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The "expansion"


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First of all, lets not get it twisted, this is a patch disguised as an expansion to get players back on. Hats off to ya, you got me back, though that'll be short lived. Last ditch effort to make a bit of cash before going under?


Anyway, *** is with these tiny commendation and rep caps? Rather than making the game more difficult they opted to just make you play less for a longer duration? It's like BioWare has no idea what kind of audience MMORPGs attract.


To be a successful MMORPG you need the content to keep people playing 5+ hours a day at the very minimum. I shouldn't be able to reach my weekly cap in a day. That's ridicules.


This is the only failure MMORPG I have ever cared about. It had to potential to be better than WoW, but came just short on in so many areas and they all added up to it being ****.


Anyway, thanks for trying BioWare, better luck next time.

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First of all, lets not get it twisted, this is a patch disguised as an expansion to get players back on. Hats off to ya, you got me back, though that'll be short lived. Last ditch effort to make a bit of cash before going under?


Anyway, *** is with these tiny commendation and rep caps? Rather than making the game more difficult they opted to just make you play less for a longer duration? It's like BioWare has no idea what kind of audience MMORPGs attract.


To be a successful MMORPG you need the content to keep people playing 5+ hours a day at the very minimum. I shouldn't be able to reach my weekly cap in a day. That's ridicules.


This is the only failure MMORPG I have ever cared about. It had to potential to be better than WoW, but came just short on in so many areas and they all added up to it being ****.


Anyway, thanks for trying BioWare, better luck next time.


Translates: blah blah blah game is a failure blah blah blah Expansion and blah blah could have been better than Wow. I for one think the game is doing much better than it was before.Sure it is still bug ridden and the devs have made bad decisions but I think it is getting back onto the right track. And I also quite enjoyed the new content. But if you are going to critique the game could you perhaps try to be original as these critiques have been done to death.

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Translates: blah blah blah game is a failure blah blah blah Expansion and blah blah could have been better than Wow. I for one think the game is doing much better than it was before.Sure it is still bug ridden and the devs have made bad decisions but I think it is getting back onto the right track. And I also quite enjoyed the new content. But if you are going to critique the game could you perhaps try to be original as these critiques have been done to death.


If the critiques have been "done to death" it's a pretty good indicator that the majority of people want this **** changed. So if we keep posting about it; hopefully they'll change it.


"I for one" is great for you, but believe it or not, people make games for profit and the open market is a democracy. So while you can stand up against the majority all you want, the game will go under and cease to exist when you're the only one playing it.

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so another "IMMA GONNA QQ" thread


i never understand why ppl post these on the forum, when you unsub, there is a feedback box you can type this "critique " in.


That's like saying people shouldn't voice their opinions about their government, they should just move to another country and send a letter saying why they're leaving.


I enjoy this game enough to pay to play. But I also see how this game could be a lot better, so I'm voicing my opinion about it in the hope that if enough people do so, they'll listen.

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That's like saying people shouldn't voice their opinions about their government, they should just move to another country and send a letter saying why they're leaving.


I enjoy this game enough to pay to play. But I also see how this game could be a lot better, so I'm voicing my opinion about it in the hope that if enough people do so, they'll listen.


No. You did not just simply state your opinion, you made a whinge post about how the game is a failure and how it could be better than wow and some nonsense about the expansion. All the while saying that this is how the "majority" feels with absolutely no evidence to back up that claim.

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There is a difference between SWTOR 2.0 (The Patch) and Rise of the Hutt Cartel (The Expansion). So I'm curious to know why you think the expansion is a patch?


Rise of the Hutt Cartel was only $10. So I'd also be interested to know what you would expect for your $10? I got about 20 hours of gameplay out of Makeb and other things that were added which is more than I got out of my other games that I played over the last month being Starcraft 2, Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite. All perhaps 10-15 hours long and about $50.


Also, if you have time to play for five hours a day and think that's the minimum time required for all gamers to consider this worthwhile then my recommendation is to look at contributing to society a bit more. I get the chance to play perhaps 1-2 hours a day and that's heaps for me with the everything else I have to do, not to mention other games I play.

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No. You did not just simply state your opinion, you made a whinge post about how the game is a failure and how it could be better than wow and some nonsense about the expansion. All the while saying that this is how the "majority" feels with absolutely no evidence to back up that claim.


