? :rolleyes:

Edited by Cox_The_Beast
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I joined an ev sm that ended up taking almost two hours. We muddled through the first three bosses reasonably well. Pylons took three tries due to random clickers but finally made it. And then we hit council:


Take one: Healer tries healing others, wipe.


Take two: Healer uses an aoe, wipe.


Take three: Healer died, not sure reason on this one.


Take four: healer is told to stand out of the way, one of the dps will get his. Multiple dps attack loner, wipe.


Take five: Healer stands out of the way, one dps chosen to take the one left over. loner gets too close to another person, wipe.


Take six: Healer stands out, first person to finish will grab the leftover. I finish mine and see that the leftover has almost reached another person. I quickly tag it and finish it off. When I finish this second one, I look around and see the last two council falling. We did it and I breathe a sigh of relief.



I was the other healer.

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Do not go out of your way to try to save the healer...ran Cade HM. Down the first elevator, running over the plaza, healer ran too close to the pack on the left, pulled and died asap. I jumped into that group trying to down as many as possible before we all croak. The tank swirs around not really engaging. I down many, all dies due to no heals. Running back i was accused of pulling.


Telling them: no the healer ran too close to that pack pulled and died.

The ahole tank then cast a kick from group on ME. Healer didnt pipe up at all during this.

Vote goes through. Put the whole group on ignore.


Do not jump in trying to help your healer. Idiots in FPs galore.

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Do not go out of your way to try to save the healer...ran Cade HM. Down the first elevator, running over the plaza, healer ran too close to the pack on the left, pulled and died asap. I jumped into that group trying to down as many as possible before we all croak. The tank swirs around not really engaging. I down many, all dies due to no heals. Running back i was accused of pulling.


Telling them: no the healer ran too close to that pack pulled and died.

The ahole tank then cast a kick from group on ME. Healer didnt pipe up at all during this.

Vote goes through. Put the whole group on ignore.


Do not jump in trying to help your healer. Idiots in FPs galore.


I had a similar thing in a guild EV run a while back.


We were in the bit after the 2nd boss on the lava with the platforms (I have only done it once and don't know the names). It was a jungle type area, where there are animals and the puzzle. The group starts jumping on cliffs, apparently there is a shortcut to avoid the trash. I start to follow and 1 of the dps falls off the cliff into a group of enemies.


What with me being a tank I leap into the enemies, grab aggro and begin tanking. 80%, 60%, 40% (pop adrenaline rush), 35% (healing, yay), it finishes and I go to 30%, pop reactive shield, 25%, start using shoulder cannon on CD for the heals. I eventually die with all 7 people in the group stood within range and doing nothing. The enemies charge at my allies, all of whom then fight the trash. I then get told in ts not to pull, my death was my punishment. I write in ops chat "<name of dps who pulled> got anything to say?" I get no response.


The same thing happens exactly the same as that on the very next trash pull, dps falls in, I grab aggro, solo until dead then group kills enemies and I get told to stop pulling. I now write "<name of dps who pulled>...." Get no reply.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I joined an ev sm that ended up taking almost two hours. We muddled through the first three bosses reasonably well. Pylons took three tries due to random clickers but finally made it. And then we hit council:


Take one: Healer tries healing others, wipe.


Take two: Healer uses an aoe, wipe.


Take three: Healer died, not sure reason on this one.


Take four: healer is told to stand out of the way, one of the dps will get his. Multiple dps attack loner, wipe.


Take five: Healer stands out of the way, one dps chosen to take the one left over. loner gets too close to another person, wipe.


Take six: Healer stands out, first person to finish will grab the leftover. I finish mine and see that the leftover has almost reached another person. I quickly tag it and finish it off. When I finish this second one, I look around and see the last two council falling. We did it and I breathe a sigh of relief.


I was like.. Woow nice a decent DPS who can actually DPS his own nemesis before the others.


I was the other healer.


Then I saw that.. And i wept.

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I had a similar thing in a guild EV run a while back.


We were in the bit after the 2nd boss on the lava with the platforms (I have only done it once and don't know the names). It was a jungle type area, where there are animals and the puzzle. The group starts jumping on cliffs, apparently there is a shortcut to avoid the trash. I start to follow and 1 of the dps falls off the cliff into a group of enemies.


