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DPS rotation with Bodyguard Spec


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I leveled my BH primarily as DPS. Now that I hit 50 with him (on the last 2x weekend), I want to take him Bodyguard (because we need a healer in our group). Learning to heal has it's own adjustments because the technique is new to me.


The question I want to ask and cannot find an answer for is how does a Bodyguard DPS (i.e., rotation) so that when facing something like the Infernal Council, the dps is adequate ( or for things, like leveling to 55 in the expansion, or if everyone has plenty of health, you throw in with the DPS until a healing need arises in a heroic)?

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Primarily, you use the shared abilities - Fusion Missile to put a burn on, Rail Shot, Rocket Punch, Flamethrower, etc.


If you activate Supercharged Gas, Power Shot is free and Unload is extremely cheap (it might be free, I forget), so that helps too.


For the guy you should be fighting on the Council fight, just interrupt his attacks, keep Kolto Shell on yourself, heal yourself if you start taking damage, and attack. I always open this fight with Death From Above regardless of my spec.


I think your biggest base attacks are DFA, Rail Shot, Rocket Punch, and Flamethrower. Unload is good but as a healer it suffers pushback and doesn't have any damage bonuses. Power Shot will get a small damage bonus from the skill in Arsenal that increases your Kolto Missile, but also suffers pushback. Still, it's your spammable fallback when everything else is on cooldown, so you'll be using it.


The healer's portion of this fight tends to be fastest if everyone is equally geared, simply due to the low number of HPs on the target.

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I leveled my BH primarily as DPS. Now that I hit 50 with him (on the last 2x weekend), I want to take him Bodyguard (because we need a healer in our group). Learning to heal has it's own adjustments because the technique is new to me.


The question I want to ask and cannot find an answer for is how does a Bodyguard DPS (i.e., rotation) so that when facing something like the Infernal Council, the dps is adequate ( or for things, like leveling to 55 in the expansion, or if everyone has plenty of health, you throw in with the DPS until a healing need arises in a heroic)?


Ideally you should be dpsing when Supercharged is up and UL, PS become free. Rails will be hard to come by unless you go hybrid and pick up tracer. Other dps abilities are just too heat inefficient to use and you run the risk of being in a bad place heat wise when someone needs heals.


Gear your companions and heal them in your quest-lines. In group play, when everyone's topped off, relax a bit, maybe throw in some rapid shots and enjoy the rewards of being an uber-healer (or being carried).


edit: At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, I do run a heal/dps hybrid build. Link is my name in my sig.

Edited by Phrase
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