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Yoda and Wookie playable races just too OP!?


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Honestly who would not want to play a Yoda or Wookie? To me it would be a HUGE money grabber.. What I am wondering is why they haven't done it yet??


I think it could be because Yoda's species, home planet etc. is such a mystery and because a Wookie storyline might be hard to do..Just my opinion though what do you guys think?

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1) Yoda species has always been kind of "off-limits" because Lucas likes to keep it mysterious and rare.


2) Wookiees can't speak Basic, and the developers have said that no species that can't speak basic will ever be playable.


Sorry, but there you go.

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Honestly who would not want to play a Yoda or Wookie?



Playable Yoda:

Yodas "specialness" is made up of his rarity. I would rather personally clean up after a bantha herd, than have 50+ "yodas" on the fleet, all dancing and stuff. Massive immersion break to allow yoda as playable.


Playable Wookiee:

First, I am opposed to allow to play half-domestic animals as a race.

Second, all Wookiees deserve to be first shaved clean, then skinned, then killed.

Third, I will never understand the obsession of intelligent people (meaning you, dear reader!) with playing a 2m tall beast, which is supposed to be all honor and rage, smart enough to build energy weapons, but at the same time dumb enough to fall for the most basic trap of an Ewok... in the natural habitat of the wookiee !!

Fourth, it is wrong to be a wookiee.


The only good thing about playable wookiees would be, that I would start PvPing again.

Edited by JPryde
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Yoda's are highly unlikely to become playable due to their background, but they can become potential companions.


Wookiees can potentially become playable. There are ways that they can and shouldn't be impossible, but it would take some time to develop.


To add to the above,


Didn't GL say that there will never be another Force Sensitive Wookie?


Kinda hard to play a Jedi if you can't use the Force :)


They've since introduced more force sensitive Wookiees into Star Wars canon so I believe that statement has been deposed of.

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They've since introduced more force sensitive Wookiees into Star Wars canon so I believe that statement has been deposed of.




Ah, I didn't know that, thanks for the clarification! It always struck me as being a bit strange that a Wookies couldn't use the Force (apart from a few exceptions).


Would you be able to tell me where they introduced that? It seems like my Star Wars Lore is a bit out of date, and I've got some reading/watching to catch up on!



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Ah, I didn't know that, thanks for the clarification! It always struck me as being a bit strange that a Wookies couldn't use the Force (apart from a few exceptions).


Would you be able to tell me where they introduced that? It seems like my Star Wars Lore is a bit out of date, and I've got some reading/watching to catch up on!




These were the recent two which were introduced:




Well nearly any sentient being, including Wookiees, can be atuned to the force, just that at the time Lucas wanted to limit any from being introduced by authors. But now that they've recently introduced more and that Lucas doesn't own Star Wars anymore, I think it's probably safe to say that the developers could introduce one if they wanted to, and to a point allow players to create force sensitive Wookiees.

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Ah, I didn't know that, thanks for the clarification! It always struck me as being a bit strange that a Wookies couldn't use the Force (apart from a few exceptions).


Would you be able to tell me where they introduced that? It seems like my Star Wars Lore is a bit out of date, and I've got some reading/watching to catch up on!




The only force sensitive Wookie I know of is Lowbacca who was first introduced in the Young Jedi Knights books. I may be missing something but I can't recall any others in any of the books or comics.

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These were the recent two which were introduced:




Well nearly any sentient being, including Wookiees, can be atuned to the force, just that at the time Lucas wanted to limit any from being introduced by authors. But now that they've recently introduced more and that Lucas doesn't own Star Wars anymore, I think it's probably safe to say that the developers could introduce one if they wanted to, and to a point allow players to create force sensitive Wookiees.


Thanks for the links! Guess I've got some catching up to do :)


@Lasica: Yeah, Lowbacca was the only one that I could think of. Nice to see that we may be getting more Force Sensitive Wookies. I'd love to see a Sith Wookie using the Force to choke someone, instead of just ripping their arms off. :)

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Thanks for the links! Guess I've got some catching up to do :)


@Lasica: Yeah, Lowbacca was the only one that I could think of. Nice to see that we may be getting more Force Sensitive Wookies. I'd love to see a Sith Wookie using the Force to choke someone, instead of just ripping their arms off. :)


On top of Lowbacca, Gungi and Ruhr, these are the other force sensitive Wookiees which have existed in Star Wars lore:







Also at one point, players were able to make force sensitive Wookiees in Star Wars Galaxies but of course the game wasn't as complex as swtor. It wouldn't be impossible to introduce playable Wookiees in the game, it would however take a very long to develop.

