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Give medics a HoT...would it be OP?


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The main problem in pvp imo is that a healer must be able to move around while healing himself. A few interupts and i could just aswell go afk and bring some coffee. Today i had a wz and i counted the interupts and i stoped after 25. Im totally locked down and a hot could kept me alive easier. Standing still as healer when under attack is not just suicidal its almost stupid. Heavy armor doesnt give us the ability to stand still as a rock and healing while taking damage. Heavy armor aint fancy in this game.
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Imo I feel like supercharged gas should be our top tier ability and have many additional benefits then the current version(should also unerf it). Give us a talent for our hammershot crits to regain ammo similar to scoundrels Diagnostic scan. Change the Frontline medic talent so that it applies when we hammerheal an ally and also make it lower the cooldown on adrenaline rush by 1 sec anytime we take damage can only happen every 6 secs. Bump potent medicine up to 20%. Bring back advanced tech which used to give a total of 2% healing done and received and combine it with heavy trooper. Let Armor screen be applied via Kolto Wave(without preventative meds buff)would still last 9 seconds. Tweak Bacta Infusion so that it grants 10 stacks of supercharged cells.


These are some of the things I would like to see done for combat medics instead of just added a hot and calling it a day. Atm Scoundrel healing and Sage healing is over the top so I wouldn't be shocked to see another across the board healing nerf.


All this stuff for me is mostly pvp related. Were still dragging behind Pve wise but its not as bad for Pvp.

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I'd like better ways of self-healing, like sages/sorc for example. Now their barriers self-heals them, they already had that free uber medpack on 30 seconds cooldown. That thing crits for like 10k on my sorc and I'm far from being in full 69s

I don't think that'd make medics OP, at least from a PvE perspective.

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In my opinion commando heals are in a good place, but could use just a few extra tweaks to help keep us closer to par with the other two healing classes. The only things I'd just suggest we get are 1) be able to hammer shot heal ourselves and 2) be able to put trauma prob on multiple targets at once (like sage bubble for example.)


Trauma prob costs ammo so if we spam it we'd be out of our resources, but I think it'd be a good and unique ability that may create more of a want for commandos in a rated environment. Also the green beam animation of the hammer shot heal really isn't needed, but that is secondary to me compared to the suggestions above.


Just my two cents.

Edited by SaltyAuntJemima
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com had big fast heals > now the lowest single target heals


has truma probe for preventitive damage, can only be cast on one person - useless in pvp because they die in 4 seconds > sages have bubble, scound have unlimited hots since the cost is now cheaper then the gcd regen


best single target burst healing > what every 18 seconds? and burst healing is 100% reliant on crits, which even with 700 rating these days is below 35% on tech > sages have more auto crits then a nuke, scoundrals can litterally heal everyone forever and if they ever **** up, instantly back to a regenable energy with there free heal which does double the healing of hammer shot


heals on the run game changing? how will healing yourself for 1k while hitting htl matter with a double smash?


kolto bomb great aoe heals? woo cept it takes 18 seconds and 3 gcds to do the same as 1 sage aoe


adv probe woo armor buff and all .. wait everyone gets that, prventive medicine? totals 10k in a 6 minute fight? mostly over heals? sage's basically the same cept its a instant crit if used with the weak heal, scoundrals just plain better.


med probe? 1.8 second cast IF you have a decent amount of alacrity, been getting 8-9k crits wooo

word is sages can crit for up to 15k


we litterally have only one thing up on the other clasees, we have 15 seconds of tank every 2 minutes but uninteruptable also means nothing if you get stunned and this is swtor isnt it?


off dps WEAKEST of the 3


why play com heals in anything when scound and sage are better, its for the nestalgic and for those that dont have the better option avialible,


only things that can save it are make t probe on more then 1 person, give it a 10k critting self heal like sages and kolto bomb has a 100% chance to make the next kolto bomb off the gcd



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