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Sand People Exalted Gear


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Does anyone know where you get that gear from? I saw someone wearing the leggings once and they look awesome. Is it from the cartel market or from a special vendor?


If it's what I'm thinking of, it was from an event. Think something to do with some cartel of those bug brain things from Starship Troopers.


Edit: Oh, you can't get it, if it's what I'm thinking of. However, there's a similar set on the cartel market, I think.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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Bloodguard set was exclusive to the Chevin event on Nar Shaddaa, which served as a prequel to the return of the Gree to the known galaxy. And that is the reason why I doubt it will be recurring, unless they change the plot but keep the scavenger hunt idea.

There is a Sand People gear with Social requirement on Tatooine, and there is a different one on cartel Market.

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