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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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HM Manaan today. Started off as the one tank pug in a group of three guildies. First boss went okay, DPS was a little slow and wasn't quick to switch targets, but we didn't have much trouble so meh. We try the bonus boss, none of them have ever done it "the normal way" I am told, so I run through a quick explanation and say we don't need to try again after the first pull if they don't want to.


They proceed to have some hot every single droid that shows up. So we wipe quickly and move on to the second boss. Where we then die. I spent most of the fight at less then 20% hp and every other flow someone would get stuck in the puddles. So we wipe. Try again, get zero heals, healer does in first flow, I am at 4% health, pop shroud for lightning thing, die as soon as the boss touches me after. 10 minutes of poking the dead healer later, they disconnect. We kick and get a new healer, hereafter known as ******e.


We start the fight and he starts yelling at me to just stand in the puddles. I know you can do that for this fight but don't see why I should stand in stupid and take increased damage if I can just drop them all on one side of the room. After I ignore him for the first flow, he stops healing is and we wipe. One of the DPS quits. We get another who says they need to respec, comes in as a healer, has to leave to respec again. In this time, as whole demands I stay still and says he can heal through the extra damage. I'm sure he can, but I did not get my Wings from Brontes by standing stupid, I am used to moving out of stupid and as long as I'm not kiting all over the room, who cares.


Well he does, and I figure I'll do it his way because I just want to hit my conquest total for the week. We get through it. Get to last boss. He keeps telling at me to take the boss to the flames. Which I would love to do. Except I JUST gotpunted and have a rebuff where I can't have the way on the boss or anything. So sorry. Anyway, DPS is a little low again, but fine, we kill the boss with 30 seconds to spare. We finish up head out to loot, I say thank you, he says good group everyone. Except me. I'm a bad tank. I of course a agree. I'm awful. Can't wait until he meets a sin tank who doesn't like dark ward or a ranged pt tank.


I don't know what is up with this week. I had another guy that got pissed off that I kicked him from a TFB run because he had pulled several trash mobs for no reason, screamed about being told off for it, screamed about fights bring explained in ops chat (when at least two people had said they needed a refresher), that the raid leader using ops announcements was pissing him off and targeted at him specifically but he was awesome. She had started using the announcement only when he was pulling trash randomly to get him to stop, so I suppose that was true. Eventually he pulled a boss while I was explaining things, so I kicked him.


Anyway, he got on another room and told me he was sending messages to every progression guild on the server to never run with me and I would never get in any pugs. Fortunately, most of the guilds he listed he knew had annoyed me with their elitest ******yness years ago, or who had members I knew from experience were *****, so no great loss there.


Amyway, felt the need to rant. I probably am a terrible person like they said though. I should take their implied advice and uninstall. I'm so bad.


I'm almost positive it was me as the healer. The problem you had was when you would go to the side, you'd cleave everyone. Aside from that I inspected your achievements you don't have your wings. You haven't cleared hard mode and you hadn't cleared any of the actual tank checks that are in game. Your attitude was that of a know it all jerk when you didn't earn it. Is it really that big a coincidence that we cleared the flash point after you listened to me or did the previous group members quit for other reasons? I'd pay to take you on nightmare brontes. I'd love to see you manage orbs. Maybe you had an off day. This is coming from an owner of self earned wings and gate crasher titles on multiple characters.


If you aren't the same person I'm sorry!!

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Is there even such a thing as effective dps?


Well, maybe I was being a bit pedantic there, but I meant actual "steel-on-target" damage. IE, what the fly-text/combat log --or the elite player's parser, for that matter-- actually says you did after crit-rolls, off-hand misses, armour rating, etc., are resolved.

Edited by midianlord
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HM Manaan today. Started off as the one tank pug in a group of three guildies. First boss went okay, DPS was a little slow and wasn't quick to switch targets, but we didn't have much trouble so meh. We try the bonus boss, none of them have ever done it "the normal way" I am told, so I run through a quick explanation and say we don't need to try again after the first pull if they don't want to.


They proceed to have some hot every single droid that shows up. So we wipe quickly and move on to the second boss. Where we then die. I spent most of the fight at less then 20% hp and every other flow someone would get stuck in the puddles. So we wipe. Try again, get zero heals, healer does in first flow, I am at 4% health, pop shroud for lightning thing, die as soon as the boss touches me after. 10 minutes of poking the dead healer later, they disconnect. We kick and get a new healer, hereafter known as ******e.