No. I did just simply state my opinion, you must have just failed to recognize that. No matter how good they make swtor there will be people that like WoW better and now matter how good they make WoW there will be people that like swtor better. That is all opinion. There is no factual way of working out which is better so which one people like more is nothing more than opinion.


You may be right about me miss using 'majority'. I was simply replying to a post that said my critiques had been done to death, so I probably could have used a better word, but whatever, if lots of people are complaining about it, then they should listen.

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No. I did just simply state my opinion, you must have just failed to recognize that. No matter how good they make swtor there will be people that like WoW better and now matter how good they make WoW there will be people that like swtor better. That is all opinion. There is no factual way of working out which is better so which one people like more is nothing more than opinion.


You may be right about me misusing 'majority'. I was simply replying to a post that said my critiques had been done to death, so I probably could have used a better word, but whatever, if lots of people are complaining about it, then they should listen.


What exactly does WoW have to do with anything? Your original post stated that this game is a failure now you justify that by saying it is just an opinion? Really? If you reread what you wrote you would see how negative and hostile your remarks were so please do not try to hide the fact that your negative feelings about the game is "just an opinion" because from the op it clearly is not

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There is a difference between SWTOR 2.0 (The Patch) and Rise of the Hutt Cartel (The Expansion). So I'm curious to know why you think the expansion is a patch?


Rise of the Hutt Cartel was only $10. So I'd also be interested to know what you would expect for your $10? I got about 20 hours of gameplay out of Makeb and other things that were added which is more than I got out of my other games that I played over the last month being Starcraft 2, Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite. All perhaps 10-15 hours long and about $50.


Also, if you have time to play for five hours a day and think that's the minimum time required for all gamers to consider this worthwhile then my recommendation is to look at contributing to society a bit more. I get the chance to play perhaps 1-2 hours a day and that's heaps for me with the everything else I have to do, not to mention other games I play.


I wasn't talking about the patch. I was talking about the "expansion" which was really just a patch miss labeled as an expansion. Woo, you got to level up 5 levels. So what? That took less than 10 hours and didn't replace a single piece of gear while doing it. It added a couple ops, releasing some higher levels of some flashpoints and releasing a tiny new zone. That's what passes as an expansion? They've done the exact same thing with patches without the level upgrade, so that's all it takes to be an expansion now? 5 levels that take **** all time to get?

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My wife and I were just talking about how this "expansion" would be a "content patch" in any other game. It is way too small to be a expansion.


This expansion obsoleted more end game content than it added.


It is about a months worth of content, 2 for casual players, then we are left with no endgame to speak of.

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What exactly does WoW have to do with anything? Your original post stated that this game is a failure now you justify that by saying it is just an opinion? Really? If you reread what you wrote you would see how negative and hostile your remarks were so please do not try to hide the fact that your negative feelings about the game is "just an opinion" because from the op it clearly is not


WoW has to do with it because it's the best game in this category so it's a good marker.


Negative feelings and opinions are mutually exclusive why? My feelings toward this game are what form my opinion of it. Without feelings toward it, I wouldn't have an opinion about it.

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My wife and I were just talking about how this "expansion" would be a "content patch" in any other game. It is way too small to be a expansion.


This expansion obsoleted more end game content than it added.


It is about a months worth of content, 2 for casual players, then we are left with no endgame to speak of.


Spot on.

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....and didn't replace a single piece of gear while doing it. ...........


I found that interesting as I played through Makeb. At 50 go to Makeb vendor, cash in planetary comms on character and one alt. Gear up character and companion and then go from 50 to 55 with little difficulty and no gear change or upgrade at all.


It appears that unless you are doing endgame content, your level 50 gear with Makeb vendor mods, armorings, etc. are more than sufficient. The planetary comms needed can be earned by running your level 50 through level 15 or below Heroics on DK in quick time. ?????????????????


PS - My wife and I both ran Makeb from 50 to 55 and did not get one gear drop worth having and indeed that was better than what we started with.

Edited by asbalana
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First of all, lets not get it twisted, this is a patch disguised as an expansion to get players back on. Hats off to ya, you got me back, though that'll be short lived. Last ditch effort to make a bit of cash before going under?


