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Mercenary Healer or DPS? And The Best Companion To Use For Each Role?


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I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on which role I would get the most out of through a Mercenary. I am experienced with all roles so experience is not a problem. And I would like to know which companion would be best for each role. BTW this is for PVE.


Thank You :)

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Well at first you are gonna be DPS, No way around that with Mako. her dps is quite low, I'm close to getting my 2nd, as once that happens im gonna switch to a healer/dps spec, more along the lines to join more FP/Heroics


Gault is a range DPS, I'm going healer/dps when I gte him

As you can see the 3rd comp Torain is a close range tank, i hear nothing but good things if you want to be a full healer, I'm thinking of making this my primary set up as it works great healer mixed with dps and a tank/close DPS


I figure I iwlll use blitz every one in while for kicks, and the last comp i doubt i ever use him.

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Gault is a range DPS, I'm going healer/dps when I gte him

As you can see the 3rd comp Torain is a close range tank, i hear nothing but good things if you want to be a full healer


All my points are spent in healing tree (EDIT: Except for 2 to improve Kolto Missile in the middle tree of course) and I still like Gault better -- partly because I like Gault the character better, but mostly because if we're both taking damage (I always get healing aggro like whoah) then chances are better than excellent he's standing beside me and I can hit us both with Kolto Missile with no repositioning required.


Just my 2 credits.

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Recently switched to BG from Pyro and I haven't looked back. It's my first time playing a healer in an mmo, and gotta say I like it. I know we're not the best healer, but out of the three trees, I like the way BG plays the best.


I use Torian (he's melee DPS; Skadge is the melee tank), but he's tanky enough in my hand-me-downs, and with the exsanguinate (?) stance he drops things fairly quickly too. Just be sure to turn off his aoes if you plan to CC any mobs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Actually this is not the board I am looking for but it is the closest I could find. Is it just me or since the Rise of the Hutts, have the Mercenary Bodyguard Healers become a marginally playable class?


Rapid shots is nerfed and not nearly as useful as it used to be, the cast times are slower. Now the class is barely playable as heals. My character is well-geared (for a level 51) and I've played him successfully for quite some time in instances and raids. Suddenly he is a poor, slow healer (post patch).

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Actually this is not the board I am looking for but it is the closest I could find. Is it just me or since the Rise of the Hutts, have the Mercenary Bodyguard Healers become a marginally playable class?


Rapid shots is nerfed and not nearly as useful as it used to be, the cast times are slower. Now the class is barely playable as heals. My character is well-geared (for a level 51) and I've played him successfully for quite some time in instances and raids. Suddenly he is a poor, slow healer (post patch).


Not sure, but I'd level to 55, gear up and then decide. From what I've heard they are quite viable, won't put up the numbers Ops and Sorcs will, but viable.

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When leveling up and not fully geared, Mako is probably going to be your best bet in all cases.


Once the mid level and early high end gear start coming in, Torian becomes very useful option because he can wear all your old gear, and he is a DPS. At this point Mako or Torian will perform well.


Once you start getting multiple pieces of extra high end gear that you don't need, Blizz becomes a beast. With bad gear, he sucks in DPS or in Tank stance. But once geared somewhat correctly for a tank, he is actually my go-to guy now. He can hold agro long enough for me to kill anything. And the time he buys by holding agro is greater than the time Mako buys with her healing.


Skadge is never really useful to me. He is a tank which is redundant since you have Blizz. If you are going to gear up a tank, pick either Blizz or Skadge but not both.


Gault may be good when geared, but since he uses Cunning, it will be extremely difficult to keep him properly geared to the same level you are. (Mako also uses Cunning, but her gear can be much weaker and she'll still perform well. Unlike Gault.)


And there's HK. I don't have him fully geared on my main so I can't really compare him properly to the others. But on my Healer Operative, he does a great job with only moderate gear. And his Assassinate is fun to use.

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And there's HK. I don't have him fully geared on my main so I can't really compare him properly to the others. But on my Healer Operative, he does a great job with only moderate gear. And his Assassinate is fun to use.


Finally got him unlocked. Have him in all 66s--hands down my favorite companion for playing heals. And yeah, Assassinate is the ****.

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