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Operative @ 55


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Hidden Strike is suppose to be the bigshot ability. If they take this away from us, and decide we are suppose to lacerate them to death... face tanking isn't one of our strong suits, just saying...


Pretty much. And Shadows have some very strong alpha strikes currently. I've seen some 9k hits from an assassin in warzones.


You know what would be neat...if we got a stacking damage reduction buff every time we used Lacerate. That's what Shadows get everytime they score a critical hit.

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whoa whoa whoa everyone calm down and relax. I hit a 7.9k hs the other day and 5k lacerates and 6k backstabs. Remember ops are super gear dependent. once you hit 55 you gotta min/max to do super awesome again. calm down and slow your roll. 24.55% is almost the same as 35% crit from the nerf, get 180 alacrity and stack the rest power and cunning. Just breathe my brothers and sisters just breathe. watch for the partisian and conqueuer power proc and use disappearing act hidden strike or back stab. Partisian and conqueuer stack while partisian/partisian do not.


Very very true. I was also disheartened but then I also came to the same conclusion. Even on my infil shadow it had similar flaws. That being said currently if you rip out all enhancements from mainhand/offhand and 5 piece. You get an insane bolster. I expect them to patch it up by patch day.

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You are exactly right! After gearing out the past few days, things have definitely shifted in my favor as far as damage. Now, I just have to work on my delivery and execution of said damage :D


Did I see you healing the other day? What's up with that?


to learn how to kill something that is overpowered, you must understand why it is overpowered and where it's weak spots are.


I even know how to play lethality, albeit pve wise.

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I find your post ridonculous and pointless metallistic. Of course one should nekkid-pvp if that is beneficial. That is what you do if you are good, competitive and smart. US army Apaches against insurgents is good use of the imbalance of power in Iraq. IED is a counter and an exploit to equalize. I am not competitive enough and love how my fem-scoundrel looks, so I couldn't be bothered.


You seem too emotionally invested my friend, maybe time to get outside and do something else for a day or two?


On topic: thank you for bringing this up, the bolster system seems to create very strange effects since it is coupled with levelling, new gear, new level cap and new skills.

Time will tell.


I did, and I still topped the charts. A naked scrub is still a scrub.


In such moments it really shows who has a sense of integrity and who just likes to have an advantage at any cost.


Most of the people posting on these forums are nothing but hypocrites. They will spew out BS about gear advantage, yet they abuse the crap out of bugs the first chance they get. Where did the sense of equality go? Down the ********.


And don't even dare say it wasn't an exploit - it was. All the spineless idiots hopped on the bandwagon just so they can see big numbers. Those same weaklings defended the bolster, because they are not capable of analyzing n issue objectively. If a bug benefits them, they will grab to it as a drowner grabs to a straw.


What's the next trend in PvP? Entering WZs in PvE gear because bolster is still broken and BioWare's staff responsible for PvP is incompetent to say the least. I quit about an year ago and I returned just 2 weeks ago. Sad to see that they still can't get their **** together. One thing has not changed though - the forums are plauged with hordes of BioDrones that will not rest until they have buried any form of criticism that may pop up.

Edited by DaSmisker
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I gotta say....


I've been playing an operative since launch and witnessed the first huge nerf to the class. I still played it however as conceal once in a while and had fun. I was spec'ed at all power/surge, zero crit. And I enjoyed it, getting nice 5k crits off and doing some damage.


Once 2.0 hit, I had a blast going nekkid and getting 7k crits on hidden stikes/backstabs was fun from level 50 -> 54.


Something fishy is going on at 55. I started getting this partisan gear & conquerer implants/earpiece and I hardly EVER get crits... and when I do, they are for 5 to 5.5k damage (The SAME as pre 2.0). When everyone in the warzone has 26k -> 35k health, this isn't going to cut it, esp. when getting hit for 7, 8, & 9k damage. I open up on someone, throw in a back stab, they are still at 80% health, they turn around and begin to wreck my face. The damage is not scaling with the players health.


Has anyone other operatives noticed this?


News flashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh None of what you say matters until you try it in a game with even gear. Preferably conqu


At least not with in WZ "i saw hits this big, I'm a 12 yr old *********** retard" comments


If you want to theorycraft do it. This is just meaningless dribble for the most part. Not that I disagree with it all but this proves nothing. And you aren't even comparing yourself to other classes. Comparing yourself to an older patch version of yourself is once again.........*********** pointless. Unless you are going to give them some actual fixes with examples from the past

Edited by Mookind
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US army Apaches against insurgents is good use of the imbalance of power in Iraq. IED is a counter and an exploit to equalize.
Did you seriously just bring that up in a MMO forum? I hope you are wearing your helmet. Edited by Metallistic
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Ok, just in case all of u forgot the reason why this happens, lesson 1 in SWtOR Basics about combat:


Operatives/Scoundrels high-DPS hits are all Physical attacks (this class includes both Ranged and Mele attacks), so while u fought enemies in "naked" set, without armour, u hit them for full damage, but when u fight people wearing something, part of the damage is MITIGATED by the armouring, so those numbers are pretty much normal, also thats why u spoke of "PvE nerf or bug", is cause all mobs have armour ratings.........

Edited by Otrorto
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Roll a shadow/sin. They were better pre 2.0.


They are WAY better now. The scoundrel/op class is doomed. Even with it being a poor man's infiltration shadow/sin in every way, they STILL have nerfs called for them daily.


Shadow/sin on the other hand? Has among the dumbest playerbase in this game. These idiots actually ask for BUFFS daily.


I can burst someone just as quickly on my shadow while having 50 plus percent more mitigation to things like smash (got to love 30 percent aoe mitigation) for 12 seconds out of stealth and if I vanish? 24...


Oh yeah and I can do that burst without getting an opener lol.


