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*** Official PvE DPS Leaderboard ***


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So KBN, leaving this here for you. Not a great image of your guild.


This is another good one as well.


So, first off I'm glad you brought this to my attention. Zejim and Fuzzle also notified me.


I'm raiding right now, so I don't have time for much (more in a minute), but let me underscore this one thing: Jaberse will not be participating in any leaderboard thread of any kind which I control, now or in the future. I'd like to personally apologize to those who were denied their top spots because of this nonsense. I'll remove his posts as soon as I have more than a minute.

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So, first off I'm glad you brought this to my attention. Zejim and Fuzzle also notified me.


I'm raiding right now, so I don't have time for much (more in a minute), but let me underscore this one thing: Jaberse will not be participating in any leaderboard thread of any kind which I control, now or in the future. I'd like to personally apologize to those who were denied their top spots because of this nonsense. I'll remove his posts as soon as I have more than a minute.


Appreciate it, Tam. Sorry to interrupt your raid, but he did the same thing on the world boards which I am now running, so I made sure he wasn't doing it here. Obviously I was mistaken.

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so was he RPing as a douchebag, or was he just trying to make himself look better to get recruited by another progression guild, when he *in his words on twitch* said "This isn't a real progression guild, they quit after 3 pulls... but IDK where to go, there's not much to do on this server pub side anymore." Because editing parses and acting like he was the third 4k parsing sniper/slinger is one heck of a way to try and get yourself noticed. Except the part where immediately multiple people, including Snickerr, Baird, myself, and others noticed it was clearly edited. And the concept that he was "trying to show how easy it was to edit" is literally just a goon excuse to use once your caught. "Officer, I wasn't robbing a bank, I was testing the weak points of the bank security." Kappa on a hundred thousand million. He legitimately just got himself blackballed from just about every progression guild that matters, because who would take somebody that edits parses and makes their guild look like terribads due to inability to post real parses? Who takes that drama?
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Id like to publicly apologize for my actions, my intentions were not very well thought out, this started as trying to prove a point and has gotten blown up far worse than i could have ever imagined. I betrayed Tam trust, Snikers trust, and many of my guild mates and many of the people on this server and in the world and for that i do apologize.

I had never intended for this much harm to be caused.


I want to make it publicly clear my actions should not reflect on <Aisthesis> in a negative way and rightly so i have been removed from their ranks.


GL to everyone with their parses and sorry for those who i have denied a spot due to my actions.

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Id like to publicly apologize for my actions, my intentions were not very well thought out, this started as trying to prove a point and has gotten blown up far worse than i could have ever imagined. I betrayed Tam trust, Snikers trust, and many of my guild mates and many of the people on this server and in the world and for that i do apologize.

I had never intended for this much harm to be caused.


I want to make it publicly clear my actions should not reflect on <Aisthesis> in a negative way and rightly so i have been removed from their ranks.


GL to everyone with their parses and sorry for those who i have denied a spot due to my actions.


I apologize personally to anyone in the community who has been affected by Jaberse's actions. Please keep the accusations about cheaters in guild to a minimum. Jaberse's actions were unknown to the guild and were not in any way sanctioned by it. People in my guild who have nothing to do with this have already received insults and other harassment over it. Jaberse is no longer raiding in any Aisthesis progression group and is not associated with us in any way. I will report any further incidents of harassment and I will encourage my guildies to do the same.


Thank you.

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Id like to publicly apologize for my actions, my intentions were not very well thought out, this started as trying to prove a point and has gotten blown up far worse than i could have ever imagined. I betrayed Tam trust, Snikers trust, and many of my guild mates and many of the people on this server and in the world and for that i do apologize.

I had never intended for this much harm to be caused.


I want to make it publicly clear my actions should not reflect on <Aisthesis> in a negative way and rightly so i have been removed from their ranks.


GL to everyone with their parses and sorry for those who i have denied a spot due to my actions.

May want to update your signature if you've been removed from their ranks, so that you aren't reflecting negatively upon your former guild.

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Ok, there's a lot to go through here, and much of it has already been said…


Given that Jaberse is (or rather, was) in my guild, I wouldn't blame anyone on this thread for thinking that perhaps I may have noticed it and given it a pass. I can assure you that I most certainly did not, and had I noticed it, I would have made sure the whole progression community knew what he had done. I would expect (and indeed, invite) increased third-party scrutiny on logs on this board, particularly logs from Aisthesis members. Please do analyze every log on the board. If you find something amiss, bring it to me. This isn't tolerated.


