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PVP "Skill"


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So i was just playing on my marauder for the first time after patch and thought id do a warzone. I average 400 to 800k damage. Until now. Never in my experience had i done so poorly since not being lvl 20. I had 26 kills and 250k damage. Its not like i wasn't playing right i was playing as i always do. I wasn't dying i was just straight up not hurting things. I finally hit C and noticed that i had 300 less strength than i did before the bolster patch. That is in the same things i was wearing then. This brings me to the skill portion. I used to be able to hurt things while they had absorb shields and pocket healers but now i cant even 1v1 a bubble spec sage. My damage has dropped a ridiculous amount. I have never seen the word absorb tick for my bleed crits now im seeing tens of thousands of damage brushed offed by people i used to burst down. This would be okay if i could kill things without bubbles, which i cant. I can interrupt every channel heal a sage pops but he can still out heal my damage. I used berserk put on rupture then 3 stacks of saber and force choke a sage. ( applied saber stacks with an annihilate a slash and a battering assault.) now hes at about 50% so i hit him with a crit force scream and a dispatch. Hes at like 15% now (would have been dead a long time ago if i had come into a fight that prepared and no he was not guarded and i was not taunted) my annihilate comes off cool down so i drop him to almost dead an assault would do it. meanwhile this sage has done almost nothing to stop me other than a channel i canceled. Here is the kicker. After what can equate to basically my full damage rotation on a defenseless target i get stunned and watch him heal himself back to full. I stomach my rage and prepare to fight him again as a buddy bubbles the guy and i watch absorb tick off of an anni and a force scream so i force charge and cast ravage which hits twice before he knocks me back. STILL NO DAMAGE DONE AT ALL! can someone explain why this patched nerfed me (and i presume others so hard)?
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Interesting. I do more damage then I did before. Then again I used viscous slash, my assaults, forcescream ravage and those all hit hard and force scream is now free after our two charges. Force crush/choke is still very good, and now we aren't screwing ourselves out of a smash when doing it.


Played one game today solo queue. Did 900 dps, almost 600 k dmg. 21 killing blows. Posted a screenshot earlier. This class is no longer smash, occasionally throw in some other abilities and win. Some classes might be overtuned and healing/tanking needs look at (imo), but marauder is just fine. My only complaint would be that annihilation get a little "something" in the pvp department. PvE I am sure it is still fantastic.

Edited by biowareftw
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Just click on report post for the trolls, hope they enjoy their infractions.


Can I report you for this post you made.




Still a CLASSIC!


Obviously the changes to marauder/sent are making the bad players leave the class. Good! Now I can get MVP votes again when I lead damage by 200-300 k, instead of "lolsmasher" and ticked off teammates lol.

Edited by biowareftw
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Obviously the changes to marauder/sent are making the bad players leave the class. Good! Now I can get MVP votes again when I lead damage by 200-300 k, instead of "lolsmasher" and ticked off teammates lol.


Yes because i said that i was leaving the class and was doing poorly because of the changes. The point of this was the most recent fixes to bolster dropped my stats a ****ton and my dps suffered. I have no idea what you were reading. And to the troll posts about paragraphs. If you really care that much about it you might want to leave the internet forever.

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Obviously the changes to marauder/sent are making the bad players leave the class. Good! Now I can get MVP votes again when I lead damage by 200-300 k, instead of "lolsmasher" and ticked off teammates lol.


Yes because i said that i was leaving the class and was doing poorly because of the changes. The point of this was the most recent fixes to bolster dropped my stats a ****ton and my dps suffered. I have no idea what you were reading. And to the troll posts about paragraphs. If you really care that much about it you might want to leave the internet forever.



Perhaps you should leave the internet and go back to high school?

Edited by Jeeses
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Perhaps you should leave the internet and go back to high school?


Yes because i graduated high school and busted my *** to get a 95% in English so i could live the rest of my life appeasing internet trolls. No, i busted my *** to get a 95 so i could get into the RMC and start my degree. Type up a seven page essay about the economics of war and send it up your ***. Then come here and tell me to care what a few trolls think of a post on the SWTOR forums.

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Yes because i graduated high school and busted my *** to get a 95% in English so i could live the rest of my life appeasing internet trolls. No, i busted my *** to get a 95 so i could get into the RMC and start my degree. Type up a seven page essay about the economics of war and send it up your ***. Then come here and tell me to care what a few trolls think of a post on the SWTOR forums.


I am not trying to troll you. I am saying the class is still more then viable. Rage (if that is the spec you play) relies more on you using all your assaults and viscous slashing a lot more then pre 2.0 required. If you want a smash spec that is more tied to smash force scream then Jug is a class you may like more.


The rage spec requires much more from the player now. This is a good thing. Yes snipers counter you. Yes if you have no healer and are against all snipers it can suck. That is going to suck with all classes though.


Guess what? If a scoundrel plays against a team with all smash and heals tanks with no heals tanks? They are like you except they die 2 seconds after they open on someone lol.


BTW I freakin LOVE this new rage tree. I always wanted free force scream and now I have it.