We start the fight and he starts yelling at me to just stand in the puddles. I know you can do that for this fight but don't see why I should stand in stupid and take increased damage if I can just drop them all on one side of the room. After I ignore him for the first flow, he stops healing is and we wipe. One of the DPS quits. We get another who says they need to respec, comes in as a healer, has to leave to respec again. In this time, as whole demands I stay still and says he can heal through the extra damage. I'm sure he can, but I did not get my Wings from Brontes by standing stupid, I am used to moving out of stupid and as long as I'm not kiting all over the room, who cares.


Well he does, and I figure I'll do it his way because I just want to hit my conquest total for the week. We get through it. Get to last boss. He keeps telling at me to take the boss to the flames. Which I would love to do. Except I JUST gotpunted and have a rebuff where I can't have the way on the boss or anything. So sorry. Anyway, DPS is a little low again, but fine, we kill the boss with 30 seconds to spare. We finish up head out to loot, I say thank you, he says good group everyone. Except me. I'm a bad tank. I of course a agree. I'm awful. Can't wait until he meets a sin tank who doesn't like dark ward or a ranged pt tank.


I don't know what is up with this week. I had another guy that got pissed off that I kicked him from a TFB run because he had pulled several trash mobs for no reason, screamed about being told off for it, screamed about fights bring explained in ops chat (when at least two people had said they needed a refresher), that the raid leader using ops announcements was pissing him off and targeted at him specifically but he was awesome. She had started using the announcement only when he was pulling trash randomly to get him to stop, so I suppose that was true. Eventually he pulled a boss while I was explaining things, so I kicked him.


Anyway, he got on another room and told me he was sending messages to every progression guild on the server to never run with me and I would never get in any pugs. Fortunately, most of the guilds he listed he knew had annoyed me with their elitest ******yness years ago, or who had members I knew from experience were *****, so no great loss there.


Amyway, felt the need to rant. I probably am a terrible person like they said though. I should take their implied advice and uninstall. I'm so bad.


On HM Manaan you are supposed to stay still while tanking, the dmg is neglible, else the number of puddles will decimate the group whn he casts flow. Its not as on SM where you must kite the boss.


HM: Stand still. Only run to the healer when he casts flow then back onto boss after again up in the end of the room.

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I'm almost positive it was me as the healer. The problem you had was when you would go to the side, you'd cleave everyone. Aside from that I inspected your achievements you don't have your wings. You haven't cleared hard mode and you hadn't cleared any of the actual tank checks that are in game. Your attitude was that of a know it all jerk when you didn't earn it. Is it really that big a coincidence that we cleared the flash point after you listened to me or did the previous group members quit for other reasons? I'd pay to take you on nightmare brontes. I'd love to see you manage orbs. Maybe you had an off day. This is coming from an owner of self earned wings and gate crasher titles on multiple characters.


If you aren't the same person I'm sorry!!


Look I'm sorry. I was vaguely annoyed with you when kept telling me what to do but didn't care much, figured fine whatever we will do it his way. I prefer not to but fine. My problem with you, and what got me to write this post was how you reacted after we finished the flashpoint. There was no reason to say everyone did great but I was bad because I didn't want to stand in the puddles. And seriously what was I supposed to do about the last fight? Nothing I can do about getting punted and debuffed, but the boss was in the flames as fast as I could pick him back up.


Incidentally I DO have the wings. I don't know if you somehow missed them in my achievements but I definitely have them. Don't have Gatecrasher that's true. But I do have wings and I am VERY aware of how to deal with orbs. Especially on an assassin. Yay Force Shroud and pull. I don't imagine why your look through m achievements says otherwise, but I dunno, they can be glitchy. Feel free to find my on my Sorc and I will happily pull them out.


In any case, I'm sorry I came off like that, but getting yelled at saying I was wrong constantly was a bit childish. Maybe I misinterpreted and in that case I do apologize. Anyway, don't want to derail the thread anymore.

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On HM Manaan you are supposed to stay still while tanking, the dmg is neglible, else the number of puddles will decimate the group whn he casts flow. Its not as on SM where you must kite the boss.


