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Assault spec viable for pve?


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I'm still unhappy about certain aspects but it's viable for any level of PVE.


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Went up to 2500+ with an unbothered freecast on a bonus fp boss, vg tank and shadow so no armour debuff.


Our first time at Styrak as a guild run and first clears on the two bosses previous, got to 10% stage on second and third go.


Gear is 63-72 probably average of 66.

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also, we had a lot of first-timers for my run as assault, so when we did kephess, we missed maybe 2 or 3 towers from knocking him down, and in spite of that, i still did more dps as assault


Bear in mind that in SM the damage buff is so negligible that we have started just ignoring it altogether for the nanites phase, less of a hassle and lost dps by just keeping him still in place and move after jumps, rather than going round for the pylons. They didn't really raise the HP on SM TFB so bosses go down VEEERY fast.

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You know what, let's do the best for both of us. You ignore me so you can't see my posts or whatever and I ignore you, a person that doesn't understand that a game is not a life, heh?


Thanks and take care.


Actually since my actual living is as a teacher, while I'm going to ignore your petty ridiculous attacks against my person I will continue to hold up every post where you spout nonsense as advice for others not to follow. You yourself are a a lost cause apparently since you're only interested in shouting that you "just play to have fun" over and over on the forums (because that's the mark of someone with a life :rolleyes:), but if others come asking for advice like the OP and you insist on trolling it by bringing up something as idiotically irrelevant as using a rifle, then yeah I'm gonna keep doing what I do. That's ok because you'll have me on ignore, and maybe others will know to steer clear of whatever it is you're smoking.


On topic: In 16 man HM operations I haven't really noticed any real DPS checks for any group that isn't running a majority of 63s, so here if there's someone else who can apply the armor break, preferably in rotation, I say do what you want. In story modes in either 8 or 16 I'm pretty sure you can get away with DPSing in CM spec so again do whatever you want. In 8 man HM, my personal feeling is that if you're the only armor break (very possible) then you should definitely be going gunnery. That's just the way it is. The DPS checks are a little tighter for groups that aren't completely geared yet, and everyone's damage is lower without that armor break including yours so I can't really see justifying it. But if there's a second armor break, again preferably from someone who can do it in rotation, then yeah it's fine.


In PVP I honestly think that Gunnery is the all around better spec, including for mobility just because of a 10 sec hold the line, but in regs you can get away with whatever you want, and players who are very comfortable with assault, and not so much with gunnery, should probably just stick to what they know.

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On topic: In 16 man HM operations I haven't really noticed any real DPS checks for any group that isn't running a majority of 63s, so here if there's someone else who can apply the armor break, preferably in rotation, I say do what you want. In story modes in either 8 or 16 I'm pretty sure you can get away with DPSing in CM spec so again do whatever you want. In 8 man HM, my personal feeling is that if you're the only armor break (very possible) then you should definitely be going gunnery. That's just the way it is. The DPS checks are a little tighter for groups that aren't completely geared yet, and everyone's damage is lower without that armor break including yours so I can't really see justifying it. But if there's a second armor break, again preferably from someone who can do it in rotation, then yeah it's fine.


Slightly more than that.


While yes, choosing your DPS spec for a boss fight has to take into consideration the number of armour debuffs around there is also a second consideration for Assault.


Rain of Fire and High Friction Bolts are activated and boosted by burning targets.


However it's largely an ammo compromise to keep up your own burns on a target so if there are vanguards or knights in the raid they will buff you and reduce the demand on your ammo to keep dots up full time. Which means more ammo for the ammo regen system of HFB and shorter set up time on each new target.


Doesn't mean ignoring the use of DoT but it means not having to compromise when you are stretched for ammo and don't have your own personal DoTs up.


In a nutshell Assault leeches off armour debuffs and burns for a net increase in damage.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Slightly more than that.


While yes, choosing your DPS spec for a boss fight has to take into consideration the number of armour debuffs around there is also a second consideration for Assault.


Rain of Fire and High Friction Bolts are activated and boosted by burning targets.


However it's largely an ammo compromise to keep up your own burns on a target so if there are vanguards or knights in the raid they will buff you and reduce the demand on your ammo to keep dots up full time. Which means more ammo for the ammo regen system of HFB and shorter set up time on each new target.


Doesn't mean ignoring the use of DoT but it means not having to compromise when you are stretched for ammo and don't have your own personal DoTs up.


In a nutshell Assault leeches off armour debuffs and burns for a net increase in damage.



That's optimizing damage, I'm just talking about viability, and any DPS corps that can down the boss without hitting enrage is viable by definition. Everything else is just downing the boss quicker or making the lives of your healers better.


So yes to be a fully contributing member even as assault there should be another DPS in the raid with an armor break in rotation (asking another DPS to add another ability into their rotation is suboptimal when you have a spec that can do it in rotation), as well as other burn classes that can debuff the target to free up HiB. Sounds to me like an Assault Commando's best friend is a Gunnery Commando =P Plus a watchman sent to set the target on fire or does that not count?


Either way the only time I think a commando should absolutely, no doubt, for the good of the raid, go gunnery is when they're the only armor break.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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Both sents and guardians apply burns which work but a watchman sent or an assault/hybrid vanguard is the best for keeping up dots since dots are far more central to their damage.


A vigilance guardian too. If played correctly, at least one of their dots has 100% uptime.

And he provides armor debuff too, so win-win.

Edited by GeckoOBac
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