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If you care about your Vg/Pt post the 2.0 nerf


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Listented to the whole thing. What can I say, I kind of suspected Vanguards/Powertechs would be left behind sooner or later. The defenses are just too weak for a close range class. The redesign of Kolto Overload and the new Close and Personal feat just aren't enough. The bursty spec has also been nerfed.


My dream would be that the future would take a balanced approach to the powertech. Moderate increases in damage output and some more defensive cooldowns, to make fights with the powertech be more about strategy, and make powertechs not so laughably bad in 1 one 1's. Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the design for powertechs, and perhaps the foreseeable future is indeed grim.


You're not the best orator, but you have a good message. I support you.

Edited by af_raptura
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Listented to the whole thing. What can I say, I kind of suspected Vanguards/Powertechs would be left behind sooner or later. The defenses are just too weak for a close range class. The redesign of Kolto Overload and the new Close and Personal feat just aren't enough. The bursty spec has also been nerfed.


My dream would be that the future would take a balanced approach to the powertech. Moderate increases in damage output and some more defensive cooldowns, to make fights with the powertech be more about strategy, and make powertechs not so laughably bad in 1 one 1's. Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the design for powertechs, and perhaps the foreseeable future is indeed grim.


You're not the best orator, but you have a good message. I support you.


it was 7 AM xD cut me some slack lol

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Indeed you highlighted pretty much all of the issues. PVP we did have one thing going for us... burst... and they took that away from us and gave it to everyone else. Yet, we have no survival to handle 1v1... so we have... nothing.


PVE, I am still holding back judgement. Since there are rumors floating around that AP if done correctly can hit really great PVE numbers. I would love to see the evidence of this, vice people just throwing it out there on the forums as if it is common knowledge.


My main in my Powertech.... I have ONE, ONE level 50 operative... which I leveled for the story only... I love operatives in my groups, but I do not WANT to play it. I have played PT since launch, and actually Vanguard in the closed beta. So there really isn't another option for me... so these hard hits are really depressing to me.


Early PTS I did not feel like we were nerfed. Yes, we had a few negatives against us, but all the cool things that was added (like spreading our dots with our AOE) made up for it. Then people figured out how to do the really high hybrid, and they made a correction with charged gauntlets to kill that, which was fine, but they ALSO threw in the other nerfs at the same time.


I never touched the hybrid spec on the pts, and before all the nerfs, I did my Pyro in an ops, as I believe I said earlier in the main thread (highlighting our changes), we were neck and neck with an operative in the group, and the merc wasn't too far behind. Why did these hits have to come? I really just dont see the reason for it. Charged Gauntlets - Good, everything else, BAD.

Edited by Chickensevil
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Video hit most of the main points.


PvE damage is behind most other dps classes, thus no reason to take into Ops.


PvP burst now is mediocre, sustained even worse and survivability terrible as it always was.


Tank performs better than dps, but still inferior to jugs and sins.


There is no reason to take PT ahead of an other dps or tank class.

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I find this odd. I find on my AP that my 1v1 capabilities are actually better. I regularly que for both rateds and regulars with two other AP's in my guild, and almost invariably the three of us are in the top 5 for DPS in WZ's (for both teams), with myself and one of the other AP's number two and number one, respectively. While personally my location in dps rankings lower a little bit from regulars, one of the other two AP's is consistently at or near the top even in ranked WZ's. He is in 55 augmented Partisan and Conq. gear. I am in unaugmented partisan gear.


We both feel AP *can* be very strong, but has a bit of a learning curve.


The only changes I'd like to see is a shortened cooldown or chance for CD reset to Immolate, and an increase from 1% to 3% or higher to our cylinder in the cylinder increase box within the AP tree.


I don't have parses or anything to back this up, just my own personal experience and that of my guildmates.

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The only changes I'd like to see is a shortened cooldown or chance for CD reset to Immolate, and an increase from 1% to 3% or higher to our cylinder in the cylinder increase box within the AP tree.


I don't have parses or anything to back this up, just my own personal experience and that of my guildmates.




1% dmg-buff of the cylinder is just ridiculous.


And I like the idea for Immolate. It's a nice skill but pretty useless with this high CD compared to its moderate damage - I don't know the reason behind this.

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Watch listen get it to the devs somehow make sure they see it.






Listened to the whole thing and I agree. I leveled my PT to 55 and started pvping, and I felt completely useless and unable to kill anything. I just want to be able to do single target damage like I used to. If I wanted to do aoe dots I'd have specced AP.