Not twisting things? Then accept that this was a small expansion. It raised the level cap and provided about 20 hours new play per faction and that excludes the new Op and the time spent gearing up. For the price its a very good deal.


Anyway, *** is with these tiny commendation and rep caps? Rather than making the game more difficult they opted to just make you play less for a longer duration? It's like BioWare has no idea what kind of audience MMORPGs attract.


To stop people gearing too fast which means that you play for a longer duration which means that new content patches have time to arrive. BW have a very, very good idea of the MMORPG audience. If you want to play more hours then play on alts (you can then send gear to your main and gear that one up quicker).


To be a successful MMORPG you need the content to keep people playing 5+ hours a day at the very minimum. I shouldn't be able to reach my weekly cap in a day. That's ridicules.


And you don't know what the MMORPG audience is like. The days of hardcore raiding and playing 5+ hours are gone. The modern MMORPG audience wants their game delivered in session sized chunk that can be completed in a couple of hours maximum.


This is the only failure MMORPG I have ever cared about. It had to potential to be better than WoW, but came just short on in so many areas and they all added up to it being ****.


Anyway, thanks for trying BioWare, better luck next time.


Better luck finding any MMO that caters to a tiny fraction of the market that wants 5+ hour raids etc.


I agree having a weekly cap on the commendations is a really bad decision. After you hit the weekly many players won't play anymore because you won't get rewarded for the time spent.


Most casual players won't hit the cap, many players have multiple alts so even if they do put in a lot of hours they won't hit the cap on all their alts. When people hit the cap there is still other things that they can do. They might even consider helping guildies gear up by running Ops that they are overgeared for.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Translates: blah blah blah game is a failure blah blah blah Expansion and blah blah could have been better than Wow. I for one think the game is doing much better than it was before.Sure it is still bug ridden and the devs have made bad decisions but I think it is getting back onto the right track. And I also quite enjoyed the new content. But if you are going to critique the game could you perhaps try to be original as these critiques have been done to death.


Though his delivery was lacking. He is absloutely correct i am a casual player and TOR being driected at the casual market i do remeber the previous genrations of MMO's being able to keep hardcore players striving and still accessible to the casual. Personally i dont even think its about casual VS hardcore anymore. its painfully obvious that Corperation have got their greedy friggin hands in game devolpment .Now consumer is victimzed to gimmicky content, misinformation about content devolpment, outdated concepts like food stamp gear instead unigue items, when they do produce something unique its availble in a gambling system designed to make you pay hundreds of dollars to obtainn it. No offense to anyone disagreeing with this guy but the longer as consumers we allow corperations to take our money with sub par products and stifle talent and innovation, the longer we will playing WOW, 1,2,3,4,5 and so on.

This game is nothing like it was in closed beta , making Free 2 play players pay 20 dollars for 10 hours of content ? and then milk the living lights out of sub player with the cartel shop making unique items that are not obtainable in game shows no intrest in their customer instrests. It's no wonder EA is doing so poorly

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My wife and I were just talking about how this "expansion" would be a "content patch" in any other game. It is way too small to be a expansion.


This expansion obsoleted more end game content than it added.


It is about a months worth of content, 2 for casual players, then we are left with no endgame to speak of.


Absloutely this was supposed to be a free content upgrade according to james Phlen 9 months ago its was their promis to customers actually. He made this statement to try to appease the massive end game exodus after launch. Probably why EA fired him.

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Not twisting things? Then accept that this was a small expansion. It raised the level cap and provided about 20 hours new play per faction and that excludes the new Op and the time spent gearing up. For the price its a very good deal.




To stop people gearing too fast which means that you play for a longer duration which means that new content patches have time to arrive. BW have a very, very good idea of the MMORPG audience. If you want to play more hours then play on alts (you can then send gear to your main and gear that one up quicker).




And you don't know what the MMORPG audience is like. The days of hardcore raiding and playing 5+ hours are gone. The modern MMORPG audience wants their game delivered in session sized chunk that can be completed in a couple of hours maximum.




Better luck finding any MMO that caters to a tiny fraction of the market that wants 5+ hour raids etc.




Most casual players won't hit the cap, many players have multiple alts so even if they do put in a lot of hours they won't hit the cap on all their alts. When people hit the cap there is still other things that they can do. They might even consider helping guildies gear up by running Ops that they are overgeared for.