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Also at one point, players were able to make force sensitive Wookiees in Star Wars Galaxies....

... which was one of SWGs major mistakes. (and the beginning on my passionate hatred of wookiees)

Not only were wookiees allowed as playable race. They were also allowed to join the empire (in a timeline following episode 4) and they were even allowed to become a general in the imperial army and even female wookiees were allowed both.

This was so totally wrong on so many layers, that I would rather count the sand grains of tatooine, before I want to see any wookiee as playable.

With the current system every race will ultimately be allowed for all classes and a wookiee sith lord is simply closer to star trek or BSG than to StarWars.

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... which was one of SWGs major mistakes. (and the beginning on my passionate hatred of wookiees)

Not only were wookiees allowed as playable race. They were also allowed to join the empire (in a timeline following episode 4) and they were even allowed to become a general in the imperial army and even female wookiees were allowed both.

This was so totally wrong on so many layers, that I would rather count the sand grains of tatooine, before I want to see any wookiee as playable.

With the current system every race will ultimately be allowed for all classes and a wookiee sith lord is simply closer to star trek or BSG than to StarWars.


Well during the events of ROTHC



After the defeat of Darth Malgus, the Empire allowed his alien forces to join them as well as other species to help fight against the Republic. One example is that when entering the Makeb Imperial station, you should notice a Houk Imperial officer.



So depending how the story is presented, Wookiees working for the Sith Empire shouldn't be a huge problem. Hanharr for example was a Wookiee Bounty Hunter. There was also Weebacca who became a double agent for the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

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Honestly who would not want to play a Yoda or Wookie? To me it would be a HUGE money grabber.. What I am wondering is why they haven't done it yet??


I think it could be because Yoda's species, home planet etc. is such a mystery and because a Wookie storyline might be hard to do..Just my opinion though what do you guys think?


They did a wookie storyline in both Kotor and Kotor2, Kotor had a honourable wookie exiled because of the manipulations of his Evil brother, Kotor2 had a Evil Wookie Madclaw, both were good stories.

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So depending how the story is presented, Wookiees working for the Sith Empire shouldn't be a huge problem. Hanharr for example was a Wookiee Bounty Hunter. There was also Weebacca who became a double agent for the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

Of course it is possible in a fictous setting to come up with a wierd and twisted explanation, why a race, which is based on freedom and pride would side with a xenophobic and ruthless empire.


By the same reasoning we could get an Ugnaught as new prime chancellor or emperor and a Talz as public relation manager.

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I... really wouldn't want to play either of those. From what I understand about Star Wars lore (which isn't much) the Yoda species is quite rare/mysterious and I think having one of them be a Sith Warrior called xX_pwnage_Xx might ruin some of that mystery. But maybe that's just me.


What I really can't understand is how much some people like Wookiees. They appear to be a bit primitive in the way they think, I personally don't care much for what they look like and the worst - their 'language' makes me want to rip my ears off. They're about as appealing to me as Ughnaughts. (I'm not saying it's wrong to like them, just illustrating why I really don't.)

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Pretty fitting to name a Wookiee FS after the old german name for Dysenterie (a painful disease, which makes you stay on the toilet most of the time) :)


I prefer to think he was named after the river Ruhr, after which the area of the Ruhr Valley is named :)

(The Ruhr Valley was not named "Ruhr Valley" because all the people living there are on the toilet all the time, that is a misconception :p )

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I prefer to think he was named after the river Ruhr, after which the area of the Ruhr Valley is named :)

(The Ruhr Valley was not named "Ruhr Valley" because all the people living there are on the toilet all the time, that is a misconception :p )

I know that, spent some time living in that area.... but bringing a wookiee in context with a disease was much more fitting to my cause.


Speaking of the river Ruhr though.... maybe we could drown all wookiees in it ?

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From reading the well-reasoned and passionate arguments here, I think we can all agree that Jawas should be playable. :jawa_smile:

Utiniiii !


Translation to basic:

Yes please. Jawa are by far the cutest lifeform in the universe.


Translation to Shyriwook (=wookie barking):

Wuff !

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I would rather have Yoda's species, or Selkath.


I don't know you or your likes and dislikes and have no rational basis to contest what you're saying, but you're wrong! I hate doing this but....


*Tiny Jawa hand wave* You actually want to play the Jawa species. :jawa_biggrin:

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