What with me being a tank I leap into the enemies, grab aggro and begin tanking. 80%, 60%, 40% (pop adrenaline rush), 35% (healing, yay), it finishes and I go to 30%, pop reactive shield, 25%, start using shoulder cannon on CD for the heals. I eventually die with all 7 people in the group stood within range and doing nothing. The enemies charge at my allies, all of whom then fight the trash. I then get told in ts not to pull, my death was my punishment. I write in ops chat "<name of dps who pulled> got anything to say?" I get no response.


The same thing happens exactly the same as that on the very next trash pull, dps falls in, I grab aggro, solo until dead then group kills enemies and I get told to stop pulling. I now write "<name of dps who pulled>...." Get no reply.


You sir, need a new guild

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I joined an ev sm that ended up taking almost two hours. We muddled through the first three bosses reasonably well. Pylons took three tries due to random clickers but finally made it. And then we hit council:


Take one: Healer tries healing others, wipe.


Take two: Healer uses an aoe, wipe.


Take three: Healer died, not sure reason on this one.


Take four: healer is told to stand out of the way, one of the dps will get his. Multiple dps attack loner, wipe.


Take five: Healer stands out of the way, one dps chosen to take the one left over. loner gets too close to another person, wipe.


Take six: Healer stands out, first person to finish will grab the leftover. I finish mine and see that the leftover has almost reached another person. I quickly tag it and finish it off. When I finish this second one, I look around and see the last two council falling. We did it and I breathe a sigh of relief.



I was the other healer.


Had a damn similar one my first HM EV after 4,0


After facerolling EV NiM for years (tank has no idea and NiM soa enraged? /care, lets heal through it), kinda forgot the thing WAS somewhat challenging when we all started.


So I see a PUG looking for more people for HM EV on fleet, I join with my Lightning sorc (spec I'm sticking to even if its not FoTM, been running it since 2,0)


I don't remember exact group composition, but its a jug or sin tank, 2 deception sin an MM sniper (also pre-nerf) another I can't remember (think AP PT) and me (we're pre 4,0,3 batnerf obviously). The two healers are a merc and a sorc. Most have 216 gear, even if not token grade.


We zone in, and start annihilator droid. On missile phase, our health start rocketing to the floor. Its clear healing is currently only delaying the inevitable. To help out the healer, I shield everyone while missile phase happens (I figure they're being overtaxed)


Remember, its my first HM EV, and knowing they can be highlighted to drop 224, I think "Damn they really made them challenging again".


Fight continues, we hit the burn phase, predictably we nearly all die, sniper manage to finish boss with 2% HP left.


he rez the merc healer, then we all get our rez and loot.


We move forward. Garj. Same things. we down him first shot, but some people died and it seems the raid-wide damage is quite hard to heal trough. Again, I help out by bubbling when the need arise (we had no dps issues so I figured losing some to keep people alive was better) (remember we have a sorc healer).


On the pylon, I'm on south, 3 dps and the merc healer, while the sorc healer and tank are on north with 2 other dps.


Nothing notable, its not exactly a very hard fight.


Then the fun start on council, and what I've started suspecting comes true - the sorc healer has no darn idea what he's doing.


Ops leader gives a quick recap not to attack or heal other people's dummy, and to give space.


1st pull, I bring my target to a corner to use CL, and suddenly... BAM debuff. I turn around, healer dragged his target around the room up to me for a reason I cannot fathom. I wait out my debuff, realize the healer is barely doing anything and has the debuff as well I have no idea why.


I tell the raid I'll be alright on mine even after waiting out the penalty, and to concentrate on Sorc healer's target. I kill mine, but healer renewed his debuff and dies, all our combined one-timers are not enough, we wipe.


Ops leader re-explain the mechanics to the sorc healer, tell him to only attack his target, and keep himself up. He's on an assassin because they deal a bit more damage than the other and have low HP to be taken on by a healer. But HE MUST NOT HEAL ANYONE ELSE.


2nd pull, same thing happens, he dies after hitting it once, quite fast, and suddenly his opponent is on me. I quickly finish mine, but get the debuff with my first attack, since he did get some move on. Everyone gives their best, but its not enough.


Another wipe.


I whisper the ops to tell him to stand aside and I'll grab his target after finishing mine (I'm the sole dps that has offheal on demand (H2F remember?)) so I risk nothing against assassins, and I have enough dps for a marauder and an assassin.


He agrees to plan, and two tries later (Got a debuff shortly after starting on the assassin after dealing with the marauder on first try for some reason. No aoe hits on another target. No idea how I got it)


2nd try, I use use a polarity shift with adrenal and explode the assassin first, then start on my marauder. Success.