I dont think it was a good deal at all . Look at what Rift provided with their expansion its absloutely ridiculous amount of content. it was easily 60 hours of content minus the gear progression

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It got me back to but I had always planned to check it out even when I quit playing. My thoughts are that it was pretty well done but too short. I also think the mob density is way too thick. Litterally from the time you leave the landing pad its non stop mobs every 10 meters in every direction.


My worries is that there will be no large expansion and even the DLCs will be too few in between. I have found fun again in rolling an alt because I have been gone for so long but its only going to last so long again. All in all, ToR is a fun game, just for me its short lived. No, I didnt rush through the content. I casually played about 2 hours a day and completed it in a little over 3 days. Of course I still have all the GSI and macro and droid quests to do but I havent felt like it yet.


I just wish they would either do the DLCs every 6 months or do a really large expansion every year. This content was fun but again short. It wont last a year. <---- note before the bio defenders rip that apart, Im talking about it not lasting for me, not for everyone else.... just me.

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My wife and I were just talking about how this "expansion" would be a "content patch" in any other game. It is way too small to be a expansion.


This expansion obsoleted more end game content than it added.


It is about a months worth of content, 2 for casual players, then we are left with no endgame to speak of.


Most "expansions" cost $40+. WoW expansions make old content far more obsolete (none of the 50 content is entirely, we're all still doing it for the coms and our fresh 50's) and, WoW has weekly caps too.


since WoW was brought up already, guess it's inevitable :p


So call it a dlc and not an expansion, if that makes you happier. It was worth it and made the game better and more fun for everyone in my guild, sorry it was not so for everyone!

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Absloutely this was supposed to be a free content upgrade according to james Phlen 9 months ago its was their promis to customers actually. He made this statement to try to appease the massive end game exodus after launch. Probably why EA fired him.


Stop telling lies. Makeb (and only Makeb) was mentioned as non-expansion content and there were no prromises made. RotHC is more than just Makeb.

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I dont think it was a good deal at all . Look at what Rift provided with their expansion its absloutely ridiculous amount of content. it was easily 60 hours of content minus the gear progression


And the Rift expansion costs £25 for current players. That is 4 times the cost of RotHC, what was that about it not being a good deal?

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Also James Ohlen was never fired, he is still the creative director of SWTOR. :p And as the other person said, no promises were made, he never even said anything was going to be free. And people wonder why he mostly stopped talking to fans. I've reposted the survey that leaked into circulation last spring where they were trying to gauge what price people would pay for Makeb.
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First of all, lets not get it twisted, this is a patch disguised as an expansion to get players back on. Hats off to ya, you got me back, though that'll be short lived. Last ditch effort to make a bit of cash before going under?


As we know the game is doing better again. Of course a company wants to earn cash. This is normal. Whether you want to call it a patch or an expansion is irrelevant. I paid 8 Euros and I have tons of stuff to do. That is what matters, not what you call it.


Anyway, *** is with these tiny commendation and rep caps? Rather than making the game more difficult they opted to just make you play less for a longer duration? It's like BioWare has no idea what kind of audience MMORPGs attract.


This is the one point I do agree with to some extent. I do see why there are caps at all but they are too tight. At the moment my main cannot get Arkanian gloves because I am capped for the week and have to wait till Tuesday to gain comms again.


To be a successful MMORPG you need the content to keep people playing 5+ hours a day at the very minimum. I shouldn't be able to reach my weekly cap in a day. That's ridicules.


The word is ridiculous btw. The idea that you have to keep people playing for 5+ hours minimum is a very personal statement. Most people don't have 5+ hours on weekdays to begin with. That aside, I've had last week off and I spent many hours each day. So the game can keep you busy. I guess the point is that the game offers plenty, but you might not like what it offers you personally. What's ridiculous is that you use your personal feelings as a general indicator.


This is the only failure MMORPG I have ever cared about. It had to potential to be better than WoW, but came just short on in so many areas and they all added up to it being ****.


Anyway, thanks for trying BioWare, better luck next time.


I don't care if one game is better than another. That's always...yes....personal. What matters is do I like a game or not. I like this game and therefore play it. That makes it a better game to me because I am not playing WoW.


If WoW is better in your opinion, then why are you not playing WoW?

Edited by Tsillah
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