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Give mercs Flame circle!


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Torian's not the PT's because PTs still got more ranged than we have CQC And they have hydraulic override same as us, and since it will likely do no more damage than sweeping blasters its hardly gunna ruin the balance although it may make better sense of pyro right? and actually combine with the (currently mediocre at best) damaging shield and jet boost to actually complete it's play style and add up to some viable DPS in CQC. Edited by HexDecimalUK
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I understood almost none of that, but it would be a good skill to deal with melee enemies. Support!


They are quite long sentences, sorry :/ Im trying to say that it would be fair because... PTs still retain several ranged tech ability's where-as mercs only have 3 close quarter abilities (rocket punch/flame thrower/jet boost). Sufficed to say mercs have no insta-cast defensive AOE. Considering how pyro plays against Mobs in PVE it would be good to fall back on instead of trying to channel AOEs against mobs and in PVP mercs tend to get focused allot which calls again for an instant AOE as its futile trying to cast or channel anything against the push back/interrupts and its really asking to get stunned and drawing more attention. in fact the only AOE we can throw out in a crunch is the timed dart which often is too little too late.


But i see more why mercs should share it with PTs when im in pyro and using jet boost for its DPS but it just doesn't provide enough nore does it hold anything back at all and leaves you in an awkward position. maybe if it was combined with jet boost?


the other side is every other class has access to an instacast AOE, Inqs have death field in madness, agents have flash bangs, warriors have smash, mercs are left without this as well as any kind of IMS (i dont consider HO an IMS in this context.


Hope that makes more sence to you.

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As a merc, i would welcome any new attacks we could get. Very happy now all mercs can use kolto missile, as now we can heal our team a bit without being bodyguard-specced. However, if mercs got any attack from PTs, there would be an outrage. Their goal is to get in your face, we have to stay back and hit them from further away. If we got any melee or strong close range attack more than rocket punch or flamethrower that would make us more viable as a multi-distanced dps, powertechs would become useless unless they were tanks becuase we could attack up close and far way.
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