Add to that? I have an execute, it hits like a truck and my knockdown and stun provide 6 percent more dmg for EVERYONE in the WZ. Add to that? I have taunts which are gamebreaking when used as opposed to a 2.5 second heal (everyone specs in 30 second stun), that I don't have the energy for if rolling, self kites me from my target AND prevents me from stealthing. The only time this heal is useful is if I have LOS, can roll there, and it is ONLY good for healing myself.


Oh yeah my shadow also has 1.5 min pvp trinket that I don't even need to 1 v 1 someone down QUICKLY because by the time my CC immunity ends? They are dead or in execute range.


The scoundrel/op class is @%@$ compared to a shadow/sin. It isn't even in the same league. Make one and duel other "good" op/scoundrels. You will laugh hysterically when they a) never get the opener and b) you go immune to ALL their damage. You can kill a conceal/scrapper spec barely losing any health, which makes the op/scoundrel pointless. They get focused down to fast in a group fight and they lose the all important defense/ninja matchup.


All they have is a freakin roll that people want to nerf lol.

Edited by biowareftw
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You need to see some good OPs biowareftw. I was grouping with this awesome concealment op the other day and he was outdpsing all of us wz after wz. Now, I do pretty well with deception and my assassin is slightly lesser geared than my sorc, but this op was just plain legit.


I think concealment is right on par with deception, and if more people played it we'd all notice that.

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Same can be said for armor ratings with the 55 gear, they didn't diffrenciate enough between 50 pvp gear and the new stuff, right now my partisan geared vanguard has 26% damage reduction compared to the over 30% I had at 50 with my ewh gear.
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You need to see some good OPs biowareftw. I was grouping with this awesome concealment op the other day and he was outdpsing all of us wz after wz. Now, I do pretty well with deception and my assassin is slightly lesser geared than my sorc, but this op was just plain legit.


I think concealment is right on par with deception, and if more people played it we'd all notice that.


I top dmg all the time on mine (Liu-kang). I @$%@ on most bad sins/shadows (like you). I have outdpsed supposedly "good" aoe spec players.


My op/scoundrel is still @%$@ compared to my shadow. It isn't even close.


Don't tell me about "good ops". The last one who gave me a decent fight was lazy, when I was extremely undergeared when I came back to the game and I pushed his @%@@ in when bolster was put in.


Do me a favor kid. You make a operative. I will duel you on my shadow. If you can take more then 1/3 of my health I will quit the game. Good luck with that. I mean I would be happy if you could (you can't), but I am looking for a reason to quit the game at this point. All friends went back to WoW. They are sick of a required 2 tank/2 heals ranked setup, when all we needed was one healer for arena. They also see that gear isn't going to matter in pvp anymore in WoW, and that healers are going to have a separate pvp queue so all teams have healers.


Also if you got outdpsed by a OP/scoundrel on a sin? You should literally quit the game unless you were defending a node the entire game. I often lead damage on mine.. Want to know why I lead damage? Because most people in this game are trash.


Please teach me to play man. Yeah big deal. I can outdps people on my scoundrel/op. It doesn't make the class good. I can do that and more with every freakin class. What would I know though. I mean I only play a marauder/sniper/op/scoundrel and have said repeatedly that the scoundrel is way inferior to the shadow. It was inferior BEFORE 2.0. Now it isn't even close. I have listed all the reasons why, and you sit here and tell me about "good op's"? HAHAHAHAH.




What a joke.

Edited by biowareftw
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Ok, just in case all of u forgot the reason why this happens, lesson 1 in SWtOR Basics about combat:


Operatives/Scoundrels high-DPS hits are all Physical attacks (this class includes both Ranged and Mele attacks), so while u fought enemies in "naked" set, without armour, u hit them for full damage, but when u fight people wearing something, part of the damage is MITIGATED by the armouring, so those numbers are pretty much normal, also thats why u spoke of "PvE nerf or bug", is cause all mobs have armour ratings.........


no, it gives you DR while naked to simulate having stuff in the slot, which is what naked bolster's intended effect was to do.

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Ok, just in case all of u forgot the reason why this happens


Operatives/Scoundrels high-DPS hits are all Physical attacks (this class includes both Ranged and Mele attacks)...


Damage: Just checking. Can you explain to me how "Physical" relates to SWTOR's system of Ranged / Melee / Tech / Force attack types that do Kinetic / Energy / Internal / Elemental damage types?


Ops and Scoundrels do mainly Tech attacks, with a handful of near-inconsequential Ranged ones thrown in. All their big hits are Tech. They do no Melee attacks at all (nor Force for that matter).


By "physical" do you mean kinetic damage? Or maybe kinetic plus energy damage? Those *are* mitigated by armour (internal and elemental damage aren't).


Either way, it's not great shouting at people for "forgetting" something that's at last unclear and partly wrong.


Armour: Naked-bolstered characters did get armour and mitigation too, if that's what you're getting at. Slightly less than my old EWH (4214 vs 4251, or 28.07% mitigation vs 28.24%).


Sco/Ops damage done: On the subject of how hard Scoundrels (or ops) can hit, got to 55 and PvP'd on Saturday (such a slacker), after buying myself a Conq pistol, Partisan relics, rest my de-expertised EWH. Biggest hit was an 8.5k Shoot First (all alone up there to be fair), three Back Blasts over 7k, even three Sabo Charges and one Sucker Punch over 6k.


Size of the hits probably isn't as important as how often you hit them though (crit chance). I'm tempted to keep my EWH armourings in the Tionese set for the 15% Back Blast bonus. I'm told the armourings will inherit the bonus now, but I'm scared to take them out and put them in something else in case I lose them forever. I may ditch them once I get Conqueror in those slots, but probably not until.

Edited by Wainamoinen
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