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I am not trying to troll you. I am saying the class is still more then viable. Rage (if that is the spec you play) relies more on you using all your assaults and viscous slashing a lot more then pre 2.0 required. If you want a smash spec that is more tied to smash force scream then Jug is a class you may like more.


The rage spec requires much more from the player now. This is a good thing. Yes snipers counter you. Yes if you have no healer and are against all snipers it can suck. That is going to suck with all classes though.


Guess what? If a scoundrel plays against a team with all smash and heals tanks with no heals tanks? They are like you except they die 2 seconds after they open on someone lol.


BTW I freakin LOVE this new rage tree. I always wanted free force scream and now I have it.


Okay umm...... Did you even read any of my posts? I understand you may have skipped the big one because it hurt your tiny brain but i have said multiple times i am using the ANNIHILATION tree and have said nothing about the class being under powered. Only that after the fix to bolster my stats dropped significantly. KEY WORD HERE IS STATS NOT ROTATION OR PERSONAL ABILITY TO PRESS 2. AS I SAID I WAS DOING QUITE WELL BEFORE THE MOST RECENT PATCH. IF YOU STILL INSIST TO THINK AS YOU DO AT LEAST TAKE THE TIME TO NOTICE THAT 2.0 WAS NOT THE LATEST PATCH.


Now if you still have no idea what Im talking about I highly recommend getting a CAT scan and checking for any metal objects that may have found there way into your brain.

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Yes because i graduated high school and busted my *** to get a 95% in English so i could live the rest of my life appeasing internet trolls. No, i busted my *** to get a 95 so i could get into the RMC and start my degree. Type up a seven page essay about the economics of war and send it up your ***. Then come here and tell me to care what a few trolls think of a post on the SWTOR forums.




Good for you? I blew through English at school. Big woop.


That doesn't excuse you from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet.

You write papers? Cool story bro, please tell me more about how that excuses you from using some simple grammar.


I hear pressing enter twice occasionally is hard, with the odd bit of punctuation thrown in for fun.



Edited by Jeeses
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Good for you? I blew through English at school. Big woop.


That doesn't excuse you from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet.

You write papers? Cool story bro, please tell me more about how that excuses you from using some simple grammar.


I hear pressing enter twice occasionally is hard, with the odd bit of punctuation thrown in for fun.




Just to clarify, the space entered wasn't done by me, for some reason it's doing what it wants.

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Good for you? I blew through English at school. Big woop.


That doesn't excuse you from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet.

You write papers? Cool story bro, please tell me more about how that excuses you from using some simple grammar.


I hear pressing enter twice occasionally is hard, with the odd bit of punctuation thrown in for fun.




It doesn't excuse me from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet eh? Well then somebody call the police i better be thrown in prison for not having the common courtesy to make it easier for some ****** to read something on the internet. If you can prove to me that you can respond to a post in a constructive way and provide something to the community besides looking for someone to wave your little grammar dick at. Then i will take it under consideration to *********** care about the structure of my posts.


Oh and you spelled Jesus wrong.

Edited by DarthMurdek
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It doesn't excuse me from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet eh? Well then somebody call the police i better be thrown in prison for not having the common courtesy to make it easier for some ****** to read something on the internet. If you can prove to me that you can respond to a post in a constructive way and provide something to the community besides looking for someone to wave your little grammar dick at. Then i will take it under consideration to *********** care about the structure of my posts.


Oh and you spelled Jesus wrong.



If you'd simply put in the miniscule amount of effort required to press enter a couple of times I would have actually had a debate regarding your issue, but clearly that was too hard.


Not named after Jesus anyway. Was inside joke with guild from BC days that just stuck.

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If you'd simply put in the miniscule amount of effort required to press enter a couple of times I would have actually had a debate regarding your issue, but clearly that was too hard.


Not named after Jesus anyway. Was inside joke with guild from BC days that just stuck.


If you really consider the formatting of my post the reason for you doing nothing but trolling this thread that is probably the lamest excuse for being a pretentious dick that i have ever heard

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Okay umm...... Did you even read any of my posts? I understand you may have skipped the big one because it hurt your tiny brain but i have said multiple times i am using the ANNIHILATION tree and have said nothing about the class being under powered. Only that after the fix to bolster my stats dropped significantly. KEY WORD HERE IS STATS NOT ROTATION OR PERSONAL ABILITY TO PRESS 2. AS I SAID I WAS DOING QUITE WELL BEFORE THE MOST RECENT PATCH. IF YOU STILL INSIST TO THINK AS YOU DO AT LEAST TAKE THE TIME TO NOTICE THAT 2.0 WAS NOT THE LATEST PATCH.


Now if you still have no idea what Im talking about I highly recommend getting a CAT scan and checking for any metal objects that may have found there way into your brain.


I LOVE annihilation. They have decided (imo) that it is a pve tree. I can still top dmg with it sometimes, but it just isn't very good compared to the other trees my friend.


I have given many suggestions to help the tree out, but they have fallen on deaf ears.


Don't know what to tell you. It is impossible to make all trees good in pvp in an mmo. I have just come to accept that. If this is the first mmo you have played? I can see where you would be very disappointed. In a few months? It may all change and the tree you like the best, will be viable in pvp and the other ones will be bad. It is just how mmo's go. :(

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