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So I was in a hypergates and this guy named Aldritch and some other dude was guarding the node so we had two people on the node. Pretty difficult to stealth cap two people. The sin tank mezzes the other guy and Aldritch is just standing there. So you know the usual happens people start blaming each other instead of actually trying to recap the node. Then I told them at the end of the game (after we loss) that there was no excuse for being stealth capped with two people on the node. Then I got a whisper.....




I ended up doing 550k dam in that game and had most objective points and least deaths. He on the other hand ended up doing 87k dam and last place for objective points. And I am the bad one.

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Where have you been Creus I havent seen you in a while. I saw kangasa the other night.


I am not playing anymore :( just reading theforums I guess. Playing league of legends now a days.

Kangasa came back to see merc changes but I think hes just gonna play WOW from now on.

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I wouldnt even bother to let those types get under my skin. they spend more time swearing they're teaching the rest of the pvp world rather than learning. While we can all somewhat agree that numbers are not EVERYTHING they are not NOTHING! lol. A person who only has 67k dps should either have a bunch of objective points, protection points or a hell of a lot of healing. A person that did 500k+ should have at least helped keep their team in a power play as much as possible. Giving other players a chance to step up and contribute more.


The science of guarding a pylon on hypergate is lost on many. Although it is painfully simple really.

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Yeah I sent him ingame mail about this, but you are right those people are the ones who make pvp suck for everyone. They just ruin the fun. He said he is going to report me for harrasment.


I got this back from him




I love how he calls me a pve noob and I have the conq title and I have pvp mods in my pve shell.

Edited by Mularky
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