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Missile Blast is great for lowbies!


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So I just rolled a Merc the other day and basically PvP'd from 13-20, just about every single WZ I got over 500k damage. When I hit 20 I picked up Tracer Missile and my damage dropped drastically to around 300k per warzone. I figured I'd try a match going back to my old routine of basically just being a completely mobile class using really only Rapid Shots, Explosive Dart, Missile Blast and the odd Fusion Missile/DFA if there was a group. To my amusement I got 548k damage once again.


Bearing in mind I am only level 26 and this is from a PvP perspective I have no idea what this would be like at 50+ I just figured I'd share it if anyone wanted to try it out.

Right now, with the upgrade to Missile Blast i'm hitting 2k-2k and a bit higher with crits.

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