HM: Stand still. Only run to the healer when he casts flow then back onto boss after again up in the end of the room.


I've done that, and I've not stood in the circles and kept them in a small grouping. There is absolute tons of room after flow. And while damage is slightly increased form standing in circles, I tend to prefer to reduce damage everywhere I can when I tank. That's me though. I've done both. They both work. I just prefer it my way. Since I don't cut the DPS and healers off, the difference really doesn't matter. To me anyway.

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Look I'm sorry. I was vaguely annoyed with you when kept telling me what to do but didn't care much, figured fine whatever we will do it his way. I prefer not to but fine. My problem with you, and what got me to write this post was how you reacted after we finished the flashpoint. There was no reason to say everyone did great but I was bad because I didn't want to stand in the puddles. And seriously what was I supposed to do about the last fight? Nothing I can do about getting punted and debuffed, but the boss was in the flames as fast as I could pick him back up.


Incidentally I DO have the wings. I don't know if you somehow missed them in my achievements but I definitely have them. Don't have Gatecrasher that's true. But I do have wings and I am VERY aware of how to deal with orbs. Especially on an assassin. Yay Force Shroud and pull. I don't imagine why your look through m achievements says otherwise, but I dunno, they can be glitchy. Feel free to find my on my Sorc and I will happily pull them out.


In any case, I'm sorry I came off like that, but getting yelled at saying I was wrong constantly was a bit childish. Maybe I misinterpreted and in that case I do apologize. Anyway, don't want to derail the thread anymore.


You didn't do anything wrong on the last boss. I was typing to the dps that ran in a circle away from the fire. I said that you were awful because your boss positioning and attitude definitely didn't reflect a competent tank. You were not good on that second boss. You got pissy immediately thinking I was after you (at first). I said nothing else until you got snippy again at the end. Your attitude sucks. Maybe I got you on a bad day. We all have them.

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Well ... Assault on Korriban TFP. There was an assassin DPS with us. We have made it into the foyer of the Academy. There is the single add that can be stealth CC'd to avoid triggering the encounter. I asked the assassin to go CC it please. She stealthed on up to it ... and cast her in combat whirlwind.


I've been seeing a lot of assassins who don't seem to know they have this incredible skill ...

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Got hm Cademimu, our grop made it till first elevator (big one) and then our sorc jumped and pulled me and because of that i died due to height. Then while i was running to the rest of the group that sorc initiated vote kick for me and everyone agreed to kick me. Da*** was that? I cant solve this mystery, any thoughts?
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Well ... Assault on Korriban TFP. There was an assassin DPS with us. We have made it into the foyer of the Academy. There is the single add that can be stealth CC'd to avoid triggering the encounter. I asked the assassin to go CC it please. She stealthed on up to it ... and cast her in combat whirlwind.


I've been seeing a lot of assassins who don't seem to know they have this incredible skill ...



What lvl was the Assassin? casue if I remember right, Assassins don't get their stealth CC until like lvl 22. I could be remembering wrong though.

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My level 26 Seer Sage got a pop for Mandalorian Raiders with a 17 Kinetic Combat Shadow, a 58 Watchman Sentinel and a 65 Sentinel, either Combat or Watchman.

The level 58 had no idea how to fight the first boss(he asked us for tactics) , and the tank had all green gear from story missions, no implants or anything. I kept getting eaten by the dogs(yes, I know they can't be taunted), and it was taking us so long to do damage, that the boss actually reset.

The Shadow did use Kinetic Ward, but actually lost aggro to me several times. Thus I got carbonized by the boss a couple of times on top of getting all the attention from the dogs.


Not all my experience with the new system has been bad, but this was...yikes IMO.

Edited by josephinec
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Is there even such a thing as effective dps?


In some fights, yes. Dread Guard or Cartel Warlords being a good example. Since every bit of dps on the wrong target is wasted, cause the boss heals himself after one fo the others die, these dps is ineffective. For some classes, it's just the way it goes, lightning sorc with chain lighting or dot specs with rotational dot spread(Vengeance or madness for example).

Or dpsing an add that spawns, does something and despawns after it, so you don't have to dps it anyway.

