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For love of the game: no respec inside warzones.


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Why on earth would anyone want 3 heals at a time on offense?




I do say it is a bit unbalanced. Did a rated the other day where we had 1 marauder, 1 assassin, 2 operatives, 2 sorcs, and 2 mercs. not a single death on defense.


if we chose too, we could have just kept that going and farmed out kills. but instead we just went all offense and ended the match within the first 30 seconds or whatever. wasn't exactly fun for either side....

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Let me explain more eloquently then...


Two teams play a void star.


Team one plays 4 dps, 2 tanks, and 2 heals on offense and defense.


Team two plays 4 tanks and 4 heals on defense, then respecs to 5 dps and 3 heals for offense.


Does anyone think this is working as intended...doesn't this destroy the competitive value of the game.


Team two would have a massive advantage.


This is based on the notion that one team all has field respec and the other doesn't? I fail to see the validity of this argument. Honestly, the only wz it really makes that much of a difference in is huttball, but everyone knows huttball is the most unbalanced pvp map ever conceived.

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This is based on the notion that one team all has field respec and the other doesn't? I fail to see the validity of this argument. Honestly, the only wz it really makes that much of a difference in is huttball, but everyone knows huttball is the most unbalanced pvp map ever conceived.


You sir did not read all the posts...yes, that could be because that team didn't buy field respec, or it could also be because the 4 dps were some combination of snipers and marauders.

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You sir did not read all the posts...yes, that could be because that team didn't buy field respec, or it could also be because the 4 dps were some combination of snipers and marauders.


I don't know man, snipers and marauders are pretty potent in any scenario. I have seen it work both ways, believe me, I have been a many a team that has had many of us respec and still lose.

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And at the op, my main on Jung ma was a sniper with a rating over 3000, and I have one of each AC except for a sin...so yes I do know of what I speak. I made that point so people knew this wasn't for my direct benefit.


And you DON'T get the point that a team that can go 4 tanks and 4 heals has an advantage on defense in a void star vs a team that cannot...really...you can write complete sentences so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

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why anyone would play anything other than engineering on huttball is beyond me


MM's Leg Shot now adds a 70% slow after it wears off or is dispelled. Huttball is all about control. Engineering is a DoT and AoE spec that breaks CC's and roots early.

Edited by Jenzali
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  • 2 weeks later...
I would like to play as a tank, but with respec in warones and the nature of Voidstar, I have to respec into a DPS when attacking. Why? Because most ranked warzones in Voidstar end up with no team getting the first door open, so it is about the kills, that means in the defending team everybody goes heal and tank and most of the attacking team goes DPS in hope to get most players down. So, my favourite warzone becomes in ranked matches my least favourite. All thanks to the respec, and worse, I have to gring two sets of gear to change from tank to DPS.
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Field respec in warzones is insidious in two ways.


One it makes competitive pvp even more of a defensive struggle than it is currently. Voidstar? Nothing happens. One side gets a 2 cap in Novare or Alderaan? Game over. Huttball - the only thing that matter is who gets the ball at mid; once you get the ball you are unstoppable. It makes competitive pvp very one-dimensional. It's bad.


And secondly, it increases the gear grind. You now need to grind two sets of gear. Isn't the whole point of bolster, et al to reduce the importance of gear and to make the playing field more level? Well field respec just works in the opposite fashion.

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Another example of a post by baddies blaming the system. Every single class has a spec suited for offense/defense/huttball. Field respec is one of the resources given to you and I suggest you learn to take advantage of it rather than blaming others for using the same resource you have. What's next, ban ppl from using medpacs? Ask for nerf on assassin/sorc/mara/jug/operative/sniper/mercs (sorry pt :p) because some class has an ability you actually don't have?? And if grinding out 200k (that's like 1 hour of dailies) for a field respec is too much for you, then you are just lazy and you shouldn't be whining in the first place.

For anyone ************ about grinding out 2 sets of gear. oh please, if you cared enough to grind out a full set of conqueror, you would care about spending 5% more time getting your offset partisan gear. You almost never need a full min/max offset gear anyway.

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Another example of a post by baddies blaming the system. Every single class has a spec suited for offense/defense/huttball.


Another example of a post by a ignoramus blaming other players without looking at the big picture. Amongst top players, everyone already knows the overall combat system is broken by being too defensively oriented. 3 out of the 5 maps (Novare, Alderaan, Voidstar) are broken because even w/o field respec no one can take a node. Add in field respec and it is even worse.

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Another example of a post by a ignoramus blaming other players without looking at the big picture. Amongst top players, everyone already knows the overall combat system is broken by being too defensively oriented. 3 out of the 5 maps (Novare, Alderaan, Voidstar) are broken because even w/o field respec no one can take a node. Add in field respec and it is even worse.




id be fine with disabling field respec inside warzones, and ive got it on all of my characters.


you want the ability to spec depending on the warzone you get? use field respec outside the warzone, and then spend your points once you get inside. youd still be locked in with whatever choice you made at the start, which is the idea

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I don't think field respec is as prevalent as people claim it can be, but there's already plenty of snoozefest games out there where the total deaths on both sides add up to a single digit number, so anything that'd make it even easier to have such a game should not be encouraged.


Right now the game is too defensive as you get to the higher levels of competitiveness. Objectives simply do not flip very often, if at all. There's no reason to leave any mechanism that can make the game even more defensive. It's not fun to know that side that caps their turret first wins Alderaan. It's only bareable because most teams aren't at that level yet. It sounds really cool when you talk about 'high level playing' but a 10-0 Alderaan is one of the least interesting game I've ever played in all WZ and I've been on both sides before.

