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Will I buy a cartel pack. I'm done. I'm not rage quitting nor un-subbing. I'm just never going to drop any cash on packs ever again.


Yes this is a vent./rant thread. Just had to express my disappointment after having bought the 24 pack + 6 for a total of 30 packs. I can afford it so I'm not so peeved about the money. It's the fact that I got pretty much nothing out of all those packs. 3 end/1 crit crystals. A bunch of the same gear boxes, chest/legs/gloves/blaster. Not a single full set of any of the armors. A metric ton of XP boosts and commendations. Enough Jawa-grams and worthless mats to crush a Hutt.


Not a single vehicle. Not the cool freighter pet I wanted. Yeah, yeah bum luck. But is it really too much to ask BW if I decide to kick you ~$70 I can get ONE rare item to show for it?


If I sell everything I can on the GTN I'll probably net $100-200k at most if I'm lucky. Judging from the duplicate items I got the GTN is going to be flooded to the point that they are worthless. I made the futile mistake of not selling the packs themselves and probably making more than enough to pay for the items I wanted when they hit the GTN.

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I made the futile mistake of not selling the packs themselves and probably making more than enough to pay for the items I wanted when they hit the GTN.


Yep, that was a pretty big mistake if you wanted something very specific. Opening packs is "fun" when you are not looking for something in particular. When you are, selling the packs on the first day they become unbound for everyone (or even later) is faaar more lucrative.


But, I'm curious: what did you get from the 24 packs?

(I'm not asking for a full list, just the most important ones)

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Opening packs is fun when you score something good, but if you go into it expecting to win big, you're just going to be disappointed.


Just buy the packs, put them on the GTN, sell them and use the credits to buy the thing you wanted.

It's really the most economical way to go about it.

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Will I buy a cartel pack. I'm done. I'm not rage quitting nor un-subbing. I'm just never going to drop any cash on packs ever again.


Yes this is a vent./rant thread. Just had to express my disappointment after having bought the 24 pack + 6 for a total of 30 packs. I can afford it so I'm not so peeved about the money. It's the fact that I got pretty much nothing out of all those packs. 3 end/1 crit crystals. A bunch of the same gear boxes, chest/legs/gloves/blaster. Not a single full set of any of the armors. A metric ton of XP boosts and commendations. Enough Jawa-grams and worthless mats to crush a Hutt.


Not a single vehicle. Not the cool freighter pet I wanted. Yeah, yeah bum luck. But is it really too much to ask BW if I decide to kick you ~$70 I can get ONE rare item to show for it?


If I sell everything I can on the GTN I'll probably net $100-200k at most if I'm lucky. Judging from the duplicate items I got the GTN is going to be flooded to the point that they are worthless. I made the futile mistake of not selling the packs themselves and probably making more than enough to pay for the items I wanted when they hit the GTN.


Lesson Learned: next time buy the packs and resell them on the GTM for 300-400k each.. collect the credits.. then buy your coveted items off the GTN with the proceeds. ;)

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Yup! Fun to spend the free coins each month, but I refuse to dump any real world cash into this directly.


I think I purchased a smaller amount at the start of this and about choked when the "Banner" was classified as a "Rare" item. So.. stopped my buying of them immediately.


Don't get me started on the whole "Certificate" thing either with REP Vendor. LOL what a joke! Worse odds of getting 10 of those than the single rare drop in the first place. Such a complete rip off scam on that setup.

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I bought 3 cartel packs when the cartel market first opened with my free credits and decided that they weren't worth the cost.

Since then all I use Cartel Credits for is buying legacy abilities or improvements e.g. maxed out inventory, speeder skills, rocket boosts, ship droid etc. for all account chars. A far better way to spend the money than to buy worthless random packs.

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As I said multiple times on these boards. The system when u can buy certain items only in these packs, is highly disrepectful towards the customers IMO. Shortly, they think we are idiots. It's sad that people still buy it. If there was possible to buy every set and item separately for higher price, then everything would be ok. As long as people support this system by purchasing packs, hardly anything will change.
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There is far too much crap in those packs.


Grade 6 or 7 crafting mats that were useless when cap was 50 and now just something to be destroyed on receiving. Jawagrams are perhaps the biggest joke on people purchasing the cartel market but not far behind are companion gifts or xp boosts which for the most part are pointless.


While the armour can be nice (not always) but even this they nickel and dime by putting belts and bracers into the sets. Often offering nothing to the look that any other orange belt or bracer can offer. And the vast majority of the weapons now look over sized and duplicated. I am with the OP are going to alienate even the dumbest lottery players with this kind of crap.

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Well, I do have to agree with the OP, that the packs are mostly full of crap. I think they need to boost the chance of getting something decent a little bit, or this is precisely what will happen...people will get angry and annoyed, and stop buying...no people buying, means no improvements or people to dev the game. To keep it going we have to shovel in the bucks, and I think we deserve to get a few nice pixels for our hard earned money, and to keep us into buying them.
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It's a lottery and I only buy a few of them with each new release. If I get something good, great, if not I'll get it via creds on the gtn. I still think it's good some things are rare and not easily available to everybody.


Having said that, I do agree there is an inordinate amount of useless stuff in there. I think one issues is that there are too many types of xp boosts for example. Who cares about that? should've just stuck to general xp boosts, end of story.


Also the blue mats are completely useless. I generally sell em to the vendor.


Those two are my main gripes in the packs.