An example for this would be the tentacle transition on Brontes, where some people dps them in order to keep their numbers up. It's wasted damage, therefore ineffective ;)

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I had nice Dp gf-run yesterday. I was with my healer and half of group was first-timers there including tanks. 1 wipe at CAlphalys and after that I took leadership and explain tactics. They listened and do exactly what I told to do, so rest of run gone smoothy and 1-shotted rest of bosses. 1 say that there no need tactics, 'coz it's only sm, but maybe need still follow mechanics :rolleyes:
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Maelstrom Prison, tactical

Guardian, Gunslinger and 2x Sentinel

Guardian was lowest level and everyone else were 50+


We get to Daksh and I ask if everyone know the fight. Everyone answers no. So, I mention about his implants and we have to hide from him. Level 65 Sentinel laughs and says "stop" and "we have kolto stations" (I've tested it, those won't help during that phase). Anyone wants to guess who was the first to die and leave? That's right.


We try few times with Guardian's Kira in heal mode. After several wipes we change to my T7 and after some struggle we beat the boss finally. Now, these two are really weird too. I mean, they just want it done. We finally get to Kilran. We wipe a few times. Maybe my explanation about Kilran's cover and sniping was a bit confusing but we kill him after few wipes.


Seriously, why did these two stick to group even after 10+ wipes? I really thought I've switched to another game.

Patience in SWTOR's group content? That can't be right...

Edited by Halinalle
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Seriously, why did these two stick to group even after 10+ wipes? I really thought I've switched to another game.

Patience in SWTOR's group content? That can't be right...


I typically give a group three wipes. For anyone to stick around for ten, is crazy patience to have. Must have been quite the experience!

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I typically give a group three wipes. For anyone to stick around for ten, is crazy patience to have. Must have been quite the experience!


Not sure if it was ten but it sure was many wipes. We just kept repairing armor after few wipes to make sure our gear works. Yes, it was an experience. Very rare one indeed.


Maelstrom Prison:

Again, one left after first wipe on second boss (implant guy). We didn't have to wait long for replacement: I didn't even get back to second boss before we got one. We killed all bosses without huge issues. One of the low levels got killed few times especially in Kilran's last phase.


Again, one of these "weird" groups:

Taral V:

Level 16 Shadow tank (I really felt sorry for this person)

2x level 50+ Sages

Level 59 Sentinel (me)


Few wipes here and there, mostly in bosses. I even caused one wipe because while trying to skip mobs not far away from second boss (droid) I went too close to them and died almost instantly. We just kept going and with some struggle we defeated the last boss. Again, a lot of patience.

Edited by Halinalle
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HM Depth of Manaan


Guildie Vanguard tank, me as a Sage healer, sage DPS and sent DPS.


We zone in, clear the trash mobs to the 1st boss. The 2 DPS attack the shielded boss ignoring the droid. After facepalming, I tell them to attack the droids. All in all, we end up to down the boss after an incredibly long fight. I say in group chat that if they don't know a fight, it's better to say it before engaging a boss, no answer. A quick look through their achievements shows that none of them has ever done this FP.

Anyway, going for the bonus boss as I like it and need alacrity enhancements. This fight is fairly easy as long as you can move your toon.

When we arrive in front of the bonus boss, I ask again if everyone know the fight. The 2 DPS finally say they don't know. I'm a bit angry because I don't like people who don't say they don't know something, but whatever, I really want to down this boss. I start explaining the fight in details. Everyone seem to have understood and we proceed to start the fight. Then the 1st bomb comes, one alone, not the serie of 3. Both DPS start to attack it. We aggro all the bombs and it's a wipe. We come back and I start explaining again, both DPS tell me they understand and we start again. When the 1st serie of 3 bombs comes, both DPS go to explode them as they didn't tell who would go 1st (I had too much hope they'll understand, but meh...). 3rd attempt, explaining again and they seem to understand. The fight is going well till the sage hit Telekinetic Wave, aggroing all the bombs and it's a new wipe. I say the sage I speciffically tell everyone to not use AOE and he tells me he didn't use AOE. I tell him to read his tooltip again. He apologize, remove TW from his toolbar and we start yet again. This try was actually good, we only wipe because my guildie tank has a big fat *** and explode a bomb while changing side, but the DPS seem to have finally understood the mechanics. A few wipe later, we down the boss, but there's no alacrity enhancement, only accuracy.