Edited by Astarica
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I don't think field respec is as prevalent as people claim it can be, but there's already plenty of snoozefest games out there where the total deaths on both sides add up to a single digit number, so anything that'd make it even easier to have such a game should not be encouraged.


Right now the game is too defensive as you get to the higher levels of competitiveness. Objectives simply do not flip very often, if at all. There's no reason to leave any mechanism that can make the game even more defensive. It's not fun to know that side that caps their turret first wins Alderaan. It's only bareable because most teams aren't at that level yet. It sounds really cool when you talk about 'high level playing' but a 10-0 Alderaan is one of the least interesting game I've ever played in all WZ and I've been on both sides before.


this is true, maybe ttk is still too low, or healing is OP, or they might change the system how to cap a node

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this is true, maybe ttk is still too low, or healing is OP, or they might change the system how to cap a node


TTK is pretty low in 2.0, but time to heal to full is even lower right now. This results any team without a healer (or the healer is currently dead) lose players very rapidly, but as long as a healer is present you almost never die. When you finally take out the other team's primary healer, a lot of time the rest of team will drop so fast it makes you wonder how come nobody died in the last 10 minutes until now.

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Here, let me draw you a picture.


Imagine yourself, being heal/dps class.. currently specced as dps... entering warzone ... finding out that there are 2-3 of you being able to heal, however each and everyone of you is dps specced therefor your team is doomed to loose...


what do you do in those ~90 seconds before the match starts? .. ;)


another situation...


you are tank/dps .... let's say jugg... you enter huttball as vengeance jugg (dps) .... you find out that there are some healers in your team , however no ball handler... what do you logically want to do.. ? ;)


THAT is my friend why the field respec was implemented...


every idiot can hulk-like smash keyboard with nerf face yelling "roaaar , me damage, roaaar ".... but only worthy pvp players know when to respec and which spec to use to actually help the team to win . ;)

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Another example of a post by a ignoramus blaming other players without looking at the big picture. Amongst top players, everyone already knows the overall combat system is broken by being too defensively oriented. 3 out of the 5 maps (Novare, Alderaan, Voidstar) are broken because even w/o field respec no one can take a node. Add in field respec and it is even worse.


Coming from an ignoramus who obviously dosen't play - In Novare, Alderaan, and Voidstar, nodes get taken all the time. Voidstar is actually worse, in a way - bomb diffusals are depressingly rare.

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There's an element that nobody has touched on as well. Namely grabbing the perk of a different tree then switching to the spec you actually play. It works like this:


Powertechs- Switch to AP to get 7 missiles then switch to the spec you are going to play. If it's a tank more healing for you.


Marauder- Switch to carnage, build fury, switch to rage,


Mercenary- Go up the heal tree, put a protective bubble on yourself, switch back to arsenal.


Operative- Go up the concealment tree, take acid blade (unlimited duration now), switch to lethality. One mean cull.

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Here, let me draw you a picture.


Imagine yourself, being heal/dps class.. currently specced as dps... entering warzone ... finding out that there are 2-3 of you being able to heal, however each and everyone of you is dps specced therefor your team is doomed to loose...


what do you do in those ~90 seconds before the match starts? .. ;)


another situation...


you are tank/dps .... let's say jugg... you enter huttball as vengeance jugg (dps) .... you find out that there are some healers in your team , however no ball handler... what do you logically want to do.. ? ;)


THAT is my friend why the field respec was implemented...


every idiot can hulk-like smash keyboard with nerf face yelling "roaaar , me damage, roaaar ".... but only worthy pvp players know when to respec and which spec to use to actually help the team to win . ;)


You can't balance around PUGs........period

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Coming from an ignoramus who obviously dosen't play - In Novare, Alderaan, and Voidstar, nodes get taken all the time.


Nodes get taken all the time when pugs play pugs. When 8 good player play 8 good players, the matches on Novare last so long and are so defensive that one of the major risks is whether you will lose due to a player disconnecting. 3 out of the 5 maps are broken because the defense so utterly dominates the attack. It's not a healthy equilibrium.

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There's an element that nobody has touched on as well. Namely grabbing the perk of a different tree then switching to the spec you actually play. It works like this:


Powertechs- Switch to AP to get 7 missiles then switch to the spec you are going to play. If it's a tank more healing for you.


Marauder- Switch to carnage, build fury, switch to rage,


Mercenary- Go up the heal tree, put a protective bubble on yourself, switch back to arsenal.


Operative- Go up the concealment tree, take acid blade (unlimited duration now), switch to lethality. One mean cull.


not sure if you are serious with this......

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Nodes get taken all the time when pugs play pugs. When 8 good player play 8 good players, the matches on Novare last so long and are so defensive that one of the major risks is whether you will lose due to a player disconnecting. 3 out of the 5 maps are broken because the defense so utterly dominates the attack. It's not a healthy equilibrium.


I've seen a lot of games where both sides basically gave up trying to kill each other and just hope someone will get lucky and cap something. That's just a very lame way to play a game even though the stronger side generally still prevails.


It's not that so much that defense dominates attack, because a team strong on defense is by definition weak on attack, so the 'strong attack' team, as long as they've at least 1 healer, isn't really that vulnerable. It's more like since there's no real incentive to go heavy attack you might as well try to out turtle the other team. You'll never auto lose a game for being too defensive but you can definitely auto lose a game for being too aggressive. And this should not be the preferred way to fight, where the objective of both teams is to not lose instead of win.

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