I apologized to raid, since I had been bubbling people when damage got too high, they all tought the sorc healer was the one doing it, and we never suspected the issue. I personnaly tought it was the ops damage that had been quite increased. We congratulated the merc on pretty much solo healing us to that point, kicked the sorc and someone invited a guildie operative to finish the ops. Soa went down easily.







This one is a funny one, I'm kinda the one who had a lol moment (not fail, but just rather funny scene)


I queue for a TFP with my sentinel, since I just got back to it and want to practice the watchmen rotation live before going into HM FP or ops.


The FP that pops is KDY, and group is 3 dps one healer. It quickly appears I've been unanimously voted de-facto tank due to me being melee, and people stand around until I pull. Well alright, I can tank somewhat. Not always great, I'm a darn sent, but I keep people off the healer, and try to keep the strongest mob on me cycling cooldowns.


I can't remember what we had to do in the room we got in, but on the way, I see some silver have a pretty strong knockback, and note to keep my back against something on them.


We happen to a wide floored room, and of course the pack of enemy just at the hallway exit has one of those strong in them.


Alright, I'll keep myself on the side where I'm not between that kb loving silver and a 30 feet drop into another pack of mob. I jump the silver, then quickly use TST to grab minimal threat on the normals so they dont go for an healer pile-up.


I jumped specifically that silver because it insured he was between me and the edge.


I turn back to silver to ensure his quick demise, however 3 events happen under 2 seconds.


One of the RDPS, a gunnery commando, figured he wanted to use his demo round. On the silver with the kb (the one just before me, right next to an edge?). He pulls threat. The mob being melee start advancing toward commando behind me, so he gets JUST behind me. Sadly at the same moment, my Merciless Slash hits and its a dual proc relic powered crit. I rip threat right back. And as I'm about to quickly reposition, bam. KB. At the worse damn moment.


I'm thrown over the edge to the room floor...RIGHT in the middle of a pack of multiples regular, 1-2 strongs (the kind of packs a sage would have wiped the floor with, but I'm not a sage, and my health just went off with the fall).


Not being the kind to give up, I pop a dcd, and start hitting the enemies to ensure that even if I die, the less possible will reach the group up there.


However, healer up there is still healing, and there is a hot on me. I barely have time to kill one, they all zero in the healer, and start running up the stair to the group.


So end picture was the group finishing that initial pull up there, and me running after a pack around the room that doesn't give a flying f*** about me, zeroed in on getting a healer for dinner, picking them out one by one as best as I could and keeping up with transcendence and force leaps while climbing back up to my team. A comedy soundtrack on it would have been perfect.

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I [...].

Pug run last night. At 4-lines puzzle: 3 wipes.

Dude1 clicking left, dude 2 clicking right right after.

After that, I told all to comply and press left-only.

At lest it was HM but it took way more than needed.

And of course as bonus...the ninja-looters again.

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I have run my last tactical. Low-brow level 28 assassin "tanks" that dies in 2 hits, "leet" maras and noone runs for the kolto terminals.

Had an awful Rakata run now. This was it. No more tactical for me. Until they adjust the bolster for low levels up to SM Ops standard so they can actually contribute.


A low level pays some hundred in repair pr death, mine is around 8.000 pr.



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I have run my last tactical. Low-brow level 28 assassin "tanks" that dies in 2 hits, "leet" maras and noone runs for the kolto terminals.

Had an awful Rakata run now. This was it. No more tactical for me. Until they adjust the bolster for low levels up to SM Ops standard so they can actually contribute.


A low level pays some hundred in repair pr death, mine is around 8.000 pr.




Kolto stations have aoe hot part so if you are range or you are simply near (have something like force speed or something to reach it fast) you can use it yourself...you lose some heal (like 7k+) if you aren't the one to click on it but...

I have grown used to saying that kolto are aoe before every boss (or once if party remains the same) and hope they will get the hint....


...finally...maybe the bolster need to give you whatever stats a 65 dps/tank/healer have but op gear is too much imo...it's good for people to ask themselves ''what did I do wrong?'' from time to time:)

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HM Athiss


65 Powertech Tank. 65 Operative DPS (Me). 65 Sniper DPS. 60 Operative Healer.


Starts out normal. The tank warns that they're new to the game (despite having some really decent gear and understanding what their role and rotation seems to be) and performs very well for herself. The gear she had was also good. I've seen people queue for HM with no relics or implants, so she was either humble or nervous.