We proceed to continue, I explain Ortuno's mechanics then pull. We wipe at the second flow because the sent forgot he had to run. We come back and as soon as we pull, the sage leave without saying a word. We get overwhelmmed by the adds and it's a wipe. As the group leader I requeue us and we get a new sent. The fight goes smoothly even if the 1st sent manage to die because he forgot again to run at the end of the fight. He try to come back to us, but as the door is locked he can't and can't even follow us for the rest of the FP. We try to find a solution, but nothing work and he leaves the group hoping the group finder will put him with us again. Unfortunately, we get a vanguard. I know this guy and his guild because I did a Cademimu last week with him and a tank of his guild. Anyway, we proceed to the last boss


Last boss goes smoothly even if we down it with only 13" left. The vanguard then proceed to tell our tank to come back to HM FP when he's max level and has better gear because kept losing aggro when the vanguard was bursting. I tell him he should learn boss mechanics before complaining and quickly inspect his gear and acheivements before leaving. This guy had never done this FP before and was in comm guy and our tank was in full resurrected with a bit of revanite. Anyway, we laugh a bit in guild chat after the FP and I stop queuing for the day as I had enough of those boosted 60 and comm gear guys.

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So this one DF GF....PLAGUED with problems. Draxus was the real issue.


1st pull, a Tank gets knocked away by a Dismantler, out of range of the fight and DCs, causing Draxus to reset. Fun stuff.


Tank reconnects, but then one of the healers suddenly pipes up, saying that they had a previous run with said Tank's guild, whose members were behaving unprofessionally. The healer states their refusal to raid further with anyone from that guild and leaves. (That tank was the only one of his guild in this run).


So after a bit of waiting we find a replacement, but they can't quick travel because somehow we're in combat, so we /stuck. One guy doesn't /stuck and just sits there, and when he finally does, someone else DCs. That person doesn't come back, so we find yet another replacement.


So everyone arrives and we start a new fight, but something seems fishy: I don't hear Draxus's voice when he transitions. In the back of my mind I fear the fight is bugged, which turns out to be true later on. First we have to suffer through the mess of guardians and the people who get obliterated by their purple. We finally get to last phase, and as Draxus's health approaches 0, he suddenly vanishes. We stand around in combat for a while, bewildered, until finally he reappears enraged and kills us all.


OK, Draxus. Thankfully there are no other complications for the rest of the run.

Edited by BigBreakfast
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Tank reconnects, but then one of the healers suddenly pipes up, saying that they had a previous run with said Tank's guild, whose members were behaving unprofessionally. The healer states their refusal to raid further with anyone from that guild and leaves. (That tank was the only one of his guild in this run).



Sounds like healer was taking things too personally.


Lets assume for a minute that everything the healer said was accurate, and the tank was a d-bag from a guild full of d-bags. Who cares? It's not like you have to associate with that person other than that Op. Chances are you'll never again cross paths with people you meet through Group Finder, whether or not you like them. Dropping because off old grudges just created unnecessary drama and screwed everyone else in that Op.

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Queued for a Meltdown run last night for some conquest points on my sorc with two guilty specs (one had not done it before and hadn't even played in about a year, was very rusty, but he was not the reason I had my first wipes in a tactical since 4.0 came out) and a Jugg tank.


We started off through the trash slower than I would like, tank just kept sitting there waiting for a while, after a few pulls of this me and my guilty who is experienced just started going a little faster (and by that I mean the tank was just standing on one of the job locations guarding the panel, so we kept clearing). Whatever maybe he is distrac from the game, it's just a tactical, no worries. We get to the desert boss,


Oh boy.


So we start off before my inexperienced guilty can make it into the room, and the tank pulls the boss back to nearby the stairs, and we all start DPS ing. I promptly pull aggro, threat dump, keep aggro. Tank eventually taunts. Then the sandstorm starts. And the tank stands there. We extricate him to the first generator, it blows it up, I type out a quick "bring him to the green generators" as I frantically bolt for the nearest med station. He leaves the boss there. I get aggro again, boss leaps to me by the next generator that just turned green, I pull him towards the generator, tank taunts him off me, I try to have my guilty extricate him to the right spot but she is going for a med station and boss rampages in the middle. I try to get the tank to come to the generator, one of my guildies does before I can hit the next med station, boss rampages and kills other two, I burn him down a bit but can't hit med stations quickly because the damn boss is too big, and I did.