I do not exhaustively scrutinize parses which are submitted to this board. I simply can't. The most advanced methods at my disposal (which can validate a long log to almost 100% certainty) require hours of very manual and player-specific work. I barely have enough time to update the board as it is. In general, I take a cursory look at things, validate that nothing is dramatically amiss and move on. After some consideration, I have decided that this will continue to be my strategy going forward (because I just don't have the time), with the exception of parses which strike me as particularly impressive. Parses which intuitively seem oddly high given what I know of the player's class and gear will be subjected to extra testing. Again, my most intensive methods require hours and I simply cannot spend that much time, but I'll do more verification on extremely high parses.


For the record, the method of cheating used by Jaberse can be detected with a simple script that sums the damage dealt between start and end times.


On a more personal note… There are people on this server who have both publicly and privately humiliated me. There are entire guilds that have actively attacked and harassed, not just me but all my fellow guildmates. Despite this history, I have accepted parses from these individuals and these guilds without prejudice and without even subjecting said parses to any additional scrutiny, and even today I have had no reason to regret that trust. The fact that an incidence of cheating so blatant would come from a player on our server is bad enough, but that it was a member of my guild and even a former member of my progression team is simply shattering.


I would also like to apologize to the community, since it was a conversation Jaberse had with me several months ago (ironically, in which I was defending the legitimacy of one of Mruniverse's parses) that set off this whole scandal.

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The OP has been updated to remove all parses from Jaberse in all specs. Please let me know if I missed anything.


I didn't hunt back through the history to see who may have submitted a parse which is now unranked due to his leaderboard position. If I'm missing things (for example, a shadow in AoL who submitted a parse some pages back), please resubmit and I will rank you appropriately.

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Sniper Placeholders:


Hahahahaa - Lethality Sniper - 5/5/36


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/735960/3/0/Damage+Dealt


03:30:32.505 Hahahahaa leaves combat.

03:30:32.654 Hahahahaa kills Operations Training Dummy.


So TTK = 6' 47.904 secs, DPS = 3677.34


Hahahahaa - Marksmanship Sniper - 36/3/7


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/735960/5/0/Damage+Dealt


03:46:01.598 Hahahahaa leaves combat.

03:46:01.958 Hahahahaa kills Operations Training Dummy.


So TTK= 7'17.939 secs, DPS = 3425.13


Sorry I forgot to create a new combat log for each.... so I posted the relevant inofrmation about killing the dummy. Meant as placeholder parses only, so hopefully not too great a deal.


Senior Show does not seem interested in his PT any more, so here is another placeholder for now.


Qa'bumm - Pyrotech Powertech - 4/6/36


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/735999/4/0/Damage+Dealt


Yeyy for the easy mode pyro rotation with no rng :p



This one was purely out of interest. I am curious how tank specs compare to one another. Did this in dps gear since I did not want to die of old age after finishing the parse.


Hi'mme - Defence Guardian - 36/10/0


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/736032/1/0/Damage+Dealt


Lol at those disptach crit rates, bet those vigi guardians r jelly :p

Edited by Benirons
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Do one on the 1 mill dummy, I need my crappy gear outdone on the world leaderboards :p


With my crappy gear?

Senior Show does not seem interested in his PT any more, so here is another placeholder for now.


Qa'bumm - Pyrotech Powertech - 4/6/36


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/735999/4/0/Damage+Dealt


Yeyy for the easy mode pyro rotation with no rng :p


:( Less PT dps = no bueno

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This one was purely out of interest. I am curious how tank specs compare to one another. Did this in dps gear since I did not want to die of old age after finishing the parse.


Hi'mme - Defence Guardian - 36/10/0


Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/736032/1/0/Damage+Dealt


Lol at those disptach crit rates, bet those vigi guardians r jelly :p


brb parsing in shield tech

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Yes, that irony wasn't lost on me. Hence why I invited increased scrutiny on the parses that are already listed.


I like to give folks the benefit of the doubt, hopefully there's not any other instances of this going on.

Edited by ML_DoubleTap
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Here's a shadow placeholder: http://www.torparse.com/a/735483/2/0/Overview


didn't check the full dps, but in torparse it's a 3817 or something. I'll put up something better when I get rid of the arkanian and underworld that I have.


8/2/10 balance


12:53 edit: got a better one: http://www.torparse.com/a/736136/1/0/Overview

Edited by Archaetorrhi
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