Then another thing. A guildie of mine blows a lot of cash on the cartel market. He thinks it's fun and why not. But he has maxed the reputation with the cartel shop so now those items, as they are bound are complete duds. I would think that maybe they should be usable as currency with the cartel vendors on the fleet.


But all in all it is a lottery and buying a certain amount is no guarantee of a specific item. If you would've checked the list of items in the current packs, you'd have seen it's a very long list. That makes the packs even more random. I do it for fun, buy 8-10 packs max and usually get a couple of items I want to use and a couple that I can sell for some creds on the gtn. But I also realise that may not always be the case.


So set yourself a limit, have the right expectations and, as others said, if you want a specific item, just sell the packs for creds and buy the item off the GTN.

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Revan holo x2

Bastila Shan's Tunic

•Matriarchal Lower Body Armor

•House Thul Loyalist Upper Body

•House Thul Loyalist Auxiliary

•Matriarchal Auxiliary Body Armor

•Bastila Shan’s Bracers



Not bad for only 5 boxes ^_^


If any1 seriously wants them im on the proginator server xD


It defently is a lottery some people open tons and get nothing and people like me who just open a few just for a laugh get some decent stuff?


P.S any give me ideas on value of these items


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Cartel packs are like a lottery.


Lotteries are nothing more than a tax on stupid people who can't math.


Actually, they are more than that in that you have a (ridiculously small) chance of winning.

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Cartel packs are like a lottery.


Lotteries are nothing more than a tax on stupid people who can't math.


Don't want to be a grammar N**i but that should be "Lotteries are nothing more than a tax on stupid people who can't do math." (option of being Maths if you're English/European)

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Look at the bright side. This isn't a game run by Perfect World Entertainment. Otherwise, those gamble packs would have stuff you'd need to be even halfway decent at this game.


oh, don't start me on Perfect World...so sad they took over Neverwinter Online. But I agree, the packs could be improved but there's a lot worse out there. Let's keep it that way :)

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Opening packs is fun when you score something good, but if you go into it expecting to win big, you're just going to be disappointed.


Just buy the packs, put them on the GTN, sell them and use the credits to buy the thing you wanted.

It's really the most economical way to go about it.


Lottery has been good to me lately, I have spent a grand total 10.00 in the past 3 weeks on 1.00 scratch offs and have won 700.00 and I can do math thank you.

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I made similar complaints, but I also knew going in there is a gamble... The Jawagrams alone is the reason they just lost my business buying them. The got us the last time on this, we complained, they did it again.


I had supported the CM and the use of it from their standpoint of a business. However, I am not into buying "snake oil" either and shoving jawagrams, a useless item that can't be reused, into rare slots only tells me they really thing us buyers are dumb. Well, I am DUMB, I fell for this a second time and they are laughing.


Like others have said, it is best to sell them unopened. However, I am taking it further, and am not supporting the CM at all beyond a specif Armor they may have I want or for legacy perks.

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Lottery has been good to me lately, I have spent a grand total 10.00 in the past 3 weeks on 1.00 scratch offs and have won 700.00 and I can do math thank you.


If you actually do the math, lotteries make a profit so the smartest move is not to play.

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Will I buy a cartel pack. I'm done. I'm not rage quitting nor un-subbing. I'm just never going to drop any cash on packs ever again.


Yes this is a vent./rant thread. Just had to express my disappointment after having bought the 24 pack + 6 for a total of 30 packs. I can afford it so I'm not so peeved about the money. It's the fact that I got pretty much nothing out of all those packs. 3 end/1 crit crystals. A bunch of the same gear boxes, chest/legs/gloves/blaster. Not a single full set of any of the armors. A metric ton of XP boosts and commendations. Enough Jawa-grams and worthless mats to crush a Hutt.


Not a single vehicle. Not the cool freighter pet I wanted. Yeah, yeah bum luck. But is it really too much to ask BW if I decide to kick you ~$70 I can get ONE rare item to show for it?


If I sell everything I can on the GTN I'll probably net $100-200k at most if I'm lucky. Judging from the duplicate items I got the GTN is going to be flooded to the point that they are worthless. I made the futile mistake of not selling the packs themselves and probably making more than enough to pay for the items I wanted when they hit the GTN.


It took you this long to figure these packs are a huge scam?


HK-51 said it right, I walked through a casino in the game and he said something like "Master, look at all of the organics that have too many credits, and can't do math."


I giggle when I see someone opening 24, 48, even 100 packs in fleet. Are they mentally ill? It's a disease, a gambling addiction. These packs are being investigated in several countries for being a form of gambling, and regulations against them might be brought forth.


Star Trek Online is worse. There are suckers that spend $10,000.00 a year on packs there to get super rare ships. Anytime you see someone in one of those super rare ships you know they are a moron, because they spent thousands of dollars to get them. Nobody gets the super rare ships on a few hundred dollars! One guy on test there opened 500 crates and got nothing but trash. FIVE HUNDRED!


You'd be better off farming or buying credits, and then buying what you want! Or sell the stupid packs, then take that money to buy what you want. I have purchased packs but ONLY to sell them to suckers.. I have made 5-6mil selling packs to suckers.

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One thing to add, at least in STO they pack the crates full of stuff you can use if you don't get any rares.. Lobian Crystals for example can buy some REALLY NICE STUFF.

SWTOR people need to put a new 'currency' in the pack, that drops with EVERY PACK. This currency should have it's own vendor "Cartel Currency Vendor" where they can at least buy some high end mats, sweet armor, maybe some mounts, etc.


Filling these packs with endless useless junk is absolutely a crime.

Edited by Brannicus
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