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Item Modification: What stats do I take?


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So I have eight characters. I don't want to run an unholy number of dailies and flashpoints to gear them all up, either. I also have 450 in every crew skill scattered among these characters. So outside of my main character, I plan to just make purple 28 item modifications for the rest. So for my marauder I'm looking at what do build for his item mods:


Hilts & Armoring are Might, obviously.


From Mods I can get either 234 Power or 234 Crit


With Enhancements I can have:

462 Accuracy OR Surge

301 Power OR Crit


Then with Augments I can have 448 Strength, Power, Accuracy, Crit, or Surge.


Now I've found a gear spreadsheet online, but I don't know how accurate it is. Everything I keep reading says Crit is terrible now, and go Power Power Power. But then everyone says take Accuracy, Surge, and Power or Might on Augments. Problem is I don't see HOW to do that. You only get Accuracy/Surge from Enhancements & Augments. Mods (and the other half of an enhancement) are Power/Crit.


So if you can have:

1. 234 Power OR Crit

2. 462 Accuracy OR Surge

3. 301 Power OR Crit

4. 448 Accuracy OR Power OR Crit OR Surge OR Strength


What combination would you choose? (Bear in mind I'd prefer to use the same mods/enhances in all slots to save my sanity, so I'm picking some combination of the above.) Or could someone tell me just how much Accuracy you need to hit 100% melee? According to my spreadsheet, 448 Accuracy would put me at 97% (including 1% companion bonus), then 3% from Narrow Hatred would put me at 100%. Correct?


Before reading this I was leaning towards:

535 Crit

462 Surge

448 Accuracy


Which before talents should be 25% crit, 72% surge, 97% melee accuracy, 414 melee bonus dmg

If I did Power instead of Crit, then I get 16% crit, and 543 melee bonus.

If I take both (234 Power, 301 Crit) I get 22% crit, 470 melee bonus dmg.


So is this sheet accurate? Given the choices above, what would you choose for 1 through 4?


After playing with the sheet a bunch I'm looking at 234 Crit, 301 Power, 462 Accuracy, and 448 Strength, my only Surge coming from Ears/Implants (which I'll craft). Ending statline:


23% crit, 65% surge, 110% accuracy (special), 623 melee bonus

Edited by Eugee
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What cap are we talking about here? The "soft cap" where you are only getting half the impact per point due to diminishing returns? That's ~350 for Surge, and for Crit that's got to be around 700+ Power doesn't have a soft cap at all.


I get stacking Accuracy till you hit 110%. The problem is with purple 28 mods, that's basically all of my enhancements to hit that point. That means I have no where to put surge unless I use Augments. But augments is a spot to pile on more Strength. Anyway, I just opted to ignore Surge altogether, especially because it has an atrocious diminishing return. (I don't know why everyone talks about crit, it's curve is pretty standard, you just need a lot more crit than before.

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What cap are we talking about here? The "soft cap" where you are only getting half the impact per point due to diminishing returns? That's ~350 for Surge, and for Crit that's got to be around 700+ Power doesn't have a soft cap at all.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that surge soft cap is pre-2.0 (or for level 50s, since they haven't changed). Copying keyboardninja's excellent 2.0 work in this thread:


...let's define the "point of diminishing returns" for a stat as being the rating at which you are receiving half the per-point value that you would receive at zero rating. (basically, the "half-life" of the stat) We can solve for this by differentiating the formula in question, then solving the derivative divided by the derivative applied at 0. More formally, we have this:


f(x) = [i]the value of a stat in terms of x rating[/i]

Solve, 1 - f'(x) / f'(0) = 0.5


This value is presented below for each of the stats:


  • Defense = 1350
  • Shield = 1472
  • Absorb = 1227
  • Crit (from rating) = 1012
  • Crit (from main stat) = 4088
  • Surge = 247
  • Alacrity = 1406
  • Accuracy = 1349


You'll notice that Surge has a *hilariously* low half-value.

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Because I have 8 characters, I'm realistic with myself in that I'm not going to tweak and tune each and every one of them. I was trying to work out a catch-all, good enough approach. I settled on:


Tanks: Defense Mod, Shield/Absorb Enhance

Heals: Crit Mod, Alacrity/Power Enhance

Damage: Power Mod, Accuracy/Crit Enhance


All three roles will Augment their mainstat. I'll probably end up just crafting these (66 blues) and call it a day. They should be ready to jump into HM FPs whenever they like, or picking SM Ops.

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