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Commando vs. smug healers


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I would say so yes, but at the same time commando healers are far better off than they used to be and if you find a guild/rated team that likes to run more comps that focus on sustainability rather than full blowen out deeps than you'll fit in perfect.
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I play both. Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Both are fun to play.

Commando definately has a higher learning curve on the high end to be really good and effective. I will tell you right now, if you want to be effective as a commando healer in PVP, you need to learn when and where to use your green beam. Too many commandos I see don't use it cuz they think "is gives them away." Well guess what, a commando medic is easy to spot anyway. So use the green beam. Even if it draws the attention of the enemy, it is a vital part of our healing abilities.

Commandos got a lot better in 2.0 (as did scoundrels) and I find them very fun to play in PVP again.

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Smugg is still better at raw healing assuming the same skill level. Commando can survive longer when caught out of position and can soak up more white damage to stay up until a guard/peel can come.


Commandos are actually a great compliment to a sage/smug healer for all the +heals they give the group. Play whatever style you like but Commando is for me:]

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I have both. Commandos are better than they were, but I do not know where the meta-game will place them in a few weeks. However, I'm doing well and keeping pace with OP/Sage healers in the WZ, often out healing them - which was never the case before. I also prefer my commando for single target healing and electro net is far more useful vs melee than I anticipated. In some situations its more welcomed than anything my OP has in their tool box. Edited by Sowwy
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I play and enjoy all three healers. Commando however, is the least tactically effective in warzones, just because sages and scoundrels can get around the warzones much faster. Still I enjoy playing combat medic because there are so few of them.
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