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AP has so much potential...and they've really just neglected it.


Honestly I don't see why they don't make the High-Energy a flat 15% armor pen, or whatever Armor Piercing cylinder has for Mercs (alacrity boost would be nice too). Make Immolate a channel(maybe not),and do a crap ton more damage, longer cd. PFT could last a second longer and have a diff animation. Idk just my thoughts.


Pyro would be fine if they gave us back our old armor pen on rail shot and CGC damage back. Neither spec was ridiculous on the pts, the hybrid was the one pullin 3k, and they fixed that. Why these ridiculous nerfs, and also, why didn't they mention it. I looked up and down for notes on it on the launcher on the patch notes, and I didn't even see a mention about pyro except for the TD rework.

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AP has so much potential...and they've really just neglected it.


Honestly I don't see why they don't make the High-Energy a flat 15% armor pen, or whatever Armor Piercing cylinder has for Mercs (alacrity boost would be nice too). Make Immolate a channel(maybe not),and do a crap ton more damage, longer cd. PFT could last a second longer and have a diff animation. Idk just my thoughts.


Pyro would be fine if they gave us back our old armor pen on rail shot and CGC damage back. Neither spec was ridiculous on the pts, the hybrid was the one pullin 3k, and they fixed that. Why these ridiculous nerfs, and also, why didn't they mention it. I looked up and down for notes on it on the launcher on the patch notes, and I didn't even see a mention about pyro except for the TD rework.


Please god no. Damage buff with the same cooldown, or just a flat CD reduction. But a channel? Ew.....

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Please god no. Damage buff with the same cooldown, or just a flat CD reduction. But a channel? Ew.....


Hell yeah - Flame Thrower as a channeled ability is horrible.


Channeld would be okay and nice, if we could use them while moving - we are melees. We should be able to use channeld abilities while moving.

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I actually disagree with most of what you say in this video but I enjoyed it & its always nice to see other perspectives on a class that has consistently been nerfed every patch! And you bring up some interesting points!


Firstly, why have you disabled the comments on a discusion video!? I was up for commenting & discussing some of the specs.


And I don't agree with the 1.4 decreased range on TD, it wasn't a good attempt @ balancing the class. I think Bioware have realised this with the 2.0 addition of a 12s elem dot!? WTH is that about, now I have two dot abilities that cook so much heat that I can't even warrant the skill points at close range. Leave TD as a finisher damage move @ 30m, I've spent those extra points & I deserve a 30m finisher!! I'm angry with Bioware, this spec is unplayable & doesn't give you the option to switch targets quickly, essentially making you commit to a target while leaving you with nothing left at the end of the fight


Since when have Commando's or Merc been able to do everything better & faster, or any of those classes mentioned to be fair.



The 1.4 nerfs to the range only highlighted how good the Bounty Hunter core is, despite the range nerfs for the PT, Bioware has completely missed the main asset of Pyrotech/Vanguard. Mobility from a decent amount of range & melee damage tactics. Keeping enemies on their toes & out of the fight by slipping in & out of range, giving you a distinct advantage in a WZ. You mention lack of utility & survivability but what about mobility & diversity? There is not many other classes that can fill so many roles in a WZ & spell problems for all players if played properly.


I agree though that Bioware have lost their way on this, I think they are spending far to much time trying to define our class instead of concentrating on making other builds more appealing like the AP, so much potential! Give us back the 30m TD and drop the dot, then make other classes more fun to play!


Nice vid, keep up the good work!

Edited by Lorcen
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I really don't see anything about TD being a problem. I do think that they should take away the dot crap it does now though. That was just a silly change. In pve a good pyro won't even bother with that waste of heat. Now in pvp they really needed a range nerf. Little too much range for a melee class.. If you're really not liking your burst in pvp then switch to AP, nowhere near what pyro used to be, but its nice to get some bads caught in a PFT and shaving 9k off 3 targets. The slow is nice to keep them trapped in it too. Saw the stuff about needing an execute move and couldn't agree more, just not on TD. Every class needs an execute move I think



And yeah maybe no channel on immolate, but it needs to do more damage for sure. Way too cool ( and quick, hence the channel suggestion) to do 5k max. Up it to about 6.5-7k definitely. I stand by my 1 sec added to PFT though lol.

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And I don't agree with the 1.4 decreased range on TD, it wasn't a good attempt @ balancing the class.

finally, a average intelligent ppl shows up,

i said many times, BW screw PT after 1.4,

and 2.0 is the last strew of it,

they really hate PT.

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