Assuming the tank (who is 65 by the way, over my experienced guilty on her 38 alt, and my inexperienced guilty on a 59 toon, and me as a 65) hasnt done this before for whatever reason, I explain what he needs to do; keep boss in center until a sandstorm starts, bring him to the lot up generator, wait for him to rampage to break the generator, then bring him back to mid so it's easy to move him to the next one.


We start, same thing happens, but preparing for this, me and my guilty are now better prepared and focus a little more on our positioning so we can alternate who is pulling the tank and who is going for a med station and whatnot. We do a lot better, but eventually the tank pulls the boss away from the generator again, and people start dying, I am the last one up again, get boss to 14% or so, then die.


Seeing as there is no reason for this, the tank didn't respond at all or say anything the entire run, and didn't read chat to see what I was saying about an explanation,or ignored it, and I frankly couldn't be bothered to try to explain to him again when the only improvement over the first pull was having the whole group in the room, we kick him, I pull out Ashara, and we have a hilariously easy time with me sorc tanking the rest of the fp with no missed generators.


I'm starting to think all the people saying tacticals are hard are just either not knowing the fights temselcws or having people who just stand there and ignore everything their group and the game are trying to tell them. And as much as I like trying to help people when they are strggling so we can beat things as a group, it's hard when I get no response, acknowledgement, or any evidence that they don't have the entire group on ignore.

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old story, a couple days old. PUG group calling for 1 tank for TFB via gf. I get in with my shadow, then wait a while as they get a dps and healer (apparently they didn't need just 1 tank).


Get into the mission and it goes perfectly. No deaths (except 1 slinger sitting in add spit on final boss), no stupid mistakes, no serious issues. So where is the weird bit I hear you ask...


The other tank. They were a great tank, held aggro much better than I do with a jugg. Everything ran so smoothly. It seemed like there was some un-written rule where I go first on a trash pull, aoe taunt then tank till its over, then they take the next pull, I take the next, then them and so on for all the trash throughout the entire mission.


The thing was whenever the guardian was tanking I would check to make sure there were no enemies missed by the aoe taunt, if there were I would pick them up, if not I would stack on the other tank and do my tank rotation.


But whenever I pulled the guardian would taunt 1 of the enemies I already had aggro on and tank them far away from me and dps aoe's. They wouldn't bother checking if there were any enemies my taunt had missed, instead just grabbing one which I already had under control.


This lead to (the one instance I remember, probably happened more though) with 1 of the pulls between 3rd and 4th boss. The white water fountain looking thing popped up, along with 5 or 6 kor'slug looking things. I aoe taunt, catching all but 1 of the kor'slugs. I then go and stand by the fountain type thing (the thing the dps attack first on those pulls) for some nice aoe damage. The guardian then taunts 1 kor'slug, drags it away from the aoe and that's when I notice an enemy running for a healer. I taunt it, force pull it and we complete the pull.


If the guardian wanted an enemy to tank, they could at least check there are none running amok before selecting 1 I already have in check. The strangest thing about this was the fact that, apart from this, watching the guardian tank was like watching a masterclass in how it is dome. Strange how someone can be so completely perfect at their class, yet make as simple an error as letting an add roam free.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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I have an old stories (Pre 4.0) to tell and boy it was embarrassing because i'm the weird one in this story.



So, one day, my guild decides to run SnV (for the monies) and they were short on tank. Having recently just dinged my Juggernaut to max level, i decided to volunteer, provided they instruct me over Teamspeak because i was a newbie tank. They agreed and we all phased in.


To be clear, at that time i was running SWTOR on my 5 years old laptop and it can't handle the herculean task of rendering 8 man operations, so i reduced my graphics setting to very low. Doesn't matter what super rare cartel market gear you're prancing around with, on my laptop we're all equal. We're all potatoes with arms that swings glowsticks.


After a breakdown of tactics and mechanics, our group stands at the edge of the vast desert, mounted and ready to brave the wasteland to meet Da'Roode (i think it was spelled this way) and his Sandstorm. My heart started beating faster as my GM initiated Ready Check. With the announcement that my group was ready, my tanking debut begin.