Anyway, our first wipe was at the set of droids before the first boss. The burst they all give is pretty insane so I thought nothing of it. We get ourselves back there and take care of the boss. Healer mentions a 4 year old spilled something, she apologizes, we get to the Beast of Vodal. This is where things get rough. We wipe here three times--and the tank is actually not the cause here. The first time I said nothing. Maybe the damage was too much for the healer. Second time, however, I turn to look at her while dead, and she's standing there looking confused and out of place. We wipe again. By the third time I sum up it's the lack of heals we're getting. The Sniper and I know for a fact the healer isn't up to par for what the instance demands. I didn't rage. Each wipe I asked the healer if she was okay, to which I never got a response from her. Meanwhile, the tank thinks it's all HER fault, when in actuality she's doing everything pretty darn well. Beast of Vodal never went for a DPS or healer, and she picked up the adds quickly in each encounter. But for some reason she believed every wipe was her fault.


I check the healer's gear after the third wipe. She was a bought Level 60, with the classic '****' gear dresser tops and such. Nothing overly TERRIBLE when you didn't have to work to gear your toon much prior. So, after getting no responses from the healer--yet having the healer perfectly content with us wiping without communicating or owning up to her own mistakes, such as lack of actually doing any healing or voicing any issues she may be having--I vote kick her, reassuring the tank that the wipes are not on her plate.


THEN, the healer hits me up a minute later, finally willing to talk after ignoring me for three straight wipes. She goes off on this rant, starting with 'EXCUSE ME' but I'll have to admit I wasn't in the mood to really humor her ranting. She had three wipes to talk to all of us about problems, problems I ASKED her to voice if she had them, and she said nothing. I skimmed her little rant, and there was no mention of IRL issues going on that made us wipe three times. In fact, she was bold enough to say that she had no problem with her performance, and that she thought she did great. Of course, repair bills don't pay themselves, and I wasn't going to sit there and argue with her. I was also accused of yelling at her, when the most I did was ask her to talk to us if there was something wrong, and she NEVER DID IT. I never even used caps lock, so being called out and expecting her to take responsibility for her lack of action and communication is clearly me yelling, I guess. The group kick went off without a hitch, so that told me that everyone was content with her removal. The Sniper knew she wasn't getting any healing, but she was the type to not say anything even if she's frustrated. And the tank was too busy beating herself up while the healer LET HER DO THAT each time--which pissed me off very much looking back on it. If you're at fault, don't let someone sit there and blame themselves for mistakes you made.


Anyway, I tell her that she wasn't performing at the level we needed her to, and good luck on her later runs. Ignored her after that. Sniper pulls out Lana. Boom, we beat Beast with ease. Only wiped one more time and that was due to learning Stealth doesn't work in the tombs on HM against the force user mobs. The rest of the run goes off without a hitch and we say our goodbyes.


So, the moral: Don't sit idly by while a good player takes blame for the bad one who lets them do so.

Edited by RayceUlrand
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now i have seen almost all.. GF SnV with my pt-tank and Titan 6 gone enrage at 12% :eek:


The exact same thing just happened to me.


I was off tanking, first attempt at Titan 6 was shaky. I thought, OK it was my bad for not hopping on adds fast enough. Second attempt, I jump on adds asap, use Guardian Leap on healers or DPS, and it's becoming clear to me that the dps is shaky. I did think we were slow in Dash'roode, but didn't worry too much because it's an easy fight.

So after a second wipe, the group disbanded. It didn't take me long to assemble a raid but considering what time it is now, I didn't want to go hunt replacements.

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I have run my last tactical. Low-brow level 28 assassin "tanks" that dies in 2 hits, "leet" maras and noone runs for the kolto terminals.

Had an awful Rakata run now. This was it. No more tactical for me. Until they adjust the bolster for low levels up to SM Ops standard so they can actually contribute.


A low level pays some hundred in repair pr death, mine is around 8.000 pr.




I had exactly the opposite. I was on my 15 mara with a 65 sin tank, 63 guardian tank and 48 merc dps, it was czerka core. We cleared trash fast (or should I say they did, I would kill 1.5 standards in the time it took the other 3 to clear 2 standards and an elite then come help me with my second target). Get to sandstorm boss and we wipe, I write "any of you done this before?"

both tanks say no so I explain the fight and we beat it. At jungle boss the guardian asks tactics so I explain. I explain final boss too and we complete the mission.


I thank them for putting up with a 15 in a czerka fp, the merc says they might not have got through without me.


Dps output isn't the be-all and end-all of group missions.

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