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*** Official PvE DPS Leaderboard ***


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The OP has been updated. I took the opportunity to make a few changes.


First, the top 5 has been expanded to a top 8. I think this should be a relatively uncontroversial change. I always felt that five was probably too few. Making it a top 8 list matches the number of advanced classes, which feels more "right".


Second, Saboteur/Engineering is now eligible for ranking in the top 8 list! Jaberse (and Tanik) convinced me with this video, which features two sab slingers killing Hard Mode Tyrans using the roll in rotation. I consider Tyrans to be the most Sab-hostile fight in the game, and thus if it is possible to run the full rotation on that fight, it should be possible to do it anywhere.


I'm keeping Sab listed off to the side for now though, primarily because…it's going away. :-( The roll-in-place glitch is finally fixed in 2.9, so Morggan's day in the sun is very short-lived.




Random housekeeping note: you must tell me what spec you're in when you post a parse! Quite a few of you have multiple parses on the board. Just posting a torparse link with no further comment requires that I analyze the ability ratios to figure out what spec you were in during the fight. This is a lot of unnecessary overhead. Just say "assault" or "saobteur" or anything like that. Don't just give me a torparse link.


On a related note, I do really really appreciate it when you further supply me with a talent build for the spec you parsed in. Any of the online talent builders are fine (AMR, Torhead, TorCommunity, etc). Just give me a link. If you look in the OP and see that one (or more!) of your parses is missing a skill tree link, please post it! It really helps the community to be able to look at your parse, look at your tree, and try to learn from your achievement.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Getting better man. You should parse the 1 Mill too for the World Boards. We need a Guardian to break 4k.


Yeah I raid too little NiM to get that far, I only parse cause I need to for dulfy's guide and to keep my skills up :p


Maybe if I get set bonus pieces or relic or something I might consider it, probably not until I beat 3900 on the 1.5 though.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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