Our group raced to the first shield and the boss spawned. My offtank (PT Tank, my GM toon) jet charged, DPSes began their rotation and i was just standing there, a sad and confused potato with his glowstick brandished but its purpose unfulfilled. The boss was not rendered on my laptop.


I don't know how and i don't know why. Even if i can target target the boss and its distance to me was supposed to be at melee range, i cannot use any of my ability. The game does not recognized that Da'roode was near me.


GM began asking me why am i not tanking and my fragile mind was shattered by the pressure. The pressure of being a scion of ancient Sith lineage and the prestige it carries. The pressure from my dreams as i graduated from Korriban and hoping to become a productive member of the raiding community. I began screaming in guild Teamspeak channel.


"Guys, i can't see the boss! What should i do? I can't see him!" I screamed pathetically. The raid group lost their composure, they laughed their sides off. Their laughter mixed with the flashback i'm having raising this toon. It was like a ****** comedy show, where instead a quirky guy quips some bad puns and a canned laughter plays, it was a sith juggernaut force choking Malavai Quinn.


However, one man was not distracted by this fiasco. A man worthy of the title Guild Master. Without missing a beat, he said to me: "Just take the mobs that spawned then, no biggies."


And by His divine will my laptop rendered the trash mobs. And by His divine command my glowstick was given its purpose. My Juggernaut bravely tanked the womp rats and our group triumphed over Da'roode and his Sandstorm.


Valkorion gave me the chance to kneel and rule Zakuul with him. But he is not worthy.

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I typically give a group three wipes. For anyone to stick around for ten, is crazy patience to have. Must have been quite the experience!


I had a HM Cademimu run like that once on one of my dps. It was the first time in HM for everyone in the group. Had multiple wipes on the trash pull after using the first shortcut (I shudder to think how it would have gone if we didn't use the shortcut). Discovered the tank was missing two implants and relics, and what seemed to be no offhand (but that was simply the bug that sometimes doesn't display people's offhand). In the midst of a couple of the wipes on this stupid pull the other dps gives the tank a couple of crafted implants (had to zone out to fleet for them). Becomes a bit less squishy but not really by much. Plus the tank was having aggro problems throughout.


Somehow we finally get to the first bosses, the droid and cop. The mechanics on this are 100% ignorable in SM, so nobody was prepared for the fight. The ineptness was so laughable that I just had to stick around and at least three of us were game to get through this. The commando healer was having trouble healing through people dragging the grenades to other people instead of moving them away from the group, and finally had enough and left. We got another healer shortly after and asked if he knew it. Said he did. What does he do? Proceed to run into the cage twice when pulling the droid. Pretty safe to say he meant he did it in SM but he didn't want to admit this was his first time in HM. At various points I'm trying to take over this fight, because I can see after the second wipe what should be happening. The tank even willingly lets me take over "tanking" duties because she's so dang squishy and just cannot keep up in this fight. I'm typing into chat what everyone needs to do when they get grenaded and what to do when they get targeted by the droid. It's just so amusing when people affirm their understanding and just ignore it when the opportunity arises to show it. It's stupid to admit how many times everyone, while trying to steer the droid to the cage, s-key into the cage themselves, but funny nonetheless.


I can't remember how many wipes we actually went through, but we finally get it done. The wookie goes down in one-shot because they actually listened to me about using the flamethrower against the adds and I was able to successfully encircle the flames around to them (tank did not do a good job at this, obviously). We have no trouble the rest of the way until General Ortol. Again, this is everyone's first time in HM, so no one is prepared for the shackle mechanic. Everyone does a great job listening this time, though, and we all help each other out after the first wipe. We wipe a couple more times just because of some hard-luck knockbacks coupled with shackling at inopportune times (tank could not hold Ortol facing the corners), but finally got through.


Tank is pretty bubbly the whole run and is enthused we got through it, and the other dps was taking the constant wipes personally in a positive way. It became a challenge worth fighting through for us, even though it took about two hours. It was probably the most satisfying FP I've ever run. Brutal efficiency gets boring quickly, but the occasional hard-fought learning experiences are what keep me coming back through these FP's dozens of times.

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